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be54e91 | In fact, it was the religion of Calvin of which Sandy felt deprived, or rather a specified recognition of it. She desired this birthright; something definite to reject. It pervaded the place in proportion as it was unacknowledged. In some ways the most real and rooted people whom Sandy knew were Miss Gaunt and the Kerr sisters who made no evasions about their believe that Gold had planned for practically everybody before they were born an n.. | god religion | Muriel Spark | |
7e7d218 | Nothing infuriates people more than their own lack of spiritual insight. | Muriel Spark | ||
e1ca9f4 | But now they were all fifteen, there was a lot they did not tell each other. | Muriel Spark | ||
729d090 | Culture cannot compensate for lack of hard knowledge. | Muriel Spark | ||
91a20b7 | I'm not saying anything against the Modern side. Modern and Classical, they are equal, and each provides for a function in life. You must make your free choice. Not everyone is capable of a Classical education. You must make your choice quite freely. | Muriel Spark | ||
a10ba2f | Being dead's a drug', he says, 'you'll get hooked on it. | drugs | Muriel Spark | |
15957f7 | The more religious people are, the more perplexing I find them. | Muriel Spark | ||
c925a75 | 'Poise is perfect balance, an equanimity of body and mind, complete composure whatever the social scene. Elegant dress, immaculate grooming, and perfect deportment all contribute to the attainment of self-confidence.' - | composure deportment elegance equanimity poise self-confidence | Muriel Spark | |
2ba2ac1 | You girls," said Miss Brodie, "must learn to cultivate an expression of composure. It is one of the best assets of a woman, an expression of composure, come foul, come fair. Regard the Mona Lisa over yonder!" | Muriel Spark | ||
1be3811 | don't say you'se ole. You'se uh lil girl baby all de time. God made it so you spent yo' ole age first wid somebody else, and saved up yo' young girl days to spend wid me. | old-age young-at-heart | Zora Neale Hurston | |
3a5fb79 | She hated the old woman who had twisted her so in the name of love. Most humans didn't love one another nohow, and this mislove was so strong that even common blood couldn't overcome it all the time. | love | Zora Neale Hurston | |
8479927 | Times and scenes like that put Janie to thinking about the inside state of her marriage. Time came when she fought back with her tongue as best she could, but it didn't do her any good. It just made Joe do more. He wanted her submission and he'd keep on fighting until he felt he had it. So gradually, she pressed her teeth together and learned to hush. The spirit of the marriage left the bedroom and took to living in the parlor. It was there.. | ending-relationships growing-apart marriage | Zora Neale Hurston | |
a041b9e | If you kin see de light at daybreak, you don't keer if you die at dusk. It's so many people never seen de light at all. Ah | Zora Neale Hurston | ||
9f25e5f | Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding space,' to quote the late, great Zora Neale Hurston. It | Anne Lamott | ||
f4e9ff3 | Only tyrants and fools made martyrs. He was certainly no fool. And he was no tyrant either- how could he be, he had suffered a hideous stroke. He was a victim. The victim excuse, where evil is born. | Craig Ferguson | ||
1f1a434 | It was San Francisco, after all; if you are a guy and you're worried about the girl you like hooking up with someone on her vacation, I suppose San Francisco is the safest bet, assuming she doesn't give her heart to a lesbian--and who among us hasn't done that? | Craig Ferguson | ||
be4b894 | The Legend of the Dragon Fairytales cleanse and sanitise what were once true stories. In fairytales, knights are chivalrous, clean-shaven and wear shining armour--when in truth they were swarthy, filthy rapists and thugs. Castles are bright and gay when in truth they were grim fortresses. If dragons were real, then in all likelihood they were not graceful, high-chested, noble creatures; rather they would have been dirty, ugly, reptilian and.. | Matthew Reilly | ||
1767824 | I don't know why I was so afraid of failure; the most interesting people I know have failed more than they have succeeded. This may be because life is not as simple as it appears to a desperately ambitious young man, or it could be that all my friends are losers. | Craig Ferguson | ||
116c3cf | between safety and adventure I choose adventure | Craig Ferguson | ||
9f16c0e | Brave (2012) C-94m. 1/2 D: Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman. Voices of Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Robbie Coltrane, Kevin McKidd, Julie Walters, Craig Ferguson, John Ratzenberger. In ancient times, a Scottish princess named Merida resists her mother's constant training to become a future queen, preferring a boisterous existence roaming the forest with her trusty bow and arrow. When it comes time for her to choose a suitor, s.. | Leonard Maltin | ||
ff60e6a | When I am tempted and feel the power of sin and its tug on my affections, the gospel gives me something to say: 'Christ bled and died for this sin--I will therefore have nothing to do with it. I am now united to Christ by the indwelling of the Spirit--how can I drag him into my sin? | sanctification temptation | Sinclair B. Ferguson | |
e18f67c | Third, hear our loss of focus on the gospel in our songs. This is no comment on musical styles and tastes, but simply an observation about the lyrical content of much that is being sung in churches today. In many cases, congregations unwittingly have begun to sing about themselves and how they are feeling rather than about God and His glory. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
fc7bc2b | True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient. And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
c0d0768 | growing in faith and love for Christ, revealed as He is in Scripture, will be the greatest of all preservatives against being led astray. The person who is saturated in the teaching and spirit of the Gospels will have his or her senses "trained ... to distinguish good from evil" (Heb. 5:14, NIV) and to know what is truly Christ-like and Christ-honoring." | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
eb70453 | we are always entertaining the delusion that we will go on forever in this world. The result is that the very things which ought to be of assistance to us in our pilgrimage through life, become chains which bind us. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
91056cc | In undiluted monergism, He called the galaxies into being, and He gives life to the dead in the same way | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
bd92cbc | Can you take in what you have overheard in the High Priestly Prayer of John 17? It is like a light momentarily switched on in a darkened room and then extinguished. Did you really see such treasures? Has Jesus actually prayed that my faith will not fail (Luke 22:31-32) and that I will be kept by God's power for such glory (1 Peter 1:5-11)? Is even my name engraved on His shoulders and inscribed on His heart? Do you understand how much your .. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
81954b8 | Jesus' sinlessness should not be equated with emotionlessness. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
c3fab10 | When we behold the glory of Christ in the gospel, it reorders the loves of our hearts, so we delight in him supremely, and the other things that have ruled our lives lose their enslaving power over us. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
f750632 | For if we seek salvation, the very name ofJesus teaches us that he possesses it. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
063b9b6 | When we see salvation whole, its every single part is found in Christ, And so we must beware lest we derive the smallest drop from somewhere else. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
a5749fc | The genius of the divine way of salvation by faith is that in it we are personally, actively united to Jesus Christ, but in a way that contributes nothing to His work. Faith is by definition noncontributory; it is the reception of Christ, not an addition to His finished work. B. B. Warfield finely puts it this way: It is not faith that saves, but faith in Jesus Christ.... It is not, strictly speaking, even faith in Christ that saves, but Ch.. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
6a3fc44 | you cannot destroy love for the world merely by showing its emptiness. The world-centered love of our hearts can be expelled only by a new love and affection-for God and from God. The love of the world and the love of the Father cannot coexist in the same heart | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
87e5f80 | Fast-forward to Calvary and the coming of the Spirit. As Moses ascended Mount Sinai and brought down the Law on tablets of stone, now Christ has ascended into the heavenly Mount, but in contrast to Moses, he has sent down the Spirit who rewrites the law not now merely on tablets of stone but in our hearts. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
ae69700 | The ongoing function of God's law is not to serve as a standard to be met for justification but as a guide for Christian living. Thus, according to the Confession of Faith: True believers be not under the law as a covenant of works to be thereby justified or condemned yet it is of great use to them as well as to others as a rule of life.34 | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
472f3ea | The gospel is designed to deliver us from this lie. For it reveals that behind and manifested in the coming of Christ and his death for us is the love of a Father who gives us everything he has: first his Son to die for us and then his Spirit to live within us.27 | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
02eae34 | Before all time; prior to all worlds; when there was nothing "outside of" God Himself; when the Father, Son, and Spirit found eternal, absolute, and unimaginable blessing, pleasure, and joy in Their holy triunity-it was Their agreed purpose to create a world. That world would fall. But in unison-and at infinitely great cost-this glorious triune God planned to bring you (if you are a believer) grace and salvation." | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
a0c800c | The subtle danger here should be obvious: if we speak of the cross of Christ as the cause of the love of the Father, we imply that behind the cross and apart from it he may not actually love us at all. He needs to be "paid" a ransom price in order to love us." -- | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
8577298 | In the New Testament the basic command of old covenant life, 'Be holy as I am holy', now means, 'Become like Jesus.' God involves himself in this work as the triune Lord: the Father commands it; the Son has died to provide the resources for it; the Spirit indwells us in order to effect it in our lives. As Augustine famously prayed, God commands what he wills and gives what he commands. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
cc23cc6 | Confessional orthodoxy coupled with a view of a heavenly Father whose love is conditioned on his Son's suffering, and further conditioned by our repentance, leads inevitably to a restriction in the preaching of the gospel. Why? Because it leads to a restriction in the heart of the preacher that matches the restriction he sees in the heart of God! | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
41627d0 | Biblical repentance, then, is not merely a sense of regret that leaves us where it found us. It is a radical reversal that takes us back along the road of our sinful wanderings, creating in us a completely different mind-set. We come to our senses spiritually (Luke 15:17). Thus the prodigal son's life was no longer characterized by the demand "give me" (v. 12) but now by the request "make me . . ." (v. 19). This lies on the surface of the N.. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
3dfd0cf | Living in the Spirit means a daily commitment to please Christ and not to please self. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
b10bc56 | What was injected into Eve's mind and affections during the conversation with the Serpent was a deep-seated suspicion of God that was soon further twisted into rebellion against him. The root of her antinomianism (opposition to and breach of the law) was actually the legalism that was darkening her understanding, dulling her senses, and destroying her affection for her heavenly Father. Now, like a pouting child of the most generous father, .. | Sinclair B. Ferguson | ||
ea68293 | The human heart" wrote Calvin, "has so many crannies where vanity hides, so many holes where falsehood lurks, is so decked out with deceiving hypocrisy, that it often dupes itself." | Sinclair B. Ferguson |