Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
a64c2db | Imagine a world where people were 10% happier and less reactive. Marriage, parenting, road rage, politics - all would be improved upon. Public health revolutions can happen rapidly. Most Americans didn't brush their teeth until after world war 2 after soldiers were demanded to maintain oral hygiene. Exercise didn't get popular until science proved its benefits. Mindfulness, I had come to believe, could, in fact, change the world. | happiness meditation mindfulness public-health revolution | Dan Harris | |
3123560 | I wanted to do it again tonight. When I had Agent Harris unconscious in the bathroom -- I wanted to hurt him and crush him and cut him until you couldn't even tell who he was anymore, but I didn't. Because I don't let a broken brain tell me what to do. Because who you're supposed to be has nothing to do with who you actually are. | Dan Wells | ||
4be52ae | He thought back over the extraordinarily coincidental chain of events that had brought him here, at this particular time, and then left him marooned, so that he had no choice but to stay. With hindsight, it seemed as though it had all been carefully mapped out by fate. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
6ebe41d | One just had to be content with what had happened so far. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
7487192 | Mrs. Plackett did not believe in letting emotion show. Keep yourself to yourself had always been her motto. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
4f98e94 | Describing an unsatisfactory apartment for which an up-and-comer had to settle:] The flat crouched around him, watching like a depressed relation, waiting for him to take some action. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
6020769 | As for God, I frankly admit that I find it easier to live with the ageold questions about suffering than with many of the easy or pious explanations offered from time to time. Some of which seem to verge on blasphemy. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
09a442e | at seventy-seven, what did a few wrinkles matter? A small price to pay for an energetic and active old age. She drove in the last stake, | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
7508629 | As always, when faced with a dilemma, he planned to by by his own set of rules. Act positively, plan negatively, expect nothing. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
52500b1 | sloped down to distant cliffs; farmland, ribboned with yellow gorse, broken by outcrops of granite, and patchworked into dozens of small fields. Like a quilt, thought Virginia, and saw the pasture fields as scraps of green velvet, the greenish gold of new-cut hay as shining satin, the | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
7cc1c69 | Her family... Love and involvement brought joy, but as well could become a hideously heavy millstone slung about one's neck. And the worst was that she felt useless because there was not a mortal thing she could do to help resolve their problems. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
718949e | The Scottish clan system was an extraordinary thing. No man was any man's servant, but part of a family. Which is why your average Highlander does not walk through life with a chip on his shoulder. He is proud. He knows he is as good as you are, and probably a good deal better. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
0582fd7 | Oh well. Better out than in, | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
518598c | I know we didn't have very long together, but what we did have was special. Not many people achieve such happiness, even for a year or two. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
55a9d24 | but also for the sweater most expertly knitted from hand-spun wool, | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
d40f51a | For those who were openly hostile toward her, no explanation would be understood. | William W. Johnstone | ||
cf989b5 | Carrie could not remember how long it was since some other person had cherished her. Had said, 'You look tired.' And, 'How about a little rest?' She had spent too many years being strong, looking after others and their problems...The day progressed, and through her window Carrie watched the weather and was glad she did not have to be out in it. Snow showers came and went; the sky was grey. From time to time she heard the faint keening of wi.. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
5c858c4 | Nothing's worth anything unless somebody wants it. | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
e9eafce | The air smelled of box and mint and thyme and newly turned earth. Laura | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
84c4bc8 | Before Elfrida Phipps left London for good and moved to the country, she made a trip to Battersea Dogs' Home, and returned with a canine companion. It took a good, and heart-rending, half hour of searching, but as soon as she saw him, sitting very close to the bars of his kennel and gazing up at her with dark and melting eyes, she knew he was the one. She did not want a large animal, nor did she relish the idea of a yapping lap dog. This on.. | dogs | Rosamund Pilcher | |
784dc41 | Oh." Elfrida made much effort not to appear too astonished. She had never seen any person in her life less likely to be a minister's wife." | Rosamunde Pilcher | ||
d0e84fc | Sorry, kid. Whedon got it wrong. Stakes don't kill vampires, they just give us heartburn. | vampires | Brian K. Vaughan | |
3738697 | No, only villains try to change the whole world. The rest of us take it one person at a time. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
7ceff46 | When you're dead set on doing the right thing, sometimes it's hard to recognize that you're doing it in the wrong way. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
0ffed89 | You remind me of my late sister, little one. As I once told her, the headstrong may win many battles... but only the strong of heart will survive the war. | molly-hayes | Brian K. Vaughan | |
507fa05 | You are unlike anyone has ever existed, and that makes you exactly like everyone who has ever existed. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
8e89874 | The only way the dead live on is through the people they leave behind. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
17c80b1 | I thought so. Those who can really do what they promise don't first pause to promise what they can do | saga | Brian K. Vaughan | |
6e9de7f | Damn. How much time did you spend in the library?" "I am a library." | vision-marvel-comics | Brian K. Vaughan | |
f56a19a | Because I'm not a bad guy, Nico. Gert couldn't have loved me if I was. I realize that now. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
13db31e | Dude, are you kidding? You're kinda annoying, but you're probably the only person on Earth who always thinks about other people first. I don't care what shape you are... you're totally my sister now. | xavin | Brian K. Vaughan | |
0fdb01e | Each of us has been falling apart since day one, Chase. We just have to find a way to fall apart together. | friendship together | Brian K. Vaughan | |
e69c578 | you girls... reminded us... of us... ...kids just trying... to make a living... are always... the good guys... | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
be2ac30 | Fuck the Bureau! Their entire outfit is half the size of the NYPD. I've got more officers who speak Arabic in one precinct that you guys have in the entire D.O.D.! | department-of-defense fbi new-york-city nypd | Brian K. Vaughan | |
e1040c6 | My parents told me to be careful of you. That's how I knew you were the onyly one of us we could trust with our lives. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
d4bfa6a | Ray: What else did they get rid of, truth, justice and the American way? Leto jr.: Nah, truth ended when they shot M.L.K.. The American way died over in Vietnam. Mitch: And Justice? Leto jr.: Shit, man, there's no justice.... There's just us. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
7da1e60 | Whoever said you can't have a revolution without the French should be guillotined. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
d41d2bf | Most of the time, we don't even realize we've live through something worth commemorating until long after it's already ended. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
cd06367 | The future is never fair. Just inevitable. | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
6f13c46 | Why do you always make it sound like everything was better before I was born?" "It's not you, Mitchell. There was just more civility back then. We still had respect for authority, I guess. This is what happens when no one trusts the people in power." | Brian K. Vaughan | ||
ad4b3af | A good silence never harmed anyone but speaking often causes harm. | Chrétien de Troyes | ||
62039e0 | I don't give a fistful of ashes! | lancelot lancelot-and-guinevere sir-lancelot the-knight-of-the-cart | Chrétien de Troyes | |
4fd769e | Ultimately, though, you only know who a man is and what he believes by what he does. Not by what he sits around talking about. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
136b1eb | Et celui de la charrette reste plonge dans ses pensees Tout comme une personne privee de force et de defense Contre Amour qui le maintient sous sa juridiction ; Sa meditation est d'une intensite telle Qu'il perd le sens de lui-meme ; Il ne sait pas s'il existe ou s'il n'existe pas, Il ne se rappelle pas son nom, Il ne sait pas s'il est arme ou non, Il ne sait pas ou il va, ni d'ou il vient ; Il ne se souvient de rien, Hormis d'une seule cho.. | Chrétien de Troyes |