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096240a | The internet changed the world with data. Netiquette is making it a better place with information. NetworkEtiquette.net | digital-etiquette information internet internet-etiquette internet-manners netiquette netiquette-rules news rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette send share | David Chiles | |
9360992 | It's good netiquette to be yourself online. That is who people like. | digital-etiquette digital-manners etiquette internet internet-manners netiquette netiquette-rules online-etiquette rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette | David Chiles | |
c7d7366 | It is proper netiquette to refrain from using all capital letters in internet correspondence. NetworkEtiquette.net | digital-etiquette email etiquette facebook internet internet-etiquette internet-manners linkedin manners micro-blog netiquette network-etiquette social-media twitter | David Chiles | |
4be1501 | Stay cool is the netiquette rule, if flamed. Responding is for a fool. NetworkEtiquette.net | flame good-netiquette internet-etiquette internet-manners net-etiquette netiquette netiquette-rule netiquette-rules online-etiquette rules-for-netiquette social-media troll | David Chiles | |
c4694b3 | Effective internet communication is contact that is acted upon in a good manner, Netiquette. NetworkEtiquette.net | etiquette internet manners mobile net netiquette online rules-for-netiquette rules-of-netiquette social-media web website | David Chiles | |
a75852a | Experts indicate that you should aim for consistent weight loss of about one to two pounds per week, so you should remain realistic--you aren't going to lose 40 pounds per week (no matter what any diet product claims). | Phillip C. McGraw | ||
02d097f | We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. --Aristotle | Phillip C. McGraw | ||
bc2656c | We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. | Phillip C. McGraw | ||
7229842 | The room rang with her voice, then with silence. In the shaded darkness, silence had the quality of a looming dragon. It seemed to roar and the roar to reverberate, to dominate. To escape from it would require a burst of recklessness, even cruelty. | Anita Desai | ||
b9ff637 | Now I understand why you do not wish to marry. You have dedicated your life to others -- to your sick brother and your aged aunt and your little brother who will be dependent on you all his life. You have sacrificed your own life for them. | Anita Desai | ||
0f4a74b | Her eyes opened at this sight against her will and she looked around the room almost in fear. But it was dark and shadowy, shaded by the bamboo screen at the door, the damp rush mats at the windows, the old heavy curtains and the spotted, peeling walls, and in their shade she saw how she loved him, loved Raja and Tara and all of them who had lived in this house with her. There could be no love more deep and full and wide than this one, she .. | home love | Anita Desai | |
21f5989 | It was as if the curtains came down on all this, if not entirely obliterated it, when the monsoon rose up in the thunderous clouds from the parched valley below to engulf the hills, invade them with the opaque mist in which a pine tree or a mountain top appeared only intermittently, and then unleashed a downpour that brought Ravi's rambling to a halt and confined him to the house for days at a time, deafened by the rain drumming on the roof.. | monsoon weather | Anita Desai | |
cae61eb | She rescued herself from the castle, by herself and with no knight in shining armor. | Larry King | ||
61f2315 | Successful people who cannot express themselves well? I can't think of one. | Larry King | ||
3a157e0 | Don't utilize utilize. Use use. | Larry King | ||
1b7456c | Tief in seinem Inneren war nur Larry und sah heraus. Er duldete nur sich selbst in seinem Herzen | the-stand | Stephen King | |
3296b92 | In June 1987, I was an usher at the wedding of Harry Somerset, Marquis of Worcester, to Tracy Ward. The wedding and ensuing ball took place in the grand Ward country house, attended by a large portion of British society, including the Prince and Princess of Wales. Late in the evening, while I was in my cups, a friend, Nicky Haslam, grabbed my arm and introduced me to Diana, who was coming off the dance floor. We exchanged pleasantries, me s.. | Larry King | ||
3ea0324 | Thousands of grasshoppers jumped wildly to get out of his way as he walked toward them, and Larry thought: I'm their plague. I'm their dark man. | Stephen King | ||
4d65a3e | A women needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle | Nancy Bartholomew | ||
0bef535 | coat!" the manager repeated. "Then you won't have to pay the tax." "But I have to sign a form," my father exclaimed. "I have to declare the things I've bought and am bringing into the country." "Don't declare it; just wear it," the manager said once again. "Don't worry about the tax." My father was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Look, frankly I'm not as worried about having to pay the tax as I am about this new salesman you're trai.. | Stephen M.R. Covey | ||
bdb78f8 | FIRST WAVE: SELF TRUST The first wave, Self Trust, deals with the confidence we have in ourselves--in our ability to set and achieve goals, to keep commitments, to walk our talk--and also with our ability to inspire trust in others. The whole idea is to become, both to ourselves and to others, a person who is worthy of trust. The key principle underlying this wave is credibility, which comes from the Latin root credere, meaning "to believe... | Stephen M.R. Covey | ||
c873e49 | The success of big business and the well-being of the world have never been more closely linked. Global issues cannot be removed from the business world because business has only one world in which to operate. Businesses cannot succeed in societies that fail. --JORMA OLLILA, CHAIRMAN AND CEO, NOKIA | Stephen M.R. Covey | ||
61484d8 | It's been my experience that the people who gain trust, loyalty, excitement, and energy fast are the ones who pass on the credit to the people who have really done the work. A leader doesn't need any credit. . . . He's getting more credit than he deserves anyway. --ROBERT TOWNSEND, FORMER CEO, AVIS | Stephen M.R. Covey | ||
78aa0ba | Example comes first, then relationship, then teaching, because example is seen, relationship is felt, teaching is heard. People tend not to hear until they see and feel, and that's what happened with me. I saw and I felt in my home. Then, that enabled me to hear, because of what I was seeing and feeling. Stephen M. R. Covey | Janet Bray Attwood | ||
b94919c | By its nature, government was either small and personal, something on the level of a town hall meeting, or it was tyranny, with the few ruling the many for their own benefit, no matter how representational that government might be in theory. | William H. Keith Jr. | ||
dee27cc | Do things with your children While they still want to do things with you | Jason King Godwise | ||
95efade | They call them the bad old days, and in a way they were. But at least they taught us the value of money, and it was something yer had to work for. These days, the youngsters seem to get everything they want. And what gets me is, they believe they're entitled to it! | Joan Jonker | ||
c5c52fe | There was no such thing as pure happiness. How many years it took to learn that! Always some dark fretted thing which unbalanced the ease one had laboriously found. | Anya Seton | ||
daceb64 | Elizabeth knew it was a fast day, but the rumbling in her belly was harder to ignore than the grumbling of the preacher. | puritanism | Anya Seton | |
10f1ef9 | The knights were disgusted. They said that all that fiddle-faddle was well enough for saints, or might have been a thousand years ago, but the Lord Jesus would certainly be the first to command Christians to kill pagans. Rumon announced that he did not think so. | Anya Seton | ||
113bc06 | in that hushed hour between midnight and dawn when Morpheus' sable hands touch the rosy finger tips of Aurora and even the fairies are slumbering on their flowery couches, | Anya Seton | ||
7819d55 | Mistress Allen was only an ordinary provincial manor lady, bent on nothing more sinister than retrieving money of which she felt defrauded, and in the process either quarreling with or using people. | Anya Seton | ||
9a04213 | Miranda was shocked to hear Nicholas speak of slavery in glowing terms, as an efficient agricultural system. This wasn't the South! Yet as she surveyed her employer's strong dark profile in secret from beneath her long lashes, she was forced to conclude that the role of master suited Nicholas Van Ryn perfectly. Even when she closed her eyes, the impression of cruelty and power remained. But it was herself she saw as the darky slave, strippe.. | Anya Seton | ||
03eaf98 | Bir kalbin var." dedi bir ic cekisle. "Benimki soldu ve oldu." | Anya Seton | ||
e47f4d8 | Look, bimba--In my country we have a--how you say?--a proverb. Amare, cantare, mangiare.--Loving, singing, eating--these are God's three gifts. You don' need more. | Anya Seton | ||
11f1998 | The new Queen was adept at fostering loyalty by hopes alone | Anya Seton | ||
83d0efc | I guess every disaster, every tragedy in the world, my lad, is caused by someone's selfishness and refusal to recognize the rights of others. | Anya Seton | ||
96aaae3 | God's will usually seemed to coincide with her father's, and against this partnership there was no hope of appeal. | Anya Seton | ||
4f09e59 | I]n politics, reputation is the prologue to fact... | Todd Gitlin | ||
e79918c | HIGH STRANGENESS: 2/10. Aside from mind-control rays affecting one out of every thirty Americans, this isn't all that strange. | Monte Cook | ||
a13d4e0 | Jake's pulse quickened when he realized that for the first time in his life, he was looking straight into the honest eyes of love. | Loree Lough | ||
eaf72bc | So she prayed. She prayed she'd been right when she told herself something good and decent lived inside this man. Mostly, though, she prayed she hadn't made the worst mistake of her life when she allowed herself to fall in love with him. | Loree Lough | ||
222f979 | Because if the Texan hadn't been mistaken (or lying), and Jake had been convicted of the murder--and sentenced to hang for it--her dreams of a future with him would remain just that. And the mere thought of losing him, even for a reason like that, woke an ache inside her that she'd thought long buried, a pain as cutting and as deep as Mary's death had caused. | Loree Lough | ||
5bea4d4 | you've gotta take love where you can find it in this cruel world and hold on tight for as long as you can, because you never know what will steal it from you. | Loree Lough |