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bed8e70 Every honest miller has a golden thumb. Gold
eaf0fef For gold in phisik is a cordial;Therefore he lovede gold in special. Gold
bddbb51 What female heart can gold despise?What cat's averse to fish? Gold
3daf13e That is gold which is worth gold. Gold
83a6620 Gold! Gold! Gold! Gold!Bright and yellow, hard and cold. Gold
9d004f4 Not Philip, but Philip's gold, took the cities of Greece. Gold
f3fd922 What nature wants, commodious gold bestows;'Tis thus we cut the bread another sows. Gold
a6a2121 It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don't want victories anymore. Golda Meir
5384bb1 In Israel, we read from right to left. Golda Meir
24568e3 To be or not to be is not a question of compromise. Either you be or you don't be. Golda Meir
540b33b Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself. Golda Meir
76ea075 Whether Women are better than men, I can say they are certainly no worse. Golda Meir
bcd2c85 Those nuts that burn their bras and walk around all disheveled and hate men? They're crazy. Crazy. Golda Meir
506e90b I'm a slave to this leaf in a diary that lists what I must do, what I must say, every half hour. Golda Meir
3938515 I want to see a film, they send the Israeli army reserves to escort me! What kind of life is this? Golda Meir
ed90925 Fashion is an imposition, a rein on freedom. Golda Meir
5e169a6 What person with any sense likes himself? I know myself too well to like myself. Golda Meir
dd67c85 I prefer to stay alive and be criticized than be sympathized. Golda Meir
ca6c3fa Each one should do unto others as he would have others do unto him. Golden Rule
d81b397 Do as ye wald be done to. Golden Rule
5cbe4e7 Do not that to another, which thou wouldest not have done to thyself. Golden Rule
2539df2 Learn to treat others in the way that you want to be treated. Golden Rule
41c3a2a Still the Goldenrod of the roadside clod Is of all, the best! Goldenrods
13eef03 I know the lands are litWith all the autumn blaze of Goldenrod. Goldenrods
2a948cc Golf? Nuts! I never did see any fun in a game, where if I hit a ball, I had to chase it myself. Golf
41148d8 Closest to the truth are those who deal lightly with it because they know it is inexhaustible. Golo Mann
78aad01 A what?" Gone with the Wind (novel)
9b3eb31 A dusk of the gods. Unfortunately, we Southerners did think we were gods." Gone with the Wind (novel)
2a340c1 We're going with this story. Because the terror is right here in this room. Good Night, and Good Luck
e32cd5b Funny thing, Freddie, every time you light a cigarette for me, I know you're lying. Good Night, and Good Luck
c7411a0 Turn the phones on! Good Night, and Good Luck
f1b5bef Might as well go down swinging. Good Night, and Good Luck
cf6f2e9 I'm with you today Ed, and I'm with you tomorrow. Good Night, and Good Luck
aac734e We will not walk in fear of one another. Good Night, and Good Luck
453877d In A Nation Terrorized By Its Own Government, One Man Dared to Tell The Truth Good Night, and Good Luck
3df24f1 They Took On The Government With Nothing But The Truth Good Night, and Good Luck
5e0aa3b Good can imagine Evil, but Evil cannot imagine Good. Good and evil
43271c0 So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb. Good and evil
e7bca12 Do good to others, that will protect you against evil. Good and evil
8a416e9 Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then it tries to silence good. Good and evil
296dbbb Evil beginning houres may end in good. Good and evil
a3ec675 It must be that evil communications corrupt good dispositions. Good and evil
493c72b And out of good still to find means of evil. Good and evil
0eb955f A good End cannot sanctifie evil Means; nor must we ever do Evil, that Good may come of it. Good and evil