Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
8d16190 | If you eliminated all possible explanations, then the impossible is the answer. | J.R. Ward | ||
3a819db | I've missed you," he blurted. "More than I've wanted to admit--and now that you're here with me, I can't figure out why I worked so fucking hard to avoid telling you that." | J.R. Ward | ||
ca67c28 | Life was too short, no matter how long you lived. | J.R. Ward | ||
cf1f99c | After a moment, he dropped his head and started to kiss her again, and she kissed him right back, giving him everything she had, trying to reassure him not just about his own injury, but the very future of the race. Which was maybe nuts. But sometimes that was all you could do--just pour your hope and love into your partner because they needed the support, even though it arguably wasn't going to change or improve what was really going on. | J.R. Ward | ||
bedef55 | Yet she was still alive and she was here. Looking at herself in the mirror. And for the first time in her life, she respected what she saw. Bowing to her reflection, she said softly, "Pleased to meet you." | J.R. Ward | ||
059351d | He was stronger and tougher--and she had to believe, even if it went against every core principle she personally had, that his single-minded, unwavering commitment to himself was going to see him through this better than her compassionate interest in others. Weight carried, whether it was physically, mentally, or emotionally, slowed you down. | J.R. Ward | ||
6979ebe | Being female was not a disability in any sense of the word. But he had treated it as such, hadn't he. He had decided that because she was not male, in spite of all her qualifications and skills, she couldn't go out into conflict. As if breasts suddenly made shit more dangerous. | J.R. Ward | ||
99689f3 | If you looked for validation from other people, by definition they could take that away if they chose. The safest path, as always, was to be your own rock, your own harbor, your own shelter. Am I okay? should only ever be answered by the person asking that question. | J.R. Ward | ||
ce3da06 | Sure enough, all of the Brotherhood was milling around and arming themselves like they were about to head off to find his sorry ass before dawn made shit too late. All eyes swung toward him, and as he saw the surprise and shock on those familiar faces, a load of aw-shucks hit him hard. To cover that up, he gave 'em a sly grin. "I'm back, bitches--miss us?" -- | J.R. Ward | ||
d5c145c | Beneath the wardrobe of a gentlemale, he had the soul of vengeance and not just a little street in him. | J.R. Ward | ||
cf437ce | She looked into the room. So many machines and wires and tubes - a reminder that the human body was an incredible miracle, its countless autonomic functions a gift when they were operating as intended, and a cumbersome nightmare to have to approximate when they were not. | health hospital human-body medical-care | J.R. Ward | |
bb62d20 | Butch came around in front, twisting the shirt he'd taken off into a rope. Thanks to all the lifting they'd been doing, the male's chest and arm muscles were thickening up, and he hadn't been small to begin with. He couldn't pull the kind of iron Rhage did, but for a human, the guy was a bulldozer. "You're getting into some kind of shape, cop." "Aw, come on, now." Butch grinned. "Don't let that shower we took go to your head." | J.R. Ward | ||
6c74582 | Saxton glanced at Ruhn. The male was likewise examining the portrait, and for some reason, whatever opinion he was forming seemed terribly important. Did he find her attractive? Did he want to meet her? As an unattached male, with an invitation from the head of the household, it would not be inappropriate for him to engage in a supervised meeting. He was not an aristocrat, and neither were Minnie and her clan, but there were still rules of .. | J.R. Ward | ||
49ae860 | She loved him even more than she had this morning, though less than she would tomorrow. | J.R. Ward | ||
052c59c | the future was unknown and unknowable. So if you had the chance . . . even if there was no music and no ballgown, no tuxedo or gala . . . when your true love asked you to dance? It was important to say yes. | J.R. Ward | ||
e4d9c1b | True enough. I say this all the time. Trez looked at his hands. "I didn't ask for this." "No one asks for life." The executioner hiked iAm's body up higher. "And sometimes they do not ask for death..." | life life-and-living life-quote | J.R. Ward | |
f170dcd | As Vishous seemed to find a partner in surly crime with Rhamp, Qhuinn found himself staring at the brother. For a lot of reasons. One, | J.R. Ward | ||
6da16f4 | And she wanted the monster in him. The unleashed. The crazed. Against everything that made any kind of sense, she wanted him to devour her, master her, take her down onto the hard floor right here, right now, and pin her under his naked, pumping body until she had no thoughts of who or even what he was. Who or even what she herself was. "Wipe me clean," she heard herself say against his mouth. "Take everything away for me until I know only .. | J.R. Ward | ||
16cc823 | Oh, please--" "Shut up and let me finish!" Z's mouth dropped open, sure as if she'd booted him in the ass. No one ever took that tone of voice with him. The anomaly alone would have gotten his attention, but the fact that it was her stunned him out." | J.R. Ward | ||
1166597 | I want to meet you in person." "Sorry, I'm not into dating." "Yeah, I can imagine with that face of yours you don't have much luck there. But I don't want you for sex." "I'm so relieved. Now who the fuck are you?" | J.R. Ward | ||
b72504d | Zsadist blinked a couple of times. What the hell just happened? He looked around the room as if the furniture or maybe the drapes could help him out. Then his acute hearing tuned in to a quiet sound. She was...crying. With a curse he went over to the bathroom. He didn't knock, just turned the knob and went inside. She was standing next to the shower, arms crossed, tears pooling in her sapphire eyes. Oh...God. What was a male supposed to do .. | J.R. Ward | ||
0c5d2e3 | I'm not a man, Mary, even though parts of me look like one. What you just had is nothing compared to what I want to do to you. I want my head between your legs so I can lick you until you scream my name. Then I want to mount you like an animal and look into your eyes as I come inside of you. And after that? I want to take you every way there is. I want to do you from behind. I want to screw you standing up, against the wall. I want you to s.. | J.R. Ward | ||
de06b7f | The brain has a way of confirming its own hypotheses. It's how we function in our world. That which fits within our definition and perspective of our existence is retained, if not amplified. That which does not is either rationalized or cast aside until an event so great or profound occurs that we must rethink everything. | J.R. Ward | ||
539a1c7 | I fell in love with one. And he fell in love with me." And then I died and his mother brought me back to life--it's great to have demigods as in-laws." | J.R. Ward | ||
f1d2924 | Stop thinking of me as broken or not whole. Put that bullshit down and walk away. It's not doing you any good and it's insulting to me. | anne-ashburn broken disability insulting strength-through-adversity | J.R. Ward | |
f5c8b6f | She lifted the cup to her lips. "You make good coffee." "You haven't tasted it yet." "I can smell it. And I love the way it smells." It's not the coffee, he thought. Not all of it, at any rate. "Well, I love your perfume," he said, because he was a dolt. She frowned. "I'm not wearing any. I mean, other than the soap and shampoo I use." "Well, I like them, then. And I'm glad you stayed." "Is this what you planned?" Their eyes met. Sh.. | coffee date not-just-anyone | J.R. Ward | |
1791fcf | Sometimes life brought you to corners that you saw coming, big changes altering your direction and focus thanks to a given event, like a mating or the birth of a young. Other times, though, the glacial shifts came without warning, popping out of nowhere. | J.R. Ward | ||
79ce0f8 | Because in all of his adult life he'd been through the full gamut of emotions . . . and he'd never once felt like this. Whole. Complete. At peace. "Holly, you are so much more than I thought you were," he whispered, brushing her cheek. As those lovely eyes of hers grew watery, she said, "And you've turned out to be everything I wished you'd be." "Well, hasn't this been the show of a lifetime, then?" He kissed her slowly. "And I have the per.. | J.R. Ward | ||
dcedfdb | My scent's all over you. It's inside of you. That's how my people will know who your mate is. It's also a warning." "A warning?" she breathed, languor suffusing her body. "To other males. It tells them who will come after them with a dagger if they touch you." Okay, that shouldn't be erotic as hell. But it was." -- | J.R. Ward | ||
ee0a7c3 | He looked her face over, loving the strong features and the short hair and the piercing forest green eyes. "I never would have asked you, you know...to blow everything you have here away for me." "That's only one of the reasons I love you." "Will you tell me the others later?" "Maybe." She slipped her hand between his legs, shocking the shit out of him and making him gasp. "Might show you, too." He covered her mouth with his and pushed .. | J.R. Ward | ||
6ff0d1f | He stood up, a giant of a man--er, male, his dark hair catching the dim light from the street lamps out in front of the condo. A wave of sadness came over her, and she closed her eyes. "Hey," he said, sitting down next to her. "None of that. We're not sad. You and me? We're not sad. We don't do sad." She laughed with a choking sound. "How did you know what I was feeling? Or do I look that pathetic?" He tapped his nose. "I can smell it. S.. | J.R. Ward | ||
4931e2d | It was Zsadist. His eyes closed, his head back, his mouth wide open, he sang. The scarred one, the soulless one, had the voice of an angel. | J.R. Ward | ||
e94308a | Of course I want you," she said right in his ear. "I love you." He let loose some kind of hoarse word, and his arms crushed her to him. As she found herself not being able to breathe because he was squeezing her so tight, she thought, Yup, this really was him. And he wasn't going to let her go this time. Thank. God. As he held Jane up off the ground, Vishous was wholly happy. Complete in a way that having all your fingers and toes couldn'.. | J.R. Ward | ||
7003d00 | he was going to go to Jane's house and pull some romantic shit. He wasn't sure what, maybe like flowers or something. Well, flowers and him installing that security system. 'Cause nothing said lovin' like a shitload of motion detectors. God, | J.R. Ward | ||
7bb2e60 | V?" Vishous raised his stare. "Yeah?" "I think you should know, after all this deep conversatin'..." Butch shook his head gravely. "We still ain't dating." The two of them busted out laughing," | J.R. Ward | ||
9800bc3 | My buddy's just being an ass. It's his life's work." "Everyone needs a purpose." | J.R. Ward | ||
e2375ae | Sometimes, pretending to be normal was the very best antidote to weirdness. Fake-it-until-you-make-it was more than psychobabble bullshit. | J.R. Ward | ||
816a89e | I learned that protecting someone by keeping him away from me doesn't shelter either of us. I learned that feeling other people's feelings for them doesn't bring us closer, it only separates me from myself and my needs. I always thought being codependent meant being too emotionally glued to someone; I didn't realize the way I was doing it was setting me adrift. | introspection love relationship | Lisa Scottoline | |
496afa6 | She'd believed in forever in her twenties, when Gray had said it, meaning every word, and she'd believed in forever in her thirties, when William had said it, lying through his teeth. But she'd lived long enough to know that forever couldn't be guaranteed to anyone. Even tomorrow couldn't be relied upon. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
6c5122e | Don't try and change me. Women always try to change men. It never works. I'm not trying to change you. I'm trying to work with you. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
0daa6f1 | Don't think on what they say, because you don't have to get yourself right with them. You have to get yourself right with you. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
20e6f79 | the reverse-discrimination case, | Lisa Scottoline | ||
e1a9619 | life wouldn't be as much fun if we knew where its treasures were hidden. Sometimes you had to search for them. Sometimes you had to fight for them. And sometimes, they were at your feet. Either way, they were waiting. For you. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
d6c4df4 | See the child, not the cancer. Then you'll be happy when you visit, not sad. | Lisa Scottoline |