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2deb78d | When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home . . . | S.E. Hinton | ||
221cf47 | TURN HEROES. | S.E. Hinton | ||
bc197d2 | were running down his cheeks. I hadn't seen him cry in years, not even when Mom and Dad had been killed. (I remembered the funeral. I had sobbed in spite of myself; Soda had broken down and bawled like a baby; but Darry had only stood there, his fists in his pockets and that look on his face, the same helpless, pleading look that he was wearing now.) In that second what Soda and Dally and Two-Bit had been trying to tell me came through. Dar.. | S.E. Hinton | ||
92ac94e | She told me she changed that will," the step-father said. "She once told me she married you because she loved you," Mike said. "Guess she lied to us both." | s-e-hinton some-of-tim-s-stories stepfamily stepfather | S.E. Hinton | |
1be0a5d | Darry took a step toward me, but I backed away. "Don't touch me," I said. My heart was pounding in slow thumps, throbbing at the side of my head, and I wondered if everyone else could hear it. Maybe that's why they're all looking at me, I thought, they can hear my heart beating..." | the-outsiders | S.E. Hinton | |
7d8cc4c | If you're going to lead people, you have to have somewhere to go. | S.E. Hinton | ||
d48a8ea | Me hizo gracia que la puesta del sol que ella pudiera ver desde su patio y la que yo veia desde las escaleras de atras fuera la misma. Quiza los distintos mundos en que viviamos no fueran tan distintos. Veiamos los mismos atardeceres. | S.E. Hinton | ||
7d9494e | My stomach gave a violent start and turned into a hunk of ice. The world was spinning around me, and blobs of faces and visions of things past were dancing in the red mist that covered the lot. It swirled into a mass of colors and I felt myself swaying on my feet. Someone cried, "Glory, look at the kid!" And the ground rushed up to meet me very suddenly." | hinton outsiders spinning the | S.E. Hinton | |
9fad842 | En nuestro barrio, cuando tienes trece anos ya sabes donde estan los limites. | realidad | S.E. Hinton | |
8d7d77c | Maybe the two worlds we lived in weren't so different. We saw the same sunset. | S.E. Hinton | ||
468c57c | Asleep, he looked a lot younger than going-on-seventeen, but I had noticed that Johnny looked younger when he was asleep, too, so I figured everyone did. Maybe people are younger when they are asleep. After | S.E. Hinton | ||
50c779c | Maybe people are younger when they sleep. | the-outsiders young youth | S.E. Hinton | |
d3aa5a7 | That's why we're separated," I said. "It's not money, it's feeling--you don't feel anything and we feel too violently." | S.E. Hinton | ||
079eea9 | It would be a miracle if Dally loved anything. The fight for self-preservation had hardened him beyond caring. | S.E. Hinton | ||
2a145db | But it still hurt anyway. You know a guy a long time, and I mean really know him, you don't get used to the idea that he's dead just overnight. Johnny was something more than a buddy to all of us. I guess he had listened to more beefs and more problems from more people than any of us. A guy that'll really listen to you, listen and care about what you're saying, is something rare. And I couldn't forget him telling me that he hadn't done enou.. | S.E. Hinton | ||
2584fdb | Survival is not a theory. In what way do I contribute to the subjugation of any part of those who I define as my people? Insight must illuminate the particulars of our lives: who labors to make the bread we waste, or the energy it takes to make nuclear poisons which will not biodegrade for one thousand years; or who goes blind assembling the microtransistors in our inexpensive calculators? | Audre Lorde | ||
f848686 | One pays a lot, we all pay a lot, for awareness. When I develop that sense of awareness, I develop, by extension, a sense concerning you. That does not dictate why my relationship is with you. I may have to fight you, but as soon as I am aware of you, I must relate to you. I must take you in. This is engagement. It is a prerequisite to any kind of love, and it is difficult and necessary. | Audre Lorde | ||
76e03b3 | The supposition that one sex needs the other's acquiescence in order to exist prevents both from moving together as self-defined persons toward a common goal. | Audre Lorde | ||
2eade69 | I know certainly, for instance, it's part of the black aesthetic, the whole concept of art as business, art for art's sake, art as the competitive gesture, I connect with a very male-oriented concept of living, as opposed to, and we would call them alternate aesthetics, which include the black aesthetic, the feminist aesthetic, where art and poetry become part and parcel of one's daily living, one's daily expression, the need to communicate.. | Audre Lorde | ||
c29e25f | Audre Lorde once stated, "I am a Black Feminist. I mean I recognize that my power as well as my primary oppressions come as a result of my blackness as well as my womanness, and therefore my struggles on both of these fronts are inseparable." As a woman of color, I find that some feminists don't seem terribly concerned with the issues unique to women of color--the ongoing effects of racism and postcolonialism, the status of women in the Thi.. | Roxane Gay | ||
df6337a | Audre Lorde nos instiga a pensar na necessidade de reconhecermos nossas diferencas e de nao mais ve-las como algo negativo. O problema seria quando as diferencas significam desigualdades. O nao reconhecimento de que partimos de lugares diferentes, posto que experenciamos genero de modo diferente, leva a legitimacao de um discurso excludente, pois nao viabiliza outras formas de ser mulher no mundo. | Djamila Ribeiro | ||
bb5e561 | I read Tom Brokaw's book The Greatest Generation. This book celebrates the virtues of the generation that grew up between the two world wars.9 As I read Brokaw's book, I asked myself: What made the "greatest generation" so great? The answer is twofold: the Depression and World War II. The virtues of that generation were the product of scarcity and war. Hardship and need forged the admirable qualities of courage, sacrifice, and solidarity. B.. | Dinesh D'Souza | ||
3457aba | Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed, to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace." --From John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech, January 1961 Given" | Tom Brokaw | ||
599195a | One good question and one good answer are services to all. A sure sign of a troubled company is one where employees don't care enough to ask and, if that's the case, they'll never care enough to fully deploy their talent. Just as curiosity is an antidote to boredom and indifference, the informed are more likely to remain interested, engaged, and alive with purpose. | Ricardo Semler | ||
73592d8 | The acting CEO cannot be blamed or credited for the company's performance, and that makes the system independent of the CEO. Blame or credit falls on each manager and employee. The CEO should be the quarterback, not God. In a sense, it makes us like Switzerland, where many citizens have a hard time remembering their President's name. Solidarity comes as a consequence of collective action, and not from one personality. | Ricardo Semler | ||
b028bef | On two occasions, the person I had chosen as airplane captain came through as environmental leader in this second exercise. These exercises reinforced my belief that leadership indeed depends on the situation. As circumstances change, leadership must change. A certain set of skills, instincts, and personality traits may be perfect today, but useless tomorrow. | Ricardo Semler | ||
6d8593c | Exchanging the old boss for a new boss is not situational leadership. True situational leadership--flexible, effective, evolutionary--can only arise from self-management. And that means that situational leadership doesn't change fundamentally with circumstances. It is always about giving up control. | Ricardo Semler | ||
0147820 | Even so, these symbols still cause quite a fuss. Thirty percent of all issues in organizations are what I call boarding school stuff: rewards and punishments, how to dress, what time to show up, how to address superiors, how to behave properly. Even worse, they include fodder for the "green-eyed monster," jealousy, things like why somebody got a raise and somebody else didn't, why she got the better client account, or why he was asked to jo.. | Ricardo Semler | ||
50f773a | At Semco, you are what you do, not what or whom you control. | Ricardo Semler | ||
0be24ac | The stress-free workplace that is most productive is the one where workers respect each other's differences. | Ricardo Semler | ||
3c7350d | Intuition, luck, mistakes, serendipity--there you have four vital business concepts that every manager should know. | Ricardo Semler | ||
93b26fa | But uncontrolled variables are what make dreams come true. If we change the way work works we can live the dream of work-life balance and sustainability. | Ricardo Semler | ||
6ea321b | Ou seja, total capitulacao da empresa a forca da greve. A empresa comeca com cara de Rambo e termina com jeitinho de Clodovil. | Ricardo Semler | ||
f4243e9 | Why should people have to stick to a career choice they made as an unprepared and inexperienced adolescent? | BusinessNews Publishing | ||
a8e9455 | The so-called 'Sleeping Lady' statues found in the Hypogeum and numerous 'Venus' figurines found throughout Malta's megalithic temples leave little doubt that a form of Mother Goddess was the supreme deity worshipped in these mysterious places. But these artifacts 'have all been attributed arbitrarily to the Neolithic', even though they are distinctly characteristic of European Palaeolithic art forms, dating as far back at 30,000 BP. | deep-human-history ice-age-civilizations | Graham Hancock | |
af0ab88 | The same solution--that Easter Island was once part of a much larger landmass--would also explain another, very different puzzle, namely the so-called Rongo Rongo script. It is unprecedented in human history for a sophisticated fully developed writing system to be invented and put into use by a small, isolated island community. Yet Easter Island does have its own script, examples of which, mostly incised on wooden boards, copies of copies o.. | isolated mystery rongo-rongo script writing-system | Graham Hancock | |
ba77df0 | irrefutable | Graham Hancock | ||
de7b5ad | The Julian calendar, which it replaced, computed the period of the earth's orbit around the sun at 365.25 days. Pope Gregory XIII's reform substituted a finer and more accurate calculation: 365.2425 days. Thanks to scientific advances since 1582 we now know that the exact length of the solar year is 365.2422 days. | Graham Hancock | ||
87ef1b1 | I poured out a libation on the mountain top ... I heaped up wood and cane and cedar and myrtle ... When the gods smelled the sweet savour they gathered like flies over the sacrifice | Graham Hancock | ||
0317515 | At present there are only two land-based cranes in the world that could lift weights of this magnitude. At the very frontiers of construction technology, these are both vast, industrialized machines, with booms reaching more than 220 feet into the air, which require on-board counterweights of 160 tons to prevent them from tipping over. The preparation-time for a single lift is around six weeks and calls for the skills of specialized teams o.. | Graham Hancock | ||
d40140f | While spinning daily on its own axis, the earth also orbits the sun (again in an anti-clockwise direction) on a path which is slightly elliptical rather than completely circular. It pursues this orbit at truly breakneck speed, travelling as far along it in an hour - 66,600 miles - as the average motorist will drive in six years. To bring the calculations down in scale, this means that we are hurtling through space much faster than any bulle.. | Graham Hancock | ||
90100bd | It concerns the growing body of evidence that 12,800 years ago a giant comet traveling on an orbit that took it through the inner solar system broke up into multiple fragments, and that many of these fragments, some more than a mile (2.4 kilometers) in diameter, hit the earth. It is believed that North America was the epicenter of the resulting cataclysm with several of the largest impacts on the North American ice cap causing floods and ti.. | Graham Hancock | ||
ea3f82c | With a lightness of touch that is almost subliminal, this verse has encouraged us to count Valhalla's fighters, thus momentarily obliging us to focus our attention on their total number (540 x 800 = 432,000). This total, as we shall see in Chapter Thirty-one is mathematically linked to the phenomenon of precession. It is, unlikely to have found its way into Norse mythology by accident, especially in a context that has previously specified a.. | Graham Hancock | ||
5b5fa50 | Egyptian Book of the Dead, it had been given to him by | Graham Hancock |