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225d97b All happy families are alike, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way'?" "Anna Karenina." Lisa Gardner
f0fe217 Family is family. Even if you hate them, it's hard to let go. Lisa Gardner
97ae233 Devouring lives by the dozen, from the innocent to the not-so-innocent. It hardly mattered to him. He took, because destroying others was the only time he wasn't afraid. Lisa Gardner
8442d84 YOU SPEND ENOUGH time chasing a dog to get back a precious black boot, you start to think like a dog. Spend the rest of your time chasing criminals, and you learn to think like a criminal. Lisa Gardner
5bed047 Harris Reed: "Ah, you caught me." Bobby: "And now's the part when I throw you back." Lisa Gardner
f0ffc83 darkened. And, oh, the graceful curve of the lower landing, the hand-hewn craftsmanship of each individual spindle, the hours of meticulous, painstaking labor. Except, then he turned away from the staircase toward the front sitting room to discover built-in shelves, a gorgeously restored fireplace mantel, the original crown dentil molding . . . He gave up. He stood in the middle of Lisa Gardner
64283e6 approached alone, the hallway too small, the rooms too tightly bunched Lisa Gardner
22d59b3 according to Freud, the tie you pick, the ring you wear, the shirt you buy, all say something about you. Nothing is random, everything you do has intent. Lisa Gardner
7df859c And that's love, yes? Not making all the right decisions all the time, but being there when it matters the most. Lisa Gardner
1722023 It's true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But no one says that strength doesn't come at a price. Lisa Gardner
21be64c No doubt about it: Mac would make an excellent mother. Lisa Gardner
8bd494f When we'd magically assumed we could do better than our own parents, because we hadn't walked in their shoes yet. We didn't realize just how complicated and lonely even a good marriage can get. Lisa Gardner
c1cedd7 In the past week or so, she was noticing some minor pains, small episodes of shortness of breath. Probably because she had a fairly decent-sized lifeform hanging off her spine, pummeling her lungs, playing soccer with her bladder. You know, the usual baby games. motherhood pregnancy Lisa Gardner
61713ee Let me be the first to say, there isn't a hell big enough for some of the assholes we have walking here on this earth. Lisa Gardner
0379dd0 You can be in love and still feel incredibly lonely. You can have everything you ever wanted, only to realize that you wanted all the wrong things. You can have a husband as smart and sexy and compassionate as mine, and yet not really have him at all. Lisa Gardner
e8d99d7 Without sadness, there can be no happiness, which means a state of eternal bliss really wouldn't be that blissful. In fact, at a certain point, it would be mostly annoying. Nothing to strive for, nothing to look forward to, nothing to do. Lisa Gardner
cd114c7 The results are about as meaningful as a sixth toe - gives you something to look at, but doesn't do a damn thing. Lisa Gardner
a00a237 IN A DETECTIVE'S WORLD there was one true blight on society, and it wasn't the master criminal; after all, superpredators were few and far between. It was the media. Sunday Lisa Gardner
f78eba7 D. D. Warren knew from experience, Lisa Gardner
105b62b And if I'd once fallen hard for my husband, I fell even harder for my child. It was as if my entire life had been building to this one moment, my finest work, my greatest accomplishment, this tiny bundle of precious life. Lisa Gardner
a3cbcec Alex said, his voice subdued, tense. "So it would seem," D.D." Lisa Gardner
34611d1 COURTHOUSES WERE THEIR own special kind of madness. Lisa Gardner
0a1ff06 He raised his right hand to her in the classic Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Michael Burnham." She returned the salute and felt for a moment as if she had found the brother she had never known she had always wanted. "Peace and long life, Spock." David Mack
488559b Perhaps I will not kill him in my sleep. At least, not tonight. David Mack
77b40c7 How can I be lonely when I hate people? David Mack
234653b Pick up your feet, Mister Saru," Burnham said as she and Gant headed to the turbolift. "Time, tide, and transporters wait for no one." David Mack
12c8ac3 Maybe a captain more obsessed with strict protocol and formality would have been stalwart in hiding his feelings, but Riker didn't subscribe to such emotionally stunted ideals of manhood. David W. Mack
ab8f52c You would elevate tradition and societal approval over the expansion of knowledge. If anything deserves to be called 'illogical,' it is that. David Mack
8962441 Your precocity delighted everyone who met you even when you were behaving like a limb of Satan. Mary Jo Putney
807a42f When the last days were upon me, and the ugly trifles of existence began to drive me to madness like the small drops of water that torturers let fall ceaselessly upon one spot of their victim's body, I loved the irradiate refuge of sleep. In my dreams I found a little of the beauty I had vainly sought in life, and wandered through old gardens and enchanted woods. After a while, as the days of waking became less and less bearable from their .. horror science-fiction H. P. Lovecraft
82c437a I am about to break into a dimension of the impossible. To enter this realm., I must set my mind (hypnotize myself) free from the earthly fetters that bind it. If the events to witness are unbelievable, it is only because my imagination is chained. So I now sit back, relax, and that I may cross the brink of time and space...into that land we sometimes visit in our dreams -- my horrific forsaken dreams. h-p-lovecraft Chris Mentillo
53f0015 Who else sat on a wet rock, naked, reading ancient Greek? Charlotte Gordon
94fe122 All the Jane Austen in the library cannot wash the Queens from this little hand. Mary Gordon
30777ba I sometimes find it difficult to distinguish praise from blame. Mary Gordon
d4d11a3 listen. Mary Jo Putney
8cc17dd He'd known the headland was undercut from years of waves and weather, but he hadn't expected to trigger its complete collapse. Shoving the wall over had been merely an attempt to complicate the situation. He'd never imagined . . . this. Mary Jo Putney
f095448 my grandfather laid claim to all the virtues. Vice was the only thing left to me." Clare scowled at him. "The old earl has been dead for four years, and you're a grown man. Find a better excuse, or learn better behavior." Mary Jo Putney
f11243e But I'm so very glad that my resistance was futile! Mary Jo Putney
c7772cc Because you loved, you promised. You must try harder to keep that promise. Mary Jo Putney
e45c242 Isn't a mistress supposed to care about her lover?" she asked softly. Their glances met, and Nicholas felt something shift deep inside him, creating a moment of strange vulnerability. This woman could hurt him badly if he wasn't careful." Mary Jo Putney
cb58955 Su abuela siempre le aconsejaba que no fuera demasiado explicita al formular sus deseos, porque a veces la mejor solucion es una que no se le ocurriria nunca. Mary Jo Putney
f7419b9 bullet wound will do." Gordon" Mary Jo Putney
aa442bb Never talk to strangers. If someone ever tries to take you, fight with everything you have. Scream as loud as you can. (He'd never told her what to do if the man was too strong and there was no one to hear her screaming.) horror Lisa Unger
fe3b7ba When you start to really know someone, all his physical characteristics start to disappear. You begin to dwell in his energy, recognize the scent of his skin. You see only the essence of the person, not the shell. That's why you can't fall in love with beauty. Lisa Unger