Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
fa1da61 | She's the Girl Who Dresses Too Hot For Work. Every rotation has one, probably every job. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
5380b07 | They didn't do things the way you would have. They're not you. That's what their declaration-of-independence rants were all about,when you used to fight, and why they kept telling us they want to do it their way.....Well, now, I get to do it my way......Well, now, I get to do it my way...And you know what? It's fun!...I can do anything I damn well please. It's called freedom. And I earned every minute of it. And that's the best feeling in t.. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
beb9ea1 | He's an odd duck but he's a good kid, with a good heart. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
1b6684a | I'm a professional worrier. It comes with the ovaries. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
28dd93e | reading was the cornerstone of self-esteem, success, and even a simple pleasure that was lifelong. She | Lisa Scottoline | ||
d55b886 | I'm always interested in products that claim to be aphrodisiacs, when we all know that the one and only aphrodisiac is a man volunteering to build you some bookshelves. | bookshelves sex | Lisa Scottoline | |
6520971 | We may not be perfect, but we're good, and good people can't imagine evil. It catches us by surprise, and it always will. We don't know the first thing about the kind of evil that would sacrifice a child. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
a5db982 | How can litigation not be adversarial? That's the fun part. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
346fc30 | To me, it doesn't really matter how a baby comes into the world, only that it does. I just feel lucky in who my baby is. Best of luck with yours. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
197619e | Cynthia's face popped onto the screen, a gorgeous, blue-eyed blonde with a dazzling smile. Mindy thought of the baby and how pretty he or she would have been. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
b4b4956 | Now, Megan, we can't pick on whoever abstained. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
3ff6808 | looked back at Bennie in panic as Declan tugged him away. By the time they'd rounded the corner, | Lisa Scottoline | ||
884b52a | her law firm needed the dough. The slump in the economy had hit lawyers, too, and people had stopped suing each other. Could world peace be far behind? | Lisa Scottoline | ||
a406e68 | Normal was the simple wish of everyone with a mental illness. Normal was what everyone else, the worried well, took for granted. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
0c4a48e | in the chalices, wafers, and rosaries of her childhood, and she | Lisa Scottoline | ||
e71d1eb | If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
a00db81 | My theory is that you find out who your true friends are when something good happens to you, not when something bad happens to you. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
73f9313 | petition." "Will they get caught?" "No, the record doesn't reflect what time papers are filed. The docket shows only that they were filed the same day. But that they're fifteen minutes apart? It doesn't show that." "Is what they did against the law?" Marshall frowned. "No, but it's improper." Bennie knew the Code of Judicial Conduct because it was similar to the Code of Professional Responsibility for lawyers. "The Judicial Code says that j.. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
2f0b6bd | She was too exhausted to live. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
51cf5e5 | Judy was raised without a religion, which is why she has so much faith. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
0e0d06d | He turned away, walked to the kitchen, and stopped at the threshold. The bloodstain was still there, and even if he replaced the floorboards, he would always know it had been there. He had seen her standing at that spot a thousand times, rinsing a glass, getting water for a recipe, or filling a vase of roses from their garden. Chloe had died in her own kitchen, and Mike realized all of a sudden that he could never live in this house again. .. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
c3413b0 | Mary was always surprised at how terse men could be. She needed fifteen minutes to say hello. Plus hugging time. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
19fdfd9 | The Marcellus Shale is one of the largest deposits of natural gas in the country, and it's one of the major fracking sites. In fact, the most fracking sites in the entire country are in Pennsylvania, on the Marcellus in Susquehanna County and a bunch of others. Towns like Dimock, Montrose, Springville, Headley. As you know, the gas companies use explosives to drill and they have the FELs. | Lisa Scottoline | ||
e81fa1a | truth is strong medicine. It should be prescribed with great care, | Nayantara Sahgal | ||
035f889 | Having told the truth for years as a first-rate reporter, Jason Leopold now comes completely clean about himself and also sheds light on his imperiled profession. A riveting account of just how hard the truth can be. | Mark Crispin Miller | ||
2811ead | What a shocking bad hat!' was the phrase that was next in vogue. No sooner had it become universal, than thousands of idle but sharp eyes were on the watch for the passenger whose hat shewed any signs, however slight, of ancient service. Immediately the cry arose, and, like the war-whoop of the Indians, was repeated by a hundred discordant throats. He was a wise man who, finding himself under these circumstances 'the observed of all observe.. | hat hats insult london mockery mocking nervousness shame | Charles Mackay | |
b054ccb | We all pay an involuntary homage to antiquity - a "blind homage," as Bacon calls it in his "Novum Organum," which tends greatly to the obstruction of truth. To the great majority of mortal eyes, Time sanctifies everything that he does not destroy. The mere fact of anything being spared by the great foe makes it a favourite with us, who are sure to fall his victims." | Charles Mackay | ||
bbe1e8a | Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, by Charles Mackay, LL. D. | Kurt Vonnegut | ||
b482ddf | It's good netiquette to look for every opportunity to compliment others online. NetworkEtiquette.net | digital etiquette facebook internet manners netiquette-rules online rules-for-netiquette social-media social-network social-networking | David Chiles | |
c4dcaaf | The Internet is complicated. Netiquette is simple. Be nice. NetworkEtiquette.net | etiquette-and-attitude internet manners net-etiquette nice online | David Chiles | |
acc8f45 | Learn the netiquette before you participate in new online activities. NetworkEtiquette.net | internet-of-things netiquette netiquette-rules online principles-of-netiquette rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette web | David Chiles | |
06edcb4 | Before Diana disappeared from sight, I called her on the radio. Her voice was bright and lively, and I knew instinctively that she was happy, and safe. I walked back to the car and drove slowly along the only road that runs adjacent to the bay, with heath land and then the sea to my left and the waters of Poole Harbour running up toward Wareham, a small market town, to my right. Within a matter of minutes, I was turning into the car park of.. | Larry King | ||
f771ef7 | Friends are the siblings we should have had Friends are siblings we give ourselves | Jason King Godwise | ||
cff3ccd | Solution - A method of fixing a problem or situation. Solution is a positive Netiquette Word. NetworkEtiquette.net | digital fix good internet internet-etiquette netiquette netiquette-rule netiquette-rules nice online positive-words solution word words | David Chiles | |
7dd4040 | Use Discretion: It is proper netiquette to use discretion, best behavior, in all online activity. NetworkEtiquette.net | internet internet-etiquette internet-manners manners micro-blog mobile netiquette online online-education social-media social-network tweet tweeting twitter web | David Chiles | |
f7898e9 | Traditional values are not gone. They are good netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net | digital etiquette internet-etiquette manners mobile netiquette netiquette-rules online rules-for-netiquette social-media traditional-values web | David Chiles | |
42d67ac | I think the way to stop it is to shrug it off. Or take it with your tongue in your cheek. Sure, that's the system. At any rate, it's the system that works for you. It's the automatic control board that keeps you out there where nothing matters, where it's only you and the keyboard and nothing else. Because it's gotta be that way. You gotta stay clear of anything serious. | David Goodis | ||
4cb479e | You've really earned it, he thought. You've played a losing game and actually enjoyed the idea of losing, almost like them freaks who get their kicks when they're banged around. You've heard tell about that type, the ones who pay the girls to burn them with lit matches, or put on high heeled shoes and step on their faces. That kind of weird business. And it's always the same question. What makes them that way? But you never took the trouble.. | David Goodis | ||
40ede5f | He moved on down the alley, his feet walking forward and his brain swimming backward through a sea of time. It was a dark sea, much darker than the alley. The tide was slow and there were no waves, just tiny ripples that murmured very softly. Telling him about yesterday. Telling him that yesterday could never really be discarded, it was always a part of now. There was just no way to get rid of it. No way to push it aside or throw it into an.. | past | David Goodis | |
1c1dec3 | It's good netiquette to empathize with others online. It builds strong internet relationships. NetworkEtiquette.net | engage internet internet-manners netiquette netiquette-rules online rules-for-netiquette social-media web | David Chiles | |
0f41ae3 | Good updates are nice, as a matter of netiquette. Bad ones are negative. NetworkEtiquette.net | etiquette-rules facebook good-reads goodreads internet-etiquette micro-blog netiquette netiquette-rules rules-for-netiquette social-media social-network | David Chiles | |
82ad0bf | Being comfortable with online contact is a central part of netiquette. Stay in your zone. NetworkEtiquette.net | etiquette internet netiquette netiquette-rules rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette social social-media social-network social-networking | David Chiles | |
085c1c0 | It's good netiquette to provide links in updates. Everyone does not know what you know. NetworkEtiquette.net | facebook internet-manners netiquette rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette social-media social-networking | David Chiles | |
667e6f1 | It is good netiquette to use domains that do not allow spam, hate, or violence. NetworkEtiquette.net | etiquette internet internet-manners netiquette netiquette-rules online rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette surfing-the-internet web | David Chiles |