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0cb4661 You're a sight for sore eyes. (p. 29) Gelett Burgess
b87bb53 The fields are damaged by weeds, mankind by passion. Blessed are the patient, and the passionless. Gems from the East
f57f946 If solid happiness we prize,Within our breast this jewel lies. Gemstone
eafb822 A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it. Gemstone
c131a6c Ars sana in corpore sano. (Healthy art in a healthy body.) Genco Gulan
90d2fd2 I love much as I love concepts. Genco Gulan
dd671b1 Istanbul these days has as much dynamism as New York. Genco Gulan
91ae525 Art shouldn't be only the aesthetics we hang on the wall, but a dynamic to shape the society. Genco Gulan
3224fa7 Women complain about men, and men complain about women. Who is right? Gender
9876543 As far as I'm concerned, being any gender is a drag. Gender
15d3d46 Virtue cannot be separated into male and female. ... The difference is one of bodies not of souls. Gender
559519a All I know is this:and came home female. Gender bender
58728ed Sometimes I think it sounds like I walked out of the room and left the typewriter running. Gene Fowler
aa293db What is success? It is a toy balloon among children armed with pins. Gene Fowler
3b0faff A book is never finished; it's abandoned. Gene Fowler
5af12a9 Men are not against you, they are merely for themselves. Gene Fowler
af77b2b He has a profound respect for old age. Especially when it's bottled. Gene Fowler
1396129 Fred Astaire represented the aristocracy, I represented the proletariat. Gene Kelly
74ab53f Elvis is the king of rock and roll, who made white kids shake there shackle. Gene Simmons
1a654c3 My skin is more beautiful than yours. I would be quite more popular in jail if I so chose. Gene Simmons
5f06048 You know why I'm pulling your leg? Because I can't touch it from where I am. Gene Simmons
90b7e4e People say, "I want to get laid a lot and make lots of money." That's not the right order. Gene Simmons
a4030c0 You can't buy love with money." Only a poor person says that. Gene Simmons
b4308ef I think I know it all, relatively speaking." Gene Simmons
28c5c31 I hope my fans remember my name is Gene Vincent and not Gene Autry. Gene Vincent
0c44cd4 The poor were wise, who, by the rich oppressed, General strike
ce6c580 The only legitimate right to govern is an express grant of power from the governed. General will
97cfabb The people who own the country ought to govern it. General will
173e442 People who like quotations love meaningless generalizations. Generalization
feac432 All sweeping assertions are erroneous. Generalization
c0241d6 Generation Z, they cleaned up their own mess. Generation Z
6fe0c08 Taking pain to remove the pain of others is the true essence of generosity. Generosity
d124bae Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish. Generosity
aeb4671 The whole planet is the museum! Genesis P-Orridge
1b241b5 Genetic engineering is to traditional crossbreeding what the nuclear bomb was to the sword. Genetic engineering
30375f6 There is an expression out there that a failed gene therapy makes a good vaccine. Genetic engineering
75c8cfc When tyrants cannot prevail by craft, they burst forth into open rage. Geneva Bible
9376f18 She wasn't actually going to lie, but there was...well, there might be an element of flexibility. Genevieve Cogman
eab8b50 Irene hated trusting to luck. It was no substitute for good planning and careful preparation. Genevieve Cogman
08d6768 It was only a hypothesis, but it made an uncomfortable amount of sense. Genevieve Cogman
8d52dea Blind faith is just another word for slavery. Genevieve Cogman
4697987 There were things to do, people to see, questions to ask. Books to read. Genevieve Cogman
ede2e1f The news was highly coloured, even if the print was black and white. Genevieve Cogman
958faec First things first. Get the facts, then decide what to do next. And hope that there is a next. Genevieve Cogman