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5715971 | Here is one of the most important things to remember when doing research that involves regression analysis: Try not to kill anyone. You can even put a little Post-it note on your computer monitor: "Do not kill people with your research." | Charles Wheelan | ||
a6b8079 | Statistics is like a high-caliber weapon: helpful when used correctly and potentially disastrous in the wrong hands. | Charles Wheelan | ||
d9f366c | The world is producing more and more data, ever faster and faster. Yet, as the New York Times has noted, "Data is merely the raw material of knowledge."3* Statistics is the most powerful tool we have for using information to some meaningful end," | Charles Wheelan | ||
592bea8 | The democratic process will always favor small, well-organized groups at the expense of large, diffuse groups. | Charles Wheelan | ||
ff336df | Less obviously, concern for the environment is a luxury good. Wealthy Americans are willing to spend more money to protect the environment as a fraction of their incomes than are less wealthy Americans. The same relationship holds true across countries; wealthy nations devote a greater share of their resources to protecting the environment than do poor countries. | Charles Wheelan | ||
b3fdec1 | ethanol may actually make some kinds of air pollution worse. It evaporates faster than pure gasoline, contributing to ozone problems in hot temperatures. A 2006 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that ethanol does reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 12 percent relative to gasoline, but it calculated that devoting the entire U.S. corn crop to make ethanol would replace only a small fraction of Ame.. | economics | Charles Wheelan | |
7f2bbc1 | Why did the entrepreneur cross the road? Because he could make more money on the other side. | Charles Wheelan | ||
e9979b9 | A Random Walk Down Wall Street. | Charles Wheelan | ||
b58c4f8 | Remember, human capital embodies not only classroom training but also perseverance, honesty, creativity--virtues that lend themselves to finding work.) Some | Charles Wheelan | ||
4bb4b7c | Tensing your abs will amplify the intensity of the contraction of any muscle in your body. | Pavel Tsatsouline | ||
2d782a8 | Vodka at night. Pickle juice in the morning (the best thing for a hangover). Throwing some kettlebells around between this hangover and the next one. A Russian's day well spent. The 'kettlebell' or girya is a cast iron weight which looks like a basketball with a suitcase handle. It is an old Russian toy. As the 1986 Soviet Weightlifting Yearbook put it, "It is hard to find a sport that has deeper roots in the" | Pavel Tsatsouline | ||
939e965 | Russians are easy to spot, even if you dress them like Buckingham Palace guards. They are "the white people who look seriously ticked off," as Army Ranger vet Ellis Jones, RKC, has put it on our forum." | Pavel Tsatsouline | ||
2bb6ca8 | Understanding is a delaying tactic...," as one novelist put it. "Do you want to understand how to swim, or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of water want to understand. Other people jump in and get wet." | Pavel Tsatsouline | ||
3fa68c0 | Push from your armpit, rather than your shoulder. | Pavel Tsatsouline | ||
e0d63db | The establishment's reply is that dissenting students are bent, not on positive innovation, but on negative disruption. Against this, however, it can be argued that these two processes are very closely related and that the former only degenerates into the latter when it finds itself blocked. | Desmond Morris | ||
a1d8df8 | The word 'love' is, in fact, the way we commonly describe the emotional feelings that accompany the imprinting process. | Desmond Morris | ||
6cefed0 | Pretty soon three sleeping bags formed a triangle in the master bedroom. The father was the hypotenuse. The girl asked him to brush out her hair, which he did while the boy ate a tangerine, peeling it up close to his face, inhaling the mist. Then he held each segment to the light to find seeds. In his lap, cat paws fluttered like dreaming eyes. "What" | Amy Hempel | ||
22f638c | When luck plays a part in determining the consequences of your actions, you don't want to study success to learn what strategy was used but rather study strategy to see whether it consistently led to success. | Michael J. Mauboussin | ||
eafa998 | I will not be what I was made, but what I make. | Max Barry | ||
d40e642 | Tell me what you think love is! I seriously want to know!" "Okay," Eliot said. "It's defining yourself through the eyes of another. It's coming to know a human being on a level so intimate that you lose any meaningful distinction between you, and you carry the knowledge that you are insufficient without her every day for twenty years, until she drives an animal transport at you, and you shoot her. It's that." | Max Barry | ||
2ad6549 | And I, methinks, am gone astray In trackless wastes and lone. | Max Barry | ||
59abfb9 | A tragedy like this, we all blame ourselves. | Max Barry | ||
a8a42dd | He strode briskly away, to do whatever it was the managers did. Have meetings, I guess. Make phone calls. It was hard for us on the technical side to understand why the company required so many managers. Engineers built things. Salespeople sold things. Even Human Resources I could understand, kind of. But managers proliferated despite performing very few identifiable functions. | human-resources managers salespeople | Max Barry | |
4df6743 | The newspapers said nobody made it out alive." "Surely you didn't trust them." -- | Max Barry | ||
4a31f96 | I must be the latest in a long line of freshly dismembered men to fall under the spell of Lola Shanks. | Max Barry | ||
d161cca | Imagine a hundred million people clicking polls and typing in their favorite TV shows and products and political leanings, day after day. It's the biggest data profile ever. And it's voluntary. That's the funny part. People resist a census, but give them a profile page and they'll spend all day telling you who they are. | people social | Max Barry | |
8bb2a37 | The modern conservative movement was inspired by Barry Goldwater's canonical text from 1960, The Conscience of a Conservative. | Max Boot | ||
7c0acb4 | Well, I like to know where I'm going before I try to get there. It's a mistake to try to execute a plan before you've thought of one, in my experience. | planning plans thinking travel | Max Barry | |
19ace01 | Of course the Curies died. They identified ionizing radiation while bathing in it. There were risks involved in being your own guinea pig. But there was a long tradition of scientists doing just that: of paying for the expansion of human knowledge with their lives. I didn't deserve to be categorized with them, because honestly, I wasn't interested in the greater good. I just wanted to make myself better legs. I didn't mind other people bene.. | Max Barry | ||
30535f3 | To succeed in sales, you need skills--not skills entirely consistent with moral integrity and emotional well-being, but skills nevertheless. | Max Barry | ||
6923020 | He shook his head to clear it, but the world grew dark and angry and would not stay upright. The world did not like to be shaken. He understood that now. He wouldn't shake it again. He felt his feet sliding away from him on silent roller skates and reached for a wall for support. The wall cursed and dug its fingers into his arm, and was probably not a wall. It was probably a person. | lexicon | Max Barry | |
8d40aaf | Kikkhf fkattkx hfkixu zttkcu," she said." | Max Barry | ||
24cfcd4 | Within perfect walls there is nothing worth protecting. There is, in fact, nothing. And so we exchange privacy for intimacy. | loneliness privacy | Max Barry | |
a8f0f9c | It was funny how as soon as you knew there was something better, what you had seemed unbearable. | Max Barry | ||
47ddb65 | I hadn't known this about love: that you did not need to deserve it. I thought there was a set of criteria, like a good sense of humor and looks and wealth. You could compensate deficiencies in one area with excellence in another, hence rich, ugly men with beautiful wives. But there was an algorithm involved. That was why I thought I was unloved: I didn't score highly enough. I had made some attempts to improve my score and also told myself.. | Max Barry | ||
d5c94ac | The unpainted walls of the long rectangular room were soaked with the smell of greasy chicken and warm, headless beer. The brown and pink faces floated above the trails of used cigarette smoke like bodiless carnival balloons. | Gloria Naylor | ||
b712a49 | She sincerely liked Mattie because unlike the others, Mattie never found the time to do jury duty on other people's lives. | Gloria Naylor | ||
535522b | A rumor needs no true parent. It only needs a willing carrier, | Gloria Naylor | ||
71b6e53 | Ceil moaned. Mattie rocked. Propelled by the sound, Mattie rocked her out of that bed, out of that room, into a blue vastness just underneath the sun and above time. She rocked her over Aegean seas so clean they shine like crystal, so clear the fresh blood of sacrificed babies torn from their mothers arms and given to Neptune could be seen like pink froth on the water. She rocked her on and on, past Dachau, where soul-gutted Jewish mothers .. | Gloria Naylor | ||
c35edab | God had given her what she prayed for--a little boy who would always need her. | Gloria Naylor | ||
aa10dd1 | Etta and Mattie went way back, a singular term that claimed co-knowledge of all the important events in their lives and almost all of the unimportant ones. | Gloria Naylor | ||
4e3727e | I found my way to street level and into what optimists call 'fresh air | street way | Gunnar Staalesen | |
73119e3 | Vakten ga tydelig inntrykk av at han trodde damemennesket hadde hallusinasjoner eller ogsa hadde forlest seg pa Agatha Christie, men man visste jo aldri. | Gunnar Staalesen | ||
deaa445 | I mitt fag finnes det to muligheter nar du skal oppsoke folk. Du kan ringe pa forhand, si hvem du er, og etter all sannsynlighet bli avvist allerede da. Eller du kan oppsoke dem personlig, hjemme eller pa jobb. Da er det straks litt vanskeligere for dem a si nei. | Gunnar Staalesen |