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2d88055 Love, a promise delivered already broken. Lisa Unger
673d7fe When someone we love dies suddenly and tragically, it's like seeing the curvature of the earth. You always knew it was round, a contained sphere floating in space. But when you see the bend in the horizon line, it changes your perspective on everything else. Lisa Unger
f4fd923 Ralph Waldo Emerson thought of weeds as plants "whose virtues had not yet been discovered." Lisa Unger
ec37729 When they're small, they're part of you, on you in bed, showering with you, climbing onto your lap, holding on to your leg. Slowly, slowly, they start to move away, and if you love them, if you want them to feel safe and free to explore the world, you have to let them go. Mostly. Lisa Unger
7977c04 The human mind, with all its mystery, bears endless study. Doesn't it? Lisa Unger
0ee926f There is no external refuge." Meaning, you cannot look into the outer world to feel safe, to feel at peace. You cannot look without for understanding, or for justice. You must look within. I" Lisa Unger
0173902 I think we draw people into our lives...It's as though we broadcast our deepest needs...For better or worse, we attract our teachers, our allies, and sometimes even our own nightmares. Lisa Unger
8a0b77a Choices turned to consequences, opinions turned to judgments, and admiration turned to envy. Envy curdled everything, like lemon in milk. Lisa Unger
6ab24df Honestly, I tried not to think about my sister much. Or my mother. I have been guilty of doing what it takes to bury most of my memories when it comes to that- from junk food to booze to drugs, there are few poisons with which I haven't experimented. I've found a million ways to keep the demons in a comfortable, quiet stupor, lazing around on my inner couches. Lisa Unger
531d8af You know," he said. He paused a minute, as though picking his words carefully. "It's okay to disappoint people sometimes. It's okay for us to say no simply because we don't want to do something." Intellectually," Lisa Unger
196de06 It was human nature to see only what you want to see, and nothing would change that, no matter what tools people had at their disposal. The truth is only what you think it is. Lisa Unger
eeb0cf9 Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only change form. Lisa Unger
d26323b things disappear and are never found simply because there's too much ground to cover. Lisa Unger
5d05cd8 I feel that familiar niggle of not wanting to disappoint anyone, ever, for any reason. Another female quirk, isn't it? Always be polite, meet expectations, smile when you don't want to, cry instead of getting angry. Be pleasing. Lisa Unger
a05a8c1 The girl with the pictures on her skin Lisa Unger
9ca37a1 Ah, gym class. Remember it? Institutionally sanctioned torture for society's misfits. Lisa Unger
8692379 Give up, she wanted to tell them. You lost. The world is crap, and no amount of communicating is going to change it. Lisa Unger
7f76d79 Having love in your heart for someone is its own reward. Or punishment, depending on the circumstances. Lisa Unger
b63c5aa He didn't seem like the sharpest tool in the shed. Lisa Unger
c825928 I have started taking the pills and I pray that everyone is right, that I have been sabotaged by my own brain chemicals. And that the little blue pill is going to put things right again. Lisa Unger
0ea44ce I liked how she never offered any physical comfort. I appreciate people who have a healthy respect for personal boundaries. Our culture is too touchy-feely; everyone wants a hug these days. But Dr. Cooper just sat and was present. Lisa Unger
d5ae581 Ignorance and fear were responsible for so much horror in the world. All the most heinous acts throughout history could be linked to those demons. Lisa Unger
e062a5f It was so much simpler to see other people's wrongs and make them pay. It was so much harder to have compassion, to see yourself in others and find forgiveness. Lisa Unger
e4a3dc3 We are dealing with three types of phenomena in these cases. The first is the winged man; the second is a giant bird, so huge it is a biological impossibility; third, we have a monstrous demon with red eyes, bat's wings, and a body closely human in form. All three are probably interrelated. John A. Keel
db6b0d3 The standard definition of God, "God is light," is just a simple way of saying that God is energy. Electromagnetic energy. He is not a He but an It; a field of energy that permeates the entire universe and, perhaps, feeds off the energy generated by its component parts." John A. Keel
e0d33a2 The concept of a supermind running the universe objectively, without compassion, is not new. Several religions are built around it. Thinking of God in these terms is not heresy but is advanced theology. The old-time God--the big bearded man sitting on a throne in the sky--is dead. John A. Keel
bc3c5cb They are not from outer space. There is no need for them to be. They have always been here. John A. Keel
b94a749 Hell was a translation of sheol, which meant "invisible world" or "the land of the dead." John A. Keel
9f7679d The widespread use of gold in religious artifacts may be of special significance. Gold is a useless metal. It is too soft to be used in tools or cookware. It is also rare and difficult to mine and extract, especially for primitive peoples. But from the earliest times gold was regarded as a sacred metal, and men who encountered gods were ordered to supply it. Over and over again the Bible tells us how men were instructed to create solid gold.. John A. Keel
a86c38f The earth's magnetic field is probably the culprit in many cases of seemingly inexplicable phenomena. Our planet is pockmarked with magnetic anomalies and aberrations. John A. Keel
26a1cb3 Ancient priests and builders must have known about the earth's magnetism and its strange fluctuations. They located their temples, mounds, and pyramids in the dead center of magnetic anomalies. And they laid out long, arrow-straight tracks or "leys" between these magnetic points." John A. Keel
41b0770 Prop 87 out here in California is about lessening our dependence on oil by using alternative fuels, and Bill Clinton comes on at the end of the ad and says, "If Brazil can do it, America can, too!" Since when did America have to buck itself up by saying we could catch up to Brazil? We invented the airplane and the lightbulb, they invented the bikini wax, and now they're ahead?" Bill Maher
99871f7 say that evil happens when good men do nothing. And the Democrats prove it also happens when mediocre people do nothing. Bill Maher
8162c56 If somebody asks if you tweeted your penis and your answer is anything other than "No," you tweeted your penis." twitter Bill Maher
71d3825 New Rule: Stop talking about "the gas prices under Obama." As if he's the guy out there changing the numbers on the sign with that long pole. And while they're at the gas station, Republicans who still think human activity doesn't affect air quality should poke their heads in the men's room." gas gas-prices humor obama oil Bill Maher
ad76617 According to voluminous Twitter postings the day of the shooting by Caitie Parker, one of Loughner's friends since high school, he was "left wing," "a political radical," "quite liberal," and "a pot head."2 If any public figure influenced this guy, my money's on Bill Maher." Ann Coulter
a829370 Suicide is a man's way of telling God, you can't fire me, I quit." -Bill Maher" Angela Roquet
caf6c0e Suicide is man's way of telling god, you can't fire me, I quit." -Bill Maher" Angela Roquet
d083f4a New Rule: Apple's next device must be a computer that you control with your tongue. Thanks for eliminating the keyboard and the mouse, but pointing and pushing at things already seems too complicated and tiring. We're Americans--and until you free our hands from the computer entirely, we can never attain our ultimate goal: Web surfing while eating and masturbating. humor laziness technology Bill Maher
a9bb942 New Rule: It's okay for the president to play ball in the house. It's easy to judge and say this scene detracts from the dignity of the White House--until you consider the end zone is between Clinton's semen stain and where Bush OD'd on a pretzel. politics Bill Maher
372dc01 Bill Maher, Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens have all been frustrated by this question: Why is the Left refusing to lift a finger against the most radical, dangerous, socially conservative and oppressive religion on earth? Author Milo Yiannopoulos
b50e193 bewildering feeling of being rushed, things are happening too quick. Too fast. I figured I couldn't get into any worse trouble than murder. Johnny and I would be hiding for the rest of our lives. Nobody but Dally would know where we were, and he couldn't tell anyone because he'd get jailed again for giving us that gun. If Johnny got caught, they'd give him the electric chair, and if they caught me, I'd be sent to a reformatory. I'd heard ab.. S.E. Hinton
17c4564 I could never understand people being scared of things they didn't know nothing about. S.E. Hinton
2171c08 Your back was in flames, that's why!" I was surprised. "It was? Golly, I didn't feel it! It don't hurt." S.E. Hinton