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2ca9787 We must create the Georgia that our ancestors dreamed of, the Georgia that we dream of. Mikheil Saakashvili
db9ca8e Rarely is anyone thanked for the work they did to prevent the disaster that didn't happen. Mikko Hyppönen
e4a3ad0 We are no longer securing just computers - we are securing the society. Mikko Hyppönen
8a6f4e0 Cyber weapons are effective, affordable and deniable. That's a great combination in any weapon. Mikko Hyppönen
9b837e4 If it's smart, it's vulnerable. Mikko Hyppönen
48a7a43 Adobe Reader is the worst piece of software I've seen, right after QuickTime. Mikko Hyppönen
71f2906 Security is like Tetris: Your successes disappear but your failures pile up. Mikko Hyppönen
ccb51ab I'll play it and tell you what it is later. Miles Davis
a7b6e97 I can't tell... All those white tenor players sound alike to me. Miles Davis
1be3a12 Is that what you wanted, Alfred? Miles Davis
287fc81 For me, music and life are all about style. Miles Davis
6c46a2e I've changed music four or five times. What have you done of any importance other than be white? Miles Davis
ec7b70d Why'd you put that white bitch on there? Miles Davis
bf0f3e2 When you are creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain't the limit. Miles Davis
ac0bb96 Don't play what's there, play what's not there. Miles Davis
24b0b26 A legend is an old man with a cane known for what he used to do. I'm still doing it. Miles Davis
0c34841 Try taking the fucking horn out of your mouth. Miles Davis
8bb3cc0 It's that goddamned motherfucking 'Machine Gun.' Miles Davis
781dee1 He could very well be the Duke Ellington of Rock 'n' Roll. Miles Davis
2931998 I make no apologies for being egotistical. Miles Franklin
e8cd926 It appears that we all labour under delusions. Miles Franklin
6558838 To weary hearts throbbing slowly in hopeless breasts the sweetest thing is rest. Miles Franklin
801af0e Ah! my wang is hateful to you; or is it I, madam, that enjoys that privilege? Military character
7f08efa In war the Indians were by far the bravest of all the races inhabiting Asia at that time. Military history of India
be47fd2 Though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. Military service
9416a84 You can achieve anything in life. It just depends on how desperate you are to achieve it. Milkha Singh
ef8926b Renouncing false beliefs will not usher in the millennium. Millennium
738ef05 Would it be much better if I knew, nothing about you I'll go, I'll go, I'll go I ... Milo Greene
44eeaf4 I don't play this game to make friends. Milton Bradley (baseball)
8bcdee9 I'm always OK. As long as I'm black, I'm fine. Milton Bradley (baseball)
69c3497 I have no right to coerce someone else, because I cannot be sure that I'm right and he is wrong. Milton Friedman
ec629cd Make politics an avocation, not a vocation. Milton Friedman
b21b454 Society doesn't have values. People have values. Milton Friedman
dd54c12 Governments never learn. Only people learn. Milton Friedman
f0d17ae There's a smokestack on the back of every government program. Milton Friedman
6e00de5 You must distinguish sharply between being pro free enterprise and being pro business. Milton Friedman
bc85b0c If a tax cut increases government revenues, you haven't cut taxes enough. Milton Friedman
f411737 The price system transmits only the important information and only to the people who need to know. Milton Friedman
4988f49 One reason why money is a mystery to so many is the role of myth or fiction or convention. Milton Friedman
cb25192 Men who did not know that they were slaves do not know that they have been freed. Milton Mayer
852a330 National Socialism did not make men unfree; unfreedom made men National Socialists. Milton Mayer
4e5d622 Education, like neurosis, begins at home. Milton Sapirstein
cd0e6c5 If you don't believe that God has a sense of humor, tomorrow go to Walmart and just LOOK AT PEOPLE! Mind of Mencia
41845a9 on Easter) By the way, what do eggs have to do with Jesus Christ? Mind of Mencia