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9135912 | When you wrote yr 1st book, did U ever dream it was going to be welcomed by the world w/open arms? I didn't write it for the world. I wrote it for me. Then that's what you need to do again. Write yourself another book. But I know in my heart I'll never write anything as good as that book. [...] It doesn't matter what you write as long as you stop beating yourself up about not writing and start writing. | Teresa Medeiros | ||
75328e7 | Oddly enough, writing again has made me WANT to get out more. I mean, if I don't start living life, how can I write about it? | Teresa Medeiros | ||
cb4596a | Their gazes met. His eyes swept her in a velvet caress, uncertainty stamped on his features. The night loomed between them, as dark and impenetrable as his eyes. Rowena had to look away. She forced herself to remember how he had used his body and her need as weapons to weave a punishing net of pleasure. | lace rowena shadows teresa-medeiros | Teresa Medeiros | |
4c4b5de | There is none so blind as he who will not see. | Teresa Medeiros | ||
30688c6 | The true measure of a man has nothing to do with years and everything to do with how well he looks after those who depend upon him. | Teresa Medeiros | ||
cb9bf2d | He was not a man to hide his emotions and if tested, his blue eyes would darken, gleaming like unfathomable gems. | Teresa Medeiros | ||
bea89dd | When her father offered him her hand in marriage and a fortune in gold and jewels as a reward, Burke informed him that he would be content with nothing more than a kiss.'" "Her father must have been a most excellent kisser," Clarinda replied, lifting the book to hide her face altogether." | Teresa Medeiros | ||
ca3b171 | Your growling and posturing might impress the sort of women you're accustomed to consorting with,but quite frankly, I find them to be a bit of a bore. | Teresa Medeiros | ||
851d7a1 | Night, G'rard." " 'Night, mouse." | lucy | Teresa Medeiros | |
5e81932 | Daca un barbat refuza sa creada o femeie pe care pretinde ca o iubeste, atunci, spune-mi, barbate, care dintre ei este cel necredincios? | Teresa Medeiros | ||
9c19dcb | But ultimate safety does not exist. Those who trust in such will find that hope dashed upon the very rock behind which they seek to hide. -- | Timothy Zahn | ||
686be66 | Then I am alone, he told himself. I am the last of the Jedi. | Timothy Zahn | ||
c3a4cad | There is satisfaction in defeating an enemy. But one must never allow oneself to become complacent. There are always more enemies to be identified, faced, and vanquished. | Timothy Zahn | ||
0a26c42 | The fear of the violent and the lawless is no less a tyranny than the edicts that come from the Emperor's throne. | Timothy Zahn | ||
e263dfa | Jedi Skywalker; remember it well. For if you allow your justice to be forgotten, you will be forced to repeat the same lessons again and again." He held Luke's gaze" | Timothy Zahn | ||
874f25e | Jedi Skywalker; remember it well. For if you allow your justice to be forgotten, you will be forced to repeat the same lessons again and again." He held Luke's gaze a pair" | Timothy Zahn | ||
9374184 | And in that single crackle of tortured electronics she had lost everything. Her comm, her lights, her limited maneuvering jets, her life support regulator, her emergency beacons. Everything. For a second her thoughts flickered to Skywalker. He'd been lost in deep space, too, awhile back. But she'd had a reason to find him. No one had a similar reason to find her. | loss luke-skywalker mara-jade star-wars | Timothy Zahn | |
93cb619 | There are three ways to take down a wild tusklan. The average hunter takes a large-bore weapon with which to shoot the animal. When it works, the method is quick and efficient. But if the first shot fails to hit a vital organ, the tusklan may be upon its attackerbfore a second shot can be aimed and fired. The wise hunter takes a smaller-bore weapon. The method is less likely to produce a first-shot kill, but the second, third, or fourth sho.. | hunting star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Thrawn | |
cc2d859 | A great tactician creates plans. A good tactician recognizes the soundness of a plan presented to him. A fair tactician must see the plan succeed before offering approval. Those | Timothy Zahn | ||
d104660 | The Lady Vader has come. We would hear her words.' 'Then you will hear them in prison.' The dynast gestured, and two more of the official guard left their line, heading purposefully toward the steps. It was, Leia judged, the right moment. Glancing down at her belt, she reached out through the Force with all the power and control she could manage-- And her lightsaber leaped from her belt, breaking free from its quick-release and jumping up i.. | lightsaber princess-leia star-wars | Timothy Zahn | |
1a62346 | One whose path has taken a new turn is often initially disoriented. | Timothy Zahn | ||
ca88a5b | No, of course not,' he agreed in a tone that implied he'd heard both the words I'd said and the words I hadn't said and would be mulling them over later on his own. | Timothy Zahn | ||
0b9cc41 | What about you, Commander? Why do *you* seek higher rank?' It was a question many had asked over the years. Thrawn had asked it of himself. The answer never seemed to satisfy the questioner. 'Because there are problems that must be solved. Some cannot be solved by anyone except me. | thrawn | Timothy Zahn | |
a5f866c | You served too long under Lord Vader, Captain. I Have no qualms about accepting a useful idea merely because it wasn't my own. My position and ego are not at stake here. | heir-to-the-empire star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn | |
3ab1f49 | I rule the Empire now. Not some long-dead Emperor; certainly not you. the only treason is defiance of my orders. | star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn | |
bd6bf99 | For a long moment, they stood together in silence. Vader thought about his secret... about Thrawn's loyalty... about the Emperor's continued need for him. Perhaps the entire Empire's need for him... "Anakin Skywalker is dead," he said. Thrawn lowered his head. "I know." Vader nodded slowly. *I know.* Not *So I have heard.* Not *So I was informed.* But *I know.* "We will not speak of him again," he said. "*You* will not speak of him again." .. | star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn | |
d0bc4f4 | A writer absolutely has to make his villains clever and competent. It's no fun--and no challenge--for the heroes to get out of trouble without sweating about it first. | Timothy Zahn | ||
3f00ae3 | Chiss eyes were a bit better than those of humans, their visible spectrum edging a bit into the infrared. Apparently, their ears were better, too. | Timothy Zahn | ||
8824106 | But she wasn't a serving girl in a Phorliss cantina this time, or a come-up flector for a swoop gang on Caprioril, or even a hyperdrive mechanic stuck in the backwater of the Ison Corridor. She was second in command to the most powerful smuggler in the galaxy, with the kind of resources and mobility she hadn't had since the death of the Emperor. [p] The kind of resources that would let her find Luke Skywalker again. And kill him | star-wars | Timothy Zahn | |
9afe4d9 | A leader is responsible for those under his authority. That is the first rule of command. He is responsible for their safety, their provisions, their knowledge, and, ultimately, their lives. Those whom he commands are in turn responsible for their behavior and their dedication to duty. Any who violates his trust must be disciplined for the good of others. | star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Thrawn | |
ba36856 | But Mount Tantiss was gone, destroyed by agents of the New Republic and C'baoth's own madness and treason. And Grand Admiral Thrawn was dead. And the Empire was dying. | thrawn | Timothy Zahn | |
2fe88a1 | There is satisfaction in defeating an enemy. But one must never allow oneself to become complacent. There are always more enemies to be identified, faced, and vanquished. | star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Thrawn | |
b9b378a | One whose path has taken a new turn is often initially disoriented. But as time passes, and the path continues steadily in its new direction, there is a tendency to believe that it will remain so forever, with no further turns. | Timothy Zahn | ||
c9d5259 | To some extent, the direction of one's chosen path automatically selects for the paths that may cross it. A warriors path will intersect the paths of other warriors, allies and enemies alike. A workers path will interest the paths of other workers. But as with games of cards and dice, sometimes unexpected crossings occur. Some are driven by chance, others by design, others by a change in one's goal. Some are driven by malice. Such manipulat.. | star-wars thrawn | Timothy Zahn Star Wars: Thrawn | |
ff41a50 | And for the first time in five years, Pellaeon finally knew in the deepest level of his being that the old Empire was gone. The new Empire, with Grand Admiral Thrawn at its head, had been born. | Timothy Zahn | ||
347f380 | the Sanctuary was reserved for the rich and elite--those with fortunes, not soldiers of fortune. | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
e5b0118 | He is human--they are a lesser species. Over the decades, the dark side has exacted too great a toll on his body. He is a hollow shell of what he once was. | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
465cd4a | The Sith were the sworn enemies of the Jedi and the Republic. They sought to wipe us from existence; they sought to rule the galaxy. (...) A Dark Jedi, on the other hand, has much smaller ambitions. He -or she- thinks only of himself. He acts alone. The ultimate goal is not galactic conquest, but personal wealth and importance. Like a common thug or criminal, he revels in cruelty and selfishness. He preys upon the weak and vulnerable, sprea.. | legends sith star-wars | Drew Karpyshyn | |
4dc93d2 | It was the irrepressible Twi'lek who finally said what they were all thinking but didn't have the courage to bring up. "You know you both naked, right?" | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
ac8f75d | Destroying your enemies--even destroying a planet--was understandable. But this wasn't simple destruction. It was annihilation; obliteration. The very fabric of the Force had been shredded. Anyone capable of turning an entire planet into a nihilistic abomination had to be completely mad. | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
1d6e761 | The notes on the flash drive showed a steady progression into dementia, a deteriorating mental state directly linked to incidents of exposure to Sovereign. There must have been some kind of field generated by the vessel; some kind of radiation or emission. Something that had destroyed and corrupted Qian's mind when he went to study it in person. It had affected Edan, too, though the transformation was more subtle. The batarian had begun act.. | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
b60d540 | Then we leave together,'" he whispered. Just that, nothing else. And for the first time since they met, Scythe cried." | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
850425f | When you finally betray me, I hope you care enough to try to kill me yourself. | Drew Karpyshyn | ||
45e5416 | The Neimoidian gave a long, gurgling sigh. "You're right, Des. The decision is made. Grim fate and ill fortune have conspired against you. It's not like sabacc; you can't fold a bad hand. In life you just play the cards you're dealt." | Drew Karpyshyn |