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7ccf24d Look, Mother, I am never going to be thin. I'm Norwegian. If you wanted a thin daughter, you should not have married a man whose female ancestors carried cows home from the pasture. Jennifer Crusie
382cf36 The attendant opened the door, and the faint barking Nina had heard before became frantic and shrill. Nina stepped into the concrete cell block and stopped, blown out of her self-absorption by the row of gray metal cages where dogs barked to get her attention. She let her breath out, horrified. "Oh, God, this is awful." "Spay your pets." The attendant stopped in front of the next to last cage. "Here you go." She jerked her head again. "Perk.. Jennifer Crusie
44dc577 There was something about having a plan for dinner, a recipe in hand, that made her feel much less hostile about food. Jennifer Crusie
244b26e Sometimes stories are just previews of coming truths. Jennifer Crusie
6c5cf31 Dont shave,I like it..It helps with one of my new fantasies." "Yeah ?"Zack shifted a little to the center on top of him for maximum pleasure."What new fantasy is that ?" Lucy grinned,the sleepiness in her smile melting into guile."The one about the innocent schoolteacher and the vicious,uncivilized cop.Want to play ?" "Sure."Zack ran his hands up her back."Who do you want to be ?" "I,of course will be the innocent schoolteacher"Lucy batted .. hilarious love naked Jennifer Crusie
b59a715 He looked like every glossy frat boy in every nerd movie ever made, like every popular town boy who'd ever looked right through her in high school, like every rotten rich kid who'd ever belonged where she hadn't. My mama warned me about guys like you. He Jennifer Crusie
335602e Infatuation lasts anywhere from six months to three years, and you can't know you've found the right person until you've worked your way through it. You quit Jennifer Crusie
64dec1a Right this way," Emilio said, wincing. He showed them to the best table by the window, slid Min into a bentwood chair, and then stopped by Cal long enough to say under his breath, "I sent the servers home half an hour ago, you bastard." "You're welcome," Cal said loudly, nodding to him." Jennifer Crusie
932592c So, Mr. Shane, you felt you had the right to come down here and bespoil my crime scene because ..." He raised his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. "I thought he might need assistance," Shane lied. "And the untoward angle of his neck did not tell you that he was beyond any earthly assistance you might render?" "I'm not a doctor, sir," Shane said. "Neither are you a miracle worker, son," Xavier said. "Should you find any other bodies in my ju.. Jennifer Crusie
f5cdf62 Di's bouquet trembled in her hands. "Greg slept with my bridesmaid." "Susie?" Min said, not surprised but sick just the same. "I knew she--" "Worse," Di said." "How could it be worse?" Min said and then the other shoe dropped. "Karen?" Di nodded. "Oh," Min said, trying to think of what to say as her rage rose. "Oh, honey." She put her arm around Di. "Tell me this was before he proposed to you and not--" "Last night," Di whispered, and Min t.. Jennifer Crusie
ef3fe67 He hung up and smiled at Cal. "That was Min. She wants chicken marsala. You can deliver it to her." "What?" Cal said, dumbfounded. "You know the way. It's probably on your way home." "It's not on my way home, it's not on anybody's way home except God's, the damn place is vertical. What gave you the idea I'd do this?" Jennifer Crusie
7e5afd9 Grief is a private, internal thing. No one can say their pain is worse than yours because they don't know. So maybe it's not good to compare. Maybe it's better to talk to people who know you. Anna Maxted
e92d9a0 Come on, Lizbet, that man adores you, he worships your body with his eyes. Anna Maxted
7765375 I knew I wasn't second best for Tim (just as I knew that in real life, Jolene's flaming locks and eyes of emerald green stood no change against the aces of spades that was Dolly Parton's chest), but it took some believing, because I'd been second best to my sister for most of my life. That shakes your faith in yourself. Anna Maxted
35970fe much privilege leads to bad manners, Danzy Senna
a414706 and very carefully to them the truth of what you know, but with kindness in your heart. Have compassion for them, because not everybody starts on an equal playing field. Love, Gloria Danzy Senna
980d2ab I recalled a theory my father had concocted one night, while we sat in an Oakland juke joint sharing a plate of ribs. He'd said humor, above all else, was what bound each of us and separated each of us from one another. Humor was the great moment of truth. What we thought was funny was how we defined ourselves, and revealed ourselves, whether we knew it or not. Danzy Senna
b8f5c5c We are not our brother's keeper . . . in countless large and small ways we are our brother's maker." Harry and Bonaro Overstreet" Adam M. Grant
aacb0c1 Two aspects of thinking in particular are pronounced in both creative and hypomanic thought: fluency, rapidity, and flexibility of thought on the one hand, and the ability to combine ideas or categories of thought in order to form new and original connections on the other. The importance of rapid, fluid, and divergent thought in the creative process has been described by most psychologists and writers who have studied human imagination. The.. Kay Redfield Jamison
3d2671c lns l yTyqwn 'n ykwnw Hwlk `ndm tkwn mkty'b, qd y`tqdwn 'nh wjb `lyhm wqd yHwlwn 'yD .. wlknk t`rf whm y`rfwn 'yD 'nk mDjr bdrj@ l ymkn tSwrh, 'nt sry` lnf`l wmtjhm wfqd llHywy@ wntqdy wkthyr lmTlb wl ymkn Tm'ntk mTlq, 'nt khy'f w'nt tkhyf, w'nt lst nfsk 'bd wlknk stkwn kdhlk sry`, w lknk t`lm 'nk ln tkwn. ! Kay Redfield Jamison
6cd7631 Part of my stubbornness can be put down to human nature. It is hard for anyone with an illness, chronic or acute, to take medications absolutely as prescribed. Once symptoms of an illness go away, it becomes even more difficult. Kay Redfield Jamison
1ab6b2c lqd knt m`td@ `l~ kwn `qly hw 'Hsn Sdyq ly , w`l~ dr@ Hwrt lnhy'y@ lh dkhl r'sy , w `l~ m bnyth dkhl `qly mn mSdr llDHk w lfkr ltHlyly lnqdhy mn lbyy'@ lmml@ . Kay Redfield Jamison
c07a0a8 y's kml mn lmstqbl , khwf mn tkrr lalm w lm`n@ l~ lmlnhy@ . Kay Redfield Jamison
a0b127d Then, suddenly, I was unpredictably and uncontrollably irrational and destructive. This was not something that could be overcome by protocol or etiquette. God, conspicuously, was nowhere to be found. Kay Redfield Jamison
83d33bb It was a tribute to my ability to present an image so at variance with what I felt that few noticed I was in any way different. Kay Redfield Jamison
6668135 The clinical hallmark of manic-depressive illness is its recurrent, episodic nature. Byron had this in an almost textbook manner, showing frequent and pronounced fluctuations in mood, energy, sleep patterns, sexual behavior, alcohol and other drug use, and weight (Byron also exhibited extremes in dieting, obsession with his weight, eccentric eating patterns, and excessive use of epsom salts). Although these changes in mood and behavior were.. Kay Redfield Jamison
cfb3739 nHn jmy`an ntHrk bS`wb@ dkhl Hdwd qydwn. Kay Redfield Jamison
4ce0045 It is not an illness that lends itself to easy empathy. Once a restless or frayed mood has turned to anger, or violence, or psychosis, Richard, like most, finds it very difficult to see it as illness, rather than as being willful, angry, irrational, or simply tiresome. Kay Redfield Jamison
e14b1af seemed to myself to be dull, boring, inadequate, thick brained, unlit, unresponsive, chill skinned, bloodless, and sparrow drab. Kay Redfield Jamison
e2fdb5c There is, in Peanuts, an underlying and profound sadness which reflects not only Schulz's own struggles with depression but his sensitivity to the quiet terrors of human loneliness. "The most terrifying loneliness is not experienced by everyone and can be understood by only a few," Schulz said. "I compare the panic in this kind of loneliness to the dog we see running frantically down the road pursuing the family car. He is not really being .. Kay Redfield Jamison
7498dae I was not only very ill when I first called for an appointment, I was also terrified and deeply embarrassed. I had never been to a psychiatrist or a psychologist before. I had no choice. I had completely, but completely, lost my mind; if I didn't get professional help, I was quite likely to lose my job, my already precarious marriage, and my life as well. I drove from my office at UCLA to his office in the San Fernando Valley; it was an ear.. Kay Redfield Jamison
f0f3f06 somewhere in my heart, however, I continued to believe that intense and lasting love was possible only in a climate of somewhat tumultuous passions. This, I felt, consigned me to being with a man whose temperament was largely similar to my own. I was late to understand that chaos and intensity are no substitute for lasting love, nor are they necessarily an improvement on real life. Normal people are not aways boring. On the contrary. It has.. love madness normality passion Kay Redfield Jamison
e45aaae Psychologist J.P. Guilford, who carried out a long series of systematic psychological studies into the nature of creativity, found that several factors were involved in creative thinking; many of these, as we shall see, relate directly to the cognitive changes that take place during mild manias as well. Fluency of thinking, as defined by Guilford, is made up of several related and empirically derived concepts, measured by specific tasks: wo.. Kay Redfield Jamison
4263003 Guilford concluded that creative individuals were also far more likely to exhibit "divergent" rather than "convergent" thinking: In tests of convergent thinking there is almost always one conclusion or answer that is regarded as unique, and thinking is to be channeled or controlled in the direction of that answer....In divergent thinking, on the other hand, there is much searching about or going off in various directions. This is most obvio.. Kay Redfield Jamison
102b919 lqd t`lmt kyf ymkn 'n yushf~ l`ql b'`jwb@ bwsT@ nSf furS@, w kyf 'n lSbr w lnbl ymknhm 'n y`yd trkyb qT` rwH mb`thr@ bSwr@ rhyb@. Kay Redfield Jamison
df6a8ee In fact, many features of hypomania--such as outgoingness, increased energy, intensified sexuality, increased risk-taking, persuasiveness, self-confidence, and heightened productivity--have been linked with increased achievement and accomplishment. bipolar hypomania Kay Redfield Jamison
96c69cf Mental exhaustion had taken a long, terrible toll, but, strangely, it was only in feeling well, energetic, and high-spirited again that I had any true sense of the toll taken. Kay Redfield Jamison
04b8c85 Prolonged cocaine use, which diminishes dopamine functioning, gives support to the general rule that external sources of exuberance are ultimately overruled by the brain's inclination to seek out equilibrium. Kay Redfield Jamison
dbd2294 The simultaneous existence and shared residence of such opposite moods and feelings is well-illustrated by Franz Schubert's assertion that whenever he sat down to write songs of love he wrote songs of pain, and whenever he sat down to write songs of pain he wrote songs of love. Kay Redfield Jamison
f2e9d68 It is of no little interest and irony that Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin and proponent of selective breeding in humans in order to obtain a "highly gifted race of man," was himself subject to "nervous breakdowns"; he was also appreciative of the "thin partitions" between greatness and psychopathology. Dr. Daniel Kevles, in his book In the Name of Eugenics, quotes Galton as saying that "men who leave their mark on the world are .. Kay Redfield Jamison
8ce7b20 These qualities--independence, contrariness, ambition, toughness, receptiveness to experience--are the blood supply to a creative mind and temperament; they are wellspring to imagination. The ferocity and peculiarity that shadowed him when he was a boy later made their own contributions to the man and to his poetry. Lowell recognized that he could be remarkable. When he was eighteen he wrote in a school essay that "the accomplishments of ma.. Kay Redfield Jamison
042e686 Melancholic, although often sardonic, mixtures of emoitions-foreboding, aloneness, regret, and a dark sense of lost destiny and ill-used passions-are woven throughout Byron's most autobiographical poems, especially Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Lara, and Manfred. Perturbed and constant motion, coupled with a brooding awareness of life's impermanence, also mark the transient and often bleak nature of Byron's work. Kay Redfield Jamison
16fe324 The emphasis on shifting essences, uncertainty, and fiercely contrasting opposite states was, of course, neither new nor unique to Byron. He and the other Romantic poets, however, took the ideas and emotions to a particularly intense extreme. Shelley's belief that poetry "marries exultation and horror, grief and pleasure, eternity and change," and that it "subdues to union, under its light yoke, all irreconcilable things," was in sympathy n.. Kay Redfield Jamison
7ac37b3 As a child I had been quiet and invisible when troubled; as an adult, I had hidden my mental illness behind an elaborate construction of laughter and work and dissembling. dissembling masks mental-illness troubles Kay Redfield Jamison