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Gene RWebster 42:28  And he said to his brethren, My money is restored; and, see, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done to us?
Gene NHEBJE 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money is restored! Behold, it is in my sack!" Their hearts failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying, "What is this that God has done to us?"
Gene SPE 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene ABP 42:28  And he said to his brothers, [3was given back 4to me 1the 2silver], and behold, this is in my bag. And it startled their hearts, and they were disturbed with one another, saying, What is this God did to us?
Gene NHEBME 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money is restored! Behold, it is in my sack!" Their hearts failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying, "What is this that God has done to us?"
Gene Rotherha 42:28  So he said unto his brethren My silver hath been returned, yea verily, there it is in my sack! Then went forth their heart and they turned trembling—each man unto his brother saying. What is this that God hath done to us?
Gene LEB 42:28  And he said to his brothers, “My money was returned and moreover, behold, it is in my sack!” Then ⌞their hearts failed them⌟ and each of them trembled and said, “What is this God has done to us?”
Gene RNKJV 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that Elohim hath done unto us?
Gene Jubilee2 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, behold, [it is] even in my sack. And their heart failed [them], and they were afraid, saying one to another, What [is] this [that] God has done unto us?
Gene Webster 42:28  And he said to his brethren, My money is restored; and see [it is] even in my sack: and their heart failed [them], and they were afraid, saying one to another, What [is] this [that] God hath done to us?
Gene Darby 42:28  And he said to his brethren, My money is returned [to me], and behold, it is even in my sack. And their heart failed [them], and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this [that]God has done to us?
Gene ASV 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene LITV 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My silver has been put back, and also look in my sack. And their hearts went, and they were each terrified, saying to his brother, What is this God has done to us?
Gene Geneva15 42:28  Then he sayde vnto his brethren, My money is restored: for loe, it is euen in my sacke. And their heart fayled them, and they were astonished, and sayde one to another, What is this, that God hath done vnto vs?
Gene CPDV 42:28  and he said to his brothers: “My money has returned to me. See, it is held in the sack.” And they were astonished and troubled, and they said to one another, “What is this that God has done to us?”
Gene BBE 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My money has been given back: it is in my bag; then their hearts became full of fear, and turning to one another they said, What is this which God has done to us?
Gene DRC 42:28  And said to his brethren: My money is given me again; behold it is in the sack. And they were astonished, and troubled, and said to one another: What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene GodsWord 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money has been put back! It's right here in my sack!" They wanted to die. They trembled and turned to each other and asked, "What has God done to us?"
Gene JPS 42:28  And he said unto his brethren: 'My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack.' And their heart failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying: 'What is this that G-d hath done unto us?'
Gene Tyndale 42:28  And he sayde vnto his brethren: my money is restored me agayne and is eue in my sackes mouth Than their hartes fayled them and were astoynyed and sayde one to a nother: how cometh it that God dealeth thus with us?
Gene KJVPCE 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene NETfree 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money was returned! Here it is in my sack!" They were dismayed; they turned trembling one to another and said, "What in the world has God done to us?"
Gene AB 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My money has been restored to me, and behold it is in my sack. And their hearts sank, and they were troubled, saying one to another, What is this that God has done to us?
Gene AFV2020 42:28  And he said to his brothers, "My silver has been put back—here, in my sack." And their hearts sank, and they each were afraid, saying to one another, "What is this God has done to us?"
Gene NHEB 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money is restored! Behold, it is in my sack!" Their hearts failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying, "What is this that God has done to us?"
Gene NETtext 42:28  He said to his brothers, "My money was returned! Here it is in my sack!" They were dismayed; they turned trembling one to another and said, "What in the world has God done to us?"
Gene UKJV 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God has done unto us?
Gene KJV 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene KJVA 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene AKJV 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My money is restored; and, see, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God has done to us?
Gene RLT 42:28  And he said unto his brethren, My money is restored; and, lo, it is even in my sack: and their heart failed them, and they were afraid, saying one to another, What is this that God hath done unto us?
Gene MKJV 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My silver has been put back. And, also look in my sack. And their hearts failed, and they each were afraid, saying to one another, What is this God has done to us?
Gene YLT 42:28  and he saith unto his brethren, `My money hath been put back, and also, lo, in my bag:' and their heart goeth out, and they tremble, one to another saying, `What is this God hath done to us!'
Gene ACV 42:28  And he said to his brothers, My money is restored, and, lo, it is even in my sack. And their heart failed them, and they turned trembling one to another, saying, What is this that God has done to us?
Gene VulgSist 42:28  dixit fratribus suis: Reddita est mihi pecunia, en habetur in sacco. Et obstupefacti, turbatique mutuo dixerunt: Quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus?
Gene VulgCont 42:28  dixit fratribus suis: Reddita est mihi pecunia, en habetur in sacco. Et obstupefacti, turbatique mutuo dixerunt: Quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus?
Gene Vulgate 42:28  dixit fratribus suis reddita est mihi pecunia en habetur in sacco et obstupefacti turbatique dixerunt mutuo quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus
Gene VulgHetz 42:28  dixit fratribus suis: Reddita est mihi pecunia, en habetur in sacco. Et obstupefacti, turbatique mutuo dixerunt: Quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus?
Gene VulgClem 42:28  dixit fratribus suis : Reddita est mihi pecunia, en habetur in sacco. Et obstupefacti, turbatique, mutuo dixerunt : Quidnam est hoc quod fecit nobis Deus ?
Gene CzeBKR 42:28  I řekl bratřím svým: Navráceny jsou mi peníze mé, a aj, jsou v pytli mém. Tedy užasli se, a předěšeni jsouce, mluvili jeden k druhému: Což nám to učinil Bůh?
Gene CzeB21 42:28  „Mé stříbro je zpátky!“ zvolal ke svým bratrům. „Je přímo v mém vaku!“ Hrůzou se v nich zastavilo srdce. Jeden druhého se rozechvěle ptali: „Co nám to Bůh dělá?“
Gene CzeCEP 42:28  Zvolal na bratry: „Mé stříbro je tady! Zde v žoku!“ Zůstali jako bez sebe, roztřásli se a říkali jeden druhému: „Co nám to jen Bůh učinil?“
Gene CzeCSP 42:28  A řekl svým bratrům: Mé peníze jsou zpět! Zase zde v mém žoku! ⌈Byli ohromeni strachem⌉ a roztřeseně se obraceli jeden na druhého se slovy: Co nám to Bůh udělal?
Gene PorBLivr 42:28  E disse a seus irmãos: Meu dinheiro se me foi devolvido, e ainda ei-lo aqui em meu saco. Alarmou-se, então, o coração deles e, espantados, disseram um ao outro: Que é isto que Deus nos fez?
Gene Mg1865 42:28  Dia hoy izy tamin’ ireo rahalahiny: Naverina ny volako, ka, indro, eo anatin’ ny lasakako izany; dia ketraka ny fony, ary nifampijery amin-tahotra izy ka niresaka hoe: Inona izao ataon’ Andriamanitra amintsika izao?
Gene FinPR 42:28  Hän sanoi veljilleen: "Minulle on annettu rahani takaisin; katso, se on minun säkissäni". Silloin heidän sydämensä vavahti, ja he katsoivat säikähtyneinä toisiinsa sanoen: "Mitä Jumala on meille tehnyt?"
Gene FinRK 42:28  Hän sanoi veljilleen: ”Minulle on annettu rahani takaisin. Katsokaa, se on minun säkissäni!” Silloin he järkyttyivät, katsoivat vavisten toisiaan ja sanoivat: ”Mitä Jumala onkaan tehnyt meille?”
Gene ChiSB 42:28  遂對兄弟們說:「我的銀錢退回來了;看,仍在我的袋裏。」他們心驚起來,彼此戰慄地說:「天主對我們所作的,是怎麼一回事。」
Gene ArmEaste 42:28  Այն ժամանակ նա ասաց իր եղբայրներին. «Դրամը վերադարձրել են ինձ, ահա իմ պարկի մէջ է»: Նրանք զարմացան, իրար անցան ու ասացին. «Այս ի՞նչ արեց մեզ Աստուած»:
Gene ChiUns 42:28  就对弟兄们说:「我的银子归还了,看哪,仍在我口袋里!」他们就提心吊胆,战战兢兢地彼此说:「这是 神向我们做甚么呢?」
Gene BulVeren 42:28  И каза на братята си: Парите ми са върнати – наистина, ето ги в чувала ми! Тогава сърцата им се ужасиха и те с трепет си говореха един на друг и казваха: Какво е това, което ни стори Бог?
Gene AraSVD 42:28  فَقَالَ لِإِخْوَتِهِ: «رُدَّتْ فِضَّتِي وَهَا هِيَ فِي عِدْلِي». فَطَارَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ وَٱرْتَعَدُوا بَعْضُهُمْ فِي بَعْضٍ قَائِلِينَ: «مَا هَذَا ٱلَّذِي صَنَعَهُ ٱللهُ بِنَا؟».
Gene Esperant 42:28  Kaj li diris al siaj fratoj: Mia mono estas redonita; jen ĝi estas en mia sako. Tiam konsterniĝis iliaj koroj, kaj kun tremo ili diris unuj al la aliaj: Kial Dio faris tion al ni?
Gene ThaiKJV 42:28  ผู้นั้นจึงบอกแก่พี่น้องว่า “เงินของข้าพเจ้ากลับคืนมา ดูเถิด เงินนั้นอยู่ที่ปากกระสอบของข้าพเจ้า” พี่น้องตกใจกลัวจนตัวสั่น พูดกันว่า “ที่พระเจ้าทรงกระทำดังนี้แก่เราจะเป็นอย่างไรหนอ”
Gene OSHB 42:28  וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֶל־אֶחָיו֙ הוּשַׁ֣ב כַּסְפִּ֔י וְגַ֖ם הִנֵּ֣ה בְאַמְתַּחְתִּ֑י וַיֵּצֵ֣א לִבָּ֗ם וַיֶּֽחֶרְד֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ אֶל־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר מַה־זֹּ֛את עָשָׂ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים לָֽנוּ׃
Gene SPMT 42:28  ויאמר אל אחיו הושב כספי וגם הנה . באמתחתי ויצא לבם ויחרדו איש אל אחיו לאמר מה זאת עשה אלהים לנו
Gene BurJudso 42:28  ညီအစ်ကိုတို့အားလည်း ကျွန်ုပ်ငွေကို ပြန်ထား ပြီ။ ကြည့်ပါ အိတ်ထဲမှာရှိသည်ဟုဆိုသော်၊ သူတို့သည် စိတ်နှလုံးလျော့၍ ကြောက်လန့်လျက်၊ ငါတို့၌ ဘုရား သခင်ပြုတော်မူသော ဤအမှုသည် အဘယ်အမှုဖြစ် ပါလိမ့်မည်နည်းဟု တယောက်ကိုတယောက်ဆိုကြ၏။
Gene FarTPV 42:28  پس ‌به‌ برادرانش ‌گفت‌: «پول‌ من ‌به‌ من ‌پس‌ داده‌ شده‌ و الآن‌ در كیسهٔ من ‌است‌.» همه ‌دلهایشان ‌فرو ریخت ‌و از ترس‌ از یكدیگر می‌پرسیدند: «این ‌چه‌كاری است ‌كه‌ خدا با ما كرده ‌است‌؟»
Gene UrduGeoR 42:28  Us ne apne bhāiyoṅ se kahā, “Mere paise wāpas kar die gae haiṅ! Wuh merī borī meṅ haiṅ.” Yih dekh kar un ke hosh uṛ gae. Kāṅpte hue wuh ek dūsre ko deḳhne aur kahne lage, “Yih kyā hai jo Allāh ne hamāre sāth kiyā hai?”
Gene SweFolk 42:28  Och han sade till sina bröder: ”Jag har fått tillbaka mina pengar. Titta här! De är i min säck!” Då sjönk deras mod, och darrande av skräck sade de till varandra: ”Vad har Gud gjort mot oss?”
Gene GerSch 42:28  Und er sprach zu seinen Brüdern: Mein Geld ist mir zurückgegeben worden; seht, es ist in meinem Sack! Da verging ihnen aller Mut; und sie sprachen zitternd einer zum andern: Ach, warum hat uns Gott das getan?
Gene TagAngBi 42:28  At sinabi niya sa kaniyang mga kapatid, Ang salapi ko ay nasauli; at, narito, nasa aking bayong: at kumutob ang kanilang puso; at nangagtinginan na nanganginginig, na nagsasabihan, Ano itong ginawa ng Dios sa atin?
Gene FinSTLK2 42:28  Hän sanoi veljilleen: "Minulle on annettu rahani takaisin. Katso, se on säkissäni." Silloin heidän sydämensä vavahti, ja he katsoivat säikähtyneinä toisiinsa sanoen: "Mitä Jumala on meille tehnyt?"
Gene Dari 42:28  سپس به برادران خود گفت: «پول من به من پس داده شده و حالا در جوال من است.» همه دل هایشان از حال رفت و از ترس از یکدیگر می پرسیدند: «این دیگر چه کاری است که خدا با ما کرده است؟»
Gene SomKQA 42:28  Markaasuu walaalihiis ku yidhi, Lacagtaydii waa lay soo celiyey; oo waxay ku jirtaa joonyaddayda, markaasay qalbiga ka nexeen, oo ay isku jeesteen iyagoo gariiraya, oo waxay isku yidhaahdeen, Waa maxay waxakan Ilaah inagu sameeyey?
Gene NorSMB 42:28  Og han sagde med brørne sine: «Pengarne mine hev kome att! Sjå, her ligg dei i sekken min.» Då vart dei reint ille ved; dei såg på kvarandre og skalv, og sagde: «Kva er det Gud hev gjort mot oss her?»
Gene Alb 42:28  kështu iu drejtua vëllezërve të tij: "Paratë e mia m'u rikthyen; ja ku janë në trastën time". Atëherë, zemërvrarë dhe të trembur, i thonin njëri-tjetrit: "Ç'është vallë kjo që na bëri Perëndia?".
Gene UyCyr 42:28  қериндашлириға: — Улар пулумни қайтуруветипту. Мана тағарниң ичидә туриду! — деди. Улар аң-таң болуп, қорққан һалда өз ара: «Бу Худаниң бизгә қилған немә ишидур?» дейишти.
Gene KorHKJV 42:28  그가 자기 형제들에게 이르되, 내 돈을 도로 넣었도다. 보라, 돈이 내 자루 속에 있도다, 하니 그들의 마음이 그들을 기진하게 하므로 그들이 두려워하며 서로 이르되, 하나님께서 우리에게 행하신 이 일이 도대체 무엇이냐? 하였더라.
Gene SrKDIjek 42:28  И рече браћи својој: ја добих натраг новце своје, ево их у мојој врећи. И задрхта срце у њима и уплашише се говорећи један другоме: што нам то учини Бог?
Gene Wycliffe 42:28  and seide to his britheren, My monei is yoldun to me, lo! it is had in the bagge; and thei weren astonyed, and troblid, and seiden togidere, What thing is this that God hath doon to us.
Gene Mal1910 42:28  തന്റെ സഹോദരന്മാരോടു: എന്റെ ദ്രവ്യം എനിക്കു തിരികെ കിട്ടി അതു ഇതാ, എന്റെ ചാക്കിൽ ഇരിക്കുന്നു എന്നു പറഞ്ഞു. അപ്പോൾ അവരുടെ ഉള്ളം തളൎന്നു, അവർ വിറെച്ചു: ദൈവം നമ്മോടു ഈ ചെയ്തതു എന്തെന്നു തമ്മിൽ തമ്മിൽ പറഞ്ഞു.
Gene KorRV 42:28  그가 그 형제에게 고하되 내 돈을 도로 넣었도다 보라 자루 속에 있도다 이에 그들이 혼이 나서 떨며 서로 돌아보며 말하되 하나님이 어찌하여 우리에게 이 일을 행하셨는고 하고
Gene Azeri 42:28  او، قارداشلارينا ددي: "پولوم اؤزومه قايتاريليب، باخين، او، چوواليمين ائچئنده‌دئر." قارداشلارين اوره‌يي ائضطئرابا دوشدو و تئتره‌يه-تئتره‌يه بئربئرلرئنه ددئلر: "تاري بئزئم باشيميزا نه ائش گتئردی؟"
Gene SweKarlX 42:28  Och sade til sina bröder: Jag hafwer fått mina penningar igen; si, de äro i minom säck. Då förföll dem deras hjerta och förskräcktes inbördes, och sade: Hwi hafwer Gud gjort oss så?
Gene KLV 42:28  ghaH ja'ta' Daq Daj loDnI'pu', “ wIj Huch ghaH restored! yIlegh, 'oH ghaH Daq wIj sack!” chaj tIQDu' failed chaH, je chaH tlhe'ta' trembling wa' Daq another, ja'ta', “ nuq ghaH vam vetlh joH'a' ghajtaH ta'pu' Daq maH?”
Gene ItaDio 42:28  E disse a’ suoi fratelli: I miei danari mi sono stati restituiti; e anche eccoli nel mio sacco. E il cuore isvenne loro, e si spaventarono, dicendo l’uno all’altro: Che cosa è questo che Iddio ci ha fatto?
Gene RusSynod 42:28  и сказал своим братьям: серебро мое возвращено; вот оно в мешке у меня. И смутилось сердце их, и они с трепетом друг другу говорили: что это Бог сделал с нами?
Gene CSlEliza 42:28  И рече братии своей: возвращено ми есть сребро, и се, сие во вретищи моем. И ужасеся сердце их: и возмятошася, друг ко другу глаголюще: что сие сотвори Бог нам?
Gene ABPGRK 42:28  και είπε τοις αδελφοίς αυτού απεδόθη μοι το αργύριον και ιδού τούτο εν τω μαρσίππω μου και εξέστη η καρδία αυτών και εταράχθησαν προς αλλήλους λέγοντες τι τούτο εποίησεν ο θεός ημίν
Gene FreBBB 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères : On a remis mon argent ; le voici dans mon sac ! Et le cœur leur manqua et ils se dirent en tremblant l'un à l'autre Qu'est-ce que Dieu nous a fait ?
Gene LinVB 42:28  Alobi na bandeko ba ye : « Bazo­ngiseli ngai mosolo mwa ngai, nakuti mwango o ngoto ya ngai ! » Mitema mya bango mipa­swani, balengi mpe bamituni : « Mpo nini Nzambe asali biso bo­ngo ? »
Gene HunIMIT 42:28  És mondta testvéreinek: Visszatették pénzemet és itt is van zsákomban; akkor elment bátorságuk és remegve fordultak egymáshoz, mondván: Mit is tett Isten velünk?
Gene ChiUnL 42:28  告昆弟曰、我金見反、猶在於囊、衆心沮喪、戰慄而相告曰、上帝於我、所爲何耶、
Gene VietNVB 42:28  ông sợ nên nói với các anh em: Bạc của tôi đã được trả lại, và nằm ngay trong bao tôi!Với lòng sợ hãi, họ run rẩy nhìn nhau mà nói: Đức Chúa Trời làm gì cho chúng ta đây?
Gene LXX 42:28  καὶ εἶπεν τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς αὐτοῦ ἀπεδόθη μοι τὸ ἀργύριον καὶ ἰδοὺ τοῦτο ἐν τῷ μαρσίππῳ μου καὶ ἐξέστη ἡ καρδία αὐτῶν καὶ ἐταράχθησαν πρὸς ἀλλήλους λέγοντες τί τοῦτο ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς ἡμῖν
Gene CebPinad 42:28  Ug miingon siya sa iyang mga igsoon: Ang salapi ko giuli kanako, ug tan-awa, ania pa sa akong baluyot. Unya nahakugmat ang ilang kasingkasing, ug mingliso sila nga nagakurog ang usa ngadto sa usa kanila, nga nanag-ingon: Unsa ba kini nga gibuhat sa Dios kanato?
Gene RomCor 42:28  şi a zis fraţilor săi: „Argintul meu mi s-a dat înapoi şi iată-l în sacul meu.” Atunci li s-a tăiat inima şi au zis unul altuia, tremurând: „Ce ne-a făcut Dumnezeu?”
Gene Pohnpeia 42:28  E ahpw likwerkilahng rie ko, “Ser, nei mwohni ko kapwurupwuriong nan ei ehdet!” Re ahpw nsensuwedla oh masepwehkada ndapene nanpwungarail, “Dahme Koht ketin wiahiongkitailehr?”
Gene HunUj 42:28  Ezt mondta testvéreinek: Visszakerült a pénzem! Itt van a zsákomban! Ekkor odalett a bátorságuk, és remegve mondták egymásnak: Mit cselekedett velünk az Isten?!
Gene GerZurch 42:28  Da sprach er zu seinen Brüdern: Mein Geld ist wieder da; hier in meinem Sacke ist es. Da entfiel ihnen der Mut, und sie sahen einander erschrocken an und sprachen: Was hat uns Gott da angetan!
Gene GerTafel 42:28  Und er sprach zu seinen Brüdern: Mein Silber ist zurückgegeben, und siehe es ist auch in meinem Mantelsack. Und es ging ihnen das Herz aus, und erzitternd sprachen sie zueinander: Warum hat uns Gott das getan?
Gene RusMakar 42:28  Онъ сказалъ своимъ братьямъ: серебро мое возвращено; вотъ оно въ мјшкј у меня. Тогда вострепетало сердце у нихъ, и они въ изумленіи говорили другъ другу: что это Богъ сдјлалъ съ нами?
Gene PorAR 42:28  E disse a seus irmãos: Meu dinheiro foi-me devolvido; ei-lo aqui no saco. Então lhes desfaleceu o coração e, tremendo, viravam-se uns para os outros, dizendo: Que é isto que Deus nos tem feito?
Gene DutSVVA 42:28  En hij zeide tot zijn broederen: Mijn geld is wedergekeerd; daartoe ook, ziet, het is in mijn zak! Toen ontging hun het hart, en zij verschrikten, de een tot den ander zeggende: Wat is dit, dat ons God gedaan heeft?
Gene FarOPV 42:28  و به برادران خود گفت: «نقد من رد شده است، و اینک در عدل من است. آنگاه دل ایشان طپیدن گرفت، و به یکدیگر لرزان شده، گفتند: «این چیست که خدا به ما کرده است.»
Gene Ndebele 42:28  Wasesithi kubafowabo: Imali yami ibuyiselwe; futhi khangelani, isesakeni lami. Inhliziyo yabo yasisehluleka, bathuthumela, omunye komunye besithi: Kuyini lokhu uNkulunkulu akwenze kithi?
Gene PorBLivr 42:28  E disse a seus irmãos: Meu dinheiro se me foi devolvido, e ainda ei-lo aqui em meu saco. Alarmou-se, então, o coração deles e, espantados, disseram um ao outro: Que é isto que Deus nos fez?
Gene Norsk 42:28  Og han sa til sine brødre: Mine penger er kommet igjen, og se, de ligger her i min sekk. Da blev de motfalne og vendte sig forferdet til hverandre og sa: Hvad er det Gud har gjort mot oss?
Gene SloChras 42:28  In reče bratom svojim: Vrnil se mi je denar moj, in glejte ga v vreči moji! In upade jim srce in prestrašijo se ter reko drug drugemu: Kaj nam je to storil Bog?
Gene Northern 42:28  O, qardaşlarına dedi: «Pulum özümə qaytarılıb, budur, o, çuvalımın içindədir». Qardaşların ürəyi həyəcana düşdü və onlar qorxa-qorxa bir-birlərinə dedilər: «Allah bizim başımıza nə iş gətirdi?»
Gene GerElb19 42:28  Und er sprach zu seinen Brüdern: Mein Geld ist mir wieder geworden, und siehe, es ist sogar in meinem Sacke. Da entfiel ihnen das Herz, und sie sahen einander erschrocken an und sprachen: Was hat Gott uns da getan!
Gene LvGluck8 42:28  Un tas sacīja uz saviem brāļiem: mana nauda man ir atlikta, un redzi, tā ir manā maisā. Tad tiem sirds iztrūkās un tie pārbijās viens uz otru sacīdami: kas tas ir, ko Dievs mums ir darījis?
Gene PorAlmei 42:28  E disse a seus irmãos: Tornou-se o meu dinheiro, e eil-o tambem aqui no meu sacco. Então lhes desfalleceu o coração, e pasmavam, dizendo um ao outro: Que é isto que Deus nos tem feito?
Gene ChiUn 42:28  就對弟兄們說:「我的銀子歸還了,看哪,仍在我口袋裡!」他們就提心吊膽,戰戰兢兢地彼此說:「這是 神向我們做甚麼呢?」
Gene SweKarlX 42:28  Och sade till sina bröder: Jag hafver fått mina penningar igen; si, de äro i minom säck. Då förföll dem deras hjerta och förskräcktes inbördes, och sade: Hvi hafver Gud gjort oss så?
Gene SPVar 42:28  ויאמר אל אחיו הושב כספי וגם הנה הוא באמתחתי ויצא לבם ויחרדו איש על אחיו לאמר מה זאת עשה אלהים לנו
Gene FreKhan 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères: "Mon argent a été remis; et de fait, le voici dans mon sac." Le cœur leur manqua et ils s’entreregardèrent effrayés en disant: "Qu’est ce donc que le Seigneur nous prépare!"
Gene FrePGR 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères : Mon argent a été rendu, et le voici dans mon sac ! Alors le cœur leur manqua ; et se regardant l'un l'autre avec effroi ils disaient : Pourquoi Dieu nous a-t-il fait cela ?
Gene PorCap 42:28  *E disse aos seus irmãos: «Devolveram-me o dinheiro; está aqui no meu saco.» Desfaleceu-lhes o coração e olharam uns para os outros, atemorizados, dizendo: «O que é isto que Deus nos fez?»
Gene JapKougo 42:28  彼は兄弟たちに言った、「わたしの銀は返してある。しかも見よ、それは袋の中にある」。そこで彼らは非常に驚き、互に震えながら言った、「神がわれわれにされたこのことは何事だろう」。
Gene GerTextb 42:28  Da berichtete er seinen Brüdern: Mein Geld ist wieder da, hier liegt es in meinem Getreidesack! Da entsank ihnen der Mut, und bebend sahen sie einander an und riefen: Was hat uns da Gott angethan!
Gene Kapingam 42:28  Mee gaa-wolo gi ono duaahina-daane, “Agu bahihadu la-gu-gaamai gi-muli, aanei i-lodo dagu peege.” Nadau manawa gu-ngaalua, gei gu-mmaadagu, ga-heeu, “God ne-hai dana-aha mai gi gidaadou?”
Gene SpaPlate 42:28  Y dijo a sus hermanos: “Me ha sido devuelto mi dinero; vedlo en mi costal.” Llenos de temor y temblando se dijeron unos a otros: “¿Qué es esto que Dios ha hecho con nosotros?”
Gene WLC 42:28  וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֶל־אֶחָיו֙ הוּשַׁ֣ב כַּסְפִּ֔י וְגַ֖ם הִנֵּ֣ה בְאַמְתַּחְתִּ֑י וַיֵּצֵ֣א לִבָּ֗ם וַיֶּֽחֶרְד֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ אֶל־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר מַה־זֹּ֛את עָשָׂ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים לָֽנוּ׃
Gene LtKBB 42:28  Jis sušuko broliams: „Mano pinigai grąžinti man. Štai jie maiše!“ Jų širdys nusiminė, ir jie drebėdami žiūrėjo vienas į kitą ir kalbėjo: „Ką Dievas mums padarė?“
Gene Bela 42:28  і сказаў сваім братам: срэбра маё вернута: вось яно ў мяшку ў мяне. І сумелася сэрца ў іх, і яны з дрыжыкамі казалі адзін аднаму: што гэта Бог зрабіў з намі?
Gene GerBoLut 42:28  Und sprach zu seinen Brudern: Mein Geld ist mir wieder worden; siehe, in meinem Sack ist es. Da entfiel ihnen ihr Herz und erschraken untereinander und sprachen: Warum hat uns Gott das getan?
Gene FinPR92 42:28  Hän sanoi veljilleen: "Minä olen saanut hopeani takaisin, se on päällimmäisenä minun säkissäni!" Silloin he katsoivat toisiaan pelästyneinä ja vavisten ja sanoivat: "Mitä Jumala onkaan tehnyt meille?"
Gene SpaRV186 42:28  Y dijo a sus hermanos: Mi dinero es vuelto, y hélo aquí también en mi saco. Entonces el corazón se les sobresaltó, y espantados el uno al otro, dijeron: ¿Qué es esto que nos ha hecho Dios?
Gene NlCanisi 42:28  Hij zei tot zijn broers: Mijn geld is terug; daar ligt het in mijn zak. Zij bestierven het van schrik, en zeiden tot elkander: Wat laat God ons nu overkomen?
Gene GerNeUe 42:28  "Mein Geld ist zurückgegeben worden!", berichtete er seinen Brüdern. "Seht, hier im Sack!" Da verließ sie der Mut. Erschrocken sahen sie sich an und sagten: "Was hat Gott uns da angetan?"
Gene Est 42:28  Ja ta ütles oma vendadele: „Mu raha on tagasi antud, ja vaata, see on mu kotis!" Siis kadus nende julgus ja nad värisesid, öeldes isekeskis: „Miks on Jumal meile seda teinud?"
Gene UrduGeo 42:28  اُس نے اپنے بھائیوں سے کہا، ”میرے پیسے واپس کر دیئے گئے ہیں! وہ میری بوری میں ہیں۔“ یہ دیکھ کر اُن کے ہوش اُڑ گئے۔ کانپتے ہوئے وہ ایک دوسرے کو دیکھنے اور کہنے لگے، ”یہ کیا ہے جو اللہ نے ہمارے ساتھ کیا ہے؟“
Gene AraNAV 42:28  فَقَالَ لإِخْوَتِهِ: «لَقَدْ رُدَّتْ إِلَيَّ فِضَّتِي، انْظُرُوا هَا هِيَ فِي كِيسِي». فَغَاصَتْ قُلُوبُهُمْ، وَتَطَلَّعَ بَعْضُهُمْ إِلَى بَعْضٍ مُرْتَعِدِينَ وَقَالُوا: «مَا هَذَا الَّذِي فَعَلَهُ اللهُ بِنَا؟».
Gene ChiNCVs 42:28  于是对兄弟们说:“我的银子都归还了。你们看,就在我的布袋里。”他们就心里惊慌,彼此战战兢兢地说:“ 神向我们作的是什么呢?”
Gene ItaRive 42:28  e disse ai suoi fratelli: "Il mio danaro m’è stato restituito, ed eccolo qui nel mio sacco". Allora il cuore venne lor meno, e, tremando, dicevano l’uno all’altro: "Che è mai questo che Dio ci ha fatto?"
Gene Afr1953 42:28  En hy sê vir sy broers: My geld is teruggegee; hier lê dit dan ook in my sak! Toe het hulle hart hul begewe, en hulle draai verskrik na mekaar toe en sê: Wat het God ons nou aangedoen?
Gene RusSynod 42:28  и сказал своим братьям: «Серебро мое возвращено, вот оно в мешке у меня». И смутилось сердце их, и они с трепетом друг другу говорили: «Что это Бог сделал с нами?»
Gene UrduGeoD 42:28  उसने अपने भाइयों से कहा, “मेरे पैसे वापस कर दिए गए हैं! वह मेरी बोरी में हैं।” यह देखकर उनके होश उड़ गए। काँपते हुए वह एक दूसरे को देखने और कहने लगे, “यह क्या है जो अल्लाह ने हमारे साथ किया है?”
Gene TurNTB 42:28  Kardeşlerine, “Paramı geri vermişler” diye seslendi, “İşte torbamda!” Yürekleri yerinden oynadı. Titreyerek birbirlerine, “Tanrı'nın bize bu yaptığı nedir?” dediler.
Gene DutSVV 42:28  En hij zeide tot zijn broederen: Mijn geld is wedergekeerd; daartoe ook, ziet, het is in mijn zak! Toen ontging hun het hart, en zij verschrikten, de een tot den ander zeggende: Wat is dit, dat ons God gedaan heeft?
Gene HunKNB 42:28  Erre azt mondta a testvéreinek: »Visszaadták a pénzemet, itt van a zsákban!« Álmélkodva és döbbenten mondták erre egymásnak: »Lám, mit cselekedett velünk az Isten!«
Gene Maori 42:28  A ka mea ia ki ona tuakana, Kua whakahokia mai taku moni; a tenei ano kei roto i taku peke; na kore ake o ratou ngakau, a ka tahuri ratou me te wiri, ka mea tetahi ki tetahi, He mahi aha tenei a te Atua ki a tatou?
Gene sml_BL_2 42:28  Agsai lingananna saga danakanna, yukna, “Oy, itiya' sīnku bay pinabīng ni karutku.” Na taluwa' sigām sukkal aheya, jari magpamidpid sigām ati magtilaw-tilawan dansehe'an, yuk-i, “Ai sa ya pamat'kka kitam itu e' Tuhan?”
Gene HunKar 42:28  És monda az ő atyjafiainak: Visszatették az én pénzemet, és ímé zsákomban van. Akkor megrettene szívök, és remegve mondának egymásnak: Micsoda ez, a mit Isten cselekedett velünk?
Gene Viet 42:28  bèn nói cùng anh em rằng: Bạc của tôi trả lại, hiện trong bao tôi đây! Các anh em nhát gan, vừa nói với nhau, vừa run, mà rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời đã làm chi cho chúng ta đây?
Gene Kekchi 42:28  Ut aˈan quixye reheb li ras: —Ilomak li cˈaˈru xintau saˈ lin coxtal. Xeˈxkˈajsi chak xtzˈak li trigo li xkatoj cuiˈ. ¿Cˈaˈut nak xeˈxba̱nu ke chi joˈcaˈin? chan. Ut queˈsach xchˈo̱leb. Nequeˈsicsot nak queˈxye: —¿Cˈaˈ xak ru nak xba̱nu ke li Dios chi joˈcaˈin? chanqueb.
Gene Swe1917 42:28  Då sade han till sina bröder: »Mina penningar hava blivit lagda hit tillbaka; se, de äro här i min säck.» Då blevo de utom sig av häpnad och sågo förskräckta på varandra och sade: »Vad har Gud gjort mot oss!»
Gene SP 42:28  ויאמר אל אחיו הושב כספי וגם הנה הוא באמתחתי ויצא לבם ויחרדו איש על אחיו לאמר מה זאת עשה אלהים לנו
Gene CroSaric 42:28  "Moj je novac vraćen!" - povika braći. - "Evo ga u mojoj vreći!" Zadrhta srce u njima. Zgledaše se, uplašeni, i rekoše: "Što nam ovo Bog uradi!"
Gene VieLCCMN 42:28  Người ấy nói với anh em mình : Người ta đã trả lại bạc của tôi ! Nó ở trong bao lúa mì của tôi đây này ! Họ hết hồn hết vía, kinh hoàng nói với nhau : Thiên Chúa làm gì cho chúng ta thế này !
Gene FreBDM17 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères : Mon argent m’a été rendu ; et en effet, le voici dans mon sac. Et le coeur leur tressaillit, et ils furent saisis de peur, et se dirent l’un à l’autre : Qu’est-ce que Dieu nous a fait ?
Gene FreLXX 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères : L'argent m'a été rendu, le voici dans mon sac ; leur cœur fut saisi, ils se troublèrent ; car ils se disaient les uns aux autres : Pourquoi Dieu nous a-t-il fait cela ?
Gene Aleppo 42:28  ויאמר אל אחיו הושב כספי וגם הנה באמתחתי ויצא לבם ויחרדו איש אל אחיו לאמר מה זאת עשה אלהים לנו
Gene MapM 42:28  וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֶל־אֶחָיו֙ הוּשַׁ֣ב כַּסְפִּ֔י וְגַ֖ם הִנֵּ֣ה בְאַמְתַּחְתִּ֑י וַיֵּצֵ֣א לִבָּ֗ם וַיֶּֽחֶרְד֞וּ אִ֤ישׁ אֶל־אָחִיו֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר מַה־זֹּ֛את עָשָׂ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים לָֽנוּ׃
Gene HebModer 42:28  ויאמר אל אחיו הושב כספי וגם הנה באמתחתי ויצא לבם ויחרדו איש אל אחיו לאמר מה זאת עשה אלהים לנו׃
Gene Kaz 42:28  Таңғалған ол бауырларына: «Ақшам өзіме қайтарылыпты! Ол, міне, қаптың бетінде жатыр!» — деді. Бәрінің жүректері суылдап, бір-біріне үрейлене қарап: «Құдай бізге не істеді?» — десті.
Gene FreJND 42:28  Et il dit à ses frères : Mon argent m’a été rendu ; et même, le voici dans mon sac ! Et le cœur leur manqua, et ils furent saisis de peur, se disant l’un à l’autre : Qu’est-ce que Dieu nous a fait ?
Gene GerGruen 42:28  Da sprach er zu seinen Brüdern: "Mein Geld ist wieder da. Hier liegt es in meinem Sack." Da entsank ihnen der Mut, und bebend sahen sie einander an und sprachen: "Was hat uns Gott da getan?"
Gene SloKJV 42:28  Svojim bratom je rekel: „Moj denar je povrnjen in glejte, ta je celo v moji vreči.“ Njihovo srce jim je omagalo in bili so prestrašeni, rekoč drug drugemu: „Kaj je to, kar nam je storil Bog?“
Gene Haitian 42:28  Li di frè l' yo. -Yo renmèt mwen lajan m' lan wi. Men li nan sak mwen an. Kè yo kase. Yo t'ap tranble kou fèy bwa tèlman yo te pè. Yonn t'ap di lòt: -Kisa Bondye fè nou konsa?
Gene FinBibli 42:28  Ja sanoi veljillensä: minulle on annettu minun rahani jällensä, katso, se on minun säkissäni. Niin heidän sydämensä vavahtui, ja hämmästyivät keskenänsä, sanoen: miksi on Jumala meille näin tehnyt?
Gene Geez 42:28  ወይቤሎሙ ፡ ገብአኒ ፡ ሊተሰ ፡ ወርቅየ ፡ ወናሁ ፡ ውስተ ፡ አፈ ፡ ኀስልየ ፡ ረከብክዎ ፡ ወደንገፆሙ ፡ ልቦሙ ፡ ወተሀውኩ ፡ በበ ፡ በይናቲሆሙ ፡ ወይቤሉ ፡ ምንተ ፡ ረሰየነ ፡ እግዚአብሔር ፡ ምንትኑ ፡ ዝ ፡ ዘከመዝ ።
Gene SpaRV 42:28  Y dijo á sus hermanos: Mi dinero se me ha devuelto, y aun helo aquí en mi saco. Sobresaltóseles entonces el corazón, y espantados dijeron el uno al otro: ¿Qué es esto que nos ha hecho Dios?
Gene WelBeibl 42:28  Aeth i ddweud wrth ei frodyr, “Mae fy arian wedi cael ei roi yn ôl. Mae e yma yn fy sach!” Roedden nhw wedi dychryn go iawn. “Be mae Duw wedi'i wneud?” medden nhw.
Gene GerMenge 42:28  Da sagte er zu seinen Brüdern: »Mein Geld ist wieder da! Denkt euch nur: es liegt hier in meinem Sack!« Da entfiel ihnen der Mut; sie sahen einander erschrocken an und riefen aus: »Was hat Gott uns da angetan!«
Gene GreVamva 42:28  Και είπε προς τους αδελφούς αυτού, το αργύριόν μου μοι εδόθη οπίσω και μάλιστα ιδού, είναι εν τω σακκίω μου· και εξεπλάγη η καρδία αυτών και συνεταράχθησαν, λέγοντες προς αλλήλους, Τι είναι τούτο, το οποίον μας έκαμεν ο Θεός;
Gene UkrOgien 42:28  І сказав він братам своїм: „Повернене срібло моє, — і ось воно в мішку моїм!“ І завмерло їм серце, і вони затремтіли, говорячи один до о́дного: „Що́ це Бог нам зробив?“
Gene FreCramp 42:28  Il dit à ses frères : " On a remis mon argent ; le voici dans mon sac ! " Et le cœur leur manqua, et ils se dirent en tremblant l'un à l'autre : " Qu'est-ce que Dieu nous a fait ? "
Gene SrKDEkav 42:28  И рече браћи својој: Ја добих натраг новце своје, ево их у мојој врећи. И задрхта срце у њима и уплашише се говорећи један другом: Шта нам то учини Бог?
Gene PolUGdan 42:28  I powiedział do swoich braci: Zwrócono mi pieniądze, oto są w moim worze. Wtedy zamarło im serce i przerazili się, mówiąc jeden do drugiego: Cóż to nam Bóg uczynił?
Gene FreSegon 42:28  Il dit à ses frères: Mon argent a été rendu, et le voici dans mon sac. Alors leur cœur fut en défaillance; et ils se dirent l'un à l'autre, en tremblant: Qu'est-ce que Dieu nous a fait?
Gene SpaRV190 42:28  Y dijo á sus hermanos: Mi dinero se me ha devuelto, y aun helo aquí en mi saco. Sobresaltóseles entonces el corazón, y espantados dijeron el uno al otro: ¿Qué es esto que nos ha hecho Dios?
Gene HunRUF 42:28  és ezt mondta testvéreinek: Visszakerült a pénzem! Itt van a zsákomban! Ekkor odalett a bátorságuk, és remegve mondogatták egymásnak: Mit cselekedett velünk az Isten?!
Gene DaOT1931 42:28  og han sagde til sine Brødre: »Mine Penge er kommet igen; se, de er i min Sæk!« Da sank Hjertet i Livet paa dem, og de saa forfærdede paa hverandre og sagde: »Hvad har Gud dog gjort imod os!«
Gene TpiKJPB 42:28  Na em i tok long ol brata bilong en, Ol i bin bekim mani bilong mi. Na, harim, yes, em i stap long bek bilong mi. Na bel bilong ol i laik i dai. Na ol i pret. Na ol wan wan i spik long ol arapela olsem, Dispela samting God i bin mekim long yumi, em wanem samting?
Gene DaOT1871 42:28  Og han sagde til sine Brødre: Mine Penge ere komne igen, og se, de ere her i min Pose; da faldt deres Mod, og de forskrækkedes den ene med den anden og sagde: Hvorfor har Gud gjort os dette?
Gene FreVulgG 42:28  et il dit à ses frères : On m’a rendu mon argent ; le voici dans mon sac. Ils furent tous saisis d’étonnement et de trouble, et ils s’entredisaient : Quelle est cette conduite de Dieu sur nous ?
Gene PolGdans 42:28  I rzekł do braci swej: Wrócono mi pieniądze moje, a oto, są w worze moim. Tedy im upadło serce, i zdumieli się, jeden do drugiego mówiąc: Cóż nam to Bóg uczynił?
Gene JapBungo 42:28  彼その兄弟にいひけるは吾金は返してあり視よ嚢の中にありと是において彼等膽を消し懼れてたがひに神の我らになしたまふ此事は何ぞやといへり
Gene GerElb18 42:28  Und er sprach zu seinen Brüdern: Mein Geld ist mir wieder geworden, und siehe, es ist sogar in meinem Sacke. Da entfiel ihnen das Herz, und sie sahen einander erschrocken an und sprachen: Was hat Gott uns da getan!