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6878db5 You are an eternal being of love you are the light of the world. Mike Scott (musician)
de0e293 Vague but exciting... Mike Sendall
4702efc Be where you're at. Mike Tomlin
0b50449 We don't live in our fears, we live in our hopes. Mike Tomlin
4cd7479 Iron sharpens iron. Mike Tomlin
f995ae0 More grounded, more humble, more selfless makes us more opportunistic. Mike Tomlin
dd27802 Everybody has plans until they get hit for the first time." Mike Tyson
dd0cd85 Everybody in boxing probably makes out well except for the fighter. Mike Tyson
ceb9658 People love you when you're successful, but if you're not, who really cares about you? Mike Tyson
2fa42d8 My main objective is to be professional but to kill him. Mike Tyson
e89dcc4 He was just splendid, a masterful boxer - I take my hat off to him Mike Tyson
d618b13 Christians have their own language. Mike Warnke
f49bd2d What's obvious to me isn't always obvious to other people. Mike Watt
067aadd All exercise of authority perverts, and submission to authority humiliates. Mikhail Bakunin
23fc23e Every state, like every theology, assumes man to be fundamentally bad and wicked. Mikhail Bakunin
a9e7d2d The more injuries you get, the smarter you get. Mikhail Baryshnikov
5eeea9f 'I do not know these good men,' replied the prisoner. Mikhail Bulgakov
808537a It's all over, so let's not burden the telegraph system. Mikhail Bulgakov
ba62a89 Ryukhin showed himself no mercy-'I don't believe in anything I've ever written!' Mikhail Bulgakov
937c315 The hope that she might regain her happiness made her fearless. Mikhail Bulgakov
d62a841 Manuscripts don't burn. Mikhail Bulgakov
67c5de6 The Soviet people want full-blooded and unconditional democracy. Mikhail Gorbachev
00da14a Why not? Mikhail Gorbachev
c9c4070 Dangers await only those who do not react to life. Mikhail Gorbachev
4a3173b My life's work has been accomplished. I did all that I could. Mikhail Gorbachev
b8a5914 I began to feel the desire for something more; I wanted to do something to make things better. Mikhail Gorbachev
fdab9c0 If what you have done yesterday still looks big to you, you haven't done much today. Mikhail Gorbachev
4b45903 Americans have a severe disease -- worse than AIDS. It's called the winner's complex. Mikhail Gorbachev
ab93c5d If you are called upon to govern humans, treat them humanely. Mikhail Kalinin
84283f0 Nobody will meet the the Russian Army in Ukrain with bread, salt and flowers. Mikhail Khodaryonok
3920fa8 The Russian arsenal is absolutely insufficient to eradicate such a state from the face of the earth. Mikhail Khodaryonok
648c4b0 Overexcited Russian experts should forget their hate fantasies. Mikhail Khodaryonok
668b917 The situation in this regard for us will frankly get worse. Mikhail Khodaryonok
0abbd73 O vanity! you are the lever by means of which Archimedes wished to lift the earth! Mikhail Lermontov
dff7654 Women love only those whom they do not know! Mikhail Lermontov
efce611 A strange thing, the human heart in general, and woman's heart in particular. Mikhail Lermontov
b49ee5c man, this ruler over general evil, With a perfidious heart, with a lying tongue... Mikhail Lermontov
14dc6c2 And everything that he saw before him He despised or hated. Mikhail Lermontov
b87964a Alone, as before, in the universe Without hope and without love!.. Mikhail Lermontov
4846fb2 I was born, so that the whole world could be a spectator Of my triumph or my doom... Mikhail Lermontov
a00a58f And I, as I lived, in an alien land Will die a slave and an orphan. Mikhail Lermontov
eb603a8 In people's eyes I read Pages of malice and sin. Mikhail Lermontov
f61f481 lsquo;The Don! The Don! The gentle Don! Our father; giver of our food! Hurrah!’ Mikhail Sholokhov
5f20a60 Elevate the soul by grandiose images beyond all everyday pettiness. Mikhail Vrubel