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52a5cea Although he could have been wearing a seventies lounge suit and she probably would have drooled over the polyester. J.R. Ward
c7eab43 Voy a pasar eso por alto, Z. Pero solo porque se cuanto te gusta que te golpeen, y no estoy de humor para hacerte feliz. J.R. Ward
2b07d33 Grandioso. Alli estaba, desnuda bajo una bata, sola con mas de quinientos kilos de vampiro. Intentar hacerse la indiferente era imposible (...) J.R. Ward
78d4a1d No podia recordar exactamente como habia entrado en su apartamento, o lo que le habia dicho. Pero todo lo que habian hecho en posicion horizontal era endiabladamente vivido. J.R. Ward
ecbc199 Selena's brows rose even higher. "Trez, I heard something--" "--'cuz I'm that desperate to have you!" "--that sounded like a gun!" j r ward
391f701 she wished she could capture the moment and make it physical somehow, turn it into something that she could hold in her hands, or put somewhere safe like she would a book or a vase. But life wasn't like that. You didn't get to hold on to the moments that defined you or touch the things that touched you--not in the palm of your hand or with the tips of your fingers, at least. Destiny's machinations were as elusive as a sculptor's tool, swoop.. J.R. Ward
b7aa5d3 As the pair of them kept talking, Rhage sucked the white stick clean and found himself sizing up the Shadow. Cutting into the convo, he demanded, "Why don't you come to Last Meal anymore." V's diamond-hard glare swung around. "My brother, focus." "No, I'm serious." He propped his hip on the black wall. "What's up, Trez. I mean, our food not good enough for you?" Cue the throat clearing on the Shadow's side. "Oh, no, yeah, I'm just ... busy,.. j r ward
27f4106 Wrath shut the door. "Let's do it," he said to George. And the dog knew right where to go, leading him to the entrance--which Wrath opened with his mind. "Hi, honey, I'm home!" he hollered. "Did you bring flowers?" Lassiter shouted back. "Not for you." "Damn it. Well, I'm on deck tonight with Tohr, so can we get moving? There's a full list of appointments, but I want to get back for Hell's Kitchen." "Don't you DVR that shit?" Wrath groused .. J.R. Ward
0b9a79a Well . . . the good news in all this, he supposed, was that finding out his former trauma surgeon was a ghost? Barely a blip on his radar. His mind had been blown too many times to count, and like a joint that had been dislocated, it had total and complete freedom of movement. Of course, its functionality was fucked. But who was counting. J.R. Ward
4dc7125 Paradise, blooded daughter of Abalone, First Adviser to the King, frowned at the screen of her Apple lappy. She'd set herself up here in her father's library ever since he'd started working each night for Wrath, son of Wrath, because in the old rambling Tudor mansion, Wi-Fi was strongest at this desk. Not that a good signal was helping her at the moment. Her Hotmail account was full of unread messages, because, with iMessage on her phone an.. J.R. Ward
4d78c34 Not his circus, not his monkeys, J.R. Ward
eb8d4b4 If he had been one of Xcor's males, the Brother might well have had to be killed so that Xcor could retain his prime position: It was a basic tenent of leadership that one eliminated those who presented a potential challenge to one's position ... although it wasn't as if his band were incompetents--after all, one had to eliminate the weak as well. The Bloodletter had taught him that and so much more. bloodletter xcor J.R. Ward
0789d9a Perfect date material, she thought. A vampire with the social equivalent of road rage. J.R. Ward
6e3afab And the storm he was deliberately creating raked over the decimated landscape of his soul, obscuring the ragged, desolated mess he was. J.R. Ward
ae3d926 As she hung up on her end, she actually fanned herself with her hand, something she'd assumed people only did in TV commercials and bad sitcoms. And then she couldn't hold it in. Bursting up from her workstation, she ran around her house like a crazy person, making a bizarre kind of eeeee noise as she completed the circuit back to her desk. At which point there might have been some pirouetting. J.R. Ward
7cda914 Rhage cleared his throat. "My lord and ruler, Wrath, son of Wrath, blooded father of Wrath, I present you with Throe, Piece of Shit." J R Ward
8e161c0 A big white bag with a red star was passed over the console. "Thanks for coming in--my name's Antoine, by the way. If you want to come back for shoes." After shoving his former clothes inside, Xcor found himself bowing at the waist. "Your assistance has been much appreciated." Antoine raised his palm like he was getting ready to do a clap on the shoulder again. But once more, he caught himself and smiled instead. "Knock her dead, my man." ".. J.R. Ward
714ad2a Courtesy of their tempers, both were now dressed in the Captain Asshole costume--which included, for no extra charge, the cape of disgrace, the booties of shame, and keys to the Fuck Up mobile. Christ, J.R. Ward
72336c4 Still, good boys liked to make their moms happy, and Blay had always been a good boy. His J.R. Ward
1659486 John-who-wasn't-gonna-get-none J.R. Ward
136c6eb Eu nao sou qualquer um. Enquanto olhava fixamente os olhos de ametista de Rehvenge, Ehlena pensou que ele tinha toda a razao. lover-avenged J.R. Ward
da2a627 Fezes sao um bom fertilizante. -Entao vamos espalhar voce na terra pra ver o que acontece. lover-avenged J.R. Ward
f1954b8 Axe...I think I'm falling in love with you." --" J.R. Ward
f9669ed When you were contemplating cheating on your mate, it was not easy on the conscience. And not something you wanted to do in the home you shared with her. J.R. Ward
053f8b6 May I enter your bedroom, female?" His" J.R. Ward
a8d8e63 As V arrived back at the mansion with the King, he'd really just plain fucking had it with everyone. And that included himself. But J.R. Ward
65c2a24 Sacrifice was also in the eye of the beholder. Like beauty, it was a personal, subjective assessment, a cost-benefit analysis that had no right answer, only a compass that spun around an individual's variant of true north. Throe, J.R. Ward
f4e3cf8 Before we kumbaya this shit, you're going to do something for me, right here and now." The" J.R. Ward
f5b7dac Swear your fealty unto me, this night and forever more, placing none upon the earth above me and mine." Xcor" J.R. Ward
ccd5ac3 Butch came in from the kitchen, Bud in one hand, sandwich in the other. "Hey, big man. S'up?" "I want the two of you to chain me to my bed." J.R. Ward
eeeb7c9 the two of them all GQ'd up for Last Meal. Both wore slacks, not jeans, and sweaters, not sweatshirts, and loafers, not shitkickers. They were clean-shaven, cologned, and coiffed, but they were not she-males in the slightest. Frankly, that would have made things a lot easier. For fuck's sake, he wished one of the SOBs would RuPaul their shit and go all feather boa and fingernail polish. But no. They just kept looking like two too-hot males .. J.R. Ward
12a7c92 High above, the rafters were made of old wood, and sturdy as the mountain the house had been built on, and across the way, sixteen coffins were stacked one upon the next, as if they were nothing but moving boxes from U-Haul. The J.R. Ward
34c8500 Funny how your life could be interrupted: You left a house expecting to come back, but then the path you were on took you left instead of around again to the right. How J.R. Ward
21bcea3 Her first cogent thought was that he was a predator. Her second...was that she wanted to be caught. J.R. Ward
991eb60 It was everything dirty and wrong and evil and degrading, and he did it over and over again to keep his secret safe. And also because his dark side got off on it. It was Love, Symphath Style, J.R. Ward
32179fd if that bastard's innocent," Rhage spoke up, "I'm the fucking Easter bunny." "Oh, good," someone quipped. "I'm calling you Hop-along Hollywood from now on." "Beasty Bo Peep," somebody else threw out. "We could put you in a Cadbury ad and finally make some money--" "People," Rhage barked, "the point is that he is not innocent and I'm not the Easter bunny--" "Where's your basket?" "Can I play with your eggs?" "Hop it out, big guy--" "Will you.. J.R. Ward
a9d202a If Tohr hadn't hated the motherfucker with such a passion...he'd have almost respected the sonofabitch. -- J.R. Ward
ac152c4 It was always better to follow a bumpy course of one's own than a smooth but intractable trail set by another. The former was harder, yet far more vital. The latter was like a living death...except you didn't know you were dying because you were in a coma. J.R. Ward
7f06486 I find it really hard to believe you've taken an interest in nutrition." "True. This gluten-is-the-enemy thing is total bullshit. And don't get me started on kombucha tea, kale, anything with antioxidants in it, and the fallacy that high-fructose corn syrup is the root of all evil." "Did you hear that Kraft Macaroni & Cheese took out all its preservatives months ago?" "Yeah, and the bastards didn't tell anyone up front, either--" J.R. Ward
3a34f74 As the two held stares, it was hard not to feel part of a unique club that no one would ever volunteer to be associated with. Membership wasn't sought or desirable or something to crow about . . . but it was real and it was powerful: Survivors of similar wrecks could see the horrors of those jagged shoals in the eyes of others. It was like recognizing like. It was two people with the same tattoo on their insides, the divide of a trauma that.. J.R. Ward
7654f7a Tragedy, like love, makes people blind. J.R. Ward
1fe6ef5 We were a little more fallen than the bosses were comfortable with." Adrian grinned like a motherfucker. "As I mentioned, I like the ladies." "Usually in pairs." J.R. Ward
f28ec76 V laughed deep in his throat. "Yeah, you can fight with me in the field when you're grown. And soon as you're big enough to hold a dagger ... I'll make one for you. Forge it myself. You're gonna be just like your dad, one helluva a fighter. Just like him ..." J.R. Ward
e363b46 There was someone sitting in his room, over on that chair-- "Are you kidding me?" He exhaled a curse and rubbed the back of his brain. "Really? Are you fucking kidding me?" Across the way, like some fucked-up scarecrow, a pair of blue jeans, that Nirvana concert T-shirt of the angel's, the flannel bullshit, and a set of Nikes had been stuffed with God only knew what. The head of the "Lassiter" was made out of a nylon bag that had had potato.. J.R. Ward