Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
40f2acb | The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person's ability to convert earned income into passive and/or portfolio income. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
498c18d | Money is only an idea. If you want more money, simply change your thinking. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
f8fb20e | Employees earn and get taxed, and they try to live on what is left. A corporation earns, spends everything it can, and is taxed on anything that is left. It's one of the biggest legal tax loopholes that the rich use. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
f264fa6 | the idea of being aware of whom you spend your time with and who your teachers are is a very important consideration. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
8afa04b | Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success. --ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI Susan | Amy Morin | ||
ff47b87 | our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
21a082a | l tb` lshm w'jmd 'mwly fyh lmd@ ttrwH byn l'sbw` l~ lshhr Ht~ trtf` qym@ lshm w`ndh by` bmqdr lmblG ldhy df`th fyh Hl lshr fqT, dh s`th lt`d tqlbt lswq tqlqny l'ny strj`t 'Sl mly wSrt mst`d llmtjrh b'Sl akhr. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
a63ed85 | If you are the kind of person who is waiting for the right thing to happen, you might wait for a long time. It's like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green for five miles before you'll start your trip. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
e4ac026 | The business behind the business is the real game. It's the business behind the business that makes money regardless of who wins the game or which way the market goes--up or down. It's the business that sells the tickets to the game. It does not buy the tickets. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
b863b74 | You must accept the responsibility of being self-made. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
879ea4b | Your first step in taking responsibility is to quit blaming others and quit blaming the world. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
4a9dc77 | An upset is our maker's way of telling us that we need to learn something. It is a tap on our shoulder saying, 'Pay attention. You have something important to learn. If you lie, blame, justify, or deny the upset, you waste the upset and will waste a precious gem of wisdom.. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
1bd3c5e | A problem with school is that you often become what you study. So if you study cooking, you become a chef. If you study the law, you become an attorney, and a study of auto mechanics makes you a mechanic. The mistake in becoming what you study is that too many people forget to mind their own business. They spend their lives minding someone else's business and making that person rich. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
bbee783 | No matter what anyone is saying to you from outside, the most important conversation is the one you are having with yourself on the inside. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
75318c4 | Be careful what you learn, because your mind is so powerful that you become what you put in your head. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
dbca149 | n kl nsn ldyh jz mn rwHh y`ny lD`f wftqr ymkn shrwh. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
306357f | 'ny l `ml mn 'jl lml, bl lml hw my`ml l'jly? | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
5f47dea | fy Glb l'Hyn, lys ldhky hw mn yfwq qrnh fy lHy@ lwq`yh, bl l`nyd mnhm hw mn yf`l dhlk. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
7b39627 | 'n `Zm 'Swln `l~ lTlq hw l`ql, fn Hsn tdrybh fsymknh tHSyl thrwh Ty'l@ fym yqrb Trf@ `yn. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
efa67c3 | 'n mjml flsfty hy nshr lbdhwr dkhl khn@ l'Swl lkhSh by wdhlk hy wSfty, Hyth bd SGyr wnthr lbdhwr, fynmw b`Dh wlynmw lb`D lakhr. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
806e718 | 'n hnk frS `Zym@ l trh `ynk, bl yrh `qlk. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
95e6f59 | 'n nZrt l~ lTryq@ lty Tb` lbshr 'n yt`lmw, lwjdt 'nn nt`lm mn rtkbn ll'khT, dhn t`lm kyf nsyr bt`thrn, fn lm nt`thr 'bd fln ykwn bws`n lsyr 'bd. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
ed5a37a | Today, I have expensive attorneys, accountants, real estate brokers, and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services should make you money. And the more money they make, the more money I make. We | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
6214c84 | Education gives us the power to turn information into meaning. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
b6b617d | A job is only a short-term solution to a long-term problem. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
252e527 | financial intelligence is a synergy of accounting, investing, marketing, and law. Combine those four technical skills and making money with money is easier than most people would believe. When it comes to money, the only skill most people know is to work hard. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
2b0e4f0 | It's not about income, it's about assets that generate income. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
5ab32e3 | Money is one form of power. But what is more powerful is financial education. Money comes and goes, but if you have the education about how money works, you gain power over it and can begin building wealth. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
a316c52 | Si descubres que estas atrapado en un agujero en la tierra... deja de cavar. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
67327e8 | If you have read this far, arrogance is not one of your problems. Arrogant people rarely read or listen to experts. Why should they? They are the center of the universe. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
a6b031a | You must know the difference between an asset and a liability, and buy assets. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
7be97c7 | Often in the real world, it's not the smart who get ahead, but the bold. In | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
1efca73 | Words form thoughts, thoughts form realities, and realities become life. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
c3eba15 | Poor people have poor habits. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
5f14c4a | The sophisticated investor's first question is: "How fast do I get my money back?" | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
60b1fb5 | It was not until the Industrial Age, that a new demand began growing: the demand for employees. In response, the government took over the task of mass education, adopting the Prussian system, which is what most Western school systems in the world are still modeled after today. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
15bdccf | The world is filled with talented poor people. All too often, they're poor or struggle financially or earn less than they are capable of, not because of what they know, but because of what they do not know. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger. Maybe McDonald's does not make the best hamburger, but they are the best at selling and delivering a bas.. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
1d4170b | People think that working hard for money and then buying things that make them look rich will make them rich. In most cases it doesn't. It only makes them more tired. They call it 'Keeping up with the Joneses.' And if you notice, the Joneses are exhausted. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
ffc5704 | For example, "1031" is jargon for Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code, which allows a seller to delay paying taxes on a piece of real estate that is sold for a capital gain through an exchange for a more expensive piece of real estate. Real estate is one investment vehicle that allows such a great tax advantage." | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
c6d14ff | In the early 1990s, Donald Trump was nearly $1 billion in debt personally and $9 billion in debt corporately. An interviewer asked him if he was worried. He replied, "Worrying is a waste of time. Worrying gets in my way of working to solve these problems." | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
9d2d046 | Instead of simply working for the money and security, which I admit are important, I suggest they take a second job that will teach them a second skill. Often I recommend joining a network-marketing company, also called multilevel marketing, if they want to learn sales skills. Some of these companies have excellent training programs that help people get over their fear of failure and rejection, which are the main reasons people are unsucces.. | Robert T. Kiyosaki | ||
6ec8aa0 | A season with the herd and you'll be riding like an arat," Noyon said, referring to the local horsemen. "A season in that saddle and I'd be ready for traction," Giordino grumbled." | Clive Cussler | ||
8f95397 | octagonal barrel flickered | Clive Cussler | ||
5f18d2d | Giordino, on the other hand, simply sighed in resignation. "Who else," he asked no one in particular, "but Dirk Pitt could tramp off into a blizzard on an uninhabited backwater island in the Antarctic and discover a beautiful girl?" | Clive Cussler |