Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
7ad31fd | The days of my youth are past and to a woman full grown a kiss means everything--or nothing. | Pearl S. Buck | ||
0badc95 | In silence they lay close, without passion, but closer than passion could bring them they lay close. | Pearl S. Buck | ||
859b264 | Most men lead lives of aimless distraction. | Rick Warren | ||
a67690a | Prayer lets you speak to God; meditation lets God speak to you. Both are essential to becoming a friend of God. | Rick Warren | ||
7b04f1d | Every day is an important day, and every second is a growth opportunity to deepen your character, to demonstrate love, or to depend on God. | Rick Warren | ||
668f25f | THE HEART OF WORSHIP IS SURRENDER. | Rick Warren | ||
c0580ff | Every time you try to block a thought out of your mind, you drive it deeper into your memory. By resisting it, you actually reinforce it. | inspirational life subconscious | Rick Warren | |
b9c81e3 | To discover you purpose in life you must turn to God's Word, not the world's wisdom. You must build your life on eternal truths, not pop psychology, success-motivation, or inspirational stories. | god-s-word purpose | Rick Warren | |
4d75e7c | Failure is a part of everyone's journey. But it is your attitude toward failure that will determine your ultimate success. | Rick Warren | ||
fda6bf2 | I'm an artist not an athlete. | Lisa Schroeder | ||
d9bb763 | Heads: This girl Tails: That girl | sadness | Lisa Schroeder | |
2a5a4e4 | Looking at these pictures, I wonder, did that part of me that flourished around him, like prized perennials under a tender gardener's care, die along with him? | Lisa Schroeder | ||
2a09b5c | I know it's not the end...it's only just the beginning. | new-beginnings | Lisa Schroeder | |
e34c8f8 | Yellow daises tell me Brooklyn's been here. His flower girl. I brought nothing. Just myself. How fitting. Seems like that's all I've got anymore. | Lisa Schroeder | ||
40bbfe5 | Asshole. I don't get it. Was he trying to punish himself? No. He didn't punish himself. He punished his bandmates, his family, a whole school. A school that's had more than its fair share of grief. I pace the floor, my heart racing while I resist the urge to throw more stuff around. Finally, I put on my running shoes. I'll run until I can't run anymore. | Lisa Schroeder | ||
e3242a7 | I hear the word in the hall over and over again. Suicide. Suicide. Suicide. Did he or didn't he? Everyone's got a guess. Still no one knows for sure, except Gabe, but he's not talking. Why does it even matter? He's gone. His, ours, theirs-- blame needs a place. His, ours, theirs-- pain all over the place. His, ours, theirs-- forgiveness missing from this place. | forgiveness grief suicide | Lisa Schroeder | |
3d9c854 | The past is the past. It's gone, you know? It doesn't matter anymore. All we have is now. Right now. | Lisa Schroeder | ||
9171e34 | STONE Let my heart turn to stone. Maybe then I can sleep without nightmares. May be then I can eat without a stomachache. Maybe then I can read without fear of an unhappy ending. Take the knife out of my heart and,please, let it turn to stone. | heart life nightmares poetry stone unhappy-endings | Lisa Schroeder | |
34fe10b | He was a character. A character who should still be here. Damn it all to hell. He should still be here. | Lisa Schroeder | ||
c90f6b0 | Like so many, this trial is not about the truth; it's about winning. | John Grisham | ||
bfd043e | if you don't think about death, you don't appreciate life. | John Grisham | ||
01f4ec8 | I've never understood people who grind through a book they don't really like, determined to finish it for some unknown reason. | John Grisham | ||
1f682c0 | But [Stanley Wade] instead removed his glasses and wiped his eyes. They were moist not from fear but from the harsh reality of being confronted by one of his victims. How many others were out there? Why had he chosen to spend his career screwing these people? | John Grisham | ||
1df47bb | He'd had his career, his triumphs. Success had brought him nothing but misery; he couldn't handle it. Success had thrown him in the gutter | John Grisham | ||
a6526ce | What would his friends think? The Honorable Hatlee Beech, federal judge, writing prose like a faggot, extorting money out of innocent people. | John Grisham | ||
ed29e70 | I believe in God," he said, truthfully but weakly. "It's easy to say that," she said, her words still slow and soft. "And I don't doubt you. But saying is one thing, living is another matter." | John Grisham | ||
e8c0645 | fear was good; fear was an ally; that every lawyer was afraid when he stood before a new jury and presented his case. It was okay to be afraid - just don't show it. | John Grisham | ||
37ec857 | My children know nothing of Christmas. They have so little, and want so little, it makes me feel guilty for the mindless materialism of our culture. | John Grisham | ||
f85d5c3 | Our original idea was to write a book titled Fifty Shades of the Hunger Games, by J.K. Rowling with Stephen King: A John Grisham Novel. | Dave Barry | ||
f605fa5 | We were invincible because we were eighteen and stupid. | John Grisham | ||
e570c27 | And until we can see each other as equals, justice is never going to be even-handed. It will remain nothing more than a reflection of our own prejudices | John Grisham | ||
8c5cb86 | F. Franklin the Fourth has a job with a firm rich in heritage, money and pretentiousness, a firm vastly superior to Brodnax and Speer. His sidekicks at the moment are W. Harper Whittenson, an arrogant little snot who will, thankfully, leave Memphis and practice with a mega-firm in Dallas; J. Townsend Gross, who has accepted a position with another huge firm; and James Straybeck, a sometimes friendly sort who's suffered three years of law sc.. | John Grisham | ||
8be1fa6 | Of course, the fact that Dostoevsky can tell a juicy story isn't enough to make him great. If it were, Judith Krantz and John Grisham would be great fiction writers, and by any but the most commercial standards they're not even very good. | writing | David Foster Wallace | |
73a2572 | When Silent Cal Coolidge noted that "You don't have to explain something you haven't said," | Robert A. Caro | ||
e0e4537 | And he worked himself, worked himself. He had made up his mind to be President, and he was demonic in his drive. | Robert A. Caro | ||
26b99ba | If you do everything, you'll win, | Robert A. Caro | ||
f176982 | Until the end of his life, whenever the subject of the vast growth of the LBJ Company and associated business enterprises was raised, Lyndon Johnson would emphasize that he owned none of it ("All that is owned by Mrs. Johnson.... I don't have any interest in government-regulated industries of any kind and never have had")." | Robert A. Caro | ||
71f637d | People who sneer at a half a loaf of bread have never been hungry." George Reedy" | dependence humility leadership | Robert A. Caro | |
9ee0ec0 | He was to become the lawmaker for the poor and the downtrodden and the oppressed. He was to be the bearer of at least a measure of social justice to those whom social justice had so long been denied. The restorer of at least a measure of dignity to those who so desperately needed to be given some dignity. The redeemer of the promises made by them to America. "It is time to write it in the books of law." By the time Lyndon Johnson left offic.. | legislation lyndon-b-johnson politics | Robert A. Caro | |
4faa525 | It is not clear who will bring to the Whitehouse those useful commodities of vivid language, a sense of history and most important - a sense of humour, but Johnson himself will provide many other attributes. He is effective precisely because he is so determined, industrious, personal and even humourless, particularly in dealing with Congress. (...) Kennedy had a detached and even donnish willingness to grant a merit in the other fellow's ar.. | kennedy lbj lyndon-b-johnson politics style-substance | Robert A. Caro | |
ac666c0 | I'm gay," I said, not sure how else to say it. "You're fifteen," she said. "You can't be gay." | Michael Thomas Ford | ||
a39c3ea | When she saw me, my mother stood up and started to come toward me, but then stopped. I think maybe Cat Poop had told her not to make any sudden movements because they might scare me, like I'm a wild animal or something, because she kept looking at him and then at me. Finally she just said, "Hello, Jeff," and sat down again next to my father." | sarcasm | Michael Thomas Ford | |
baca290 | I loved Jerry, and I wanted to have his baby." She laughed. "This was before women started looking at their vaginas in hand mirrors and Gloria Steinem told us we could be more than just mothers." | Michael Thomas Ford | ||
cbed636 | When compiled its list of the one hundred best novels written in English, do you know that was number twelve?" She stopped pacing and glared at Jane. "And do you know where was?" she asked. She looked at the four of them in turn, but nobody answered her. "Number fifty-two!" she shrieked. "Fifty-two! Below that pornographic travesty !" She spat the title as if it were poison. "Below ! Below . Have you ever tried to read ? Have you .. | literature | Michael Thomas Ford |