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d149be5 When Mersenne circulated the manuscript of the Meditations among various philosophers and theologians to gather "objections," he included the English thinker Thomas Hobbes and the French materialist Pierre Gassendi, an early modern reviver of the philosophy of Epicurus." Steven Nadler
872f77b God made the world, but he also made it true that one plus one equals two. And just as he might have not made a world, so he might just as well have not made it true that one plus one equals two, or even have made it true instead that one plus one equals three. Similarly, "[God] was free to make it not true that all the radii of the circle are equal--just as free as He was not to create the world."34" Steven Nadler
40fee3a God could have made mountains without valleys. And God could have made it the case that a triangle has interior angles whose sum is more or less than 180 degrees, Steven Nadler
0e08830 They spoke from a distant past when everyone read books and most people had hobbies, made things, played cards and chess, dressed up and played charades, sewed and painted and wrote letters and sent postcards. Ruth Rendell
52eff0c Goodness, Mr. Cellini, I've not time to answer all these questions. I've got to get on.' With what? She seldom did anything but read, as far as he knew. She must have read thousands of books, she was always at it. Ruth Rendell
a2cea1a I never knew anyone actually buy cakes when they were hot ... hotcakes metaphor Ruth Rendell
f038a07 He would have to get used to it, she thought. He would have to get used to her being more and more preoccupied with books. Ruth Rendell
153bd63 He turned on to the track and wondered why no birds were singing. The only sound he could hear was the buzz and rattle of a drill, which he assumed to be the farmer doing something to a fence. It was, in fact, a woodpecker whose presence would have thrilled him had he known what it was. Ruth Rendell
19f270b His school had been so committed to establishing equality that the staff told a pupil he or she had done well only if they could tell every other member of the class the same thing. Ruth Rendell
1cd7520 I can tell you, she really knows her job." "So do boa constrictors," said Audrey." Ruth Rendell
2d404a0 the case of her following his directions and taking the footpath Ruth Rendell
85117fc Greed and envy took from a man's heart everything but--well, greed and envy. Ruth Rendell
fa8a452 And it is true that we are warmed by being called by our names. We all know people who hardly ever do it, who only do it when they absolutely must. They manage to steer conversations along, ask questions, respond, without ever using a first name. And they chill others with their apparent detachment, those others who can never understand that it is diffidence which keeps them from committing themselves to the use of names. They might get the.. Ruth Rendell
4b3095d Twelve strangers," he interrupted, "twelve citizens picked off the street. In this world we're unfortunate to live in, and especially in this septic isle we live on,where squalid politicians conspire with the squalid press to feed a half-educated and wholly complacent public on a diet of meretricious trivia, I'm sure it would be possible to concoct enough evidence to persuade twelve strangers that Nelson Mandela was a cannibal." Reginald Hill
52968fb Hope is a black beetle. Stamp on it hard as you liked, it still scuttled on Reginald Hill
8f24b43 the study of diversity is essential for understanding how and why America became what Walt Whitman called a "teeming nation of nations." Ronald Takaki
2154328 Certain it is," he predicted in his book The Land of Gold, published in 1855, "that the greater the diversity of colors and qualities of men, the greater will be the strife and conflict of feeling." Helper insisted that America should be a homogeneous white society. Comparing the entry of the Chinese in the West to the existence of blacks in the East, he protested: "Our population was already too heterogeneous before the Chinese came. I sho.. Ronald Takaki
e1f248f Often, her mate is the child of a narcissist, already indoctrinated to regard exploitation and disregard as love. Others lured by the narcissistic aura are those in whom healthy childhood exhibitionism has been repressed. . . . If the parent puts the child to shame for showing off, the need for attention gets repressed into the unconscious. Repression means that the need is not satisfied and continues to press for expression in the adult wi.. exhibitionism exploitation narcissism narcissistic narcissistic-abusers narcissistic-mothers narcissistic-personality repressed-emotions repression revictimization shame Elan Golomb
8efdd77 Thanks, Ms. Liberty! Is that a sari you're wearing? I hope not. statue-of-liberty Mitali Perkins
836903d Ma comes to stand beside me, and our intruder makes a clucking sound of disapproval. "This one worries me, Ranee. She's very secretive." Mitali Perkins
c5ae4aa One Said, 'My grandfather once planted a Langra tree but, before he could eat the fruit, he had to marry it to another tree. A tamarind. Custom decreed it.' 'I know about that custom,' said a colleague. 'The jasmine is considered a suitable bride for a mango. india Alexander Frater
bcbda3a In part because Americans were fearful of enemies within, they went looking for enemies abroad. War and conquest have served to distract nations from their internal contradictions and conflict for as long as nations have existed. Evan Thomas
e2df74e according to Lodge, were guilty of far worse. The war lovers had exaggerated Spanish cruelty in order to get their war, and now they covered up the abuses of American troops. Evan Thomas
2f4c489 It is remarkable how little concern men seem to have for logic, statistics, and even, indeed, survival: we live by emotion, prejudice, and pride."24" Evan Thomas
57ec0c6 Miltiades was a Greek general who, flush with victory against the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC, led a punitive mission against an ally of Persia, a small island nation that was supposed to be a pushover. The mission was a fiasco and Miltiades was defeated and disgraced; he died of his wounds in prison. Evan Thomas
f19eb6b Before I built a wall I'd ask to know what I was walling in, or walling out.' Robert Frost wrote that. Blake Crouch
3ca911f He watched the stars go dark as the sun breathed fire into the sky, and when it finally cleared the ridge on the far side of the river, he bathed in the rays of gorgeous warmth streaming into his alcove and toasting the frozen stone. Blake Crouch
d7e93c2 I check the time on my drug-dealer flip phone, the one I bought to call Daniela in another Chicago. It won't make calls in this world---I guess minutes aren't transferable across the multiverse. Blake Crouch
be2cd05 A villager in Ca Lu said it to me, before I removed his intestines with a bayonet." "Was he talking about himself?" Donaldson asked. "Or you?" "You tell me. Did you feel alive when you killed your father, Donaldson?" Donaldson nodded. "And when you killed the owner of the Pinto?" Mr. K continued. "Goddamn piece of crap car. I wish I could kill that guy again." "How about someone else in his place?" Donaldson squinted at Mr. K. "What do you .. Blake Crouch
bfb7dfd Like the first day of any new thing, it has been a long one, and he's glad to see it end. Blake Crouch
caecc6f They haven't been unhappy these last few years, quite the opposite. But it's been a long, long time since she felt that sense of giddy love that effervesces in the pit of your stomach and spectacularly upends the world. Blake Crouch
d3ee4a4 Wish we lived in a world where actions were measured by the intentions behind them. But the truth is, they're measured by their consequences. Blake Crouch
d219b3f When we numb our minds to sleep on all manner of screens and HD entertainment, the meaning of life, of our existence and purpose, becomes lost. Blake Crouch
424536b She has a direct link hardwired from her heart to her mouth. No filter, no self-revision. She says what she feels, without a shred of guile or cunning. She works no angles. Blake Crouch
422da9f Aren't we both lost in worlds that, for reasons beyond our control, no longer align with our identity? Blake Crouch
1ee044e The worst moments of your life you never see coming. Blake Crouch
d6c9c4d Even right now, it's like I'm seeing you for the first time, and I have this nervous ache in my stomach. I think about you every second. I think about all the choices we've made that created this moment. Us sitting here together at this beautiful table. Then I think of all the possible events that could have stopped this moment from ever happening, and it all feels, I don't know..." "What?" "So fragile." Now he becomes thoughtful for a mome.. Blake Crouch
8b7ce89 I have good intentions, but... But what? But all the time I fail. I hurt the ones I love. Blake Crouch
e856b37 She took me in when I was lost. When the world stopped making sense. Blake Crouch
2258ab3 You are one ugly motherfucker." Ethan chuckled. "Sorry. I couldn't resist. It's from a movie. Seriously, what the hell are you?" Blake Crouch
d053495 Sorry." The shard clinked." Blake Crouch
0b166ed The sting and the shame of all he's put her through are still raw. He can't say for certain, but he suspects that if she'd done the same to him, he'd already be gone. Blake Crouch
f873d98 He dismounts his albino steed, the horse's pinked nostrils flaring, dirty mane matted with ice. Blake Crouch
abc5ee4 If you look out at nature, you find that as you tend to see suspended animation, you tend to see immortality. GIST) phd-cell-biolo Blake Crouch