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a294502 He'd never felt more loved or wanted than when he was with Bess. Had never felt more important or cherished than when in her arms. Was it wrong to want her on every human level? Not wrong, perhaps, but not right, either.... Loree Lough
e132065 The encroaching darkness that shrouded him couldn't compare to the joyless gloom that hung in his heart. Loree Lough
1b5b0a0 it caused one of Douglass's most challenging psychic dilemmas. He repeatedly faced the question of how uncompromising radicalism could mix with a learned pragmatism to try to influence real power, to determine how to condemn the princes and their laws but also influence and eventually join them. David W. Blight
74ddf16 You are responsible for your deeds You are responsible for you Jason King Godwise
ab5e3f8 Douglass told white northern voters that 'The blood of the slave is on your garments. You have said that slavery is better than freedom. That war is better than peace. And that cruelty is better than humanity. David W. Blight
5b30c28 Our government may at some time be in the hands of a bad man. When in the hands of a good man it is all well enough. . . . We ought to have our government so shaped that even when in the hands of a bad man we shall be safe. David W. Blight
5124e0c His "wickedly selfish" Americans loved to celebrate their "own heritage, and on this condition are content to see others crushed in our midst." David W. Blight
b9ba6b4 In August, Douglass righteously claimed that "everyone knows that this is the slaveholders' rebellion and nothing else." The war, he said, was the work of a "privileged class of irresponsible despots, authorized tyrants and blood-suckers, who fasten upon the Negro's flesh, and draw political power and consequence from their legalized crimes." David W. Blight
69f31b0 Grafton, Massachusetts, in early 1842, while working solo, Douglass was met by mob hostility in addition to an unwelcoming clergy. So he went to a hotel and borrowed a "dinner-bell, with which in hand I passed through the principal streets," he recalled, "ringing the bell and crying out, 'Notice! Frederick Douglass, recently a slave, will lecture on American Slavery, on Grafton Common, this evening at 7 o'clock."13" David W. Blight
f37c3f8 I now saw, in my situation, several points of similarity with that of the oxen. They were property, so was I; they were to be broken, so was I. Covey was to break me, I was to break them; break and be broken--such is life. David W. Blight
c9115de Douglass played the prophetic role of the "suffering servant" with zeal. His famous statement about agitation, delivered in a speech in 1857, has stood the test of time and numerous protest ideologies: "If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to" David W. Blight
d41403d But this is your home' 'Not any longer, my poppet. Women make nests but men make bequests and scatter them. Heigh-ho! gender inheritence injustice Joan Aiken
afb9c09 They said the boy had problems sitting still and quiet The wise old man said to his parents There is nothing wrong with that boy That one hundred acres would not cure Jason King Godwise
b4c0ea1 The greatest trick our enemy ever did Was to make us think we are our own enemy Is to make us ashamed, and hate ourselves Thinking we are our own enemy Jason King Godwise
13fcc04 The first rule of war is to know when you're in one Jason King Godwise
4547cbf If entering marriage ask Will I enjoy conversation with this person in old age Jason King Godwise
e1f68a4 Some people demand freedom of speech When they don't use freedom of thought Jason King Godwise
2d0a136 In nature nothing is done without a purpose Nature does nothing useless She is the greatest economist of all There is a reason for everything Jason King Godwise
68b1cb9 Get rid of all the extras If something is of no use Do not burden yourself with it Get rid of it, let go Jason King Godwise
bedb2e6 Revenge is the sweetest of all drinks Sweeter than honey more intoxicating than mead Jason King Godwise
3d50c0b Never underestimate the influence of people You allow into your life Be careful who you let in And kick them out as needed Jason King Godwise
ea52e04 You can tell the size of a man By the size of what troubles him A small thing should not trouble you Don't be bothered by little troubles Jason King Godwise
639c429 Be tired at the end of every day From doing a lot of work Jason King Godwise
856750c Never give up, never give in, never quit Keep working till you've won Jason King Godwise
46d6c8d Open your ears to wisdom, your eyes to truth Jason King Godwise
73d2608 Remember your ancestors Use their wisdom and add their strength to yours Keep your ancestors alive in your heart Through thoughts and deeds Jason King Godwise
8ab566e When you are planting your crops Be sure you want to harvest the seeds you plant Jason King Godwise
8370ef4 It is easier to stay out of trouble Than to get out of trouble Jason King Godwise
1fb88ad No one can make you feel inferior Without your help Jason King Godwise
3a17201 Example isn't another way to teach Example is the only way to teach Jason King Godwise
385f15b A bundle of sticks is stronger than any single stick Jason King Godwise
8f5d424 Decide what is worth dying for You will know what is worth living for Live for that Jason King Godwise
73a7878 Sometimes a nap is the best medicine Napping prepares the mind for fresh thoughts Jason King Godwise
9bd860b You must awaken, find your path become yourself Or you will be dragged along your path And wish you had voluntarily walked it Jason King Godwise
f5c5e59 Be who you want to be Not what other people want you to be Jason King Godwise
eb98da7 A man's character is his fate Your habits are your future Jason King Godwise
754163a You can judge a man by the company he keeps Jason King Godwise
7db8dee wounded prisoners. I wish I could hope, Miss Oliver--it would help, I suppose. But hope seems dead in me. I can't hope without some reason for it--and there is no reason." When Miss Oliver had gone to her own room and Rilla was lying on her bed in the moonlight, praying desperately for a little strength, Susan stepped in like a gaunt shadow and sat down beside her. "Rilla, dear, do not you worry. Little Jem is not dead." "Oh, how can you be.. L.M. Montgomery
d16e6fb I cooked with so many of the greats: Tom Colicchio, Eric Ripert, Wylie Dufresne, Grant Achatz. Rick Bayless taught me not one but two amazing mole sauces, the whole time bemoaning that he never seemed to know what to cook for his teenage daughter. Jose Andres made me a classic Spanish tortilla, shocking me with the sheer volume of viridian olive oil he put into that simple dish of potatoes, onions, and eggs. Graham Elliot Bowles and I made .. cuisine dishes food Stacey Ballis
52d4922 she leaped down the porch steps to her car. There was no thought. No planning. Just action. When you get a call that your kid is in the ER, there can be no room for thinking. Just the deepest fear imaginable, the kind that gripped like a steel band around her chest. Susan Wiggs
59c4c04 There were few forces greater than the power of a fourteen-year-old's determination when she wanted something. A teenager would stop at nothing in order to get her way. Susan Wiggs
d326b49 On his very worst day, each one of these men managed to summon his very best. Each one embodied the essence of courage. It is not the state of being unafraid, but the rare ability to confront fear. Susan Wiggs
80e3f70 The Immigration Reform Act wiped out that option. Used to be, if undocumented parents could prove their deportation would put a U.S. citizen--in this case, you, AJ--at risk, the judge could let them stay. But the act made deportation automatic." She showed them a document she'd printed out. "In the mid-'90s, there were around forty thousand deportations a year. Nowadays, there are around three hundred thousand a year. The INS and ICE will t.. Susan Wiggs
384f9a4 Thank you for all the Acts of Light which beautified a summer now passed to its reward. --letter from Emily Dickinson to Mrs. John Howard Sweetser Susan Wiggs