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69dd7de I'm not scared of death, it's the suffering that bothers me--and I know I can help that. It's the journey, not the outcome, that I can change, if that makes sense. death-quotes ivie journey J.R. Ward
63b7088 The mid-stride step, never to be completed, was the worst regret anyone could have. J.R. Ward
cc54b46 I will love you with everything I am and all that I have... love-quotes J.R. Ward
2cc3fa2 Are you kidding me?" he blurted out loud as Howard Stern's voice piped into his skull. "Eric the Actor is d--" Selena's brows tightened like she was considering waking up and he closed his piehole. But he couldn't believe another wack packer had been lost. It just seemed cruel in light of everything he was going through." J.R. Ward
69ade7f The cabin was warm, thanks to her, a little trick of molecular agitation of the air that was enhanced by her being pissed off. The heat she generated was not cheery like that from a fire however--more like the kind of hot flash you got along with a case of the shits. J.R. Ward
1504fc6 See, this is how people get paralyzed. They stuff and stuff and stuff, and the triggers keep coming and the layers continue to build until the load becomes too heavy, and they fold. J.R. Ward
c8d7515 Well, what do you know, not only did it turn out her ovaries had a little spark left in them--the suckers might as well have exploded between her hip bones. When J.R. Ward
84367ca Closing his eyes, he sent up a prayer to anyone who was listening, asking please, for God's sake, stop sending him signals that they were right for each other. He'd read that book, seen the movie, bought the sound track, the DVD, the T-shirt, the mug, the bobble-head, and the insider's guide. He knew every reason they could have been lock and key. J.R. Ward
6c1f1ca The guy didn't have resting bitch face so much as resting I'm-going-to-kill-someone-and-light-their-house-on-fire face. Swallowing J.R. Ward
8a5fbe8 John?" she said. As it was dark, he whistled a What? "You are such a male of worth, you know that. You really are." She reached up and cupped his face. It happened so fast, he couldn't believe it. Later, he would play and replay everything over and over again, stretching out the moment endlessly, reliving it and taking a strange kind of nourishment from the memory, again and again." J.R. Ward
bdda1de Now about this storm." Wrath shook his head. "It's ripe nasty out there. I'm calling off tonight. It's a fucking snow day, assholes." J.R. Ward
a3e35af tonight as well. Fucking John Matthew. Ever since she'd barged into his brain and saw what he'd been doing to himself whenever he thought about her...she'd been doing likewise. Fucking. John Matthew. Like she needed this shit? J.R. Ward
cb8ba42 resting I'm-going-to-kill-someone-and-light-their-house-on-fire face. J.R. Ward
73311de With his chin dropped to his chest, he was staring at her from under his brows, his pale yellow eyes glowing as they locked on her and her alone. Her first cogent thought was that he was a predator. Her second... was that she wanted to be caught. J.R. Ward
d1f2d21 That was my life, Qhuinn. Those children...were my future, what was going to be left of me when I'm dead and gone. They were going to be..." As his voice cracked, he took a long drag. "They were going to carry my parents' traditions forward. They were milestones and happiness and a wholeness that even you can't give me." J.R. Ward
824eca3 Wrath..." "What," he murmured against her, working her with his nose. "You don't like?" "Shut up and get back to doing--" His tongue slipping under the panties cut her off...and made him have to slow himself down. She was so slick and wet and soft and willing, it was all he could do to keep himself from hauling her on the rug and going at her deep and hard. And then they'd both miss out on the fun of anticipation. Moving the cotton asid.. J.R. Ward
fbdf54b Well...damn. It was so hard not to notice how beautiful he was, how kind, how smart and loving, how considerate. J.R. Ward
50e7a1f When you were having the sex of your life, the aftermath was not what you concerned yourself with. J.R. Ward
3750c0e We were always every age we had ever been. J.R. Ward
c7e265e He can't take her away!" he screamed at no one and everybody. "We just got her! He can't take her--he's a fucking stranger--" "Rhage," Mary got directly in front of him, jumping up to catch his eye. "Rhage, we have to--" Latching onto her wide, sad stare, he moaned, "She's ours...she's ours...this stranger can't take her away--she's ours...." J.R. Ward
3de6860 Axe saved my life...." That was the last thing Rhage said before he went nighty-night. --" J.R. Ward
4523bc8 Mike's Tuxedo Rental was a bolt-hole of polyester knockoffs sandwiched between a Dunkin' Donuts on the corner and a local flower shop on the other side. As Anne parallel-parked across the street from it, she checked the clock on her dash and was relieved they had an hour before the shop closed at five. J.R. Ward
ef5e7dd I just want to hit the groom. Once. Is that too much to ask?" Saxton popped his brows. "Is that a human tradition for this type of ceremony?" "Why, yes," the male said. "As a matter of fact it is--" Novo slapped her palm over his mouth. "No. it most certainly is not. And no matter how I might have felt about my sister in the past, I don't want her special night ruined, okay?" Peyton mumbled a little longer. And when she dropped her hand, he.. peyton J.R. Ward
a115a22 When he bared his fangs, she knew he was going to go for her jugular, and she wanted him there. Turning her head to the side, she bared herself to him-- The strike was brutal, his fangs going in so deep, she screamed--but not in pain, even though it hurt in a delicious way. This was the marking she had heard about. This was the owning of the female by the male, the staking of the claim. And sure enough, he held her in place at the throat wi.. J.R. Ward
42ab59a Here." She held out her stuffed tiger. "This is Mastimon. He has always protected me. You can hold him now." J.R. Ward
a237ab1 But he wasn't done with her. Before she could catch her breath, he pulled out, flipped her over, and yanked her onto all fours. Rearing up behind her, he bit her again, on the other side, and then he was in her once more, taking her from the rear, one hand running up between her slapping breasts and locking on the base of her throat, the other planted on the floor, holding them both up. She was facing the fire, and her vision swung wildly w.. J.R. Ward
e45e86f And then he let out a predatory hiss-- --and bit her so hard she had to hold back a curse. Now J.R. Ward
f839511 How" she whispered as she stroked down to the very top of her cleft. A pumping growl left him, and Xcor said in a low burst, "Yes. Right there." J.R. Ward
6922eaf He pulled out at the last minute, rising above her, his shoulders blocking the spray of the shower. Grabbing his erection, he was even more brutal with himself than he had been with her, yanking at his sex, making himself come. So that he covered her. It was the marking of a bonded male, a practice done so that any other male in her presence would be fully warned that if he approached her, he had best beware. She was another's. Not as prope.. J.R. Ward
5e52b46 Needless to say he had a newfound respect for that blind vampire. There were very few things iAm hadn't been able to move in his adult life. He'd changed a tire while acting as his own tire iron. Had been known to walk vats of sauce big as washing machines around a kitchen. Hell, he'd even actually relocated a washer and dryer without thinking much about it. And then he'd had to lift that truck off his brother about two years ago. Ano.. J.R. Ward
a71c0fc Ivie lowered her coffee cup onto its saucer. "You would do that? I mean, Silas, seriously, these are not your peeps. My dad has tattoos and a Harley. He and my mahmen live in a prefab house out on a farm, and eat their own chickens. We're talking beer out of a can, a store-bought cake, and hunting dogs running around under the table" J.R. Ward
b1e897d She was a mahmen. She was a lover. She was a proud female, a strong female, a female who knew right from wrong, family from stranger, good from evil. She had lived through two birthings and stood up to a Brother just now, and she would take on the King if she had to. She was fallible and could get confused and might well flounder from time to time. But she would survive. That was what the strong did. J.R. Ward
c47fa07 A bilo je to itekako drazesno, smatrala je Mary. Nekako je humanije, promatrati razlicite rukopise, razlicite tinte, razlicite nacine na koje bi netko nekad nesto krivo napisao. Bio je to vizualni ekvivalent razgovora, svatko bi u zapisu ostavio nesto sebi svojstveno, unikatno - za razliku od unosa uvijek istih, provjerenih natipkanih rijeci. Medutim, to je donekle otezavalo trazenje neke odredene biljeske ili napomene. S druge strane, isci.. J.R. Ward
5fb87d1 The conviction was as solid as the bones beneath her skin: Even the powerful needed protection sometimes. J.R. Ward
a8ed810 God does not give us more than we can handle. J.R. Ward
9f2e9a4 Try the tenderloin. It's fucking awesome. And the lamb, too. Oh, and the mashed potatoes. Skip the salad. Waste of chewing. J.R. Ward
36e6162 That was the thing about life. Habit and routine made things feel permanent, but that was all an illusion based on the very flimsy foundation of repetition. Change and chaos was a far better bet to put your faith in. At least you would never be surprised when things went tits up. life J.R. Ward
882d239 He got up out of bed, walked across the room, and put his glowing hand to her face with hesitation. On a sigh she leaned into the imprint of his palm and the warmth of his flesh. "Is this you?" he said hoarsely. She nodded and reached out to his cheeks, which were a little red. "You've been crying." He captured her hand. "I feel you." "Me, too." He touched her neck, her shoulder, her sternum. Brought her arm forward and looked at it...w.. J.R. Ward
f97a84d Indeed, this was the problem with lying to intimates, he thought. The untruths always came home to roost and never in a way that justified the falsity, however small or large it had been. Because, in fact, there was never a justification to lie to someone who loved you. J.R. Ward
34d06a2 Well, hello, beautiful ... You are a sight for sore eyes. J.R. Ward
0b68b88 I'm coming back at the end of the night. Be naked." "Wouldn't you rather undress me?" "No, because I'd shred that shirt, and I want you sleeping in it every night until you're in my bed with me. Be. Naked." "We'll see." His whole body throbbed at the disobedience. And she knew it, her stare level and erotic. "God, I love you," he said." J.R. Ward
2707d19 He's doing very well. He ate something and now he's resting." "What did he have?" Like he was her kid or something. "That ginger and rice--" "Roast beef." "Oh, that's great! A serving or two of that can help his iron counts." "It wasn't just a serving. He had a whole roast beef. As in . . . a bone-in, standing prime rib roast. I believe they said it weighed sixteen pounds." Sarah blinked. "Jeez, what was dessert--an entire pie?" "Vanilla ic.. J.R. Ward
e883854 He and that woman were probably going to have to cross paths again. She was about to have a big problem in her life, J.R. Ward
f7c6c40 In the Old Language, he whispered, "I am barren of words, my female. For no sounds from my mouth are worthy of your hearing." J.R. Ward