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Numb RWebster 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb NHEBJE 1:40  Of the children of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go forth to war;
Numb SPE 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb ABP 1:40  To the sons of Asher, according to their kin, according to their peoples, according to the houses of their patrimony, according to the number of their names, all males from twenty years and up, every one going forth in the force,
Numb NHEBME 1:40  Of the children of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go forth to war;
Numb Rotherha 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, in their pedigrees—by their families by their ancestral houses,—in the counting of names, from twenty years old, and upwards, every one able to go forth to war;
Numb LEB 1:40  From the descendants of Asher, their genealogies according to their clans, according to ⌞their families⌟, according to the number of names, from ⌞those twenty years old⌟ and above, everyone who is able to go to war:
Numb RNKJV 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb Jubilee2 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the houses of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,
Numb Webster 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb Darby 1:40  Of the sons of Asher: their generations, after their families, according to their fathers' houses, by the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that went forth to military service:
Numb ASV 1:40  Of the children of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers’ houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb LITV 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' house, in the number of names, from a son of twenty years and upward, everyone able to go out to war:
Numb Geneva15 1:40  Of the sonnes of Asher by their generations, by their families, and by the houses of their fathers, according to the number of their names, from twentie yeere olde and aboue, all that went foorth to warre:
Numb CPDV 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, by their generations and families, and the houses of their kinships, having been counted by the names of each one, from twenty years and above, of all who were able to go forth to war,
Numb BBE 1:40  The generations of the sons of Asher were numbered by their families and their fathers' houses, every male of twenty years old and over who was able to go to war;
Numb DRC 1:40  Of the sons of Aser, by their generations and families and houses of their kindreds, were reckoned up by the names of every one from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,
Numb GodsWord 1:40  The roster of families and households for the descendants of Asher listed the men by name who were at least 20 years old and eligible for military duty.
Numb JPS 1:40  Of the children of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb KJVPCE 1:40  ¶ Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb NETfree 1:40  From the descendants of Asher: According to the records of their clans and families, all the males twenty years old or older who could serve in the army were listed by name.
Numb AB 1:40  For the sons of Asher according to their families, according to their divisions, according to the houses of their families, according to the number of their names, according to their polls, every male from twenty years old and upward, everyone that goes forth with the army,
Numb AFV2020 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, by their generations, according to their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war:
Numb NHEB 1:40  Of the children of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all who were able to go forth to war;
Numb NETtext 1:40  From the descendants of Asher: According to the records of their clans and families, all the males twenty years old or older who could serve in the army were listed by name.
Numb UKJV 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb KJV 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb KJVA 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb AKJV 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb RLT 1:40  Of the children of Asher, by their generations, after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war;
Numb MKJV 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, by their generations, according to their families, by their fathers' house, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war:
Numb YLT 1:40  Of the sons of Asher--their births, by their families, by the house of their fathers, in the number of names, from a son of twenty years and upward, every one going out to the host--
Numb ACV 1:40  Of the sons of Asher, their generations, by their families, by their fathers' houses, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, all that were able to go forth to war,
Numb VulgSist 1:40  De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
Numb VulgCont 1:40  De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
Numb Vulgate 1:40  de filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vicesimo anno et supra omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere
Numb VulgHetz 1:40  De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
Numb VulgClem 1:40  De filiis Aser per generationes et familias ac domos cognationum suarum recensiti sunt per nomina singulorum a vigesimo anno et supra, omnes qui poterant ad bella procedere,
Numb CzeBKR 1:40  Z synů Asser, rodiny jejich, po čeledech jejich, po domích otců jejich, vedlé počtu jmen, od dvadcítiletých a výše, všech, kteříž mohli jíti na vojnu,
Numb CzeB21 1:40  Synové Ašerovi podle jejich pokolení, rodů a otcovských domů ve jmenném seznamu, všichni bojeschopní od dvaceti let výše:
Numb CzeCEP 1:40  Ašerovci ve svých rodopisech podle čeledí otcovských rodů; do jmenného seznamu byl zapsán od dvacetiletých výše každý, kdo byl schopen vycházet do boje.
Numb CzeCSP 1:40  Synové Ašerovi byli uvedeni ve svých rodopisech podle svých čeledí, podle domu svých otců, podle počtu jmen od věku dvaceti let výše, všichni schopní táhnout s armádou;
Numb PorBLivr 1:40  Dos filhos de Aser, por suas gerações, por suas famílias, pelas casas de seus pais, conforme a conta dos nomes, de vinte anos acima, todos os que podiam sair à guerra.
Numb Mg1865 1:40  Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Asera araka ny fokony sy ny fianakaviany, ary araka ny anarany tsirairay, hatramin’ ny roa-polo taona no ho miakatra, dia izay rehetra azo nalefa hanafika
Numb FinPR 1:40  Asserin jälkeläisiä oli polveutumisensa mukaan, suvuittain ja perhekunnittain, nimien lukumäärän mukaan, kaksikymmenvuotisia ja sitä vanhempia, kaikkia sotakelpoisia,
Numb FinRK 1:40  Asserin jälkeläiset laskettiin suvuittain ja perhekunnittain polveutumisensa ja nimien lukumäärän mukaan, kaikki sotakelpoiset miehet, jotka olivat kaksikymmenvuotiaita tai sitä vanhempia.
Numb ChiSB 1:40  阿協爾子孫的後裔,依照宗族和家系,二十歲以上,凡能上陣作戰的,都將姓名登了記;
Numb CopSahBi 1:40  ⲁⲩⲱ ⲛϣⲏⲣⲉ ⲛⲁⲥⲏⲣ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ ⲛⲉⲩⲣⲁⲓⲧⲉ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ ⲛⲉⲩⲇⲏⲙⲟⲥ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ ⲛⲏⲓ ⲛⲛⲉⲩⲡⲁⲧⲣⲓⲁ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ ⲧⲏⲡⲉ ⲛⲛⲉⲩⲣⲁⲛ ⲕⲁⲧⲁ ⲧⲉⲩⲁⲡⲉ ϩⲟⲟⲩⲧ ⲛⲓⲙ ϫⲓⲛ ϫⲟⲩⲱⲧⲉ ⲛⲣⲟⲙⲡⲉ ⲉⲧⲡⲉ ⲟⲩⲟⲛ ⲛⲓⲙ ⲉⲧⲛⲏⲩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ϩⲣⲁⲓ ϩⲛ ⲧϭⲟⲙ
Numb ChiUns 1:40  亚设子孙的后代,照着家室、宗族、人名的数目,从二十岁以外,凡能出去打仗、被数的,共有四万一千五百名。
Numb BulVeren 1:40  От синовете на Асир: поколенията им по родовете им, по бащините им домове, по броя на имената от двадесет години и нагоре, всички, които можеха да излизат на бой,
Numb AraSVD 1:40  بَنُو أَشِيرَ، تَوَالِيدُهُمْ حَسَبَ عَشَائِرِهِمْ وَبُيُوتِ آبَائِهِمْ، بِعَدَدِ ٱلْأَسْمَاءِ مِنِ ٱبْنِ عِشْرِينَ سَنَةً فَصَاعِدًا، كُلُّ خَارِجٍ لِلْحَرْبِ،
Numb SPDSS 1:40  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Numb Esperant 1:40  La filoj de Aŝer laŭ sia deveno, laŭ siaj familioj, laŭ siaj patrodomoj, laŭ la nombro da nomoj, en la aĝo de dudek jaroj kaj pli, ĉiuj militkapablaj,
Numb ThaiKJV 1:40  คนอาเชอร์ โดยพงศ์พันธุ์ของเขา ตามครอบครัว ตามเรือนบรรพบุรุษ ตามจำนวนรายชื่อคนที่มีอายุตั้งแต่ยี่สิบปีขึ้นไปที่ออกรบได้ทั้งหมด
Numb OSHB 1:40  לִבְנֵ֣י אָשֵׁ֔ר תּוֹלְדֹתָ֥ם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖ם לְבֵ֣ית אֲבֹתָ֑ם בְּמִסְפַּ֣ר שֵׁמֹ֗ת מִבֶּ֨ן עֶשְׂרִ֤ים שָׁנָה֙ וָמַ֔עְלָה כֹּ֖ל יֹצֵ֥א צָבָֽא׃
Numb SPMT 1:40  לבני אשר תולדתם למשפחתם לבית אבתם במספר שמת מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה כל יצא צבא
Numb BurJudso 1:40  အာရှာအမျိုးသားတို့တွင် အဆွေအမျိုးအသီးအ သီးလိုက်၍ နာမည်များကို စာရင်း၌ မှတ်သားသည် အတိုင်း၊
Numb FarTPV 1:40  از طایفهٔ اشیر: تمام مردانی را که بیست ساله و بالاتر و برای خدمت سربازی آماده بودند، برحسب طایفه و خاندانشان سرشماری کرد؛ تعدادشان چهل و یک‌هزار و پانصد نفر بود.
Numb UrduGeoR 1:40  Āshar ke qabīle ke 41,500 mard,
Numb SweFolk 1:40  Avkomlingarna till Ashers söner upptecknades efter sina släkter och familjer. Var och en räknades, alla vapenföra från tjugo år och uppåt.
Numb GerSch 1:40  Der Kinder Asser, nach ihrer Abstammung, ihren Geschlechtern und ihren Vaterhäusern, an Zahl der Namen, von zwanzig Jahren und darüber, was diensttauglich war,
Numb TagAngBi 1:40  Sa mga anak ni Aser, ang kanilang mga lahi, ayon sa kanilang mga angkan, ayon sa mga sangbahayan ng kanilang mga magulang, ayon sa bilang ng mga pangalan, na mula sa dalawang pung taong gulang na patanda, lahat ng makalalabas sa pakikibaka;
Numb FinSTLK2 1:40  Asserin jälkeläisiä oli katselmuksessa heidän polveutumisensa mukaan, suvuittain ja perhekunnittain, nimien lukumäärän mukaan, kaksikymmentävuotiaita ja sitä vanhempia, kaikkia sotakelpoisia,
Numb Dari 1:40  از قبیلۀ اَشیر: همه مردانی را که بیست ساله و بالا تر و برای خدمت نظامی آماده بودند، برحسب قبیله و خاندان شان سرشماری کرد، تعداد شان چهل و یکهزار و پنجصد نفر بود.
Numb SomKQA 1:40  Oo reer Aasheerna farcankoodii, qolo qolo iyo reer reer, sidii ay tirada magacyadoodu ahayd, intii labaatan sannadood jirtay iyo intii ka sii weynaydba, in alla intii dagaal u bixi kartay oo dhan,
Numb NorSMB 1:40  So mynstra han Assers-sønerne og ætterne deira, og då alle dei våpnføre av Assers-folket, frå tjugeårsalderen og uppetter, var innskrivne i manntalet, ein for ein, etter ætter og ættgreiner,
Numb Alb 1:40  Nga bijtë e Asherit, trashëgimtarët e tyre në bazë të familjeve të tyre dhe të shtëpive të etërve të tyre, duke i numëruar emrat nga mosha njëzet vjeç e lart, të gjithë ata që ishin të aftë të shkonin në luftë:
Numb KorHKJV 1:40  ¶아셀 자손에 속한 자들 곧 그들의 세대들과 그들의 가족들과 그들의 조상들의 집에 따라 스무 살이 넘어 싸움에 나갈 수 있는 모든 자를 이름 수에 따라 계수하니
Numb SrKDIjek 1:40  Синова Асировијех, рода њихова по породицама њиховијем и по домовима отаца њиховијех, кад се избројише по именима од двадесет година и више сви што могаху ићи на војску,
Numb Wycliffe 1:40  Of the sones of Aser, bi generaciouns, and meynees, and housis of her kynredis, weren noumbrid, bi the names of alle, fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue, alle men that myyten go forth to batels,
Numb Mal1910 1:40  ആശേരിന്റെ മക്കളുടെ സന്തതികളിൽ കുലംകുലമായും കുടുംബംകുടുംബമായും ഇരുപതു വയസ്സുമുതൽ മേലോട്ടു യുദ്ധത്തിന്നു പ്രാപ്തിയുള്ള സകലപുരുഷന്മാരും പേരുപേരായി
Numb KorRV 1:40  아셀의 아들들에게서 난 자를 그들의 가족과 종족을 따라 이십 세 이상으로 싸움에 나갈만한 자를 그 명수대로 다 계수하니
Numb Azeri 1:40  آشِر اؤولادلاريندان، ائيئرمي و اوندان يوخاري ياشدا دؤيوشه قابئل اولان هر کئشي منصوب اولدوغو نسئل و عايئله‌يه گؤره آدلار سئياهيسينا قيد ادئلدي.
Numb SweKarlX 1:40  Assers barn, efter deras börd, slägter, deras faders hus och namn, ifrå tjugu år och derutöfver, allt det i här draga dogde.
Numb KLV 1:40  vo' the puqpu' vo' Asher, chaj DISmey, Sum chaj qorDu'pu', Sum chaj fathers' juHmey, according Daq the mI' vo' the pongmey, vo' cha'maH DISmey qan je upward, Hoch 'Iv were laH Daq jaH vo' Daq veS;
Numb ItaDio 1:40  Delle generazioni de’ figliuoli di Aser, per le lor nazioni, e famiglie paterne; contati per nome tutti quelli che potevano andare alla guerra, dall’età di vent’anni in su;
Numb RusSynod 1:40  Сынов Асира по родам их, по племенам их, по семействам их, по числу имен [их, поголовно, всех мужеского пола], от двадцати лет и выше, всех годных для войны,
Numb CSlEliza 1:40  От сынов Асировых по сродством их, по сонмом их, по домом отечеств их, по числу имен их, по главам их, всяк мужеск пол их от двадесяти лет и вышше, всяк исходяй с силою,
Numb ABPGRK 1:40  τοις υιοίς Ασήρ κατά συγγενείας αυτών κατά δήμους αυτών κατ΄ οίκους πατριών αυτών κατά αριθμόν ονομάτων αυτών πάντα αρσενικά από εικοσαέτους και επάνω πας ο εκπορευόμενος εν τη δυνάμει
Numb FreBBB 1:40  Pour les fils d'Asser, leurs descendants selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons patriarcales, en comptant les noms depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus, tout homme apte au service :
Numb LinVB 1:40  Batangi bana na bankoko ba Aser, etuka na etuka, libota na libota ; batangi nkombo ya babali banso ba­kokisi mibu ntuku ibale, baye banso bakoki na mosala mwa soda.
Numb HunIMIT 1:40  Ásér fiaiból, nemzetségeik, családjaik szerint, atyáik háza szerint, a nevek száma szerint, húsz évestől fölfelé, mindaz, aki hadba vonul,
Numb ChiUnL 1:40  亞設子孫、循其室家宗族、依其名數、自二十歲以上、能臨陳者、
Numb VietNVB 1:40  Con cháu A-se, dòng dõi họ được liệt kê danh sách theo họ hàng và gia đình mình từ hai mươi tuổi sắp lên tức là tất cả nam đinh có khả năng phục vụ trong quân đội,
Numb LXX 1:40  τοῖς υἱοῖς Ασηρ κατὰ συγγενείας αὐτῶν κατὰ δήμους αὐτῶν κατ’ οἴκους πατριῶν αὐτῶν κατὰ ἀριθμὸν ὀνομάτων αὐτῶν κατὰ κεφαλὴν αὐτῶν πάντα ἀρσενικὰ ἀπὸ εἰκοσαετοῦς καὶ ἐπάνω πᾶς ὁ ἐκπορευόμενος ἐν τῇ δυνάμει
Numb CebPinad 1:40  Sa mga anak ni Aser, sa ilang mga kaliwatan, pinaagi sa ilang mga panimalay pinaagi sa mga balay sa ilang mga amahan, sumala sa gidaghanon sa mga ngalan, sukad sa kaluhaan ka tuig ang panuigon ug ngadto sa itaas, ang tanan nga makahimo sa pag-adto sa panggubatan;
Numb RomCor 1:40  Au trecut în cărţile neamului pe fiii lui Aşer, după familiile lor, după casele părinţilor lor, numărând numele bărbaţilor de la vârsta de douăzeci de ani în sus, pe toţi cei în stare să poarte armele:
Numb Pohnpeia 1:40  Ohl koaros me mahkier sounpar rieisek kohda me kak wia sounpei, kileldier nin duwen peneinei, tepisang kadaudok en Reupen nein Seikop mesenih. Koaruhsie patpene iet duwe:
Numb HunUj 1:40  Ásér fiainak a leszármazottai, nemzetségenként és nagycsaládonként névjegyzékbe véve, húszévestől fölfelé minden hadköteles,
Numb GerZurch 1:40  Die Söhne Assers, ihre Nachkommen nach ihren Geschlechtern und Familien, nach der Zahl der Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und darüber, alle wehrfähigen Leute -
Numb GerTafel 1:40  Für die Söhne Aschers: ihre Geburten nach ihren Familien, nach dem Haus ihrer Väter, in der Zahl der Namen vom zwanzigsten Jahr und darüber, alle, die im Heer ausziehen,
Numb RusMakar 1:40  Сыны Асира: родъ ихъ исчисленъ, по племенамъ ихъ, по поколјніямъ ихъ, по числу именъ, отъ двадцати лјтъ и выше, всј ходящіе на войну.
Numb PorAR 1:40  Dos filhos de Aser, as suas gerações, pelas suas famílias, segundo as casas de seus pais, conforme o numero dos nomes dos de vinte anos para cima, todos os que podiam sair à guerra,
Numb DutSVVA 1:40  Van de zonen van Aser, hun geboorten, naar hun geslachten, naar het huis hunner vaderen, in het getal der namen, van twintig jaren oud en daarboven, allen, die ten heire uittrokken,
Numb FarOPV 1:40  و انساب بنی اشیر برحسب قبایل و خاندان آبای ایشان، موافق شماره اسم‌ها از بیست ساله وبالاتر، هر‌که برای جنگ بیرون می‌رفت.
Numb Ndebele 1:40  Kubantwana bakoAsheri, izizukulwana zabo, ngensendo zabo, ngezindlu zaboyise, ngokwenani lamabizo, kusukela koleminyaka engamatshumi amabili langaphezulu, bonke abangaphuma ukuya empini;
Numb PorBLivr 1:40  Dos filhos de Aser, por suas gerações, por suas famílias, pelas casas de seus pais, conforme a conta dos nomes, de vinte anos acima, todos os que podiam sair à guerra.
Numb Norsk 1:40  Efterkommerne av Asers sønner, opskrevet efter sine ætter og familier, med sine navn, fra tyveårsalderen og opover, alle som kunde dra ut i krig,
Numb SloChras 1:40  Iz sinov Aserjevih, njih zarojencev po njih rodovinah, po hišah njih očetov, po številu imen, od dvajsetih let in više, kar jih je moglo iti na vojsko:
Numb Northern 1:40  Aşer övladlarından iyirmi və ondan yuxarı yaşda döyüşə qabil olan hər kişi mənsub olduğu nəsil və ailəyə görə adlar siyahısına qeyd edildi.
Numb GerElb19 1:40  Von den Söhnen Asers: ihre Geschlechter nach ihren Familien, nach ihren Vaterhäusern, nach der Zahl der Namen, von zwanzig Jahren und darüber, jeder, der zum Heere auszog,
Numb LvGluck8 1:40  No Ašera bērniem, viņu dzimumi pēc savām ciltīm, pēc savu tēvu namiem, pēc vārdu skaita, no divdesmit gadiem un pāri, visi, kas gāja karā:
Numb PorAlmei 1:40  Dos filhos d'Aser, as suas gerações, pelas suas familias, segundo a casa de seus paes, pelo numero dos nomes dos de vinte annos e para cima, todos os que podiam sair á guerra,
Numb ChiUn 1:40  亞設子孫的後代,照著家室、宗族、人名的數目,從二十歲以外,凡能出去打仗、被數的,共有四萬一千五百名。
Numb SweKarlX 1:40  Assers barn, efter deras börd, slägter, deras fäders hus och namn, ifrå tjugu år och derutöfver, allt det i här draga dogde.
Numb SPVar 1:40  לבני אשר תולדתם למשפחותם לבית אבתם במספר שמות מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה כל יצא צבא
Numb FreKhan 1:40  Pour les descendants d’Asher, classés par origine, familles, maisons paternelles: suivant le compte nominal de tous les hommes âgés de vingt ans et plus, aptes au service,
Numb FrePGR 1:40  Des fils d'Asser, ceux qui furent enregistrés selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons patriarcales, avec l'énumération des noms, ayant vingt ans et plus, tous ceux qui devaient marcher comme soldats,
Numb PorCap 1:40  Os descendentes de Aser foram registados segundo as suas famílias, segundo a casa de seus pais, contando-se, nominalmente, por cabeça, todos os varões de vinte anos para cima, todos aptos para o exército.
Numb JapKougo 1:40  アセルの子たちから生れたものを、その氏族により、その父祖の家によって調べ、すべて戦争に出ることのできる二十歳以上の者の名の数を得たが、
Numb GerTextb 1:40  Die Abkömmlinge der Söhne Assers nach ihren Geschlechtern, Familien und einzelnen Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und darüber, alles, was kriegstüchtig war,
Numb Kapingam 1:40  Nia daane e-madalua be e-mada-mmaadua ala e-mee di hai digau-dauwa la-guu-hihi nadau ingoo e-hagatau gi nadau madahaanau llauehe mo nadau madahaanau lligi, daamada gi-di madawaawa Reuben, tama-daane madua Jacob. Aanei ono hulu dangada:Nia madawaawa Nia hulu Reuben 46,500 Simeon 59,300 Gad 45,650 Judah 74,600 Issachar 54,400 Zebulun 57,400 Ephraim 40,500 Manasseh 32,200 Benjamin 35,400 Dan 62,700 Asher 41,500 Naphtali 53,400 Huogodoo: 603,550
Numb SpaPlate 1:40  Hijos de Aser. Fueron alistados nominalmente sus descendientes, según sus familias y casas paternas, los de veinte años para arriba, todos los aptos para la guerra;
Numb WLC 1:40  לִבְנֵ֣י אָשֵׁ֔ר תּוֹלְדֹתָ֥ם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖ם לְבֵ֣ית אֲבֹתָ֑ם בְּמִסְפַּ֣ר שֵׁמֹ֗ת מִבֶּ֨ן עֶשְׂרִ֤ים שָׁנָה֙ וָמַ֔עְלָה כֹּ֖ל יֹצֵ֥א צָבָֽא׃
Numb LtKBB 1:40  Iš Ašero sūnų vyrų, dvidešimties metų ir vyresnių, tinkančių eiti į karą, pagal jų kilmę ir šeimas
Numb Bela 1:40  Сыноў Асіравых паводле родаў іхніх, паводле плямёнаў іхніх, паводле сямействаў іхніх, па ліку імёнаў, ад дваццаці гадоў і вышэй, усіх здольных ваяваць,
Numb GerBoLut 1:40  Der Kinder Asser nach ihrer Geburt, Geschlecht, ihrer Vater Hausern und Namen, von zwanzig Jahren und druber, was ins Heer zu ziehen taugte,
Numb FinPR92 1:40  Asserin jälkeläiset, kaikki kaksikymmenvuotiaat ja sitä vanhemmat sotakelpoiset miehet, laskettiin ja merkittiin luetteloon perhekunnittain ja suvuittain.
Numb SpaRV186 1:40  De los hijos de Aser, sus generaciones, por sus familias, por las casas de sus padres, conforme a la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años y arriba, todos los que podían salir a la guerra;
Numb NlCanisi 1:40  De zonen, die van Aser afstamden, werden naar hun geslachten en families, met name geteld; het getal strijdbare mannen van twintig jaar af
Numb GerNeUe 1:40  Die Nachkommen Aschers: Man ermittelte ihre Geschlechterfolge nach Sippen und Familien, Name für Name, Kopf für Kopf, und zwar alle, die zwanzig Jahre und älter und wehrfähig waren.
Numb UrduGeo 1:40  ‏-41 آشر کے قبیلے کے 41,500 مرد،
Numb AraNAV 1:40  وَمِنْ نَسْلِ أَشِيرَ، تَمَّ إِحْصَاءُ جَمِيعِ الرِّجَالِ الْبَالِغِينَ مِنَ الْعُمْرِ عِشْرِينَ سَنَةً فَمَا فَوْقُ، مِنْ الْقَادِرِينَ عَلَى الْقِتَالِ فِي الْحَرْبِ، كُلٍّ بِاسْمِهِ، حَسَبَ عَشَائِرِهِمْ وَبُيُوتِ آبَائِهِمْ،
Numb ChiNCVs 1:40  亚设子孙的后代,照着宗族、父家,根据人名数目,二十岁以上,凡是能出去打仗的,都登记了;
Numb ItaRive 1:40  Figliuoli di Ascer, loro discendenti secondo le loro famiglie, secondo le case dei loro padri, contando i nomi dall’età di venti anni in su, tutti quelli che potevano andare alla guerra:
Numb Afr1953 1:40  Van die seuns van Aser, hulle nakomelinge volgens hulle geslagte, volgens hulle families, na die getal name, van twintig jaar oud en daarbo, almal wat op kommando moet uittrek —
Numb RusSynod 1:40  Сынов Асировых по родам их, по племенам их, по семействам их, по числу имен, от двадцати лет и выше, всех годных для войны,
Numb UrduGeoD 1:40  आशर के क़बीले के 41,500 मर्द,
Numb TurNTB 1:40  Aşer'in soyundan olanlar: Savaşabilecek durumda yirmi ve daha yukarı yaştakiler bağlı oldukları boy ve aileye göre adlarıyla kayda geçirildi.
Numb DutSVV 1:40  Van de zonen van Aser, hun geboorten, naar hun geslachten, naar het huis hunner vaderen, in het getal der namen, van twintig jaren oud en daarboven, allen, die ten heire uittrokken,
Numb HunKNB 1:40  Áser fiai közül számláltak származása, nemzetsége, nagycsaládja és neve szerint, húszesztendőst és azon felül levőt, olyat, aki hadba vonulhatott, összesen
Numb Maori 1:40  No nga tama a Ahera, i o ratou toronga, i o ratou hapu, i nga whare o o ratou matua, tatau rawa nga ingoa o nga mea e rua tekau, he maha atu ranei o ratou tau, o nga mea katoa i kaha ki te haere ki te whawhai;
Numb HunKar 1:40  Áser fiai közül azoknak szülöttei az ő nemzetségeik szerint, az ő atyáiknak háznépe szerint, a neveknek száma szerint, húsz esztendőstől fogva és feljebb, minden hadba mehető;
Numb Viet 1:40  Con cháu A-se, dòng dõi họ tùy theo họ hàng và tông tộc mình, cứ kể từng tên, từ hai mươi tuổi sắp lên, tức là mọi người trong chi phái A-se đi ra trận được,
Numb Kekchi 1:40  Queˈtzˈi̱ba̱c xcˈabaˈeb li ralal xcˈajol laj Aser li ac xeˈxba̱nu junmay chihab re teˈoc chokˈ soldado. Queˈajla̱c aˈ yal chanru xqˈuialeb saˈ li junju̱nk cabal.
Numb Swe1917 1:40  Avkomlingarna av Asers söner, upptecknade efter sina släkter och efter sina familjer, vart namn räknat särskilt, de som voro tjugu år gamla eller därutöver, alla stridbara män,
Numb SP 1:40  לבני אשר תולדתם למשפחותם לבית אבתם במספר שמות מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה כל יצא צבא
Numb CroSaric 1:40  Kad se utvrdi potomstvo sinova Ašerovih, prema njihovim rodovima i porodicama, pribilježiše se, glava po glava, imena onih od dvadeset godina i više, svih za borbu sposobnih.
Numb VieLCCMN 1:40  Con cháu A-se, sau khi xác định phổ hệ theo thị tộc và gia tộc, người ta lập danh sách từng người một, tất cả đàn ông từ hai mươi tuổi trở lên, mọi người trong tuổi nhập ngũ ;
Numb FreBDM17 1:40  Des enfants d’Aser, selon leurs générations, leurs familles, et les maisons de leurs pères, dénombrés chacun par leur nom, depuis l’âge de vingt ans, et au dessus, tous ceux qui pouvaient aller à la guerre ;
Numb FreLXX 1:40  Les fils d'Aser, de vingt ans et au-dessus, tous ceux qui pouvaient aller à l'armée, furent comptés nominativement par familles, par branches, par maisons paternelles, par têtes,
Numb Aleppo 1:40  לבני אשר תולדתם למשפחתם לבית אבתם  במספר שמת מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה—כל יצא צבא
Numb MapM 1:40  לִבְנֵ֣י אָשֵׁ֔ר תּוֹלְדֹתָ֥ם לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָ֖ם לְבֵ֣ית אֲבֹתָ֑ם בְּמִסְפַּ֣ר שֵׁמֹ֗ת מִבֶּ֨ן עֶשְׂרִ֤ים שָׁנָה֙ וָמַ֔עְלָה כֹּ֖ל יֹצֵ֥א צָבָֽא׃
Numb HebModer 1:40  לבני אשר תולדתם למשפחתם לבית אבתם במספר שמת מבן עשרים שנה ומעלה כל יצא צבא׃
Numb Kaz 1:40  Аширдің үрім-бұтағының шыққан ата-тектері мен әулеттері бойынша шайқасқа жарамды, жасы жиырмаға толған не одан асқан ер адамдарын түгендеп ретімен санағанда,
Numb FreJND 1:40  Des fils d’Aser : leurs générations, selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons de pères, suivant le nombre des noms, depuis l’âge de 20 ans et au-dessus, tous ceux qui étaient propres au service militaire,
Numb GerGruen 1:40  Von den Söhnen Assers entsprachen in ihren Geschlechtern, Sippen und Familien in Namenszählung von zwanzig Jahren und darüber alle Wehrpflichtigen,
Numb SloKJV 1:40  Od Aserjevih otrok, po njihovih rodovih, po njihovih družinah, po hiši njihovih očetov, glede na število imen, od dvajsetih let starosti in naprej, vse, ki so bili zmožni iti na vojsko;
Numb Haitian 1:40  Pou branch fanmi Asè a,
Numb FinBibli 1:40  Asserin lasten polviluku, heidän sukunsa ja isäinsä huonetten jälkeen, nimenomattain kahdenkymmenen vuotisista ja sen ylitse, kaikki jotka sotaan kelpasivat,
Numb Geez 1:40  ኍለቊሆሙ ፡ ዘእምነገደ ፡ ዳን ፡ ፯፻-፻፳፻፯፻ ።
Numb SpaRV 1:40  De los hijos de Aser, por sus generaciones, por sus familias, por las casas de sus padres, conforme á la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años arriba, todos los que podían salir á la guerra;
Numb WelBeibl 1:40  A dyma'r canlyniadau, sef nifer y dynion dros ugain oed allai ymuno â'r fyddin, gan ddechrau gyda Reuben (mab hynaf Israel): LlwythNifer Reuben46,500 Simeon59,300 Gad45,650 Jwda74,600 Issachar54,400 Sabulon57,400 Yna meibion Joseff: Effraim40,500 Manasse32,200 Wedyn, Benjamin35,400 Dan62,700 Asher41,500 Nafftali53,400
Numb GerMenge 1:40  Bei den Nachkommen Assers beliefen sich ihre Abkömmlinge nach ihren Geschlechtern und nach ihren Familien, nach der Zahl der einzelnen Namen, von zwanzig Jahren an und darüber, alles, was zum Heeresdienst tauglich war,
Numb GreVamva 1:40  Εκ των υιών Ασήρ, κατά τας γενεάς αυτών, κατά τας συγγενείας αυτών, κατά τους οίκους των πατέρων αυτών, κατά τον αριθμόν των ονομάτων, από είκοσι ετών και επάνω, πάντες οι δυνάμενοι να εξέλθωσιν εις πόλεμον,
Numb UkrOgien 1:40  У Аси́рових синів їхніх нащадків за їхніми родами, за домами їхніх батьків числом імен від віку двадцяти літ і вище, кожен, хто здатний до війська,
Numb FreCramp 1:40  Fils d’Aser, leurs descendants selon leurs familles, selon leurs maisons patriarcales, en comptant les noms depuis vingt ans et au-dessus, tous les hommes en état de porter les armes :
Numb SrKDEkav 1:40  Синова Асирових, рода њиховог по породицама њиховим и по домовима отаца њихових, кад се избројаше по именима од двадесет година и више сви што могаху ићи на војску,
Numb PolUGdan 1:40  Synów Aszera, ich potomków według ich rodzin, według domów ich ojców, według liczby imion, od dwudziestu lat wzwyż, wszystkich zdolnych do walki;
Numb FreSegon 1:40  On enregistra les fils d'Aser, selon leurs familles, selon les maisons de leurs pères, en comptant les noms depuis l'âge de vingt ans et au-dessus, tous ceux en état de porter les armes:
Numb SpaRV190 1:40  De los hijos de Aser, por sus generaciones, por sus familias, por las casas de sus padres, conforme á la cuenta de los nombres, de veinte años arriba, todos los que podían salir á la guerra;
Numb HunRUF 1:40  Ásér fiainak a leszármazottai, nemzetségenként és nagycsaládonként névjegyzékbe véve, húszévestől fölfelé minden hadköteles,
Numb DaOT1931 1:40  Asers Sønner, deres Efterkommere efter deres Slægter, efter deres Fædrenehuse, ved Optælling af Navnene fra Tyveaarsalderen og opefter, alle vaabenføre Mænd,
Numb TpiKJPB 1:40  Bilong ol pikinini bilong Aser, long ol lain tumbuna bilong ol, i bihainim ol famili bilong ol, long hauslain bilong ol tumbuna papa bilong ol, bilong bihainim namba bilong ol nem, i stat long 20 krismas na i go antap, olgeta husat em inap long go ausait long bikpela pait,
Numb DaOT1871 1:40  Asers Børns Afkom, efter deres Slægter, efter deres Fædrenehus, efter Navnes Tal, fra tyve Aar gamle og derover, hver som kunde uddrage i Strid:
Numb FreVulgG 1:40  On fit le dénombrement des enfants d’Aser ; et tous ceux qui avaient vingt ans et au-dessus, et qui pouvaient aller à la guerre, ayant été comptés (par tiges,) par familles et par maisons, et étant tous marqués par leur propre nom,
Numb PolGdans 1:40  Z synów Aserowych rodzajów ich według familii ich, według domów ojców ich, według liczby imion, od dwudziestu lat i wyżej, wszystkich wychodzących na wojnę;
Numb JapBungo 1:40  アセルの子等より生れたる者をその宗族によりその父祖の家にしたがひて核べ二十歳以上にして戰爭にいづるに勝る男丁を數へたるにその名の數によれば
Numb GerElb18 1:40  Von den Söhnen Asers: ihre Geschlechter nach ihren Familien, nach ihren Vaterhäusern, nach der Zahl der Namen, von zwanzig Jahren und darüber, jeder, der zum Heere auszog,