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2ad2093 His foodAnd peril to his body. Henry Taylor
a8f481f Conscience is, in most men, an anticipation of the opinions of others. Henry Taylor
0cd0022 The hope, and not the fact, of advancement, is the spur to industry. Henry Taylor
8a09143 The art of living easily as to money, is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means. Henry Taylor
5175cab Fear, indeed, is the mother of foresight... Henry Taylor
8145d16 I will not talk of non-intervention, for it is not an English word. Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
1794b81 As men are killed by fighting, the truth is lost in disputing. Henry Vaughan
7d54bea Some men a forward motion love, But I by backward steps would move. Henry Vaughan
d4f12cc Where is human nature so weak as in a book store? Henry Ward Beecher
3dc1fa6 A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries of life. Henry Ward Beecher
5e8484e The one great poem of New England is her Sunday. Henry Ward Beecher
9e5d370 When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung. Henry Ward Beecher
7ca48eb no emotion, any more than a wave, can long retain its own individual form. Henry Ward Beecher
b28ef7f Never forget what a man says to you when he is angry. Henry Ward Beecher
dbf27dc It is not well for a man to pray, cream; and live, skim milk. Henry Ward Beecher
270179c Doctrine is nothing but the skin of truth set up and stuffed. Henry Ward Beecher
f2ac430 Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul into. Henry Ward Beecher
fdd06da The call to religion is not a call to be better than your fellows, but to be better than yourself. Henry Ward Beecher
9f00fec When laws, customs, or institutions cease to be beneficial to man, they cease to be obligatory. Henry Ward Beecher
5b08f7b The natural equality of all men I believe in, as far as rights are concerned. Henry Wilson
1615b85 I believe in the equality of rights of all mankind. Henry Wilson
446a31b The idea which pervades our Constitution; that all men of every race are equal before the laws. Henry Wilson
bb59d8e Lord of himself, though not of lands;And having nothing, yet hath all. Henry Wotton
090bcb0 Love lodged in a woman's breastIs but a guest. Henry Wotton
d53cf3d He first deceased; she for a little triedTo live without him, liked it not, and died. Henry Wotton
794d700 Hanging was the worst use a man could be put to. Henry Wotton
3d05e15 An ambassador is an honest man sent to lie abroad for the commonwealth. Henry Wotton
233014f The itch of disputing will prove the scab of churches. Henry Wotton
bc5c551 Advised a young diplomat "to tell the truth, and so puzzle and confound his enemies." Henry Wotton
17774cd The Internet is a mirror of our subconscious thoughts. (63:51) Henry Zebrowski
f780320 And so, by night, while we were all at rest,I think the coming sped the parting guest. Henry van Dyke
ab5645b What we do belongs to what we are; and what we are is what becomes of us. Henry van Dyke
782729c Raise the stone, and thou shalt find me; cleave the wood and there am I. Henry van Dyke
d6b1ae9 I'm only wishing to go a-fishing;For this the month of May was made. Henry van Dyke
0584116 Every mountain is, rightly considered, an invitation to climb. Henry van Dyke
71df461 No amount of energy will take the place of thought. Henry van Dyke
f6507dc Life deserves laughter, hence people laugh at it. Henryk Sienkiewicz
95195e2 Not Nero, but God, rules the world. Henryk Sienkiewicz
40aeb45 Aniela died this morning. Henryk Sienkiewicz
44d979e Ten thousand do not turn the scale against a single man of worth. Heraclitus
9ff6d11 Greater fates gain greater rewards Heraclitus
70703ef The many are mean; only the few are noble. Heraclitus
cb9db5d All human laws are nourished by one divine law. Heraclitus
369c1d7 Over Christmas, Allen Newell and I created a thinking machine. Herbert A. Simon