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0e80cec | Hearing the same shows I had listened to with the other girls at the orphanage kept me connected to them in my heart. It was a comfort knowing that back home -- my old home -- they were listening to them too... | Bobby Underwood | ||
c6b9d63 | So, where to, Kitty Foyle? | Bobby Underwood | ||
e50b961 | Without being able to explain how I knew, having no more experience than I had in such matters, I instinctively realized that she was extraordinarily beautiful. Yet hers was the kind of beauty that wouldn't always gets noticed. Someone passing her on the street probably would never give her a second look. It was when you focused on her for a moment or two that you realized how lovely she was. | Bobby Underwood | ||
17c43dc | It would be easy to say that I skipped Chicago for Miami after the war ended because Pete and I were such good pals and I'd had such a great time there on leave. But in truth I decided to stay on in Miami because of Veronica Lake. | Bobby Underwood | ||
cc93def | We were in those dark early days of the war at the time, and the outcome was very much in question. Lake's appearance at the event was a morale booster for civilians and servicemen alike. She was standing behind a microphone that sat on a table draped in the American flag. | Bobby Underwood | ||
0d6d6e9 | Puttin' two slugs in some gumshoe in an alley behind the Whitman's Chocolates place, now that ain't their style at all. Murder, My Sweet's what me and Louisa's been callin' it. You know, like that movie with that singer fella playing the detective? Because it was next to the chocolate place." Henry laughed at his own joke. Everything about him was friendly. So friendly he could make light of murder." | Bobby Underwood | ||
cc2a53e | Try as he did at such times, his thoughts would inevitably turn to the pretty girl named Annie. Tony was always able to sense when the cowboy's deep longing for the girl was at its worst, and nudged him with his nose. He reached up and stroked the horse's mane absently, his thoughts further away than those stars above him. A pretty girl like that was probably at some dance, courted by a long list of admirers. A mere cowboy stood nary a chan.. | Bobby Underwood | ||
bbecb15 | Yeah, that's it! There's these gorgeous paintings on the arches. Now, they ain't my cup o' java, mind ya, but it's gotta be high class, cause one them women's topless, and ain't nobody pays her no attention. That's when you know it's art," Henry added, as though he was sharing some profound insight, "when you can make the gals naked and no one makes a fuss about it." | Bobby Underwood | ||
5454913 | Lonesome tried to hide his surprise that Katie and Tommy lived in an old line-shack. It jutted out in the back where someone had slapped on a narrow rectangular room maybe six feet wide and eight feet long by Brooke's estimation. He hid his shock well, so that Katie would not be even more embarrassed than she was pretending not to be. There was a dignity to her that made her attractive, rising well above her circumstances. Lonesome knew wha.. | Bobby Underwood | ||
e98e7d0 | The river in his dreams was changing course once more when a sound caused him to roll to his right and come up with his Colt, ready for trouble. His movement was quick, a blur in the darkness; he had known men who died from sleeping too sound. No man who'd fought in the war ever slept a deep sleep. | Bobby Underwood | ||
cbba225 | My mother had died giving birth to me, and no one seemed to know who my father was, so I had become a ward of the state. I had grown up in the orphanage, under the warm and caring tutelage of Aunt Betty and Aunt Gertie, my two mothers. We called them our aunts, but they were really more like mothers. | Bobby Underwood | ||
f332cfa | It heightened the tension while we listened to Suspense. Nearly all the girls leaned forward, wide-eyed in dread at the heroine's predicament. She was trapped on a lonely country road, and a killer was on the loose! | Bobby Underwood | ||
c78431b | Something about the bright sun shining down on a palm tree gauchely planted next to a dentist's office gave the whole place an unreality, as though I was living on some movie studio backlot. Los Angeles was some Hollywood hack's idea of what glamor looked like, that bore little resemblance to the real thing. | Bobby Underwood | ||
a832c3e | In his opinion they were hypocrites who conveniently forgot their peaceful town was only peaceful because someone with a gun had tamed it, and someone with a gun kept it that way. | Bobby Underwood | ||
a8216f8 | I reached over and she fell into my arms. "You have me. You'll always have me. We'll live forever, you and me." I heard her sniffle and then felt her laugh against my chest. She wrested herself gently from my arms." -- | Bobby Underwood | ||
39b8529 | It isn't like in books where the detective gets conked on the head, wakes up and keeps going another 48 hours straight. Exhaustion dulls the senses, impairs the brain and slows down the reflexes. Reaction time in business like this can be the difference between living and dying. | Bobby Underwood | ||
65002ea | I took the photos with me and heard Lucija making the call. As I closed the door behind me, I caught the scent of death from the patio, carried on the breeze moving the branches of the olive trees. | Bobby Underwood | ||
13d48e2 | Things were always tight because the state only allowed for room and board and meals. I knew this money had come from sacrifice and love. I wiped my tears and whispered to my empty compartment, "I love you, too." | Bobby Underwood | ||
db1bb70 | No one knows more about regret than an old drunk, and no old drunk knew more about living with it than Harry. | Bobby Underwood | ||
1952a1d | Despite the devastation and death around us, and the uncertain future which lie ahead, I could not remember ever being as happy as the moment I officially became Sarah's Dad. | Bobby Underwood | ||
00b2e14 | How do I begin to tell you about Dana and all that she meant to my life? A writer can describe spring in technical terms; the scent of cherry blossoms awakening from their long winter's sleep; the first whiff of honeysuckle in the air; and the bright cool promise of the sun before it turns harsh in summer. Through some gift from God, perhaps he is able to imbue it so vividly for the reader that they can envision spring in all its loveliness.. | Bobby Underwood | ||
ae83b44 | Wyn could never understand why men expected to do the most dangerous work there was, the maintaining of law and order, were paid the least. People expected things to be kept peaceful, but when it came time to pay someone for doing that job, they balked. | Bobby Underwood | ||
63aecd3 | It was raining so hard on that lonely stretch of rural Illinois backroad that I couldn't see the painted white lines on the worn cracked asphalt. | Bobby Underwood | ||
77abfb0 | I'm one of the two people left on the planet who doesn't own a cell phone and doesn't want one. | Bobby Underwood | ||
e2a4ad4 | We lived --or rather had lived --in a society which had come to view the father as almost superfluous. But people of common sense knew better. For a boy growing up, it was someone who could show him how a man acts and conducts himself. But for a young girl, it was that, and her first exposure to how she should be treated and viewed by the opposite sex. Because of him, when someone treated her differently, she would know in her heart that it.. | Bobby Underwood | ||
0d97914 | The human heart buries memories of love, files them away somewhere when they don't work out, because it hurts too much to remember feelings that you have little hope of recapturing. The truth is, you never recapture those exact feelings anyway, because love is different every time you feel it. But the head knows this, not the heart. So the heart buries them deep. | Bobby Underwood | ||
b49fd9a | I wondered as I watched people leaning out to snap digital photographs if the ability to capture the technical reality of a place took away from the feeling of it, and muted the memory forever. A picture in the mind was a picture in the heart, but a picture on paper or on a computer was only relevant when it was taken out or clicked on to view. Another way in which society was distancing itself from living, perhaps. Life could no longer be .. | Bobby Underwood | ||
cd942b0 | Old Harry, who knew more about boats and the sea than anybody I knew, was sleeping off last night's tequila on my big cruiser/houseboat, Stella. She'd been named after Gail Russell's character in an old classic film titled, The Uninvited. It was Harry's favorite movie. | Bobby Underwood | ||
a5f52a4 | But for those women too stubborn to accept their part in the failure, it would always be "his fault" for being a jerk, not theirs for being attracted to jerks. Anger would eventually turn to bitterness and before too long all men were jerks." | Bobby Underwood | ||
4993d02 | People think cops always know what they're doing, but a lot of times it's just poking around in the dark till you get a reaction and figure it out from there. | Bobby Underwood | ||
17b1df9 | What happened on that tiny island off the coast of Cuba called Flowering Cay at times seems like a half-remembered dream, one of those groggy remembrances that you're never quite certain you didn't just imagine. Other times I can recall it with such clarity it is as if it happened yesterday. Sitting in front of my typewriter as the palms sway gently at the urging of the trade winds, I almost wish I could forget everything. But then I think .. | Bobby Underwood | ||
f9a77ff | I'd sought out these lonely roads because I was hurt and lonely, and that's what the hurt and lonely do; seek out a place far from people, far from the happiness which is painfully just out of their reach. For those rejected by love, chewed up by romance and spit out like unwanted seeds in a flavorful melon, the night is a sanctuary, a trusted friend. The darkness comforted you, placed an unseen arm around your shoulder so you wouldn't be a.. | Bobby Underwood | ||
2cc9ebd | because you're a child and you have no way to compare your life to other people's lives. Your foremost need is to stay safe within the only life you know. | Gail Godwin | ||
eef8059 | There are things we can't undo, but perhaps there is a kind of constructive remorse that could transform regrettable acts into something of service to life. | Gail Godwin | ||
f2d72fc | I contemplated how I was going to get through the rest of the day and felt the onset of a terror I thought I had outgrown. I hated it when these started to form. One unwelcome subject sought out its counterparts--farewells, people leaving and never coming back, ambulances.... And then counterparts attracted similar old hurts and horrors until you were trapped in the nucleus of the cluster. This cluster, I knew, was labeled LOSS in big b.. | Gail Godwin | ||
34c57f3 | The person in the song is really addressing a powerful and constant state of yearning more than he is any real lover. It's the state of this yearning that torments him, yet he also loves his torment. He needs it. Because he understands that being able to feel this yearning so exquisitely is his secret strength. | Gail Godwin | ||
4750e66 | But the son whips out a Bayer aspirin, the father rises to his feet, embraces the son, and Technicolor is restored to their lives. | Gail Godwin | ||
f061c43 | When I was in seminary," Father Edward had told other guests around the table when he was purchasing his books, "my spiritual director told me not to read theology. 'Read novels,' he said, and I have." | Gail Godwin | ||
994bbd7 | Yes, if you believed in words, if you lived by words, | Gail Godwin | ||
4153989 | Nonie often remarked that every one of us needed to get away from other people and replenish our personal reserves. | Gail Godwin | ||
d65db57 | Not everybody gets to grow up. First you have to survive your childhood, and then begins the hard work of growing into it. | growing-up | Gail Godwin | |
72dc01e | If you are in difficulties with a book," suggested H. G. Wells, "try the element of surprise: attack it at an hour when it isn't expecting it." This was one way Gail Godwin learned to outfox her "watcher" (the inner critic who kept an eye on her as she worked): looking for times to write when she was off guard. Other tactics Godwin found helpful included writing too fast and in unexpected places and times; working when tired; writing in pur.. | Ralph Keyes | ||
b45751a | Remorse went out of fashion around the same time that "Stop feeling guilty," and "You're too hard on yourself," and "You need to love yourself more" came into fashion." | Gail Godwin | ||
3c79396 | A person always has control over how she meets her adversities, and the good news is that the facing of them, one after another, year after year, builds an inner strength that nobody can take away from you. | Gail Godwin |