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e41e767 | the right to be naked and not to be ruled by Mrs. Grundy deserves financial support from anyone who believes in freedom. | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
a650370 | eoceoguniga eobsgunyo. baeboda keun geoseun jonjaehaji anhayo. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
833bc88 | My religious beliefs are private to me," he began, ... and I suppose that yours may be to you. I am going to talk about more homely matters, matters so simple and obvious that it has almost gone out of fashion to talk about them--trite things, as trite as approving of good roads and good weather, or declaring for the American home and the American flag. I believe in my neighbors.32" | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
603161b | are incurably conceited and pathologically unsure of themselves; they respond to stroking the way a cat does. | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
5b51019 | You can have peace, or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once." -Robert A. Heinlein" | Katrina Monroe | ||
eb05d4d | Little Brother...precious darling...little imp with lively legs and lovely lewd lascivious lecherous licentious libido...beautiful bumps and pert posterior...with soft voice and gentle hands. My baby darling. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
ddd965e | One is the notion that knowledge is worth acquiring, all knowledge, and that a solid grounding in mathematics provides one with the essential language of many of the most important forms of knowledge. The third theme is that, while it is desirable to live peaceably, there are things worth fighting for and values worth dying for--and that it is far better for a man to die than to live under circumstances that call for such sacrifice. The fou.. | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
dfeb997 | I suggest that it never helps anyone to tell a mother that her baby is ugly. | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
13d4a55 | They tell a story, probably not true, about a cap trooper who was sight-seeing in Paris. He visited Les Invalides, looked down at Napoleon's coffin, and said to a French guard there: "Who's he?" | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
d56e20b | But goodness alone is never enough. A hard, cold wisdom is required, too, for goodness to accomplish good. Goodness without wisdom invariably accomplishes evil. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
2477954 | My brother, Major General Lawrence Heinlein, once told me that there are only two promotions in life that mean a damn: from buck private to corporal, and from colonel to general officer. I made corporal decades ago ... but now at long last I know what he meant about the other. Thank you.17 | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
7e5b007 | Until a person, man or woman, has enjoyed this treasure bathed in the mutual bliss of minds linked as closely as bodies, that person is still as virginal and alone as if he has never copulated. | Robert A. Heinlein | ||
d96dce6 | Treat people magnanimously if you can," he said, "It'll make you feel better. Expect nothing and you won't be disappointed. Do the decent thing if you can, but for its own sake." | William H. Patterson Jr. | ||
5bc72c0 | The waitress walk away. Everyone look's at each other and then laugh. The laugh it feel so cathartic. It break the ice and sudenly the mood feel like old times. They may not have money now to aford food, but they still have each other. And forget what Maslow's "heirarchey of needs" say: some time's freindship is more important than nutrient's." | funny | Seinfeld 2000 | |
fdece04 | You know, a wise man once said, 'Pain is knowledge rushing in to fill a gap.' " "Pain is knowledge rushing in to fill a gap," she repeated. "Sounds like St. Ignatius." "Jerry Seinfeld actually." | Tiffany Reisz | ||
cff2085 | Korie: Jase lives right across the street from us, and he and his wife, Missy, have three kids: Reed, Cole, and Mia. Jase and Missy like to joke that our oldest son, John Luke, is like Kramer from On nights when we're not cooking at our house, John Luke busts through their front door as soon as he sees the dining room light go on to join them for dinner. He seems to know exactly when Missy pulls the rolls out of the oven. Our baby girl, B.. | Willie Robertson | ||
fb33ce1 | Mom," say Malia Obame, "why dont you go get the photo albem of dad when he was a small boy, maybe it will jossel his memery." "Good idea," Michele Obame say. "I guess thats why we call you the smart one," she go, and cast a look of disapoint at Sashe Obame." | obama | Seinfeld 2000 | |
09e5110 | Instead of fixing the econamy, U.S. "Presedent" (recount pls) Bary Obame is back in the Ovel Office. Hes sitting on the sofa in the midle of pretty inappropriete gmail G-chat with actres Scarlet Johansen. "OK Scarlat, thank you for emailing me so many nude photos. They were very provocetive LOL. And thank you for offer me sex intercorse :)" Obame type, and because its gmail G-chat, the :) make a 90-degree clock wise turn and anamate into a .. | obama | Seinfeld 2000 | |
5792b33 | In 2008, an Australian company commissioned a study to find out exactly how much people fear public speaking. The survey of more than one thousand people found that 23 percent feared public speaking more than death itself! As Jerry Seinfeld once said, most people attending a funeral would rather be in the casket than delivering the eulogy! I can relate to those people because I feared speaking in front of a class or group of people more tha.. | Jase Robertson | ||
e0c0d80 | Jerry Seinfeld is a genius. Seinfeld, who doesn't need to work, still does stand-up comedy, fine-tuning his bits obsessively, averaging close to a hundred shows a year. He says he's going to keep doing it "into my 80s, and beyond." In a recent interview, he compared himself to surfers: "What are they doing this for? It's just pure. You're alone. That wave is so much bigger and stronger than you. You're always outnumbered. They always can cr.. | William Finnegan | ||
54be057 | Seems to me the basic conflict between men and women, sexually, is that men are like firemen. To men, sex is an emergency, and no matter what we're doing we can be ready in two minutes. Women, on the other hand, are like fire. They're very exciting, but the conditions have to be exactly right for it to occur. ~Jerry Seinfeld | Kathryn Shay | ||
22a5a8e | David and Seinfeld noticed, carping that Friends had ripped off their show's concept--a group of single friends in New York City. And it was certainly true that from the beginning, Friends had Seinfeld DNA. Courteney | Jennifer Keishin Armstrong | ||
3866673 | I have come to the conclusion that Seinfeld is a dank cesspool of humanity. | Jesse Saperstein | ||
af90691 | The Seinfeld writers began checking message boards and other sites regularly to gauge fan response to the episodes. | Jennifer Keishin Armstrong | ||
8dc9561 | My mother tried her best, but was saddled with many fears that she passed on to me, with the highest anxiety. I'm pretty sure I'm the only nine-year-old who set up a lemonade stand whose mother reacted by panicking. "What if it goes under? Don't do it, Freddie." | Fred Stoller | ||
5c04634 | He takes a big chip, dips it in the salsa, bites off half, and double dips. That's right. He just offended Jerry Seinfeld and the crew with one bite. | Julia Kent | ||
13ded04 | Every other man is looking great saint after marriage. | Jerry Seinfeld | ||
35d19bd | Of course we all try and save time. Cutting corners, little short cuts. But no matter how much time you save, at the end of your life, there's no extra time saved up. You'll be going "what do you mean there's no time?" | Jerry Seinfeld | ||
0ff95fe | George Costanza gave to Jerry Seinfeld about how to fool a polygraph test: "Jerry, just remember. It's not a lie if you believe it." | Russell A Poldrack | ||
e484835 | Jary, Garge, Elane and Daved Pady emerge from the Lamborgini Veneno like sad clown's from the SICKEST clown car ever. | funny humor | Seinfeld 2000 | |
c4bd78d | Sudenly Garge spring up and walk to the wall to admire some modarn art hanging on Frank and Estele Catandas wall. Hes impressed. Frank and Estele have always had a traditienel sensibility when it come to aesthetic matter's. For as long as he knew it, this space on the wall was ocupied by a Normen Rockwell print of a smileing child with a cast on his arm eating a handful of bird seed out of the hand of the postman. But now its replace with t.. | modern-art | Seinfeld 2000 | |
a640dcd | U.S. Presedent Barack Sadam Husene Obame sit in the darkened Oval Ofice at 2 a.m. wearing hes traditienel Kenyan roabe. He take one last bite of the Chicago style deep dish pizza that he has flown to him every day on the Amerecan tax payer's dime and wipe the grease off his mouth with the U.S. consititutien. He get up and walk to desk, where he keeps the Kenyan black magic crystle ball. Its black glow iluminate his face. "Eeny, meeny, miney.. | obama satire | Seinfeld 2000 | |
3f7dd9f | Elane scan the room and takeing in the white antiseptec decor of Buzzfeed office in Soho. Her eyes land on a wall decoratien, a glareing yellow butten about the size of a parasol. It read simply: LOL. It seem to mock her. Honestly? Elane just dosent fit in here. No one here is under 30 and to Elane it is almost like nobody speaking Englesh. Everything is "HTML 5" this and "Keven Ware sports injery" that and "Game Of Throans recap" this and .. | media satire web-2-0 | Seinfeld 2000 | |
f4498a0 | ELAINE: Go talk to her. | Sienfeld | ||
1a94897 | Seinfeld was typically American in that show. He was a pretty funny guy, but he had no sense of style. Tacky like a Texan tux. Tasteless dressing and tasteful jokes. That's Seinfeld for me. I would have preferred it the other way around. | american-style jokes pop-culture seinfeld style | Hallgrímur Helgason | |
9bc6bc4 | The Civil War was pre-eminently a political war, a war of peoples rather than of professional armies. | James M. McPherson | ||
e3de6dc | Secession was an unequivocal act which relieved the unbearable tension that had been building for years. It was a catharsis for pent-up fears and hostilities. It was a joyful act that caused people literally to dance in the streets. Their fierce gaiety anticipated the celebratory crowds that gathered along the Champs-Elysees and the Unter den Linden and at Pica-dilly Circus in that similarly innocent world of August 1914. | James M. McPherson | ||
7a634f8 | This was a transformation from what the late Isaiah Berlin described as "Negative Liberty" to "Positive Liberty."4 The idea of negative liberty is perhaps more familiar. It can be defined as the absence of restraint, a freedom from interference by outside authority with individual thought or behavior. A law requiring motorcyclists to wear a helmet would be, under this definition, to prevent them from enjoying the freedom to go bareheaded if.. | James M. McPherson | ||
9c6d992 | The casualties at Antietam numbered four times the total suffered by American soldiers at the Normandy beaches on June 6, 1944. More than twice as many Americans lost their lives in one day at Sharpsburg as fell in combat in the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Spanish-American War combined. | James M. McPherson | ||
4ab81f8 | Lincoln too considered secession the "essence of anarchy." He branded state sovereignty a "sophism." "The Union is older than any of the States," Lincoln asserted, "and, in fact, it created them as States." The Declaration of Independence transformed the "United Colonies" into the United States; without this union then, there would never have been any "free and independent States." | James M. McPherson | ||
82366e8 | The upper South, like the lower, went to war to defend the freedom of white men to own slaves and to take them into the territories as they saw fit, lest these white men be enslaved by Black Republicans who threatened to deprive them of these liberties. | James M. McPherson | ||
537ac5e | In a sermon on a text from Proverbs--"adversity kills only where there is a weakness to be killed"--one of the North's leading clergymen expressed this new mood of grim resolution." | James M. McPherson | ||
525dfc7 | By the latter part of 1861 the War Department had taken over from the states the responsibility for feeding, clothing, and arming Union soldiers. But this process was marred by inefficiency, profiteering, and corruption. To fill contracts for hundreds of thousands of uniforms, textile manufacturers compressed the fibers of recycled woolen goods into a material called "shoddy." This noun soon became an adjective to describe uniforms that rip.. | James M. McPherson | ||
e8147c0 | In cities and factories, the vices of our nature are more fully displayed," declared James Hammond of South Carolina in 1829, while rural life "promotes a generous hospitality, a high and perfect courtesy, a lofty spirit of independence . . . and all the nobler virtues and heroic traits." | James M. McPherson |