Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
5bf1de7 | But all through life, it seems, we have to learn and relearn the lesson of loving people unconditionally, no matter what. | Mary Balogh | ||
af310e1 | Butterflies were all very pretty in a meadow. They were altogether less comfortable in her stomach. | Mary Balogh | ||
7b5f29a | Miss Fry had been borne off, as planned, Hugo reported, to be outfitted from head to toe for her wedding and her new life. His wife had gone with her, and so had the Countess of Kilbourne, her sister-in-law. Vincent hoped Sophia would not feel overwhelmed. "They will look after her, lad," Hugo assured him as though he had read Vincent's thoughts. "Woman power or something hideous like that. It is better to stay far away from it and let them.. | Mary Balogh | ||
2681e76 | Emotion,' she told him, 'is not a reliable guide for our words and actions.' 'There you are wrong,' he said. 'Deep, true emotion is our surest guide. We make our greatest mistake when we allow our heads to rules ours hearts.' 'Emotion is our human weakness.,' she said, 'reason our strength.' 'And love,' he said, 'is our destiny. | emotion human-weakness love-quotes | Mary Balogh | |
6d29e0d | She was Sophia Fry, though her name was rarely used. She was known by her relatives, when she was known as anything at all, and perhaps by their servants too, as the mouse. | Mary Balogh | ||
6e4e859 | I like your voice. That sounds ridiculously lame, I know. But when you cannot see, Miss Fry, sound and the other senses become far more acute. Normally one likes the look of someone to whom one feels attracted. I like the sound of your voice. | Mary Balogh | ||
c8c26de | I am in awe," he said. "Where do all these ideas come from?" "I think from a lifetime of only being able to observe and never being able to do," she said. "I have twenty years of inaction to make up for." | Mary Balogh | ||
f97b9fc | He had been raised, after all, to stand alone and always to do what he believed to be right. | Mary Balogh | ||
6dacf33 | Some instinct told her that this was usually done in darkness and with eyes tightly shut, that usually all the pleasure was hugged tightly to oneself, the pleasure-giver shut out. Even in her inexperience she sensed that lovers did not always love with eyes open and focused on each other's whenever it was feasible to do so. | Mary Balogh | ||
72253a4 | Suffering can kill. Not always physically. But it can kill dreams and it can deaden hope and the will to live. | Mary Balogh | ||
03d815f | No courage is needed if there is no fear, after all, | Mary Balogh | ||
adee63f | It is the human condition. No one escapes, even those who may appear to others to live charmed lives. But we all have the choice of whether to be defined by the negatives in our lives or to make of our present and future and our very selves what we want them to be. | Mary Balogh | ||
d614747 | One of the most horrible realities about the death of someone closely related, she remembered, was the necessity of going on almost immediately with the trivialities of living. As though nothing of any real significance had changed. | Mary Balogh | ||
b2c6aa7 | Forever is not granted to any of us," the duchess said. "Even tomorrow is not granted as by right. Any of us can go at any moment." | Mary Balogh | ||
3983867 | You have love all wrong, Gwendoline. It is not all give, give, give. It is taking as well. It is allowing the other one the pleasure and joy of giving. Let me love you. | Mary Balogh | ||
e02e0f3 | There is something about boys," she said, "that makes them think it is unmanly to show any feelings other than scorn and irritation or any enthusiasm for anything. It is a very unattractive trait." | Mary Balogh | ||
5c60f7e | But he was well aware that the future could never be relied upon to be an improvement upon the present. The future did not exist. Only the present did. | Mary Balogh | ||
b0f5da3 | It was beginning to feel like an almost familiar place to be. But perhaps hitting this new low had something to be said for it, she thought now, this morning, after she had awoken and realized in some surprise that she had slept for several hours. At least now there was no further down to go. And | Mary Balogh | ||
0b43087 | Have you noticed,' she asked, straightening the counting frames to her liking before closing the cupboard doors and turning toward him, 'that at church when the clergyman is giving his sermon everyone's eyes glaze over and many people even nod off to sleep? But if he suddenly decides to illustrate a point with a little story, everyone perks up and listens. WE were made to tell and listen to stories, Joel, It is how knowledge was passed from.. | Mary Balogh | ||
f42e06f | It is impossible," he said, "to put a label upon remembered feelings. They are colored too much by all our subsequent experiences." | Mary Balogh | ||
fcbc215 | Insults are only really effective," she said, "when the person insulted cares for the good opinion of the insulter" | Mary Balogh | ||
c0197d9 | Happiness can make us feel big and sure of ourselves, but only pain gives us depth. | Christopher Pike | ||
9b05b11 | I do not want to die - Then you should not have been born (Sita) Last Vampire | Christopher Pike | ||
c0eba2c | In the heart are three emotions--I felt them then: love, fear, and hatred. I could see that an individual could only have one of the three at a time. | Christopher Pike | ||
81bd87d | Any odds are good odds for the damned | christopher pike | ||
c80f404 | It's like a haunted house we can't leave,' Neil said. A haunted house we're afraid to leave, Tony thought. | christopher-pike fear haunted-houses horror | Christopher Pike | |
ac1d291 | I'd seen him around town for a year or so before he made a move on me. I'd heard good and bad things about him. One friend said he was just out for sex. Another said he was a romantic at heart. What the hell, I thought. I needed sex and romance in my life. Sometimes I believe I would have taken one without the other. | sex | Christopher Pike | |
82d1076 | I am not dead. Death does not exist. I am alive! That is the purpose of this tale, to let everyone know that they do go on and that they don't need to be afraid, as I was afraid. Yet I also have a selfish reason for wanting my story told. I was young when I died. I didn't have a chance to make my mark in the world. I didn't do anything unique, nothing that will change the course of history. But I wasn't a bad girl. I don't want to be forgot.. | christopher-pike death ghosts remember-me shari-cooper | Christopher Pike | |
f58341e | On the other hand, if love did not mature it could lead to bondage, to jealousy. If you loved someone, but felt possessive of them, you could end up treating them like an object that belonged to you. Just as bad, with your children, if you showered them with too much love, and never disciplined them, they would grow up weak and spoiled. At times, love had to be tough, or it could end up wrecking those dearest to you. | Christopher Pike | ||
c228a6f | I have faith. It doesn't matter what I decide. | Christopher Pike | ||
447b484 | But if you wish, you can imagine that the Shadow does wait for your return and that it does remember everything that has gone before and that it doesn't let you accept yourself as perfect until you let it. There is truth in that. That is why a child usually cries as soon as it's born. With its first breath, the Shadow returns. | christopher-pike death ghosts horror remember-me self-acceptance shadows | Christopher Pike | |
536e73e | Most people would probably call me a ghost. I am, after all, dead. But I don't think of myself that way. It wasn't so long ago that I was alive, you see. I was only eighteen. I had my whole life in front of me. Now I suppose you could say I have all of eternity before me. I'm not sure exactly what that means yet. I'm told everything's going to be fine. But I have to wonder what I would have done with my life, who I might have been. That's w.. | christopher-pike death ghosts remember-me shari-cooper | Christopher Pike | |
68e3ac2 | You're in love with your image of Linda. Mr. Green is in love with his image of Jesus. Both of your images have little to do with reality. Both of you are making yourselves miserable.' 'That's not fair, comparing me to him. You don't see me hammering nails in people.' 'You prefer to hammer them through your own hands. | jesus spiritual | Christopher Pike | |
b436c9f | Yet I have to wonder if I have lost the song because I have become the song. If I have lost my Lord because I do indeed desire to be what I will become. A lover who hates, a saint who sins, and an angel who kills. | angel-of-death black-blood christopher-pike lover maya saint sita song spirtualism | Christopher Pike | |
61f2ac3 | Why does Papaji tell Jeevan this story? Roop wonders. Whenever Gujri tells Roop a story, se reminds Roop that stories are not told for th telling, but for the teaching. | Shauna Singh Baldwin | ||
673e172 | If you would win a woman's love, give her each day a gift. If you would keep her love, give her each day two gifts. Kwani | Linda Lay Shuler | ||
708df70 | Vaheguru, forgive me, but a woman must choose the wisdom of lies over the dangers of truth. | woman womens-fiction | Shauna Singh Baldwin | |
06026c9 | that experience of getting it wrong that makes me know what's right. | Maggie Shayne | ||
8049fd2 | I don't like you, Jack. You know that, right ?" "Right. No more than I like you, Brigham." "And I'm not afraid of this thing. I'm not afraid of anything. You know that, too, right ?" "I've never seen you scared. I can give you that." Till now, he thought, but he didn't say that part aloud, mostly because it would piss her off and he was dying to see where the hell she was going with it. "Good, just so we're clear on it. I wouldn't want you .. | Maggie Shayne | ||
71a4af7 | God, Brigham. You never told me you were a goddamn goddess. | Maggie Shayne | ||
7a4a803 | Eat dessert first in case you're going to choke to death on your b | Maggie Shayne | ||
e48ae7d | Do not cry for me, Raven. Dying is part of living, a birth into a new life. You know this. | Maggie Shayne | ||
0b0980e | In some previous lifetime, my daughter, you died while attempting to save the life of another witch. Because of this, you were born into this lifetime with the gift of immortality. But this is only one of two ways that gift can be passed on. | Maggie Shayne | ||
15a659c | My heart, as you well know, Bright Eyes, has always been yours for the asking. Or the staking. | Teresa Medeiros |