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48dac6f There is something terribly wrong with a culture inebriated by noise and gregariousness. George Steiner
275519f Nothing in a language is less translatable than its modes of understatement. George Steiner
8958383 Words that are saturated with lies or atrocity do not easily resume life. George Steiner
fe2162d Men are accomplices to that which leaves them indifferent. George Steiner
8db36fa The immense majority of human biographies are a gray transit between domestic spasm and oblivion. George Steiner
eef99b9 A good deal of classical music is, today, the opium of the good citizen. George Steiner
3dec3ce Anything can be said and, in consequence, written about anything. George Steiner
08269be For many human beings, religion has been the music which they believe in. George Steiner
95547f1 The President has kept all the promises he intended to keep. George Stephanopoulos
6f1bb25 The rage for railroads is so great that many will be laid in parts where they will not pay. George Stephenson
100db96 As if he needed me to say "Slam Dunk" to go to war with Iraq. George Tenet
18b92d6 We don't torture people. Let me say that again to you. We don't torture people, OK. George Tenet
42a6041 After I am dead, the boy will ruin himself in twelve months. George V of the United Kingdom
f96ec16 How's the Empire? George V of the United Kingdom
ca0af81 The war now proposed is for the purpose of establishing Jewish influence throughout the world. George Van Horn Moseley
419a22c Methinks, I see the wanton houres flee, And as they passe, turne back and laugh at me. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
e36fab8 O! what a prodigal have I been of that most valuable of all possessions -- Time! George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
d5e0c0d Our Poets make us laugh at Tragoedy,And with their Comoedies they make us cry. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
eb8dfa9 What a Devil is the Plot good for, but to bring in fine things? George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
38e80aa Ay, now the Plot thickens very much upon us. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
8bb8d92 The blackest Ink of Fate, sure, was my Lot,And, when she writ my Name, she made a blot. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
69ad890 A Lady that was drown'd at Sea, and had a wave for her Winding sheet. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
0d07f57 I drink, I huff, I strut, look big and stare;And all this I can do, because I dare. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
9ee66bf There are few have Dana's fortune, to have God and gold togather. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
2512888 A mans fame and hayre grow most after death, and are both equally uselesse. George Villiers, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
8844174 If the terriers and barriffs are torn down, this economy will grow. George W. Bush
aad7997 R]arely is the question asked: Are... is our children learning? George W. Bush
0ca10c0 I care what 51 percent of the people think about me. George W. Bush
a368fcd More and more of our imports come from overseas. George W. Bush
e7ac261 I will have a foreign-handed foreign policy. George W. Bush
5344159 Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream. George W. Bush
870bb47 This issue doesn't seem to resignate with the people. George W. Bush
0e5a9e1 They misunderestimated me. George W. Bush
3d5a8b3 It was amazing I won. I was running against peace and prosperity and incumbency. George W. Bush
03a4aef I'm having difficulty controlling my blood lust. George W. Bush
3d5d5ec This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while. George W. Bush
316b08b Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists. George W. Bush
1d38237 Lucky me, I hit the trifecta. George W. Bush
c45352e You are either with us or you are against us in the fight against terror. George W. Bush
f646b6d But all in all, it's been a fabulous year for Laura and me. George W. Bush
1918551 Americans are asking, why do they hate us? George W. Bush
b88f378 We did not ask for this mission, but we will fulfill it. George W. Bush
51a5b36 I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace. George W. Bush
99d4b69 The best ethics course is to handcuff one of the bastards. George W. Bush