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03aa625 Hay hombres sobrios y aplomados, a los que la desgracia los quiebra por adentro, sin que se vea. Ricardo Piglia
5507969 Frente a cuestiones inefables es infructuoso tratar de acercarnos por medio de definiciones. La incapacidad de los discursos filosoficos, teologicos o matematicos para responder a estos grandes interrogantes revela que la condicion ultima del hombre es trascendente, y por lo tanto, misteriosa, inasible. Ernesto Sabato
422ae90 En realidad, siempre he pensado que no hay memoria colectiva, lo que quiza sea una forma de defensa de la especie humana. La frase "todo tiempo pasado fue mejor" no indica que antes sucedieran menos cosas malas, sino que --felizmente-- la gente las echa en el olvido. Desde luego, semejante frase no tiene validez universal; yo, por ejemplo, me caracterizo por recordar preferentemente los hechos malos y, asi, casi podria decir que "todo tiemp.. Ernesto Sabato
f9c15aa Los grandes artistas son personas extranas que han logrado preservar en el fondo de su alma esa candidez sagrada de la ninez y de los hombres que llamamos primitivos, y por eso provocan la risa de los estupidos. Ernesto Sabato
86c0c5f Es verdad que la naturaleza humana va transformando los rasgos, las emociones, la personalidad. Pero es la cultura la que le da forma a la mirada que ellos van teniendo del mundo. Ernesto Sabato
e789b08 sw 'kn l'mr Tyban 'm syy'an flktb lHqyqy ytklm `n lwq` ldhy y`rfh mndh 'n kn fy lmhd, dhan `n lwTn wHt~ dh bd ln b'nh yhrb fy 'Hdth b`yd@ zmnan wmknan.wqd ykwn bwdlyr hw lqy'l b'n Tfwltn hy lwTn. wykhyl ly 'nh mn lS`b ktb@ shy 'kthr `mqan wbdwn 'n yrtbT b'slwb mftwH 'w Gyr mbshr blTfwl@. ldhlk fHt~ lmnfyyn lkbr, bsn 'w jwys, nsjw `l~ hdh lmnwl lGmD. wfy l'sfr thm@ shy sTHy `l~ ldwm. w`l~ ktb 'zmnn 'n y`mWq lwq`. wdh knt lh 'sfrh fhy, whn tk.. الخيال السفر الطفولة الكتابة الواقع بودلير جويس Ernesto Sabato
5c8a8ae Cada hora del hombre es un lugar vivo de nuestra existencia que ocurre una sola vez, irremplazable para siempre. Aqui reside la tension de la vida, su grandeza, la posibilidad de que la inasible fugacidad del tiempo se colme de instantes absolutos, de modo que al mirar hacia atras, el largo trayecto se nos aparece como el desgranarse de dias sagrados, inscriptos en tiempos o en epocas diferentes. Ernesto Sabato
8689ac1 El escritor de ficciones profundas es en el fondo un antisocial, un rebelde, y por eso a menudo es companero de ruta de los movimientos revolucionarios. Pero cuando las revoluciones triunfan no es extrano que vuelva a ser un rebelde. Ernesto Sabato
b9f0c0d Cuando me detienen por la calle, en una plaza o en el tren, para preguntarme que libros hay que leer, les digo siempre: <>. Ernesto Sabato
a183004 an aristocracy come to power, convinced of its own disinterested quality, believing itself above both petty partisan interest and material greed. The suggestion that this also meant the holding and wielding of power was judged offensive by these same people, who preferred to view their role as service, though in fact this was typical of an era when many of the great rich families withdrew from the new restless grab for money of a modernizin.. David Halberstam
45e4ebd Detective Ramos confided in me, 'If something happens to you on my watch my ass is O-U-T.' 'How do you think I'd feel? D-E-A-D. Nelson DeMille
d9aa2d5 We live in a world of media overload and data smog, where everything distracts us from everything else. Yet underlying this noisy assault, our culture offers us nothing transcendent. No deeper meaning, no abiding hope. In my crisis, every facet of the contemporary world seemed part of a diabolical mechanism carefully designed to keep people from wondering about the real purpose of their endless frantic activity. Daniel Pinchbeck
60bb057 Three hundred and fifty years ago, Shulgin notes, the Church proclaimed, "The earth is the center of the universe, and anyone who says otherwise is a heretic." Today, the government proclaims, "All drugs that can expand consciousness are without medical or social justification, and anyone who uses them is a criminal." In Galileo's time, the authorities said, "We do not need to actually look through that mysterious contraption." Now the gove.. Daniel Pinchbeck
ac26d5d The killer's name was Michael Stone and he was a known psychopath. He had previous convictions. But the law stated that only patients whose mental disorders were considered treatable could be detained beyond their prison sentences. Psychopaths were considered untreatable and so Michael Stone had to be free. Jon Ronson
ee1b8a9 I just want you to know that it makes me feel like shit to do this." "And Jonah paused," Michael told me. "And then he said to me, no joke, he said, 'You know, I really don't care how you feel.'" Michael shook his head. "It was icy." Jon Ronson
76618d4 I'd been beguiled by the new technology--a toddler crawling toward a gun. Jon Ronson
8c88584 But with social media, we've created a stage for constant artificial high drama. Every day a new person emerges as a magnificent hero or a sickening villain. It's all very sweeping, and not the way we actually are as people. Jon Ronson
78dde85 What a brilliant cover story. In a success-obsessed society like this one, what's the best rock to hide something under? It's the rock called failure. society-denial society-problem success Jon Ronson
d656fda in our line of work the more humiliated a person is, the more viral the story tends to go. Shame can factor large in the life of a journalist--the personal avoidance of it and the professional bestowing of it onto others. Jon Ronson
38fd751 In 1983 Colonel Burns wrote a poem in which he envisioned how his fledgling communications network might one day influence the world. Imagine the emergence of a new meta-culture. Imagine all kinds of people everywhere getting committed to human excellence, getting committed to closing the gap between the human condition and the human potential... And imagine all of us hooked up with a common high tech communications system. That's a vision .. Jon Ronson
a0f3b2f We don't want obvious exploitation. We want smoke-and-mirrors exploitation. Jon Ronson
7b20b1e I was much crazier than I had imagined. Or maybe it was a bad idea to read DSM-IV when you're not a trained professional. Or maybe the American Psychiatric Association had a crazy desire to label all life a mental disorder. label labeling mental-disorder mental-disorders Jon Ronson
92728f7 This was truly to be a radical milestone: the world's first-ever marathon nude psychotherapy session for criminal psychopaths. Elliott's raw, naked, LSD-fueled sessions lasted for epic eleven day stretches. The psychopaths spent every waking moment journeying to their darkest corners in an attempt to get better. There were no distractions--no television, no clothes, no clocks, no calendars, only a perpetual discussion (at least one hundred .. experimental lsd nudity psychopath psychotherapy Jon Ronson
cbee100 If you can fake sincerity, you've got it made. Neil Gaiman
028040b One word after another. neil-gaiman writing Neil Gaiman
7f8b749 Dear God, I must be dead and in hell since you're here. dislike hatred hell Catherine Coulter
d4c84a3 I'm the most fluent liar in the world, I'm the coolest, the smoothest--'Rachel Abercrombie.' A lie, Savich thought. Catherine Coulter
3a27ae4 He had a way of taking Buck's head roughly between his hands, and resting his own head upon Buck's, of shaking him back and forth, the while calling him ill names that to Buck were love names. Buck knew no greater joy than that rough embrace and the sound of murmured oaths, and at each jerk back and forth it seemed that his heart would be shaken out of his body so great was its ecstasy. Jack London
e77b176 for life achieves its summit when it does to the uttermost that which it was equipped to do. Jack London
12bd043 To man, alone among the animals, has been given the awful privilege of reason. Man, with his brain, can penetrate the intoxicating show of things and look upon the universe brazen with indifference toward him and his dreams. Jack London
e7fb590 hurts you. It is an everlasting pain in you, a wound that does not heal, a knife of flame. Jack London
eeed650 The people of that age were phrase slaves. The abjectness of their servitude is incomprehensible to us. There was a magic in words greater than the conjurer's art. So befuddled and chaotic were their minds that the utterance of a single word could negative the generalizations of a lifetime of serious research and thought. Such a word was the adjective UTOPIAN. The mere utterance of it could damn any scheme, no matter how sanely conceived, o.. Jack London
01da84f Sometimes it seems to me that all the world, all life, everything, had taken up residence inside of me and was clamoring for me to be the spokesman. Jack London
94c2e67 Get a job! Go to work! Poor, stupid slaves, he thought. Small wonder the world belonged to the strong. The slaves were obsessed by their own slavery. A job was to them a golden fetich before which they fell down and worshipped. Jack London
fb11ff5 Though, like Everhard, they did not dream of the nature of it, there were men, even before his time, who caught glimpses of the shadow. John C. Calhoun said: "A power has risen up in the government greater than the people themselves, consisting of many and various and powerful interests, combined into one mass, and held together by the cohesive power of the vast surplus in the banks." And that great humanist, Abraham Lincoln, said, just bef.. Jack London
777849f In the height of the gusts, in my high position, where the seas did not break, I found myself compelled to cling tightly to the rail to escape being blown away. My face was stung to severe pain by the high-driving spindrift, and I had a feeling that the wind was blowing the cobwebs out of my sleep-starved brain. inspiration Jack London
7d73b25 Oh well,' said Jack: and then, 'Did you ever meet Bach?' 'Which Bach?' 'London Bach.' 'Not I.' 'I did. He wrote some pieces for my uncle Fisher, and his young man copied them out fair. But they were lost years and years ago, so last time I was in town I went to see whether I could find the originals: the young man has set up on his own, having inherited his master's music-library. We searched through the papers -- such a disorder you would .. music Patrick O'Brian
885340c Then the business game is to make profits out of others, and to prevent others from making profits out of you. Jack London
195b457 He knew full well, from his Spencer, that man can never attain ultimate knowledge of anything, and that the mystery of beauty was no less than that of life - nay, more that the fibres of beauty and life were intertwisted, and that he himself was but a bit of the same nonunderstandable fabric, twisted of sunshine and star-dust and wonder. Jack London
7afd07b Why didn't you dare it before?" he asked harshly. "When I hadn't a job? When I was starving? When I was just as I am now, as a man, as an artist, the same Martin Eden?" Jack London
960e333 Times have changed since Christ's day. A rich man to-day who gives all he has to the poor is crazy. There is no discussion. Society has spoken. Jack London
f83a2d3 I reckon you've called the turn, Bill. That wolf's a dog, an' it's eaten fish many's the time from the hand of man. (ch. 2.) Jack London
02ebe02 Growth is life, and life is for ever destined to make for light. inspirational life moving-forward Jack London
d485436 Fiona, my love, as much as I adore you, I cannot stand your brothers. Any of them." "Gregor is much nicer now that he's married. Even you must admit that." "Only when Venetia is with him. When she's not, he's as annoying as ever." Fiona's lips quirked into a smile, her green eyes gleaming. "Rather like you, I hear." "Who has been carrying tales?" "Everyone." She placed her hand on her husband's cheek and smiled up into his blue eyes. With h.. Karen Hawkins