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0e190a1 Go where glory waits thee;Oh! still remember me. Glory
20ff918 Who pants for glory, finds but short repose;A breath revives him, or a breath o'erthrows. Glory
07f087d Avoid shame, but do not seek glory,--nothing so expensive as glory. Glory
83759e3 'Twas glory once to be a Roman;She makes it glory, now, to be a man. Glory
b9eb0f4 Great is the glory, for the strife is hard! Glory
fad06d5 For, as you know, religions are like glow-worms; they shine only when it is dark. Glowworms
8e26076 Till glowworms light owl-watchmen's flightThrough our green metropolis. Glowworms
020db84 My star, God's glowworm. Glowworms
2d01e2f Tasteful illumination of the night,Bright scattered, twinkling star of spangled earth. Glowworms
194731b While many a glowworm in the shadeLights up her love torch. Glowworms
c211f0d Glow-worms on the ground are moving,As if in the torch-dance circling. Glowworms
e71ac4c Here's a health to the glow-worm, Death's sober lamplighter. Glowworms
56c8367 The glow-worm shows the matin to be near,And 'gins to pale his uneffectual fire. Glowworms
c03eceb A filled stomach expels refined thoughts. Gluttony
2594b45 Go is hard. Go (game)
5e2bd18 I had the first move, I should have won... Go (game)
4a6e296 I learned to play go in college ... It's a very complicated game ... non-linear. Go (game)
1c5ff77 Becoming one stone stronger is the supreme enjoyment. Go (game)
b361067 All you are is the Go you play. Go (game)
1f156aa Hospitality is not just a word here -- it's a tradition. Goa
d27b68d The goat with its kids honours you. Goat
1c00e16 It don't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep. Goat
9a551dc The lust of the goat is the bounty of God Goat
3f86880 Why, if God was the creator of all things, were we supposed to "praise" him for what came naturally? God Is Not Great
50f2d69 If Jesus could heal a blind person he happened to meet, then why not heal blindness? God Is Not Great
576f15b One may choose to call that "god" even if one does not know the precise nature of the first cause. God Is Not Great
8b3c0f3 Millions of people would have mindlessly starved to death if his advice had been followed. God Is Not Great
50d056c Children who have felt cruelty know very well how to inflict it. God Is Not Great
58f0a27 Religion has run out of justifications. God Is Not Great
b17e246 All postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory. God Is Not Great
c0853db The God of the Bible is not a God of the gaps. God of the gaps
ac2a54d What the world calls sorrow is really joy for the poet. Godaan
bd4827f I don't believe in God but I'm very interested in her. Goddess
4ccb349 There are no rules anywhere. The Goddess Prevails. Goddess
a92b65c There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. Goddess
45af6bb We must learn how to live positively with the bad and good. Godeliève Mukasarasi
cbbdbcb Look, my job is to upset The Guardian and the BBC. I love it, I love it. Godfrey Bloom
60f945c Only God Almighty makes painters. Godfrey Kneller
56e57b8 Every child has the right to be educated. Education in Botswana must be compulsory." Gogontlejang Phaladi
d325a5b Money is gold, and nothing else. Gold
7b11d0a Imaro exploded. "Why do men fight like starving lions over yellow metal and let valuable cattle go?" Gold
0be9c0d A thirst for gold,The meanest hearts. Gold
5a304b8 And yet he hadde "a thombe of gold" pardee. Gold