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345c31c To make Harry Potter invisible, one would have to liquefy him, boil him to create steam, crystallize him, heat him again, and the cool him, all of which would be quite difficult to accomplish, even for a wizard invisibility Michio Kaku
51a8d4f Even with a rigorous exercise program, after a year on the space station, the bones and muscles of Russian cosmonauts are so atrophied that they can barely crawl like babies when they first return to Earth. Michio Kaku
45952b7 There are an estimated 100 billion neurons residing inside the skull with an exponential amount of neural connections Michio Kaku
d4c45a5 And at the speed of light, you have taken the fastest possible journey to the stars. From your point of view, the trip is instantaneous. Michio Kaku
25cedde The lesson here is that it is very dangerous to bet against the future. Michio Kaku
585ffb1 Terraforming Mars is a primary goal for the twenty-second century. But scientists are looking beyond Mars as well. The most exciting prospects may be the moons of the gas giants, including Europa, a moon of Jupiter, and Titan, a moon of Saturn. The moons of gas giants were once thought to be barren hunks of rock that were all alike, but they are now seen as unique wonderlands, each with its own array of geysers, oceans, canyons, and atmosph.. Michio Kaku
f6c6a68 In 1994 another bombshell was dropped. Edward Witten of Princeton's Institute for Advanced Study and Paul Townsend of Cambridge University speculated that all five string theories were in fact the same theory-but only if we add an eleventh dimension. From the vantage point of the eleventh dimension, all five different theories collapsed into one! The theory was unique after all, but only if we ascended to the mountaintop of the eleventh dim.. Michio Kaku
f2233e0 To me it is truly remarkable that on a single sheet of paper one can write down the laws that govern all known physical phenomena, covering forty-three orders of magnitude, from the farthest reaches of the cosmos over 10 billion light-years away to the microworld of quarks and neutrinos. On that sheet of paper would be just two equations, Einstein's theory of gravity and the Standard Model. To me this reveals the ultimate simplicity and har.. Michio Kaku
eb5120d So the scale law rules out the familiar idea of worlds-within-worlds found in science fiction, that is, the idea that inside the atom there could be an entire universe, or that our galaxy could be an atom in a much larger universe. Michio Kaku
e0e7fbe This was the missing piece in the puzzle. The secret of wood that bound matter together was the Yang-Mills filed, not the geometry of Einstein. It appeared as though this, and not geometry, was the central lesson of physics. Michio Kaku
a647088 Graphene consists of a single molecular layer of carbon atoms tightly bonded to form an ultra-thin, ultra-durable sheet. It is almost transparent and weighs practically nothing, yet is the toughest material known to science--two hundred times stronger than steel and stronger even than diamonds. In principle, you could balance an elephant on a pencil and then place the pencil point on a sheet of graphene without breaking or tearing it. As a .. Michio Kaku
8ae721f Kip Thorne says, "By 2020, physicists will understand the laws of quantum gravity, which will be found to be a variant of string theory." Michio Kaku
bace23c There is an old saying: "If appearance and essence were the same thing, there would be no need for science" Michio Kaku
1ee8a8e Introducing higher dimensions may be essential for prying loose the secrets of Creation. According to this theory, before the Big Bang, our cosmos was actually a perfect ten-dimensional universe, a world where interdimensional travel was possible. However, this ten-dimensional world was unstable, and eventually it "cracked" in two, creating two separate universes: a four-and a six dimensional universe. The universe in which we live was born.. Michio Kaku
d4beb11 Telling a lie causes more centres of the brain to light up than telling the truth. Telling a lie implies that you know the truth but are thinking of the lie and its myriad consequences, which requires more energy than telling the truth. Michio Kaku
90f52ce Normally communication between these universes is impossible. The atoms of our body are like flies trapped on flypaper. We can move freely about in three dimensions along our membrane universe, but we cannot leap off the universe into hyperspace, because we are glued onto our universe. But gravity, being the warping of space-time, can freely float into the space between universes. Michio Kaku
61cf9b0 Why go to the stars? Because we are the descendants of those primates who chose to look over the next hill. Because we won't survive here indefinitely. Because the stars are there, beckoning with fresh horizons. --JAMES AND GREGORY BENFORD Michio Kaku
57614ab A stable wormhole is therefore a balancing act, and the key is to maintain the right mixture of positive and negative energy. You need lots of positive energy to naturally create the gateway between universes, as with a black hole. But you also need to create negative matter or energy artificially to keep the gateway open and prevent a collapse. Michio Kaku
60be70b Today biologists believe that during the "Cambrian explosion," about half a billion years ago, nature experimented with a vast array of shapes and forms for tiny, emerging multicellular creatures. Some had spinal cords shaped like an X, Y, or Z. Some had radial symmetry like a starfish. By accident one had a spinal cord shaped like an I, with bilateral symmetry, and it was the ancestor of most mammals on Earth. So in principle the humanoid .. Michio Kaku
e9639df In sum, the fruition of 50 years of research, and several hundred million dollars in government funds, has given us the following picture of sub-atomic matter. All matter consists of quarks and leptons, which interact by exchanging different types of quanta, described by the Maxwell and Yang-Mills fields. In one sentence, we have captured the essence of the past century of frustrating investigation into the subatomic realm, From this simple.. Michio Kaku
52669ec If we look at the rise of our own civilization over the past 100,000 years, since modern humans emerged in Africa, it can be seen as the story of rising energy consumption. Michio Kaku
9a0ecf7 During the eleven-year sunspot cycle, for example, solar flares can send enormous quantities of deadly plasma racing toward Earth. In the past, this phenomenon has forced the astronauts on the space station to seek special protection against the potentially lethal barrage of subatomic particles. Michio Kaku
4a9eb73 The fruit fly has roughly 150,000 neurons in the brain. Michio Kaku
0c111ee Candy loved to shop and she couldn't seem to shop smiling. They'd gone out the front door of The Cookie Jar and into the next building over. There were party dresses on the mannequins in the windows, and Hannah has said they were going to buy something for her to wear to the party tomorrow night. Joanne Fluke
21f9dfb Next to coffee, chocolate was her favorite aroma. Joanne Fluke
3bff44e Hannah? Tell me you didn't..." Delores paused to clear her throat, and when she spoke again, she sounded very tentative. "Did you?" "I'm afraid I did, Mother. I found Lucy last night." "Hannah! You've simply got to stop doing things like this!" "It's not like a scavenger hunt, Mother. I don't go around looking for murder victims on purpose." Hannah realized she sounded" Joanne Fluke
49b1361 Conversation over coffee tended to be candid and invited confidences. Joanne Fluke
8c40cfd CRANBERRY SCONES Preheat oven to 425 degrees F., rack in the middle position. 3 cups all-purpose flour (pack it down in the cup when you measure it) 2 Tablespoons white (granulated) sugar 2 teaspoons cream of tartar (important) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup softened salted butter (1 stick, 4 ounces, 1/4 pound) 2 large eggs, beaten (just whip them up in a glass with a fork) 1 cup unflavored yogu.. Joanne Fluke
3772b1d ORANGE JULIUS 3 cups orange juice 1 envelope dry Dream Whip (the kind that makes 2 cups) 1 package dry vanilla pudding (the kind that makes 2 cups) 3 more cups orange juice Pour the orange juice into a blender. Add the dry Dream Whip and the dry pudding. Blend it for one minute on low and another minute on medium speed. Pour the mixture in a 2-quart pitcher. Add another 3 cups of orange juice and stir well. Serve over ice. Yield: Make.. Joanne Fluke
5753b55 CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES 6 tablespoons chilled butter ( 3/4 stick, 3 ounces) 12-ounce package semi-sweet chocolate chips (two cups--I used Ghirardelli's) 1/2 cup firmly packed powdered sugar (confectioner's sugar) 6 egg yolks 1 Tablespoon rum, brandy, flavored brandy, or vanilla extract Put an inch or so of water in the bottom half of a double boiler and heat it to a gentle boil. Cut the butter in chunks and place them in the top half of the .. Joanne Fluke
8993697 three men can keep a secret, but only if two of them are dead. Joanne Fluke
86db667 It seemed that people could walk through life without causing a ripple, leading ordinary and uneventful lives. It was only after they'd been murdered that people took notice of them. Joanne Fluke
555e23e I can be nice on occasion," Mike said." Joanne Fluke
a96ebc9 Pack them into a small round mold, or form a ball and flatten it to resemble a hockey puck (or a baby Brie if you're not from Minnesota and into winter sports.) Joanne Fluke
8f76c8c PORK AND BEANS BREAD Preheat oven to 350 degrees F., rack in the middle position. 15-ounce can of pork and beans (I used Van Camp's) 4 eggs, beaten (just whip them up in a glass with a fork) 1 cup vegetable oil (not canola, not olive--use vegetable oil) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups white (granulated) sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 and 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1 cup chopped pecans or .. Joanne Fluke
eb30a67 She skinned her hair back into a ponytail, a style she knew was probably too young for her, but she planned to drive with her windows open and she could ditch the elastic band once she got to the lake. hannah-swensen joanne murder mystery Joanne Fluke
ee8779f BUTTERSCOTCH BONANZA BARS Preheat oven to 350 degrees F., rack in the middle position. 1/2 cup salted butter (1 stick, 4 ounces, 1/4 pound) 2 cups light brown sugar*** (pack it down in the cup when you measure it) 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 beaten eggs (just whip them up in a glass with a fork) 1 and 1/2cups flour (scoop it up and level it off with a table knife) 1 cup chopped nuts (optional).. Joanne Fluke
a7954e1 Thunder sounded again, low and rumbling like the growl of some predatory beast. Hannah Joanne Fluke
368b06c It was the sound of something heavy striking something composed of flesh and bone. Hannah wasn't sure how she knew that, but she did. And her blood ran cold. Joanne Fluke
7fa98c5 CHOCOLATE CHIP CRUNCH COOKIES Preheat oven to 375deg F., rack in the middle position. 1 cup butter (2 sticks, melted) 1 cup white sugar 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 beaten eggs (you can beat them up with a fork) 2 1/2 cups flour (not sifted) 2 cups crushed corn flakes (just crush them with your hands) 1 to 2 cups chocolate chips Melt butter, add the sugars and stir. Add soda, salt, vanilla,.. Joanne Fluke
2f8add4 Solving crimes certainly wasn't as easy as they made it seem in the movies. Joanne Fluke
fedc9ed GUAC AD HOC Hannah's 1st Note: This is Howie Levine's guacamole recipe. He's Lake Eden's most popular lawyer. 2 ounces cream cheese 4 ripe avocados (I used Haas avocados) 2 Tablespoons lemon juice (freshly squeezed is best) 1 clove garlic, finely minced (you can squeeze it in a garlic press if you have one) cup finely chopped fresh oregano leaves 1 Italian (or plum) tomato, peeled, seeded, and chopped 4 green onions, peeled and thinly sli.. Joanne Fluke
32848c1 TREASURE CHEST COOKIES (Lisa's Aunt Nancy's Babysitter's Cookies) Preheat oven to 350 degrees F., rack in the middle position. The Cookie Dough: 1/2 cup (1 stick, 4 ounces, 1/4 pound) salted butter, room temperature 3/4 cup powdered sugar (plus 1 and 1/2 cups more for rolling the cookies in and making the glaze) 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons milk (that's cup) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 and 1/2 cups all-purpose flour (pack it down .. Joanne Fluke
3b214b9 STRAWBERRY SHORTBREAD BAR COOKIES Preheat oven to 350 degrees F., rack in the middle position. Hannah's 1st Note: These are really easy and fast to make. Almost everyone loves them, including Baby Bethie, and they're not even chocolate! 3 cups all purpose flour (pack it down in the cup when you measure it) 3/4 cup powdered (confectioner's) sugar (don't sift un- less it's got big lumps) 1 and 1/2 cups salted butter, softened (3 sticks, 1.. Joanne Fluke