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c2a2e2e Sometimes the obvious answer is the true answer. Genevieve Cogman
2fd1af0 What is written can be erased, alas. Genevieve Cogman
cf1a8eb Be careful. Be diplomatic. Try not to blow anything up. Genevieve Cogman
c984e36 I have no intention of signing up to her crusade," Irene said. "To anyone's crusade." Genevieve Cogman
f6c2b35 I think the time for blind trust is long over. Now I need answers. Genevieve Cogman
a4eb9d1 We shouldn't be playing politics. We should be focusing on what's important. Genevieve Cogman
e471d8c Don't you realize you have a responsibility to other people to look after yourself? Genevieve Cogman
2a31988 They wrote me off, I ain't write back though. Geno Smith
fe80d3f Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re. Gentleness
bbeecd0 He is gentil that doth gentil dedis. Gentleness
a77532c The mildest manners and the gentlest heart. Gentleness
7bf5c65 Gentle to others, to himself severe. Gentleness
3946eab What would you have? your gentleness shall forceMore than your force move us to gentleness. Gentleness
aa25240 They are as gentleAs zephyrs blowing below the violet. Gentleness
3834e6b Those that do teach young babesDo it with gentle means and easy tasks: Gentleness
f2ce74a I had to be on my own, just so that I would not feel as alone. (p. 201). Geoff Dyer
9434df6 Nature, the vicar of the Almightie Lord. Geoffrey Chaucer
cbcfb0d Harde is his herte that loveth noughtIn Mey, ... Geoffrey Chaucer
6141ede Of harmes two the lesse is for to cheese. Geoffrey Chaucer
97599e2 It is nought good a slepyng hound to wake. Geoffrey Chaucer
776966b He helde about him alway, out of drede, A world of folke. Geoffrey Chaucer
8fc54d4 For tyme y-lost may not recovered be. Geoffrey Chaucer
958928a I am right sorry for your heavinesse. Geoffrey Chaucer
0aecd7b Go, little booke! go, my little tragedie! Geoffrey Chaucer
9be8ae1 And of his port as meke as is a mayde. Geoffrey Chaucer
98b8cf8 He was a verray, parfit gentil knyght. Geoffrey Chaucer
71c18c1 A Clerk ther was of Oxenforde also. Geoffrey Chaucer
524a586 Nowher so bisy a man as he ther nas, And yet he semed bisier than he was. Geoffrey Chaucer
63399e0 His studie was but litel on the Bible. Geoffrey Chaucer
b9d88d2 For gold in phisike is a cordial; Therefore he loved gold in special. Geoffrey Chaucer
1459b0e Wide was his parish, and houses fer asonder. Geoffrey Chaucer
ae513bc And yet he had a thomb of gold parde. Geoffrey Chaucer
26e8e89 The smylere with the knyf under the cloke. Geoffrey Chaucer
1f5aaca That field hath eyen, and the wood hath ears. Geoffrey Chaucer
270557d Up rose the sonne, and up rose Emelie. Geoffrey Chaucer
fe62ed1 Min be the travaille, and thin be the glorie. Geoffrey Chaucer
a0a2fa0 To maken vertue of necessite. Geoffrey Chaucer
36a638d Men sholde wedden after hir estat, For youthe and elde is often at debat. Geoffrey Chaucer
57862e4 And brought of mighty ale a large quart. Geoffrey Chaucer
fa9afae The gretteste clerkes been noght wisest men. Geoffrey Chaucer
859548f Yet in our ashen cold is fire yreken. Geoffrey Chaucer
bce7a12 The gretest clerkes ben not the wisest men. Geoffrey Chaucer
ae70376 So was hire joly whistle wel ywette. Geoffrey Chaucer
812c382 I hold a mouses wit not worth a leke, That hath but on hole for to sterten to. Geoffrey Chaucer