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cb3e351 | If I become overconfident I will recall my failures. If I overindulge I will think of past hungers. If I feel complacency I will remember my competition. If I enjoy moments of greatness I will remember moments of shame. If I feel all-powerful I will try to stop the wind. If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth. If I become overly proud I will remember a moment of weakness. | inspirational-life inspirational-quotes-motivation | Og Mandino | |
8a4150f | When I am tempted to criticize I will bite on my tongue; when I am moved to praise I will shout from the roofs. Is | Og Mandino | ||
f401a8e | will capitalize on this difference for it is an asset to be promoted to the fullest. | Og Mandino | ||
0510a87 | usually sees only at Christmas. At last he reached in and tenderly removed his gift of glass from the carton. "A geranium! I cannot believe it. A pelargonium" | Og Mandino | ||
7d4dc7d | Mr. Og. most humans, in varying degrees, are already dead. In one way or another they've lost their dreams, their ambitions, their desire for a better life. They have surrendered their fight for self esteem and they have compromised their great potential. They've settled for a life of mediocrity, days of despair and nights of tears. There are no more than living deaths confined to cemeteries of their choice. Yet they need not remain in that.. | Og Mandino | ||
66b8c75 | I will live this day as if it is my last. And if it is not, I shall fall to my knees and give thanks. | Og Mandino | ||
7d88a15 | Hafid, so far as material wealth is concerned, there is only one difference between myself and the lowliest beggar outside Herod's palace. The beggar thinks only of his next meal and I think only of the meal that will be my last. No, my son, do not aspire for wealth and labor not only to be rich. Strive instead for happiness, to be loved and to love, and most important, to acquire peace of mind and serenity. | Og Mandino | ||
e24e15f | They send you to places where bombs explode like jack-in-the-boxes, blowing your friends to pieces before your eyes. Then they punish you when you can't stop thinking about it. | Terri Blackstock | ||
00f8d10 | You can't just check out and think it will all be over. It won't be over for anyone who loves you. You'll only leave them to run after the pieces that scatter in the angry wind. You'll leave them desperately trying to solve the problems you wouldn't . . . all while plugging their own wounds. Even if you're like me, single without children, you could impact generations. | Terri Blackstock | ||
e40a482 | every expression of gratitude is a prayer, which means the practice of intentional gratitude leads directly to a life lived in continual worship." He" | Terri Blackstock | ||
e7191c2 | What about you, Ian? Why don't you come too? Can't. I'm Jewish. You are not Jewish! You're Italian. I was thinking of converting. | Terri Blackstock | ||
61320f9 | Thank goodness God is still faithful even when we're faithless. | Terri Blackstock | ||
8f7d142 | Oh, but I love them so. There." Margo stepped back, then nodded in satisfaction. "I didn't have much to work with, but..." "Keep it up, Miss D Cup," Kate grumbled, then looked down and goggled. "Jesus, where did they come from?" "Amazing, isn't it? In the right harness, those puppies just rise." "I have breasts." Stunned, Kate patted the swell rising above black satin and lace. "And cleavage." "It's all a matter of proper positioning an.. | Nora Roberts | ||
b4a15f0 | Come inside." Shelby tilted her head just enough to rest it briefly on his shoulder as they walked to the door. "I'm relying on your word that I'll walk out again in one piece at the end of the weekend." He only grinned. "I told you my stand on playing the mediator." "Thanks a lot." She glanced up at the door, noting the heavy brass crest that served as a door knocker. The MacGregor lion stared coolly at her with its Gaelic motto over its c.. | Nora Roberts | ||
983362a | Children born of fairy stock Never need for shirt or frock Never want for food or fire Always get their heart's desire Jingle pockets full of gold Marry when they're seven years old Every fairy child may keep Two strong ponies and ten sheep All have houses, each his own Built of brick or granite stone | Robert Graves | ||
979209d | We are entrusted, you must know, with the revision of the English Dictionary. On the evidence of the Liverpool find of Christmas cards, in which occurred such couplets as: Just to hope the day keeps fine For you and your this Christmas time, and: I hope this stocking's in your line When stars shine bright at Christmas-time I hold that "Christmas-time" was often pronounced "Christmas-tine", and that this is a dialect variant of the older "Ch.. | Robert Graves | ||
4569238 | Gulliver's Travels sardonically proposed that Irish babies be fattened for English tables; | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
8e16e3c | Sick cultures show a complex of symptoms such as you have named...but a dying culture invariably exhibits personal rudeness. Bad manners. Lack of consideration for others in minor matters. A loss of politeness, of gentle manners, is more significant than is a riot. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
a8f3d4b | To vote is to wield authority; it is the supreme authority from which all other authority derives--such | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
97fc5dc | One corner was filled by an elderly flat-top desk; the papers on it were neatly in order. Near it, on its own stand, was a small electric calculator. | god inspirational soul | Robert A. Heinlein | |
cd89155 | Women and cats do what they do; there is nothing a man can do about it | women | Robert A. Heinlein | |
cb167f3 | The faith I was reared in didn't require anybody to know anything. Just confess your sins and be saved, and there you were, safe in the arms of Jesus. A man could be too stupid to hit the floor with his hat . . . and yet he could be conclusively presumed to be one of God's elect, guaranteed an eternity of bliss, because he had been 'converted.' He might or might not become a Bible student; even that wasn't necessary . . . and he certainly d.. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
85c7023 | I'm so busy doing what I must do that I don't have time for what I ought to do . . . and I never get a chance to do what I want to do!" "Son, that's universal. The way to keep that recipe from killing you is occasionally to do what you want to do anyhow. Which is right now." | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
752adf2 | I wanted us to get out of production. Jake Schmidt, our production shop master, was a good man; nevertheless I was forever being jerked out of a warm creative fog to straighten out bugs in production--which is like being dumped out of a warm bed into ice water. This was the real reason why I had been doing so much nightwork and staying away from the shop in the daytime. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
076a90d | Be raped quietly, you mean. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
20bba13 | The capacity of the human mind for swallowing nonsense and spewing it forth in violent and repressive action has never yet been plumbed." - Robert A. Heinlein" | Richard Peters | ||
33c348c | You don't own a cat, he is a free citizen. Take | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
275ef93 | A zest for living must include a willingness to die. --ROBERT A. HEINLEIN | Marc Cameron | ||
5e63b87 | ago he had made a pact with himself to postulate a created Universe on even-numbered days, a tail-swallowing eternal-and-uncreated Universe on odd-numbered days--since each hypothesis, whole paradoxical, avoided the paradoxes of the other--with a day off each leap year for sheer solipsist debauchery. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
3e464dd | The Colorado River was at a record low and the towers in Lake Mead stood high out of the water. But the Angelenos committed communal suicide by watering lawns as usual. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
0576df3 | that there was never a girl born who ever grew older than eighteen in her heart . . . no matter what the merciless hours have done. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
069673e | Locked you in a padded cell, with a certificate signed by three doctors, and allowed you mail on alternate leap years. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
21199b3 | I've found out why people laugh. They laugh because it hurts so much . . . because it's the only thing that'll make it stop hurting." Jill" | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
d4d2d1b | I don't pay attention to politics." "You should. It's barely less important than your own heart beat." "I" | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
54e7a23 | That's exactly why we have to have you, Colonel - to solve problems that are elementary to a man of your genius" - Ardmore felt slightly nauseated inside: this was worse than writing advertising copy - "but which are miracles for the rest of us." | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
663b48f | Another bug hunt, boys. This one is a little different, as you know. Since they still hold prisoners of ours, we can't use a nova bomb on Klendathu --- so this time we go down, stand on it, hold it, take it away from them. The boat won't be down to retrieve us, instead it'll fetch more ammo and rations. If you're taken prisoner, keep your chin up and follow the rules --- because you've got the whole outfit behind you, you've got the whole F.. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
73583f9 | a logical man must behave in a crisis as if his calculated risk were indeed a certainty ... | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
8da623e | But, to tell the truth, a soldier doesn't notice a war much more than a civilian does, except his own tiny piece of it and that just on the days it is happening. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
f1547fc | I was thinking that it was regrettable that your tastes have grown canalized so young. There it was, raining soup-and you were caught without a spoon. Even three days of what you were offered-urged on you!-would have been something to treasure when you reach my age. And you, you young idiot, let jealousy chase you away! Believe me, at your age I would have gone Eskimo in a big way, thankful that I had been given a free pass instead of havin.. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
f99292e | When, after a week, Jubal had had no other message, he sent a stat care of Ben's office: "What the hell are you doing?" Ben's answer came back, somewhat delayed: "Studying Martian and the rules for hopscotch -- fraternally yours -- Ben." -- | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
9e18486 | There are only five things really worth drawing; four of them are pretty girls and the fifth is cats. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
ecc05f3 | If you're not too busy this evening, why don't you bring your soft shoes and your pads over to officers' row and we'll go waltzing Matilda? Say about eight o'clock." "Yes, sir." "That's not an order, that's an invitation. If you really are slowing down," | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
e5ea1e2 | rational anarchist believes that concepts such as "state" and "society" and "government" have no existence save as physically exemplified in the acts of self-responsible individuals. He believes that it is impossible to shift blame, share blame, distribute blame ... as blame, guilt, responsibility are matters taking place inside human beings singly and nowhere else. But being rational, he knows that not all individuals hold his evaluations,.. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
e85979f | Man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalizing animal. | Robert A. Heinlein |