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36df6aa The introverted leaders were 20 percent more likely to follow the suggestion--and their teams had 24 percent better results than the teams of the extroverted leaders. Susan Cain
d1a5618 In a gentle way, you can shake the world. Susan Cain
5cd0f6f Joyce has also come to appreciate Isabel's sensitive ways. "Isabel is an old soul," she says. "You forget that she's only a child. When I talk to her, I'm not tempted to use that special tone of voice that people reserve for children, and I don't adapt my vocabulary. I talk to her the way I would to any adult. She's very sensitive, very caring. She worries about other people's well-being. She can be easily overwhelmed, but all these things .. Susan Cain
2e64b11 So stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way, don't let others make you feel as if you have to race. If you enjoy depth, don't force yourself to seek breadth. If you prefer single-tasking to multi tasking, stick to your guns. Being relatively unmoved by rewards gives you the incalculable power to go your own way. It's up to you to use that independence to good effect. Susan Cain
1c21c2f a recent study found that people learn better after a quiet stroll through the woods than after a noisy walk down a city street. Susan Cain
55f9493 Why do we accept this one-size-fits-all situation as a given when we know perfectly well that adults don't organize themselves this way? We often marvel at how introverted, geeky kids "blossom" into secure and happy adults. We liken it to a metamorphosis. However, maybe it's not the children who change but their environments. As adults, they get to select the careers, spouses, and social circles that suit them. They don't have to live in wh.. Susan Cain
8873a4e extroverted leaders enhance group performance when employees are passive, but that introverted leaders are more effective with proactive employees. Susan Cain
f7eb3c8 Don't let anyone tell you that introverts are anti-social - we are just differently social. self-improvement self-help Susan Cain
b2f076f Po polozeni otazky pet sekund pockejte. Introverti tak dostanou cas i motivaci k premysleni. Susan Cain
a2342c3 Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and one of the wealthiest men in the world, has used exactly the attributes we've explored in this chapter--intellectual persistence, prudent thinking, and the ability to see and act on warning signs--to make billions of dollars for himself and the shareholders in his company, Berkshire Hathaway. Buffett is known for thinking carefully when those around him lose their heads. "Success in investing doesn.. Susan Cain
4932d14 Stay true to your own nature. If you like to do things in a slow and steady way, don't let others make you feel as if you have to race. If you enjoy depth, don't force yourself to seek breadth. Susan Cain
468afd2 where we stumble is where our treasure lies. For many introverts like David, adolescence is the great stumbling place, the dark and tangled thicket of low self-esteem and social unease. In middle and high school, the main currency is vivacity and gregariousness; attributes like depth and sensitivity don't count for much. But many introverts succeed in composing life stories much like David's: our Charlie Brown moments are the price we have .. Susan Cain
6ff1fd5 Scientists have found that nomads who inherited the form of a particular gene linked to extroversion (specifically, to novelty-seeking) are better nourished than those without this version of the gene. But in settled populations, people with this same gene form have poorer nutrition. The same traits that make a nomad fierce enough to hunt and to defend livestock against raiders may hinder more sedentary activities like farming, selling good.. Susan Cain
02ce5d4 Many shy people turn inward, partly as a refuge from the socializing that causes them such anxiety. And many introverts are shy, partly as a result of receiving the message that there's something wrong with their preference for reflection, and partly because their physiologies, as we'll see, compel them to withdraw from high-stimulation environments. quiet introvert Susan Cain
2abb36b Introverts are offered keys to private gardens full of riches. To possess such a key is to tumble like Alice down her rabbit hole. She didn't choose to go to Wonderland--but she made of it an adventure that was fresh and fantastic and very much her own. Susan Cain
12162c7 Describing Asians as a "model minority" - even when meant as a compliment - is just as confining and condescending as any description that reduces individuals to a set of perceived group characteristics." Susan Cain
3673ed0 How to Win Friends and Influence People is full of chapter titles like "Making People Glad to Do What You Want" and "How to Make People Like You Instantly." All of which raises the question, how did we go from Character to Personality without realizing that we had sacrificed something meaningful along the way?" Susan Cain
7df44ef One study comparing eight- to ten-year-old children in Shanghai and southern Ontario, Canada, for example, found that shy and sensitive children are shunned by their peers in Canada but make sought-after playmates in China, where they are also more likely than other children to be considered for leadership roles. Chinese children who are sensitive and reticent are said to be dongshi (understanding), a common term of praise. Susan Cain
91bc60b deliberately. They like to focus on one task at a time and can have mighty powers of concentration. They're relatively immune to the lures of wealth and fame. Susan Cain
dc5b914 Although we often hang back in group situations, evidence proves that introverts make strong leaders - often delivering better outcomes than extroverted leaders do. Yes, you read that right - not just decent outcomes, but better ones. Susan Cain
009c6de Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas. Susan Cain
76018d5 Want more sales? Ask better questions. introvert-quotes introverts-susan-cain-quote sales sales-tips sales-training small-business introvert Matthew Pollard
ae6c08a This would not have come as news to Jason Fried, cofounder of the web application company 37signals. For ten years, beginning in 2000, Fried asked hundreds of people (mostly designers, programmers, and writers) where they liked to work when they needed to get something done. He found that they went anywhere but their offices, which were too noisy and full of interruptions. That's why, of Fried's sixteen employees, only eight live in Chicago.. Susan Cain
8e61a4a The longer you pause to process surprising or negative feedback, the more likely you are to learn from it. learning negativity Susan Cain
1bc80a7 Yet today we make room for a remarkably narrow range of personality styles. We're told that to be great is to be bold, to be happy is to be sociable. personality quiet introvert Susan Cain
340c628 Extroverts get better grades than introverts during elementary school, but introverts outperform extroverts in high school and college. At the university level, introversion predicts academic performance better than cognitive ability. One study tested 141 college students' knowledge of twenty different subjects, from art to astronomy to statistics, and found that introverts knew more than the extroverts about every single one of them. Susan Cain
bdcae16 Soon after being appointed CEO, Smith made a dramatic decision to sell the mills that produced the company's core business of coated paper and invest instead in the consumer-paper-products industry, which he believed had better economics and a brighter future. Everyone said this was a huge mistake, and Wall Street downgraded Kimberly-Clark's stock. But Smith, unmoved by the crowd, did what he thought was right. As a result, the company grew.. Susan Cain
6e86af3 Let me pursue this point briefly with reference to what is described in our media, and by many of our public intellectuals, as "the Islamic roots of violence"--especially since September 2001. Religion has long been seen as a source of violence,10 and (for ideological reasons) Islam has been represented in the modern West as peculiarly so (undisciplined, arbitrary, singularly oppressive). Experts on "Islam," "the modern world," and "politic.. Talal Asad
2381cf8 Ambition had never troubled me, so I decided to begin by watching life at my leisure for a few years, waiting until I finally felt tempted to find some circle of influence for myself. waiting fantastic-night Stefan Zweig
18fe06e Pero aun las ideas, por mas insustanciales que parezcan, necesitan un punto de apoyo, de lo contrario empiezan a girar insensatas en derredor de si mismas; ellas tampoco soportan la nada. De la manana a la noche esperaba alguna Stefan Zweig
37d2808 Dickens butun Ingilizler gibi sadece dudaklariyla gulumser, butun vucuduyla degil. Nesesi kendi kendini yakmaz, sadece parildar ve isiklarini insanlarin damarlarina sacar, binlerce kucuk alev icinde yanip soner, muzip bir hayalet ve Irrlicht gibidir, gercekligin tam orta yerinde fevkalade bir sakacidir. Stefan Zweig
5264104 Alla e koinonia pheretai panta khoris eleos se keinous pou prodidoun to mustiko tes ki apokaluptoun pos, me ten upokrisia tes, amartanei enantia sten idia tes ten phuse. Stefan Zweig
26537ab A veces, al evocar su vida, se sentia como si solo hubiera participado activamente en una pequena parte de ella, y hubiera vivido el resto sumida en el cansancio o empujada por el vacio sentido del deber Stefan Zweig
60eac10 Se non si ha la propria terra sotto i piedi - anche questo pero deve essere sperimentato per essere compreso - ci si tiene meno diritti, si perde sicurezza, si diventa diffidenti verso se stessi. Non esito a confessare che dal giorno in cui dovetti vivere con documenti o con passaporti effettivamente stranieri non mi sono piu sentito completamente legato a me stesso. E rimasta per sempre distrutta una parte della mia naturale identita con i.. patria Stefan Zweig
9744352 soothing silence instead of an oppressive one. Stefan Zweig
33bc9ba Como en el siglo dieciocho lo frances, los atributos arabe, persa, indostanico, se identificaban en la Edad Media con los conceptos de exuberante, refinado, distinguido, cortesano, costoso y precioso. Stefan Zweig
8feb5a7 Immer sind die Instinkte wissender als unsere wachen Gedanken. Stefan Zweig
0985dd8 Un pressentiment vague et fievreux melait un frisson de volupte a l'anxiete d'Edgar. frisson Stefan Zweig
5669701 N'aie pas peur de mes paroles: une morte ne veut plus rien, elle ne veut ni amour, ni pitie, ni reconfort. death-and-dying Stefan Zweig
603f66e She wanted, out of a kind of mysterious vindictiveness born of despair, to torture us with her torture, to arraign us, the hale and hearty, in the place of God. Stefan Zweig
4f1170e Alors, dans l'obscurite j'ai pleure de bonheur. happiness Stefan Zweig
ce173ab Persistently trying to hoodwink one another, the Emperor, the kings, the princes, and the revolutionaries created an atmosphere of general distrust (like that which poisons the world today); and, in the end, though they had not directly purposed anything of the kind, they involved twenty-five million men in the cataract or a war which lasted for twenty-five years. Stefan Zweig
4b2b725 the great masses always and at once respond to the force of gravity in the direction of the powers that be. Stefan Zweig
43bde2a Pero incluso con sus favoritos, el destino no siempre se muestra magnanimo. Rara vez conceden los dioses a los mortales mas de una hazana unica e imperecedera. grandes_hombres Stefan Zweig