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e870dcf It was here in Big Sur that I first learned to say 'amen.' Henry Miller
ed4f33e There's nothing wrong with the world. What's wrong is our way of looking at it. Henry Miller
4285590 To be generous is to say Yes before the man even opens his mouth. Henry Miller
eb22c95 The whole damned universe has to be taken apart, brick by brick, and reconstructed. Henry Miller
9cad9f5 I am against revolutions because they always involve a return to the status quo. Henry Miller
833d472 I am glad to be a maggot in the corpse which is the world. Henry Miller
7922b7d Everything remains unsettled forever, depend on it. Henry Miller
e03ac30 The artist who becomes thoroughly aware consequently ceases to be one. Henry Miller
5772358 Data don't generate theory - only researchers do that. Henry Mintzberg
122ca8e Anecdotal data is not incidental to theory development at all, but an essential part of it Henry Mintzberg
7bfb005 When the Turks and the Bulgarians left, Macedonia remained a purely Greek region. Henry Morgenthau, Sr.
f52aa2a We have attacked and destroyed 28 large towns, and 3 or 4 score villages. Henry Morton Stanley
4f7badb Socialism is a return to primitive conditions. Henry Morton Stanley
ae1ece5 The whole Congo without the lower Congo isn't woth a penny. Henry Morton Stanley
22cc788 To set the cause above renown,To love the game above the prize. Henry Newbolt
a80a263 The work of the world must still be done,And minds are many though truth be one. Henry Newbolt
99ec3b2 Princes of courtesy, merciful, proud and strong. Henry Newbolt
11214c1 No, father, you preach from the pulpit and I will preach with my brush. Henry Ossawa Tanner
e23ca2a I got three letters today telling me that I'm god. Why can't I pay the rent? Henry Rollins
a79dc3f When life hands you a lemon, say "Oh yeah, I like lemons. What else you got? Henry Rollins
46c9616 Knowledge without Mileage is bullshit to me. Henry Rollins
ecf6fb8 Cynicism is only intellectual sloth. Henry Rollins
8d687df The quality will remain long after the price is forgotten. Henry Royce
2c4b973 I have only one regret ... that I have not worked harder. Henry Royce
ea09b7e memories that never ride anything but sound waves. Henry S. Haskins
6f46b3c Be speedy, for I was born under a thirsty star. Henry Savile Clarke
dda7c2e A devotee of Utu is among the holy. Holiness
172b2b8 Nobody but a highlander can go about without his trousers. Henry Savile Clarke
0ef496e A fly is a fly, and a flower is a flower, but a hornet is an organization. Henry Schriver
8a96b63 Hoe a row until it is done, and then hoe another one. Henry Schriver
8234c41 It's a simple thing to break a string, but you cannot hope to break a rope. Henry Schriver
d320b0a A better job is always done when two pitch in and work as one. Henry Schriver
b6a54d7 I'd rather lose at pinochle than win at solitaire. Henry Schriver
938a345 Apple pie without the cheese is like a kiss without the squeeze. Henry Schriver
e3527b7 For philosophy and history alike have seek not what is "safe," but what is true. Henry Sidgwick
400f883 The way of truth is along the path of intellectual sincerity. Henry Smith Pritchett
a765e8e Truth lies within a little and certain compass, but error is immense. Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
f2119e9 We are born too late to see the beginning, and we did too soon to see the end of many things. Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
bd0e8df Nations, like men, have their infancy. Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
1edf8fe They (Thucydides and Xenophon) maintained the dignity of history. Henry St John, 1st Viscount Bolingbroke
3b8439b Have the lower animals "rights?" Undoubtedly--if men have. Henry Stephens Salt
c26f01b I have not skillTo pluck the sting. Henry Taylor
da9ff94 An unreflected light did never yetDazzle the vision feminine. Henry Taylor
0796b72 The world knows nothing of its greatest men. Henry Taylor