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5e19956 For him, the control over his subs' minds and bodies was what he was after. The things he did to them sexually or otherwise, the things he said, what he made them was all carefully calibrated for effect. Sure, there was pain involved, and yeah, maybe they cried from the vulnerability and the fear. But they begged him for more. J.R. Ward
a716c2c You don't have to--" "Stop it." Trez had to look away. "Don't make me cry. I hate feeling like a pussy." "You'd do the same for me." "You've already saved me once." "I like to think we saved each other." J.R. Ward
1b38ecb Quinn: "Shiiiiiiit. I nearly killed him." Blay: "Well, arguably you were being gallant." Ward J. R.
01f4b44 El otono es mi estacion favorita del ano --dijo el al cabo de un rato--. No es que yo este tonteando o algo asi... pero me gustan las hojas cuando se tornan rojas y anaranjadas. Son hermosas a la luz de la luna, pero mas concretamente, se trata de una transformacion imposible. El verde de la primavera y el verano son solo una sombra de la identidad autentica de los arboles, y todo ese color cuando las noches se vuelven frias es un milagro c.. J.R. Ward
519afcf Trez looked at his hands. "I didn't ask for this." "No one asks for life." The executioner hiked iAm's body up higher. "And sometimes they do not ask for death." -- J.R. Ward
afd9d5e it was one of the frickin' Golden Girls: J.R. Ward
c40ea88 doing here, George." The supportive chuff he got in return was exactly the vote of" J.R. Ward
2ab99b1 You know, you sound like birds when you do that chuckle thing. It's nice." Over to the left, Vishous put his head in his hands." J.R. Ward
e95f908 I'm going bald! J.R. Ward
96b2be0 She nodded. And dematerialized right out of his hand. J.R. Ward
8e3a60e archway and hit the light switch for the J.R. Ward
a2c6090 Not the point. No offense, but these are wicked Village People. J.R. Ward
5dc9b23 He had to look. J.R. Ward
8fbf73f White trash had a way of finding their graves. Along with wife beating and beer sucking, dying was probably their only core competency. J.R. Ward
765aa4e He ran for his toilet to throw up, but he didn't make it that far. J.R. Ward
4be5e3c You asked me to speak. If this is a problem, the solution is not to get defensive because you don't like what you hear. The answer is to not invite me to talk. J.R. Ward
4485242 V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloade.. butch lover-revealed vishous J.R Ward
07185b0 V frowned. There was only a hissing sound coming from the voice mail. But then a clatter had him yanking the phone away from his ear. Now Butch's voice, hard, loud: "Dematerialize. Dematerialize now." A scared male: "But-but-" "Now! For fuck's sake, get your ass out of here..." Sounds of muffled flapping. "Why are you doing this? You're just a human-" "I am so sick of hearing that. Leave!" There was a metallic shifting, a gun being reloaded.. butch vishous J.R. Ward
97ab12a Some things are destined to be-- it just takes us a couple of tries to get there. J.R. Ward
5c02112 You are a manipulator." "I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer." J.R. Ward
8467c13 Esto iba a doler, penso Saxton. Pero esto no iba a romperlo. Finalmente lo superaria. Sanar, seguir adelante. Los corazones se rompen todo el tiempo... ?No habia una cancion sobre esto? J.R. Ward
3792de3 I sometimes wonder . . ." She shrugged. "I mean, what if everyone's lied about death? What if there is no Fade, but instead you're just stuck in your body forever, conscious but unable to move?" Great. She'd wanted to try to lighten the mood. Nice. Try. "Well, bodies do . . ." He cleared his throat. "You know, rot." J.R. Ward
802923d Body parts really don't like to be cut, stabbed or hacked into sections, and they express their anger by leaking all over the fuck. Jesus, we're, like, seventy percent water or something? And you learn that's so fucking true when you go to a fresh scene. Pools of it. Drips of it. Speckles of it. Then you got the stained clothes, rugs, bedsheets, walls, flooring--or if it's outside, the ground cover, the concrete, the asphalt. And then there.. J.R. Ward
0313c79 Sometimes the fact that you were forced to be strong J.R. Ward
335e008 Tell you what," A.J. offered. "I've got some errands to run today. We'll hijack the truck and pick up a new one together." "You askin' me on a date?" Chester asked wolfishly. "I suppose I am." "You buyin' or am I?" "If you're talking about the wheelbarrow, I am," Devlin interjected. "But what about food? If it's a date, ya need food." "Probably not a lot of that at the local hardware store," A.J. said with a grin. "Considering your days of .. J.R. Ward
75d1702 The past is safe because it is indelible. J.R. Ward
6e0c78f Lassiter had been the wild card, and he had not lasted. Distracted by physical yearnings, he had gotten into epic trouble and been banished, lost to a destiny and destination of which Colin was only vaguely aware. J.R. Ward
f17eb7f The fact that the guy who was arguably his best friend had to watch the whole thing was just part of the cluster-fuck carousel, an added ball crusher. J.R. Ward
9e80278 You know, you handled yourself last night. Don't know many humans who would have taken on Rhage or me. Much less in front of all the brothers." "Ah, now, don't get all mushy on me. We ain't dating." J.R. Ward
2e037d9 What, like you didn't think I'd have a second knife? Fucking idiot. J.R. Ward
65aa5c0 I'm here. Where's my chauffeur hat?" "Here, use mine," Butch said, outing a B Sox cap and throwing it over. "It'll help that hair of yours." The angel caught the thing on the fly and stared at the red S. "I'm sorry, I can't." "Do not tell me you're a Yankees fan," V drawled. "I'll have to kill you, and frankly, tonight we need all the wingmen we've got." Lassiter tossed the cap back. Whistled. Looked casual." J.R. Ward
c4d30ab last page of the book from Hell. Putting her hands on the small of her back, she stretched for the one hundredth time and looked over at J.R. Ward
7df17fc Voy a amarte tanto, y durante tanto tiempo, de que te vas a convencer de que ninguna cosa terrenal pudo haber unido nuestros destinos. J.R. Ward
866ca74 Okay, he needed to pull himself together--before Rhage's elbow nailed him in the liver again, and Selena bolted back to his bedroom. "You are . . . I am . . ." He pulled at the collar of his silk shirt, even though the thing was wide-open. "You like it?" she said. All he could do was nod. He was literally nothing but hormones in a black suit. She was that beautiful to him. "Really?" More nodding. "Uh-huh. Really." Selena started to smile. T.. J.R. Ward
a6ef3b3 But then this one time, at band camp J.R. Ward
dc267aa your quest?" Darius stepped inside. "I should" J.R. Ward
e2e3aca I have a trainer," she confirmed while searching for an escape route. Standing closer to this man is like being stuck in an elevator, she decided. You'd bargain with God to get free. "But not just any trainer. Not only does this woman tackle a stallion no one else can seem to tame but she resurrects the dead, ? You have done wonders to stir McCloud's blood again, or so I have heard." A.J.'s mouth dropped open at the insinuation. "What are .. J.R. Ward
370a6ba I love you, she mouthed in the shadows. "Let's go," she said roughly." J.R. Ward
c59aad3 Rhage stepped in front of him. "Hey, hi! How are you?" Hollywood stuck his hand out. "I'd like to introduce myself. I'm the piece of meat that's going to force you headfirst into your buddy Qhuinn's Hummer as soon as it gets here. Just figured I'd introduce myself before I rope your ass and throw you over my shoulder like a bag of sand." J.R. Ward
16bd5bb Looking for this?" V held up a vial full of powder and tilted the thing back and forth, all tick-tock. "Mmm?" It was pathetic the way the fucker's eyes latched on and bugged out. But V knew what that was like--how you needed the very burn you didn't want, how it became all you could think of, how you withered from the not having of it. Thank God for Jane. Without her, he'd be walking that stretch of gnawing and ever-empty still. "And he doe.. J.R. Ward
6727f84 Females, after all, were not just the fairer sex, but the fairly reasonable one. Which was the only reason the race had survived this long. J.R. Ward
b6fbe7b But of course, time didn't work like that. And memory was but a television show of your own life, a movie screen you could play witness to, but not interact with, change the course of, redirect. J.R. Ward
edd7f72 Way too many people cloaked themselves in the mantle of victimhood, creating a vacuum of identity that they expected the world to rush in and fill with compassion that was undeserved. J.R. Ward
2371374 Honestly, you stretch those vowels out any longer and we're going to have to put you on life support." - Ivie" J.R. Ward