Link | Quote | Stars | Tags | Author |
85cb978 | What the eyes do not see can never pain the heart. | Chrétien de Troyes | ||
5f2fadb | One cannot love with the eyes alone. | Chrétien de Troyes | ||
420644a | Potem dobywa nagiego i przetrzymawszy chwilke w dloni wklada z powrotem do pochwy. Wiedzcie, ze pieknie mu z mieczem u boku, a jeszcze piekniej - z mieczem w dloni. | Chrétien de Troyes | ||
2a54584 | David knew what it was to be a man. As he lay dying, he called his son Solomon to his bedside and gave him final instructions: "I am about to go the way of all the earth. So be strong and show yourself a man." These are the last recorded words of one of the greatest kings to ever live. Of all he might have said to his son with his final breath, he chose to instruct him to be a man. They are words we should never forget." | Stephen Mansfield | ||
89e342e | Being a man is a privilege, not an entitlement. It is a surrender of our priority. It is a laying down of our lives, not physically but inwardly--our preferences, our pleasures, sometimes even our dreams. Our version of Witold Pilecki's medals comes in the lives we offer to God, lives we have bled and sweated and prayed and given ourselves for. This is what it means to be a man. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
65b4a50 | As you forgive, you are allowing God to clean up the mess and start making your life right again. The demonic taunts are coming to an end. Peace is returning. Perhaps relationships are even being restored, and your faith is rising. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
aafc027 | Depend upon it, behind all great achievement there lies great toil: nothing that is worth doing is done easily. | Lieutenant General Stephen Mansfield | ||
a90923f | Your horrific time of trouble offered you truths about yourself, windows into your own soul, and maps to the terrain of your inner life. Wise people learn to gather this intelligence to help them conquer themselves and then to live in loftier ways. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
5f71c51 | Every human soul is different. We are all shaped by both experience and design, by callings and the way our gifts mold our inner lives. Every soul has a bent, a drift, a way it wants to go. And when hard times come and the inner person writhes in torment, the soul reaches for what it thinks is anesthesia, for something to medicate the pain. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
2ae489f | This is a good moment to remember one of Mansfield's Manly Maxims: "Manly men tend their fields." It means that we take care of the lives and property entrusted to us. It means that we take responsibility for everything in the "field assigned to us." We cannot do this without knowledge. We cannot do it if we are ignorant of our times, blind to the trends shaping our lives, and oblivious to the basic knowledge that allows us to do what we ar.. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
22c7aaf | What are you reading, watching, memorizing, and applying that will make you an exceptional man? | Stephen Mansfield | ||
82abddf | Do not suppose that abuses are eliminated by destroying the object which is abused," he once wrote. "Men can go wrong with wine and women. Shall we then prohibit and abolish women?" | Stephen Mansfield | ||
2b42a01 | IF-- If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream--and not make dreams your master; If you can think--and not make th.. | Stephen Mansfield | ||
3a8ebea | Algebra-Read pages 7-14. Do the odd numbered problems. From what I've seen, they're all pretty odd. | funny | David Lubar | |
f4a1e6f | Algebra-Readpages 7-14. Do the odd numbered problems. From what I've seen, they're all pretty odd. | funny | David Lubar | |
c29dcfb | until Eric had explained that it was really just an excuse for a guy to rub his penis all over a girl and not get slapped in the face. After that, | Shayla Black | ||
887e951 | I married the person who understood my heart & | Shayla Black | ||
086bc06 | But bears it out, even to the edge of doom... | Shayla Black | ||
8149b30 | though waiting for someone to make a move. "I" | Shayla Black | ||
e43afff | Tori hurried after him, knowing nothing would be the same again. | Shayla Black | ||
fdf1b28 | The sensation of being owned rushed through her bloodstream, unlike anything else she'd ever experienced. Between them, wrapped in their passion, she felt small, female, possessed... and shockingly submissive. Just like the night she'd taken them both into her mouth and pleased them, she wanted to give them everything she could, whatever would thrill them. She felt desperate to show them how much she yearned to give to herself. | Shayla Black | ||
54237da | Regrets were like assholes; everyone had one. Hammer | Shayla Black | ||
9a98c34 | She'd never imagined that her vagina had the power to destabilize a whole country. | Shayla Black | ||
3e4256b | Of course, sir. Since royalty never, ever falls for a commoner. Your shaykhah is so very royal, after all. | Shayla Black | ||
d9b64e6 | With a smile, Jack sheathed himself with a condom from the nightstand, then rolled on top of her, a steamy kiss on his lips as he covered her mouth. A new swell of desire rolled in her belly as Jack probed at her entrance. | Shayla Black | ||
cbe964b | It's suicide," Doc Holland said, shaking his head. "Fools, all of them. This isn't any conventional war- this is madness." The general let out a weary breath. "No, Doctor-this is fear . . . and fear makes fools of us all." | fear-quotes inclusion learning-from-mistakes progress supernatural warfare working-together | L.A. Banks | |
ea77439 | Megan wanted to groan. "You guys are smothering me." Braden leaned against the wall, watching it all, never speaking. Sexy and silent. Okay, so he had a few things going for him. "Get used to it," Her father's voice brooked no refusal. "Until I leave this world, you are still my daughter and still under my protection." "Protect Lance." She waved her hand at her smirking cousin. "He's in more danger than I am if he keeps pissing me off. Shar.. | share-the-love | Lora Leigh | |
eb1df16 | Sometimes, she wondered if what she craved even existed. A man who was strong inside and out. A man who knew the world wasn't fair, and knew he had to take responsibility for his part in it. A man who knew there was more to sex than simply the act and that there was more to a woman than breasts and thighs and what lay beyond. A man who accepted the fact that a woman might need adventure as well. That was what she craved. A man she could tru.. | Lora Leigh | ||
00b0720 | Hell. I saw Cassie running for that car and you know what ran through my mind, Merrie?" he asked her painfully. Merinus sighed deeply. "That you had failed." She surprised him with that answer. "You couldn't protect your own, and now you hadn't protected Cassie either." "Yeah," he breathed out roughly. "But how did you know?" "Because it's the same thing Sherra told me before she locked herself in her room," | Lora Leigh | ||
cbf2a7d | I have a serious draft where there's usually no draft, Seth." The heat intensified as a muttered groan left his throat. "You're trying to kill me." | Lora Leigh | ||
2c3803c | And as he watched, the first powerful four-legged lion stepped into the clearing. The male animal shook the snow from its dark, flowing mane, tilted its head and roared into the night. Another call followed, and yet another. And as Dane watched, Lawe and Rule moved warily from their positions, edging back to the limo as he threw the doors open and allowed the two Breeds to slide inside the warmth of the car. Rye didn't bother to get out and.. | lions mate mercury protect ria | Lora Leigh | |
fd5104a | Otro hombre toca lo que es mio y lo mato. Lo destrozaria, Ria. Cualquiera que se atreva a intentar hacerte dano, y la locura sera la menor de mis debilidades. Me destruira. Eres mia-Mercury | Lora Leigh | ||
f966f21 | You're trying to spoil me," she murmured, keeping her back to him to hide her reaction to the gift. "I'm still seducing you." He kissed her shoulder, a smile curling his lips as he pressed them to her flesh. "Hmm, so what are you after other than what you've had already?" She turned to him, her brow arching as he stared down at her, that sexy little half grin tilting his lips, his gray eyes swirling with whatever emotions he kept within him.. | Lora Leigh | ||
673a5f3 | JANUARY 28 MY KINGDOM WILL BE ESTABLISHED IN YOUR LIFE MY KINGDOM COME, My will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. My kingdom will advance and be established through the preaching and teaching of My Word, and through My miracles of healing. Let the gates of your life and city be opened for the King of glory to come in. I am robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the whole world is established, firm, and secure because My thron.. | John Eckhardt | ||
21e4402 | February 26 The Past Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new.--Isaiah 43:18-19a (NASB) The past is a nice place to visit, but a terrible place to live. The Bible makes it very clear we are not to stay in the past. The words above are an emphatic "Do not"! When we focus on the past it may become very depressing. It also takes our focus off what God is doing in our life today, and w.. | The writers of Encouraging.com | ||
8d65792 | God's renown is our first concern. Our task is to be an expert in "hallowed be your name" and "your kingdom come." "Hallowed" means to be known and declared as holy. Our first desire is that God would be known as he truly is, the Holy One. Implicit in his name being hallowed is that his glory or fame would cover the earth. This takes us out of ourselves immediately. Somehow, we want God's glory to be increasingly apparent through the church.. | CCEF | ||
79bef4a | Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodn.. | Kay Arthur | ||
5323e80 | There are many people who aren't experiencing victory today because they are focused on yesterday. But | Joyce Meyer | ||
8ff34ab | We usually talk about doubt and unbelief together as if they are one and the same. Actually | Joyce Meyer | ||
6ca126f | Actually although they can be connected, the two are very different things. Vine's | Joyce Meyer | ||
0b84f89 | Are we dealing with doubt or with unbelief? D | Joyce Meyer | ||
ff68581 | As you wander on through life, brother, whatever be your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole. | Joyce Meyer | ||
ad85625 | Pay attention to the condition of your mind and keep it free, peaceful, and full of faith. | Joyce Meyer | ||
03ac71e | Spending time with God is the key to our strength and success in all areas of life. Be sure that you never try to work God into your schedule, but always work your schedule around Him. | Terri Brown |