Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
e65ab15 | Everybody, sooner or later, stubs their toe. When that happens, the thing to do is swallow hard and go on | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
941cad3 | The behavioral scientists at the University of California, after extensive research, concluded that the best human material to train to be a pilot are classified intellectually as cretins. | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
62bcd45 | When you are angry, you make bad decisions in direct proportion to the level of your anger. | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
db4e0e2 | And it also says, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,'" McCoy said. "And that 'he who lives by the sword shall die by the sword." | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
630d844 | God, it is said, takes care of fools and drunks, | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
db5a6fb | mysterious chemistry that sometimes developed between seemingly dissimilar men--each surprisingly recognizing in the other a deep-down, kindred soul, the two of them bobbing along alone and unappreciated in a sea of fools. | W.E.B. Griffin | ||
f991191 | When I'm finished, I have a sense of accomplishment. A sense of competence. I am good at doing the laundry. At least that. And it's a religious experience, you know. Water, earth, fire--polarities of wet and dry, hot and cold, dirty and clean. The great cycles--round and round--beginning and end--Alpha and Omega, amen. I am in touch with the GREAT SOMETHING-OR-OTHER. For a moment, at least, life is tidy and has meaning. | Robert Fulghum | ||
703fada | My mother was pulling my leg on that one. I have collected so much gift-wrapped trash over the years from people who copped out and hurriedly bought a little plastic cheapie to give under the protective flag of good thoughts. I tell you, it is the gift that counts. Or rather, people who think good thoughts give good gifts. It ought to be a rule--the Brass Rule of Gift Exchange. | Robert Fulghum | ||
4672fef | Verim, ze fantazie je silnejsi nez vedeni. Ze myty maji vetsi moc nez historie. Ze sny jsou mocnejsi nez skutecnost. Ze nadeje vzdy zvitezi nad zkusenosti. Ze smich je jedinym lekem na zarmutek. A verim, ze laska je silnejsi nez smrt. | Robert Fulghum | ||
54821ff | The pig was so earnest. So sincere. So very "there." The pig brought gravity and mythic import to this well-worn fairy tale." | humor humorous-quotes | Robert Fulghum | |
f9894f5 | Everything looks better at a distance. If you made it up, you have to live it down. Everything is compost. There is no they--only us. It's a mistake to believe everything you think. You can get used to anything. Sometimes things are just as bad as they seem. It helps if you always have somebody to kiss goodnight. | Robert Fulghum | ||
0231506 | Don't worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you. ROBERT FULGHUM | Tony Dungy | ||
b370817 | Yelling at living things does tend to kill the spirit in them. Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts ... . -- Robert Fulghum Most | Patricia Evans | ||
1ce6e03 | In that moment of educational ennui, a freshman girl says, "I can bring a human brain to school if you want-my father has lots of them." (Talk about a full-scale class alert: "She's going to do WHAT?!")" | Robert Fulghum | ||
360d781 | Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will break our hearts. . . . | Robert Fulghum | ||
7bd0dbf | Counting both Northerners and Southerners, more American lives were lost in the Civil War than in any other conflict. | Richard Shenkman | ||
1249e65 | not only did Horace Greeley, in less than a month's time, lose his wife, the election, his money, his mind, and his own life, but he also became the only presidential candidate of a major political party to receive no electoral votes. | Richard Shenkman | ||
6386d9c | Do your best, if you happen to love a fool. You'll have my sympathy. Some folks will preach that it's a woman's duty never to quit, once you make a bond with a man. I say that's folly. A bond has to work two ways. If a man don't hold up his end, there comes a time to quit. | Larry McMurtry | ||
445e002 | Someone--Plato, I think--once said, 'The unexamined life is not worth living.' " "True. But a life too closely scrutinized will lead to madness, if not suicide." | philosophy philosophy-of-life | Ken Grimwood | |
f518f33 | Jeff felt it flow through him, the electric freshness of the once more unpredictable world out there. | Ken Grimwood | ||
812a87b | There is something that mankind can never destroy in spite of an unreasoning will to destruction, and this is its own idealism, that integral part of its very being. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
4a325ea | Strange it is, but unforgettable moments are often connected with very small happenings, happenings that assume fictitious proportions, especially | Radclyffe Hall | ||
e080cac | Man could not live by darkness alone, one point of light he must have for salvation - one point of light. The most perfect Being of all had cried for light in His darkness - even He, the most perfect Being of all. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
0ecc0e0 | The eyes themselves were the eyes of a writer, always a little tired in expression. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
935383d | Life had already taught Stephen one thing, and that was that never must human beings be allowed to suspect that a creature fears them. The fear of the one is a spur to the many, for the primitive hunting instinct dies hard -- it is better to face a hostile world than to turn one's back for a moment. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
00efc32 | What remained? Loneliness, or worse still, far worse because it so deeply degraded the spirit, a life of perpetual subterfuge, of guarded opinions and guarded actions, of lies of omission if not of speech, of becoming an accomplice in the world's injustice by maintaining at all times a judicious silence, making and keeping the friends one respected, on false pretences, because if they knew they would turn aside, even the friends one respect.. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
0bd270e | A few dauntless souls even enter the chemist's -- that shamelessly anatomical chemist's, whose wares do not figure in school manuals on the practical uses of rubber. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
e10d411 | An ungentlemanly war it will be,' he grumbled. 'Will I lead my men with a sword? Ah, but no! I will lead my men with a dirty revolver in my hand. Parbleu! Such is modern warfare! A machine could do the whole cursed thing better -- we shall all be nothing but machines in this war. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
24b74c3 | Strange it is, but unforgettable moments are often connected with very small happenings, happenings that assume fictitious proportions, especially when we are children. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
148baac | For the Celtic soul is the stronghold of dreams, of longings come down the dim paths of the ages; and within it there dwells a vague discontent, so that it must for ever go questing. And | Radclyffe Hall | ||
b372b2e | Why should this girl have crossed Stephen's path, or indeed Stephen hers, if it came to that matter? Was not the world large enough for them both? Perhaps not -- or perhaps the event of their meeting had already been written upon tablets of stone by some wise if relentless recording finger. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
bad164d | Love is the sweetest monotony that was ever conceived of by the Creator. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
fb0283e | For together with those who themselves being normal, had long put intellects above bodies, were writers, painters, musicians and scholars, men and women who, set apart from their birth, had determined to hack out a niche in existence. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
270c385 | To keep life in his desolate, long-suffering soul, he had stored his mind with much profound learning. So now many poor devils went to him for advice, which he never refused though he gave it sadly. It was always the same: 'Do the best you can, no man can do more -- but never stop fighting. For us there is no sin so great as despair, and perhaps no virtue so vital as courage. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
80bd36e | Oh! that I were day, Resplendent, bountiful, a heaven-born fire, Filled with the glory of my own desire, And thou, the trembling earth awaiting me! | Marguerite Radclyffe-Hall | ||
d2f99cc | Susan glanced down and smiled. 'Go away, Sieglinde,' she said, giving her a push. It's food, not me, you fraud!' Sieglinde regained her balance with the dexterity of a tight-rope walker. She sighed and whinnied under her breath continuously, while her paws took a firmer grip of Susan's knee. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
673d428 | AWAKENING To open both your drowsy eyes, To stretch your limbs and realise That day is here. To watch the dancing, shifting beam Of sun, awake yet half in dream, Uncertain if the fitful gleam Be far or near. To turn with soft, contented sigh, And through the window watch the sky, All opal blue. To feel the air steal in the room, Made fragrant by the soft perfume Of lime-trees, when their scented bloom Is damp with dew. To hear the rustling .. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
872d26a | Reuben grinned and chewed more vigorously than ever; he had the measure of his master's foot to a nicety. The sun felt actually hot, and Hilary, in his heavy tweeds, began to be less inclined for the long walk over stubbly fields. His eye roved for a suitable place to rest, which he finally discovered under a hedge. | Radclyffe Hall | ||
738d353 | Freedom is a state of mind, mignonne,' he said against her hair. 'My ancestor found it in this room, studying the constellations, even though physically he was a prisoner of his own infirmity. Other men are prisoners of their own emotions, their hearts given in bondage to a woman as cold and remote as the distant stars. | Penny Jordan | ||
dd48868 | Beware! In every man there lurks the falcon; a streak of ruthlessness and thirst for power. | Penny Jordan | ||
87d7c3a | At last you realise that a man is not an equal, but an alien force, bent on destruction when he is aroused to anger. | Penny Jordan | ||
5f06365 | Our strong sun darkens the colour of your skin to the colour of ours, but it cannot change what lies underneath. | Penny Jordan | ||
035a397 | You are as timid as the gazelle that grazes by the oases," he mocked softly. "Your eyes are those of a timid, hunted creature. Where is your bravery now, daughter of Hassan? Am I not only a man - only flesh and flesh and blood, whose heart beats even as yours does. Can't you feel it beneath your fingers?" | Penny Jordan | ||
1f0c822 | She hated Jourdan as she had never hated anyone in her life before. She tried to move away, but he wouldn't let her, his face a white mask of fury above her, and she realised that she had voiced her thoughts out loud. 'You don't hate me, mignonne,' he drawled with harsh cruelty, his fingers biting into the tender flesh of her arms. 'You hate yourself for being a woman... | hate | Penny Jordan |