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885c347 A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood. George S. Patton
2ca3c55 If you put the letter "S" in front of Hitler, then you have my opinion of him. George S. Patton
4b9b23a Have taken Trier with two divisions. What do you want me to do? Give it back? George S. Patton
96dc059 Fatigue makes cowards of all of us. George S. Patton
b061ef5 My men can eat their belts, but my tanks have gotta have gas. George S. Patton
774eb76 Always do everything you ask of those you command. George S. Patton
1dd6ac7 Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. George S. Patton
43afd23 Ever since I was a child I never wanted to be anything else but a soldier. George S. Patton IV
29182ab The Book of History is the Bible of Irony. George Saintsbury
0e50a48 Oratory is, after all, the prose literature of the savage. George Saintsbury
622b2b0 So, then, there abide these three, Aristotle, Longinus, and Coleridge. George Saintsbury
0722bb3 Historians may lie, but History cannot. George Saintsbury
ecc787d Majorities are generally wrong, if only in their reasons for being right. George Saintsbury
5e98e55 Everything] ideal has a natural basis and everything natural an ideal development. George Santayana
fcad957 The highest form of vanity is love of fame. George Santayana
84abd83 Every moment celebrates obsequies over the virtues of its predecessor. George Santayana
33f7349 To know how just a cause we have for grieving is already a consolation. George Santayana
8f1d058 The mind celebrates a little triumph whenever it can formulate a truth. George Santayana
a549bd7 Art like life should be free, since both are experimental. George Santayana
5e40414 Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself. George Santayana
6396877 The Bible is literature, not dogma. George Santayana
ae9d17d To covet truth is a very distinguished passion. George Santayana
340d4c2 Our dignity is not in what we do, but in what we understand. George Santayana
9a90a38 To understand oneself is the classic form of consolation; to elude oneself is the romantic. George Santayana
81ce187 Eternal vigilance is the price of knowledge. George Santayana
96196f2 The pint would call the quart a dualist, if you tried to pour the quart into him. George Santayana
62c0f81 Our dignity is not in what we do, but in what we understand. The whole world is doing things. George Santayana
55636c1 The truth is cruel, but it can be loved, and it makes free those who have loved it. George Santayana
3e7452c George Will: Oh yes. George Will
c36d138 England is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, anomalies, hobbies, and humors. George Santayana
b9883cd There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval. George Santayana
67dd79b The living have never shown me how to live. George Santayana
92e4889 Philosophers are as jealous as women. Each wants a monopoly of praise. George Santayana
a8e1d46 The soul, too, has her virginity and must bleed a little before bearing fruit. George Santayana
a63795e The young man who has not wept is a savage, and the old man who will not laugh is a fool. George Santayana
6caa4f2 Religion in its humility restores man to his only dignity, the courage to live by grace. George Santayana
310ced8 Animals are born and bred in litters. Solitude grows blessed and peaceful only in old age. George Santayana
2709b00 Skepticism, like chastity, should not be relinquished too readily. George Santayana
5c812c2 The idea of Christ is much older than Christianity. George Santayana
b8bcd28 science is the most revolutionary force in the world. George Sarton
2bc5862 Arabic science was the fruit of Semitic genius fertilized by the Iranian genius. George Sarton
f20dc99 The whole iconography of ancient science is simply the fruit of wishful thinking. George Sarton
7d86913 My gratitude to them [my first teachers] grows as I myself grow older. George Sarton
07ea8a4 Our nature hardly allows us to have enough of anything without having too much. George Savile, 1st Marquess of Halifax