Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
2907e6f | Dash believed in magic. Dash loved Christmas. Dash loved me! | Rachel Cohn | ||
ac7c0d2 | We've already established my position on dillying and dallying, which right now is chaste with a chance for inveterate lust, depending on the ripeness of our first interactions. | Rachel Cohn | ||
7357e6d | People come to New York to be different, | Rachel Cohn | ||
2fc8011 | She smells like marijuana smoke. It's not a bad smell. Just a sad one. | Rachel Cohn | ||
f86a364 | We all just took the bookstore at its word, because if you couldn't trust a bookstore, what could you trust? | Rachel Cohn | ||
4a61f8e | It is not easy. Things that matter are not easy. Feelings of happiness are easy. Happiness is not. Flirting is easy. Love is not. Saying you're friends is easy. Being friends is not. | Rachel Cohn | ||
7148bcf | But it kept being out there, and the thing was, even though I really liked her as a person, I didn't really think I liked her as a girl, because when you like a girl, there's this ignition--you can feel it--and with her, there wasn't any ignition, just conversation and hanging out and shit. | Rachel Cohn | ||
cea4467 | It's a paradox, isn't it? The people you know the most, the people you love the most-you're also going to feel the parts of them you don't know the most | Rachel Cohn | ||
3ba3bdf | The incidental fact of his straightness doesn't mean I want to be NoMo's five-minute girlfriend, like I'm some 7-Eleven quick stop on his slut train. | Rachel Cohn | ||
4f18bcc | From behind I don't see Caroline but I do that stupid bitch, Tris, rhymes with bris, cuz that's what she'll do to a guy, rip apart his piece. | Rachel Cohn | ||
2f1d9bf | That bitch should not be in a club like this. As if her language is not enough indication, there is also the matter of her Hot Topic mallrat outfit: short black leather skirt with buckles up the side, mass-produced "vintage" Ramones T-shirt, and piss-yellow leggings with some horrible pair of pink patent-leather shoes. She looks like a neon sign bumblebee by way of early Debbie Harry rip-off." | Rachel Cohn | ||
82c0b38 | Nick is right, the Olsen twins do have a worrisome co-dependent relationship. I understand those bitches, though, I really do. | Rachel Cohn | ||
77e6fbb | I have to figure, with this many stops and starts, surely this train will pull out of the station eventually. What's the big fucking rush? | Rachel Cohn | ||
7eece4c | Just because a person is beautiful doesn't mean there's no soul beneath. Doesn | Rachel Cohn | ||
3bc55f2 | You need a boyfriend." Well sure, who doesn't need a boyfriend? But ealistically, those exotic creatures are hard to come by. At least a quality one. I go to an all- girls school, and meaning no disrespect to my sapphic sisters, but I have no interest in nding a romantic companion there. The rare boy creatures I do meet who aren't either related to me or who aren't gay are usually too at ached to their Xboxes to notice me, or their idea of .. | Rachel Cohn | ||
b98cbaa | The more he gives me, the more I want. | Rachel Cohn | ||
e4e55bc | Know what the best thing your true love can give you is?" I asked him. "What?" said Dash. "True love." | dash-and-lily love otp true-love twelve-days-of-christmas | Rachel Cohn | |
c276b5c | The girl is dressed in a flannel shirt, and I can't tell whether that's because she's trying to bring back the only fashion style of the past fifty years that hasn't been brought back or whether it's because the shirt is as damn comfortable as it looks. | Rachel Cohn | ||
7bbb16a | How can you not be concerned that I might have cancer?" I ask. "I found a lump on my breast." Touch it, Ely. Touch it. "Lie. Not only are you biting your lip, which you always do when you lie, but your mom told me about the alleged lump in the elevator this morning. The doctor said it was an overgrown pimple." Monkeys!" | Rachel Cohn | ||
8b94a5e | The important people in our lives leave imprints. They may stay or go in the physical realm, but they are always there in your heart, because they helped form your heart. | Rachel Cohn | ||
2e8b1d7 | Children frighten me. I mean, I appreciate them on a cute aesthetic level, but they're very demanding and unreasonable creatures and often smell funny. | Rachel Cohn | ||
482550c | I am stronger than words and bigger than the box I'm in, and then I see her in the crowd and I fall apart. | Rachel Cohn | ||
369a2fd | He pauses a moment to reflect on the F-word. 'Sometimes I think it's an idea that enslaves us. We're never free from hungering for the notion that we can even have freedom. When perhaps it's the very idea of it that causes us to suffer. | individuality suffering | Rachel Cohn | |
22bac3f | Sometimes you make plans. Sometimes plans make themselves. | Rachel Cohn | ||
5255d68 | It's like nothing else exists in the world right now except him, me, touching, exploring, longing, needing, sharing, having. So much for my straight-edge vow, because I am drunk on our ing's. | Rachel Cohn | ||
802ad94 | I start to lose consciousness, and only desperation and fear keep my heart pounding, hard. Darkness descends, as Awful rises. Ivan has no idea what's coming. Neither do I. Last time I did not fight hard enough. This time, I will. | Rachel Cohn | ||
8155d6b | It was a red Moleskine--made of neither mole nor skin, but nonetheless the preferred journal of my associates who felt the need to journal in non-electronic form. | Rachel Cohn | ||
460f0b2 | I am the ticking, I am the pulsing, I am underneath every part of this moment. | Rachel Cohn and David Levithan Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist | ||
42133f1 | I love you for answering the call of a red notebook once upon a time. | Rachel Cohn | ||
3fcdf06 | Maybe the simple diagnosis of either hetero or homo is misleading. Maybe there's just sexuality, and it's bendable and unpredictable, like a circus performer, | Rachel Cohn | ||
d4a7108 | I know there was no God waiting for her, because no God could have let her find Him this soon. | Rachel Cohn | ||
01ee283 | The government has incredible powers at its disposal, and when it abuses those powers, someone has to stand up. | Mark Hertsgaard | ||
0795283 | Where would tourism be without a little luxury and a taste of night life? There were several cities on Deanna, all moderate in size, but the largest was the capital, Atro City. For the connoisseur of fast-foods, Albrechts' famous hotdogs and coldcats were sold fresh from his stall (Albrecht's Takeaways) on Lupini Square. For the sake of his own mental health he had temporarily removed Hot Stuff Blend from the menu. The city was home to Atro.. | all and application atro badfeller beck blend bounty capital city coldcats collecting crockett davy deanna everything fast-foods features folklore for from goes had he hood life lifetime little local luxury make-up menü mill missing moderate of once planet-famous size sock square stall story taught the there to university was were where year | Christina Engela | |
4b96b6d | And for the information of young hunters, I will just say, in this place, that whenever a fellow gets bad lost, the way home is just the way he don't think it is. This rule will hit nine times out of ten. | Davy Crockett | ||
6ff9aa4 | Jesus, you know I was walking back to the huddle and I looked over and, god damn, I almost flipped when I saw you and Davis standing together on the sideline. I thought, man, the world really is changing when you see a thing like that--Hunter Thompson and Al Davis--Christ, you know that's the first time I ever saw anybody with Davis during practice; the bastard's always alone out there, just pacing back and forth like a goddamn beast. ... | Hunter S. Thompson | ||
a8afab6 | Johnstone railway station was small, neat and tidy, quite attractive. On the platforms, I noticed that the signs also had the name in Gaelic - 'Baile Iain', literally 'John's town'. It is a recent wheeze by the triumphant, all-conquering Scottish National Party to add the Gaelic name to every station in the whole of Scotland, despite the fact that most of these places never had a Gaelic name or people who ever spoke Gaelic. | Hunter Davies | ||
81deec3 | He thought again of the watch in the window. It had twelve black numbers on its moon face and there was magic to that. For these were numbers that were not really numbers at all but letters like in words. He shivered at the possibilities of such untold magic. | numbers roman-numeral time | Davis Grubb | |
93f3592 | The wide receiver had a real taste for crime, and he indulged it with an erratic kind of vigor that made him an albatross for Madden and a natural soulmate for my old friend, Al Davis, who remains the ultimate Raider. They were serious people, and John Madden was definitely one of them, for good or ill. Living with the Oakland Raiders in those days was not much different than living with the Hell's Angels. I | Hunter S. Thompson | ||
03a7f57 | Lady Beatrice grunted and turned to Emma. "Here is your escort, dear." She shook the elderly man's arm and shouted in his ear, "This is Miss Peterson, Mr. Maxwell. You'll be taking her in to dinner." "What? Thinner?" Mr. Maxwell was so bent over, his face was only inches above Emma's bosom. "Sacrilege! Don't take an ounce off 'em, my dear." Emma stepped back before a bit of drool hit her bodice." -- | Sally MacKenzie | ||
1ae1701 | Blessed Man" is a tribute to Updike's tenacious maternal grandmother, Katherine Hoyer, who died in 1955. Inspired by an heirloom, a silver thimble engraved with her initials, a keepsake Katherine gave to John and Mary as a wedding present (their best present, he told his mother), the story is an explicit attempt to bring her back to life ("O Lord, bless these poor paragraphs, that would do in their vile ignorance Your work of resurrection").. | Adam Begley | ||
cdc7e84 | Shit," Rhage breathed. "I'm sorry. And shit, I shouldn't have said 'shit.' Fuck. I mean...damn it." | J.R. Ward | ||
75be05f | true love required so much more than the boy-meets-girl stuff--and mutual attraction was the easy part: | J.R. Ward | ||
70a36c2 | How they hell does it do that? | Peter F. Hamilton | ||
8e52607 | So you're really going to do this?" Tohrment asked him. Darius glanced across the shallow table. The other vampire's eyes met his own. "Yeah. I am." Tohrment nursed his Scotch and smiled grimly. Only the very tips of his fangs showed. "You're crazy, D." "You should know." Tohrment tilted his glass in deference. "But you're raising the bar." -Tohrment & Darius" | J.R. Ward |