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b3ad12f According to population expert Dr. Paul Ehrlich, we should currently be experiencing a dystopian dreamscape where "survivors envy the dead," which seems true only when I look at Twitter. Yet" Chuck Klosterman
cd0e5ca The Constitution is awesome, but still overrated; it's like Pet Sounds. The wide-scale adoption of political correctness was silly, but not unreasonable. The freedom that was lost was mostly theoretical and rarely necessary. No one is significantly worse off. politics-of-the-united-states Chuck Klosterman
6670d28 The mere recognition of an extrinsic reality damages the intrinsic merits of one's own reality. In other words, it's a mistake to (consciously) do what everyone else is doing, just as it's a mistake to (consciously) do the opposite. Chuck Klosterman
a65a3e0 According to population expert Dr. Paul Ehrlich, we should currently be experiencing a dystopian dreamscape where "survivors envy the dead," which seems true only when I look at Twitter." -- Chuck Klosterman
237195c The reason something becomes retrospectively significant in a far-flung future is detached from the reason it was significant at the time of its creation--and that's almost always due to a recalibration of social ideologies that future generations will accept as normative. Chuck Klosterman
727fdb2 If someone publishes an essay, or tells a joke, or performs a play that forwards a problematic idea the U.S. government generally wouldn't try to stop that person from doing so. Even if they could. If the expression doesn't involve national security the government generally doesn't give a shit. But, if enough vocal consumers are personally offended, they can silence that artist just as effectively. They can petition advertisers and marginal.. Chuck Klosterman
2c1dd5d We are remembered for the totality of our accomplishments, but we are defined by the singularity of our greatest failure. It does not matter what you have been right about, and it does not matter how often that rightness is validated by others. We are what we cannot do. Chuck Klosterman
2963d89 History is defined by people who don't really understand what they are defining. Chuck Klosterman
c97c9f2 It is impossible to examine questions we refuse to ask. society Chuck Klosterman
e860870 I try to be rational (or at least my imaginary facsimile of what rationality is supposed to be). I try to look at the available data objectively (fully aware that this is impossible). I try to extrapolate what be happening now into what be happening later. And this, of course, is where naive realism punches me in the throat. There's simply no way around the limited ceiling of my own mind. It's flat-out impossible to speculate on the fut.. objectivity prediction rationality Chuck Klosterman
0e7120b I do not know how much money Britney Spears earned last year.. However, I do know that it's not enough for me to want her life, were I given the option to have it. Every day, random people use Britney's existence as currency; they talk about her public failures and her lack of talent as a way to fill the emptiness of their own normalcy. She -- alone with Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton and all those androids from The Hills -- are the unifyin.. celebrity Chuck Klosterman
7211c72 Now, obviously, all old people seem cool whenever we see black-and-white images of their younger selves. It's human nature to inject every old picture with positive abstractions. We can't help ourselves. We all do it. We want those things to be true, because we all hope future generations will have the same thoughts when they come across forgotten photographs of us. memories nostalgia photographs Chuck Klosterman
6b87f18 Julia's fake love for Vance was exhilarating and idiotic; it was the kind of love you can only feel toward someone you don't actually know. Chuck Klosterman
8b8d723 Untold numbers of readers of Black Elk Speaks and When the Tree Flowered have wished to understand more fully the relationship between Neihardt and Black Elk and the role that Neihardt played as Black Elk's amanuensis. They have also been curious to learn about Black Elk's life after the Wounded Knee massacre. How was it that a nineteenth-century Lakota mystic could live a full half of the twentieth century on the Pine Ridge Reservation in .. Raymond J. Demallie
8087d05 And yet at the center of this vortex was the desire to do something more with it. What or with whom, he wasn't sure. But he sensed it was only a matter of time until it all came together and he put his own stamp on it. Eight months later, he met John Lennon. Bob Spitz
73c2a6f where he was on a first-name basis with the pretty, long-legged usherettes who paraded along the aisles. Bob Spitz
1dd99e0 for that pent-up ambition. Bob Spitz
d08f9e5 fatal stabbing of a young black spectator while Mick Jagger vainly appealed to the crowd to "cool out" and love one another. Good-bye Sixties; welcome to the future." Philip Norman
de134c7 The inn was an old stone-built rambling comfortable sort of place. There was a terrace above the river, where peacocks (one called Norman and the other called Barry) stalked among the drinkers, helping themselves to snacks without the slightest hesitation and occasionally lifting their heads to utter ferocious and meaningless screams. There was a saloon bar where the gentry, if college scholars count as gentry, took their ale and smoked the.. Philip Pullman
0096260 He has been a trouble spot for many years in discipline, but has somewhat mended his ways. Requires the sanction of 'losing a job' to keep him on the rails. But I believe he is not beyond redemption and he could really turn out a fairly responsible adult who might go far. Philip Norman
e017d7b Alf then told John he must choose between going with Mummy or staying with Daddy. If you want to tear a small child in two, there is no better way. Philip Norman
a59d962 We met in the park to wrest the afternoon into the shape of a stroll. Rachel Cohn
a35bdd7 I don't think it's a matter of ready-I mean, not in an all-the-way sense. You're never completely ready-you just get to the point where you're ready enough. Rachel Cohn
60d73fe Roaming the streets of Manhattan on foot had always been one of my favorite ways to find inspiration. There's so much to see and smell (not all of it pleasant, except this time of year, which smells of roasted cashews, crisp air, and gingerbread lattes). Rachel Cohn
4f51a62 The pill's bittersweet chaser is not that they can't love you back the same way. It's that they won't. They won't open their minds to the possibility. They won't expand their expectations of romantic love past their own predetermined boundaries--gender, age, [insert innumerable other unfair, random reasons here]. Rachel Cohn
f0ced41 No. I can't change. I shouldn't change. Rachel Cohn
fbc203c That's funny. I've always liked Naomi's version of me the best. I'm always much more interesting when she talks about me. Rachel Cohn
e46bb25 What did it say about me that he hadn't? That he couldn't possibly like me as much as I'd started to like him. That I would never be as pretty and interesting as that Sofia girl, while Dash's handsome face would continue to appear in my daydreams. Unrequited. It wasn't fair that I sort of missed him. Not his presence so much--I barely knew him--but having that red notebook link to him. Knowing he was out there thinking or doing something th.. Rachel Cohn
69ad6bb I'm sorry," she said. And it was like a faucet had been turned, and only one sentiment could come gushing out. "I'm so sorry. Oh my God, I can't believe how sorry I am. I didn't mean to drop it, Dash. And I didn't mean--I mean, I'm just so sorry. I didn't think you were going to be there. I was just there. And, God, I am so sorry. I am really, really sorry. If you want to get out of the cab right this minute, I will completely understand. I.. Rachel Cohn
0aa4999 One of the failures of cellular communication is that tiredness often comes across as sadness. But I appreciate your concern. Rachel Cohn
cf574fb I wanted to go home to the safety of my bed and to my stuffed animals and to my people I'd known my whole life. I had nothing to say to anybody, and fervently prayed that no one there would have anything to say to me. Rachel Cohn
1096e9f Snarl had infiltrated my subconscious. The dream was obviously a sign: he was too enticing to resist. Rachel Cohn
84cf8c2 Prayer or not, I want to believe that, despite all evidence to the contrary, it is possible for anyone to find that one special person. That person to spend Christmas with or grow old with or just take a nice silly walk in Central Park with. fiction romance Rachel Cohn and David Levithan
226fd45 I volunteer to be the comfort of the in-between. Rachel Cohn
825bca9 It's a total lie to say there's only one person you're going to be with for the rest of your life. If you're lucky--and if you try really hard--there will always be more than one. Rachel Cohn
a348943 There's no way for me to know she'll find me here. I didn't call. I didn't text. I left it up to old connection, that old friendship sense. Rachel Cohn
decfd43 Someone should pay for their sins. I'll show you Awful, humans. I can't even see what I'm doing. All I know is rage, and panic, and darkness. Rachel Cohn
c46eb58 What I mean," Sofia said, "is that when people say right person, wrong time, or wrong person, right time, it's usually a cop-out. They think that fate is playing with them. That we're all just participants in this romantic reality show that God gets a kick out of watching. But the universe doesn't decide what's right or not right. You do. Yes, you can theorize until you're blue in the face whether something might have worked at another time.. Rachel Cohn
edaa93c At last I had it--the Christmas present I'd wanted all along, but hadn't realized. His words. Rachel Cohn
29ebc86 We were people, and people had ways of finding each other. Rachel Cohn
d2ee3b6 It's always the ones who believe who are hurt the most when things go wrong. She Rachel Cohn
d0873b8 It's moments like this, when you need someone the most, that your world seems smallest. Rachel Cohn
d9e75dd But love needs to have a future. And Sofia and I don't have a future. We've just had a good time sharing the present, that's all. Rachel Cohn
29ab4f1 Our love had been liking; our feelings had been ordinary, not Shakespearean. I still felt fondness for her--fondness, that pleasant, detached mix of admiration and sentiment, appreciation and nostalgia. Rachel Cohn