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9d3bc54 | Qhuinn?" Those iridescent blue eyes frowned. "Are you okay?" "Sorry." He leaned in and pressed his lips to the male's jugular. "Distracted. But you do that to me, don't you." As" | J.R. Ward | ||
00f6006 | Yeah, I'm not a virgin and I hate writing. | J.R. Ward | ||
eac5f63 | As Xcor got ready to leave the ranch just before midnight, he let his shellan check the fastenings on the bulletproof vest. She was very thorough, to the point where he had a feeling if she could have strapped herself to his chest, she would have. Capturing her hands, he kissed her fingertips one by one. "I am a lucky male, to be cared for thusly." Fates," | J.R. Ward | ||
aae9748 | If love were a requirement for marriage, the human race would have no need for the institution. | J.R. Ward | ||
dc68793 | Right? That's exactly what I think. He's a tough number, aren't you, Rhamp? Also poops out toxic waste. You'll learn that later. | J.R. Ward | ||
60d04cc | What did he look like?" Mary whispered. When he didn't reply, she cleared her throat. "Be honest. What did he look like." It was a while before Rhage could reply, and when he did, it was just one word. "Her. He looked...exactly like Bitty." | J.R. Ward | ||
5eb42b7 | The Black Dagger Brotherhood were keeping him alive, so that they could kill him. Given the sum of Xcor's earthly pursuits, which had been at their best violent, and at their worst downright depraved, it seemed an apt end for him. -Xcor's thoughts | J.R. Ward | ||
aab4a78 | But in his soul, he had been a fighter stuck in a desk job. Resentment had made him edgy, and even though he hadn't been aware of it, he had had his eye on the exit every single night. No sight. No exit. And what if that was actually...okay. What if those Hallmark motherfuckers were right. Door closes, window opens. | J.R. Ward | ||
bce3ebe | All right," Vishous muttered. "I'll be back when I know something." "Please don't send that angel." "Nah. That would make your punishment cruel and unusual." | J.R. Ward | ||
498e51e | Nope, it was the Great Immortal Agitator: Lassiter | J.R. Ward | ||
50b7150 | Well?" he prompted. "What are you doing here, especially without a Tony Manero polyester special on?" Lassiter, the Fallen Angel, smiled in a way that didn't include his strangely colored, pupil-less eyes; the expression only affected the lower part of his face. "Oh, you know, leisure suits are so last week for me." "Moving on to eighties New Age? I don't have any neon to lend you." "Nah, I have another new costume to wear." "Good for you. .. | J.R. Ward | ||
e90289e | The old-school Italians turned out to be a lot like Shadows: closed off to outsiders, proud of their traditions, suspicious of people they didn't know. But once you were in with them? Once you proved yourself and were accepted? They were so loyal and generous it was almost like they weren't humans at all. In fact, to him, proper Italians had become a subspecies apart from the other rats without tails on the planet. | J.R. Ward | ||
b592a54 | Besides, you don't look a thing like him. I mean...hello? You're this beefy Irish white boy. He's like...bus exhaust or some shit. | J.R. Ward | ||
7d74f15 | I had her all over my face. It was fantastic. | J.R. Ward | ||
c4cf964 | Then again, when you were facing the right person? None of the things they talked about on television, no Vera Wang dress, no champagne waterfall, no DJ or place setting or party favor mattered. "'I," | J.R. Ward | ||
647cf3d | There was only one answer. For tonight ... and everymore: "Because I love you more than anything else." | J.R. Ward | ||
64a8aaa | The more you're exposed to trauma, the more hardened you become to it and the safer you are. And that is a really suck-ass fucking equation, but it is the goddamn truth." Butch" | J.R. Ward | ||
4a1fdc8 | The impending separation from love, more than the ending of life, had kept all that faith alive. It was the hope of having a little more time to love that had made her mother hold crosses, and look to the faces of statues, and cast words up into the air. | J.R. Ward | ||
cd06604 | She held up three hangers inside a vinyl garment bag and hooked them sideways on the coatrack to unzip. "Raw silk. Vintage. Sort of a purple-black." "Aubergine," he declared and cracked the opening wider. "I love a man who can make colors sound dirty." She grinned. "Cross-dyed." He wondered if Trip had helped pick this out, if he'd seen her model it and convinced her to splurge. "Great suit." "I gotta stand next to J.R. Ward. Feel me?" She .. | truth-in-fiction | Damon Suede | |
ae083ef | Rhage." "What?" "I'll tell you this. Your destiny's coming for you. And she's coming soon." Rhage laughed. "Oh, yeah? What's the female like? I prefer them--" "She's a virgin." A chill shot down Rhage's spine and nailed him in the ass. "You're kidding, right?" "Look in my eye. Do you think I'm jerking you off?" V paused for a moment and then opened the door, releasing the smell of beer and human bodies along with the pulse of an old Guns N'.. | rhage-and-vishous | J.R. Ward | |
592c629 | so where does the cumberbatch go?" As" | J.R. Ward | ||
d2d7a06 | At least I'm not pussy-whipped." "Nice. Fucking. Suit." | J.R. Ward | ||
2f5216b | You're just too mean to find a grave and lie down"-Tohr to Wrath." | black-dagger-brotherhood dark-lover j-r-ward tohr tohrment wrath | J.R. Ward | |
a5d20a0 | Supposed to in one hand, s*** in the other; see what you get the most of- V to Rhage | black-dagger-brotherhood j-r-ward lover-eternal vishous | J.R. Ward | |
ee8d047 | Life. In all it's mundane majesty. | relatable well-said wise | J.R. Ward | |
d70ddc0 | Zsadist scese dall'auto e giro intorno al baule. Dopo un secolo in cui per scelta era sempre stato a stecchetto, adesso aveva messo su dodici chili abbondanti sui suoi quasi due metri di altezza. La cicatrice in faccia restava evidente, cosi come le fasce che gli avevano tatuato intorno al collo e ai polsi quand'era uno schiavo di sangue, ma grazie a Bella, la sua shellan, i suoi occhi non erano piu due pozzi neri d'odio. Quasi piu. | odio passato rinascita schiavitù | J.R. Ward | |
d20dbe5 | Il timbro tenorile era cosi terso, cosi puro da far venire la pelle d'oca, e riempiva i petti di un calore struggente. Le dolci note musicali sollevavano il soffitto con la loro gloriosa magnificenza, trasformando la stanza in una cattedrale e i fratelli in un tabernacolo. Il paradiso era li, a portata di mano. Sembrava quasi di poter toccare il cielo con un dito. Era Zsadist. A occhi chiusi, con il capo reclinato all'indietro e la bocca sp.. | lirica pelle-d-oca struggente tenore tenorile voce | J.R. Ward | |
a70dfb9 | The past is what it is--good and bad, it's written and unchanging. And there's solace to be had in that." Tears pricked her eyes. "What do you mean?" There was a long pause. "The good parts are more luminous because you can trust them. And the bad parts can't get any more tragic for precisely the same reason. The past is safe because it is indelible." | life past | J.R. Ward | |
cf83082 | O forse si stava solo illudendo. Cio di cui era sicuro era che avrebbe fatto qualsiasi cosa pur di salvare suo fratello. Ed era pronto ad essere maledettamente creativo. | fratello illusione salvare | J.R. Ward | |
0ad3388 | Ci fu un silenzio tonante, ma solo nella stanza. Nella testa tatuata? Il suo cervello era attivissimo, ogni tipo di pensiero e immagine tormentavano la sua coscienza, era come se la sua materia grigia fosse diventata una scimmia e stesse lanciando merda per tutta la gabbia. | confusione-coscienza scimmia | J.R. Ward | |
09db2c6 | dressed in blue-and-orange and red-and-white. "What is this?" she asked numbly. "On the screen?" "It's the Iron Bowl from 'thirteen. Auburn-'Bama. Auburn wins with a one-hundred-and-nine-yard kick back run. War Damn Eagle." -- | J.R. Ward | ||
ebb464e | A leader gathered his thoughts before he spoke; he did not rush to the podium to be adored. Ego, after all, was the root of evil. | J.R. Ward | ||
6db3c84 | Shut the door behind you. Or don't. I don't give a fuck. But if I don't leave now, I'm going to have to explain to Elise why I killed you, and I'd rather talk about her class schedule." --" | J.R. Ward | ||
774ab5a | Matthias was in the dark. And it wasn't the kind of dark that came with a room that didn't have any lights on or when you were walking around at night in the country. This was not even the kind you got when you shut your eyes and wrapped your head in a blanket. This was the one that seeped in through your skin and filled the spaces between your molecules, the one that polluted your flesh into a permanent state of rotting, the one that wiped.. | J.R. Ward | ||
2097246 | She had everything to offer; he had nothing. And yet she wanted him anyway. It was at that moment that he fell in love with her. | J.R. Ward | ||
9ede497 | Will you let me hug you now?" she said roughly. | vishous | J.R.Ward | |
f5a8936 | I'm so sorry about Payne, I wanted to talk to you, but she'd made up her mind. I tried to work with her, I really did, but in the end, I just . . . I didn't . . . I didn't want you to be the one to do it. I would have rather lived with the horrible truth on my conscience for an eternity than have you kill your sister. Or have her hurt herself even more than she was." - Jane" | lover-unleashed vishous | J.R. Ward | |
e2db8d2 | Stroking Jane's soft hair, he murmured, "About . . . the things I have here. If you're game, I'm still going to want to play . . . if you know what I mean. But from now on, it's just for fun, and only for you and me." Hell, they'd had a shitload of good, leathered-up, freaky sex in this place, and he was always going to want that with her. Hopefully, she'd feel the same-- "I like what we do here." She smiled. "It turns me on." Well . . . di.. | lover-unleashed vishous | J.R. Ward | |
b1206fe | With a gentle hand, he brushed his shellan's cheek. "I've never been in a relationship before you. I should have known that we'd hit a wall at some point." "That's the way it works." | lover-unleashed vishous | J.R. Ward | |
fa6ca9a | You are everything I need" - Vishous to Jane" | lover-unleashed vishous | J.R. Ward | |
7a325f6 | As they passed, Duke nodded, and John Matthew, as he was called, did the same--and that was the extent of it. No one had ever heard the SOB say a word, but by the same token, anyone built like that didn't have to talk. | J.R. Ward | ||
b8a2e10 | Lessers were fewer and farther between now than ever, and there had been sightings, by others in the Brotherhood, of a very different kind of foe. | J.R. Ward | ||
12b87bb | Er det sant at du gjorde rent i huset mitt?" spurte hun. A pokker... Det eneste svaret han hadde pa det, var alt for avslorende. "Er det?" "Ja. Jeg gjorde det" | lover-reborn | J. R. Ward | |
3b2535d | V blunket et par ganger, kjente seg beklemt over det han skulle til a si. "Du er en helgen, vet du det? Du har bestandig vert det for meg. Bestandig. Selv da jeg..." "Selv da du hva da?" "Du vet." "Hva?" | lover-unbound | J. R. Ward |