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a298146 | Liudi nadeliaiutsia fizicheskoi krasotoi v rezul'tate igry slepogo sluchaia. Eto dar, kotoryi daetsia ne za kakie-to zaslugi, a prosto tak. Tut absoliutno nechem gordit'sia. | Greg Iles | ||
7435b78 | The past is never dead. It's not even past; if it were there would be no grief or sorrow. | past-and-future sorrow | Greg Iles | |
de37f7f | You yourself are guilty of a crime when you do not punish crime. | Greg Iles | ||
4cdca31 | A man lives morally all his life, then in one weak moment commits an act that damns him in his own eyes and threatens his liberty, even his life. | Greg Iles | ||
4bd5464 | When you start talking to yourself in a graveyard, it's time to go home. | Greg Iles | ||
a57d85e | Men fantasize about wanton women, but when they meet one, they're paralyzed by fear. | Greg Iles | ||
9ac178f | because the beautiful way he speaks in public is just another cloak he wears to hide what lies beneath his skin, | Greg Iles | ||
5cc0357 | A man's biggest enemy is his mouth. | gossip-quotes | Greg Iles | |
13d4f9c | Broad is the gate that leads to destruction, but narrow the way that leads to salvation. . . . | Greg Iles | ||
a54e5de | The female memory defies explanation. | Greg Iles | ||
c98faf2 | learned that the larger world lay not across oceans but within the human mind and heart. | Greg Iles | ||
ff8df54 | As I turned toward it, a premonitory wave of heat flashed across my neck and shoulders, and I felt the dry itch of the past rubbing against the present. | Greg Iles | ||
62007b3 | Wingate sighs thoughtfully. "Hard to say. He's not static. He began with almost pure Impressionism, which is dead. Anyone can do it. But the vision was there. Between the fifth and twelfth paintings, he began to evolve something much more fascinating. Are you familiar with the Nabis?" The what?" Nabis. It means 'prophets.' Bonnard, Denis, Vuillard?" What I know about art wouldn't fill a postcard." Don't blame yourself. That's the American e.. | Greg Iles | ||
caa5fdd | Because I expected so little, Gaines's painting is startlingly powerul. A lank-haired blond woman with a hard face sits at akitchen table in the harsh light of a bare bulb. She's surrounded by dirty cereal bowls and fast-food bags, and her shirt is open to the waist, revealing small sagging breasts. Her hollow eyes look out from the canvas with the sullen resignation of an animal that has helped build its own cage. | Greg Iles | ||
a7425b2 | There's no universal tally of good and evil, balancing right and wrong. The Christians with their God-has-a-plan fantasy, the Hindus with their karmic balance . . . it's all wishful thinking. Primitive religious impulse. Linus's damned security blanket. | Greg Iles | ||
aded66d | A man walks the straight and narrow all his life; he follows the rules, stays within the lines; then one day he makes a misstep. He crosses a line and sets in motion a chain of events that will take from him everything he has and damn him forever in the eyes of those he loves. | Greg Iles | ||
881d049 | To all those adults who return home to repay the debt of childhood, and find they never really left. Listen while you still can. | Greg Iles | ||
40a8db4 | Our actions have consequences that last long after us, entwining the present with the future in ways we cannot begin to understand. | Greg Iles | ||
29d4bf1 | Jung didn't try to separate good and evil. He knew that both exist in every human heart. He called the propensity to evil the Shadow. And he believed that trying to deny or repress the Shadow is dangerous. Because it can't be done. He believed you have to recognize your Shadow, come to grips with it, accept it, and integrate it. | Greg Iles | ||
d769d14 | Given the nature of the mind, we'll consider the dreams of sleep to be the past, never quite accurate in recollection, always made to serve our desires (except when haunting us for our sins). And the wakeful present . . . well, it, too, holds its dangers. | Greg Iles | ||
bf93b08 | You never wear red to no funeral; red says the dead person was a fool. | Greg Iles | ||
21ce00d | It's a grim reality, but the river towns are dying in Mississippi, by a slow exsanguination of people and talent that functions like a wasting disease. | Greg Iles | ||
f1f44d5 | The faith of children is an awesome thing to behold. If only we could all be worthy of it. | Greg Iles | ||
5d000f3 | Thought like that showed me the needless ambiguity of words like space-time. The average person heard a word like that and figured he'd never understand it. But it was so simple. Every place you ever saw was linked to a specific time ... the school you visited twenty years after you graduated, the football field you played on, the track you ran -- none of them was the same. If they were, you would collide with the generations that had run o.. | Greg Iles | ||
1889713 | The thing about kicking open a door to the past is that sometimes what's behind it comes out under its own power. | Greg Iles | ||
5035a5e | Looking down the road that runs along the bluff, I spy a solitary figure in the rain. The Turning Angel. | Greg Iles | ||
622121b | Fate doesn't let men choose their wars. Or even their battles, sometimes. But one resolute man can sometimes accomplish remarkable things against overwhelming odds. | Greg Iles | ||
f07a8ba | Southern women don't show their pain to anybody. They aren't raised that way. But they feel it. | Greg Iles | ||
cd837e5 | Only in the shadow of death do we sense the true velocity of time--while adrenaline blasts through our systems, eternity becomes tangible and all else blurs into background. | Greg Iles | ||
e2aafe1 | But fear and danger aren't always directly proportional. We're all terrified by rattlesnakes, but the spider we brush off our sleeve with hardly a thought is far more likely to hurt us. | Greg Iles | ||
4f99878 | No one lives forever, at least not in their bodies. If there is something that you want to do, don't put it off. There may not be many more tomorrows, so it is important to pursue your dreams and be the best person you can be while you are alive and able to do so. Your legacy depends on what you leave behind that that changes the world. You cannot change the world if you procrastinate until you have no time left. | Donald Allen | ||
0bbc6a8 | His reputation rests on his standing as the wit of his day, though his shows are seldom cited as the funniest in radio. His humor has paled, and today he plays to a tougher audience than he ever faced in life. This is a crowd reared on comedy that censors nothing. It has no hook, but it is harsh, impatient, and unforgiving. In some quarters he is found lacking, but others see him as a humorist in the truest sense. "Fred will last," predicte.. | John Dunning | ||
3965f0b | Todo el mundo muere pero no todo el mundo vive"." | Steve Allen | ||
8eb889f | Finally, let us heed the words of perhaps one of our greatest generals and Presidents, Dwight David Eisenhower who warned us of the 'dangers of the military /industrial complex' but also warned the unrestrained Allen Dulles, then DCI, that 'your CIA will create a Legacy of Ashes throughout or American history'. What made Eisenhower great? He took us literally out of a failed Korean War initiated by Truman and refused to e.. | Steve Pieczenik | ||
6057cbe | The soldier from the West is fairly predictable. One can surmise what a German or a French or Italian group of men will do under certain circumstances. However, the Russian soldier is an Asian, an oriental of sorts and he is completely unpredictable by Western standards. He will fight like a wild man on a given day. On another day, under the same circumstances, he will break and run. | Leon Uris | ||
5aea9a5 | What could be more fortunate for the German propaganda machine than to be able to pump the theme that the Jews of Palestine were stealing the Arab lands just as they had tried to steal Germany. Jew hating and British imperialism--what music to the Mufti's ears! The | Leon Uris | ||
4fd8fa4 | President Truman had a little sign on his desk. I've always admired its philosophy. It read: THE BUCK STOPS HERE. I've envied certain people, too, the great majority of my colleagues whose sole mission in life is to attain the goal of mediocrity. They sail into a safe harbor, button up and conveniently and quietly sort their paper clips, avoiding responsibility and decisions. I can't explain, Nicole, why I was singled out and am unable to a.. | Leon Uris | ||
3158889 | Both of them had a sad desperation about them. Lord, Andre thought, why do young lovers dote on misery? How nice to be an aging lover and when you walk into the room meet someone who is happy and loves in an uncomplicated way. Young people demand tragedy. He had had that with Nicole. Love for the young is a waste and a mess. | new-love tragedy youth | Leon Uris | |
783ea4a | Prologue Summer, 1962 MARSH MCKITTRICK'S BUICK WAS passed through the gates of the vast Government complex outside Langley. He eased onto the turnpike, then sped toward Washington, touching his briefcase nervously and looking into the rearview mirror. Two cars filled with heavily armed guards followed closely. Sanderson Hooper beside him and Michael Nordstrom in the rear seat remained speechless. | Leon Uris | ||
f1c3ec0 | Bruce, these Jews escaping from Europe have posed quite a problem. They are simply flooding Palestine. Frankly, the Arabs are getting quite upset about the numbers getting into the mandate. We here have decided to set up detention camps on Cyprus to contain these people--at least as a temporary measure until Whitehall decides what we are going to do with the Palestine mandate." "I see," Sutherland said softly." | Leon Uris | ||
1ac7eec | From there Ari took her to the church which marked the place of the miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes a short distance from Capernaum. The floor of the church held a Byzantine mosaic depicting cormorants and herons and ducks and other wild birds which still inhabited the lake. And then they moved on to the Mount of Beatitudes to a little chapel on the hill where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount. Blessed are they which.. | Leon Uris | ||
7a066d0 | One of the first things Hansen learned when he came to starving Russia in 1920 was that the Russians were Asians. Western culture had been imported into only a few of the larger cities. Most of Russia and the other captive states that comprised the Soviet Union simply did not think or act like the West. | Leon Uris | ||
ea4c3a6 | At the Suez Canal, the British became alarmed at the Egyptian debacle and the possibility of Israeli penetration near the canal. They demanded that the Jews stop or face the British Army. In warning, the British sent Spitfire fighters into the sky to gun the Israelis. It seemed only fitting somehow that the last shots of the War of Liberation were against the British. The Israeli Air Force brought down six British fighter planes. Then Israe.. | Leon Uris | ||
de25f10 | Polish prisoner Dr. Wladislaw Dering performed castrations and ovariectomies ordered by his German masters as part of their insane program to find a way to sterilize the entire Jewish race. | Leon Uris |