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e2f5e7b What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time. --John Berger, English art critic Susan Wiggs
2761a0c What I've found is that you make time for the things that matter to you. Everyone has the time. It's just a question of deciding what to do with that time. Susan Wiggs
b6b2ea2 Nobody can fix another person. But everybody tries. Susan Wiggs
02dd318 His rough, cold hand grasped her chin. Her heart jolted as she gazed into his moss-gray eyes. "You owe me a forfeit," he said. The breeze plucked at strands of his hair, curling them against his windburned cheeks. She jerked her head away. "Just what is it you want?" "I'll have a kiss from you." The breath left her chest in a rush. Inhaling slowly, she drew in the cold salt air. "That's your forfeit?" "I declare to my soul, this is getting .. Susan Wiggs
828abb5 You can't rewind life or undo things. Susan Wiggs
5e49837 During the post-breakdown period, she read books the way an addict swallowed pills. She devoured stories one after the other, trying not to let reality intrude too deeply. Susan Wiggs
dec2fbb And that refuge was the most reliable place of all--between the pages of a book. Susan Wiggs
060f4c3 What is home? Maybe it's not a place, but a moment in time. When I was safe. Secure. Cared for. Home. It's more than a point on a map. It's a sensation. A feeling of comfort--feet Susan Wiggs
2184070 Caitlin." Hawkins touched her cheek. "That wasn't quite what I had in mind." "Oh, for heaven's sake," she burst out, "do you not see how silly you're being?" "It's only silly if you continue to shy from me like a maiden. You're the MacBride. You've done worse than kiss an Englishman." His hands held her fast at the arms, and he bent to whisper in her ear. "I won the forfeit." His breath caressed the curve of her ear. "I want to feel the ful.. Susan Wiggs
2df511e Ever since she was small, she'd found delight and comfort in books. For her, a story was so much more than words on a page. Opening a book was like opening a door to another world, and once she stepped across the threshold, she was transported. When she was reading a story, she lived inside a different skin. Susan Wiggs
b409c6e On Sunday, something washed up on shore. Susan Wiggs
c531546 stopped right in the middle of the path, cast a furtive glance left and right and then pressed his mouth in full lockdown mode upon hers. Ew. Susan Wiggs
8e97616 Aw, Gran." Annie had been fighting tears from the moment she'd boarded the train from New York. "Please don't leave me." "I won't," she said with a gentle smile. "Keep me in your heart, and you'll always know where to find me." Susan Wiggs
e89cce2 You're afraid," he said, the amazement of sudden revelation lighting his face. "I never thought I'd find the one thing you fear." "I'm not afraid," she said. "You've never been kissed before, have you?" She looked beyond him, her vision blurring as memories swept over her. Ah, she'd been kissed. Once. Alonso had kissed her once. He had held both her hands lightly, as if they were fragile crystal. She recalled his handsome face, dark and ten.. Susan Wiggs
0097f8d Dreams changed a person, and there was a little danger in that, because having a powerful dream made you vulnerable to failure and disappointment. Susan Wiggs
7261321 He stopped working and smiled at her. "What are you thinking that makes you look at me so?" "I'm thinking I'd best do something about you soon." "Are you open to suggestions?" Setting aside an iron chisel, he brushed her cheek. The glove glided, hot and rough, on her skin. She pushed his hand aside. "Not of that sort." Susan Wiggs
0b52e13 The pressure of his mouth eased. He drew away, holding her at arm's length. He filled her vision, broad shoulders and shaggy head framed by the crags and cliffs of Connemara. He had a look of astonished delight on his face, while dangerous banked fires smoldered in his eyes. Still gripping her shoulders, he stepped back and said, "Look me in the eye, Caitlin MacBride, and tell me you've been kissed before." Susan Wiggs
a610c24 What a joy life is when you have made a close working partnership with Nature, helping her to produce for the benefit of mankind new forms, colors, and perfumes in flowers which were never known before; fruits in form, size, and flavor never before seen on this globe." -Luther Burbank." mission-statement nature produce Susan Wiggs
260dc09 Seeking to distract her from further questions, he bent and blew lightly into her ear. She shivered. "This horse bites, you know." "I think he likes me. Almost as much as you do." "I don't like you. How can I like you? I don't even know you, for you refuse to answer my questions." He stroked her upper arms. "There is little to say. You have Clonmuir, and that makes you far richer than I." He gazed over the horse's back, where a patch of sun.. Susan Wiggs
1017176 You mustn't touch me." Very slowly, he lowered his hand. "You need to be touched, Caitlin MacBride. You need it very badly." She girded herself with denial. "Even if it were so, I would not need it from an Englishman." "Think again, my love. We're easy with one another despite our differences. Remember our first meeting--the shock of it, the knowing? We could be good for each other." "And when, pray, has an Englishman ever been good for Ire.. Susan Wiggs
7dacb13 There is more real wealth in a pound of honey, or a load of manure for that matter, than all the currency in the world. We often destroy the world's real wealth to create an illusion of wealth, confusing symbol and substance." --William Longgood, The Queen Must Die" -- Susan Wiggs
e8eadc6 Did you know a child laughs an average of three hundred times a day, and an adult just three? Susan Wiggs
3172aca The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. --Isak Dinesen Susan Wiggs
9e19351 Why not seize the pleasure at once? How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation! --Jane Austen (1798) Susan Wiggs
469a9f8 They spent the day with Lucia, who promised that the following day she would take them up to Scala, an even tinier, loftier town where her parents now lived. That evening, Mac took her to a restaurant called Il Flauto di Pan- Pan's Flute- perched at the Villa Cimbrone among the gardens and crumbling walls. It was probably the most beautiful restaurant she'd ever seen. The centuries-old villa was embellished with incredible gardens of fuchsi.. isabel-and-cormac italy restaurant villa zia-lucia Susan Wiggs
6f38cd6 As the saying goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Susan Wiggs
8e89bc8 For memory, we use our imagination. We take a few strands of real time and carry them with us, then like an oyster we create a pearl around them. --John Banville Susan Wiggs
83a39fc Estou manchado com esplendor corrupto, sou um codigo para segredos obscuros, sou um ser a parte, fui gerado na decadencia, e vivo sobre a agua. Sou o mais diferente possivel de ti, e no entanto nao sou propriamente um turco ou um peixe" Casanova" Michelle Lovric
718afa9 Para crear un cosa, debes pagar con otra del mismo valor, es la ley del intercambio equivalente. Pero el mundo no es perfecto y no existe una sola ley que gobierne todo lo que sucede en el. Aun asi, sigo pensando que la gente no puede conseguir algo sin pagar algo a cambio ... La gente que se esfuerza sabe que tarde o temprano obtendra su recompensa Hiromu Arakawa
7c53c9f Humanity's advancement is founded on looking for new possibilities instead of being bound by general principles. Hiromu Arakawa
0d01bbf CHAPTER ONE A Boy at the Window FOR A LONG TIME AFTER THAT SUMMER, the four Penderwick sisters still talked of Arundel. Fate drove us there, Jane would say. No, it was the greedy landlord who sold our vacation house on Cape Cod, someone else would say, probably Skye. Who knew which was right? But it was true that the beach house they usually rented had been sold at the last minute, and the Penderwicks were suddenly without summer plans. Mr... Jeanne Birdsall
89b378a Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make in the presence of an justified religious beliefs. - Sam Harris Dan Brown
ea4d8da Primitive agonies exist in many of us. Originating in painful experiences that occurred before we had the cognitive capacities to know what was happening, they tend to blindside us, traumatizing us again and again as we find ourselves enacting a pain we do not understand. Mark Epstein
dda3875 Because the media control sources of information, according to Dylan, "We live in a world of fantasy where Disney has won. . . . It's all fantasy." Daniel Mark Epstein
c7c8bfd Completion comes not from adding another piece to ourselves but from surrendering our ideas of perfection. Mark Epstein
1911bb7 Just as mind rises up and rebels at un unskillful attempt to subdue it in meditation, a relationship will fall apart if the partners are not respectful of each other's differences. <...> Separateness and connection make each other possible; they are not mutually exclusive. connection couples desire differences love relationships romantic-love separateness Mark Epstein
753e81f Axelrod responded, "All we can do is everything we can do." Dan Harris
97a6479 All I had to do was tell myself: if it doesn't work, I only need the grit to start again--just like when my mind wandered in meditation. Dan Harris
1e42092 The Buddha, in recovering his capacity for nonsensual joy, learned that this joy was limitless. He found that if he got himself out of the way, his joy completely suffused his mindful awareness. This gave him the confidence, the stability, the trust, and the means to see clearly whatever presented itself to his mind. In the curious bifurcation of consciousness that meditation develops, where we can be both observer and that which is being o.. Mark Epstein
4911c4a What I had learned from Buddhism was that I did not have to know myself analytically as much as I had to tolerate not knowing. Mark Epstein
98a6d3b Although there are occasions when it is more pronounced and awful and occasions when it is actually horrific, trauma does not just happen to a few unlucky people. It is the bedrock of our biology. Mark Epstein
d9c509e It is always true to say when reviewing one of this patient's sessions that if she could scream she would be well," wrote Winnicott. "The great non-event of every session is screaming."6 The Burmese master who counseled Sharon was making much the same point. In encouraging her to cry her heart out, he was countering her inclination to make crying the "great non-event" of every meditation session. Like the Burmese teacher, Winnicott felt tha.. Mark Epstein
a1ed3ac Subliminally, the Buddha was saying, we are all tending these fires (of greed, hatred, and delusion), motivated as we are by our insecure place in the world, by the feeling, the dukkha, of not fitting in. The fires of greed, hatred, and delusion are defenses against acknowledging that everything is on fire, instinctive attempts at protecting ourselves from what feels like an impossible situation. The Buddha stressed the burning nature of th.. Mark Epstein
54b1b3b After five minutes, or ten, or fifteen--it doesn't matter--open your eyes and resume your day. For a moment or two things might seem more alive. Mark Epstein