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Psal RWebster 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal NHEBJE 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loving kindness and truth go before your face.
Psal ABP 89:14  Righteousness and equity are the preparation of your throne; mercy and truth shall go forth before your face.
Psal NHEBME 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loving kindness and truth go before your face.
Psal Rotherha 89:14  Righteousness and justice, are the establishing of thy throne, Lovingkindness and faithfulness, go before thy face.
Psal LEB 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loyal love and faithfulness come before your face.
Psal RNKJV 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal Jubilee2 89:14  Thy throne is composed of righteousness and judgment; mercy and truth go before thy face.
Psal Webster 89:14  Justice and judgment [are] the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal Darby 89:14  Righteousness and judgment are the foundation of thy throne; loving-kindness and truth go before thy face.
Psal OEB 89:14  Justice and right are the base of your throne, kindness and faithfulness ever attend you.
Psal ASV 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne: Lovingkindness and truth go before thy face.
Psal LITV 89:14  Justice and righteousness are Your throne's foundation; mercy and truth go before Your face.
Psal Geneva15 89:14  Righteousnesse and equitie are the stablishment of thy throne: mercy and trueth goe before thy face.
Psal CPDV 89:14  We were filled in the morning with your mercy, and we exulted and delighted all our days.
Psal BBE 89:14  The seat of your kingdom is resting on righteousness and right judging: mercy and good faith come before your face.
Psal DRC 89:14  We are filled in the morning with thy mercy: and we have rejoiced, and are delighted all our days.
Psal GodsWord 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne. Mercy and truth stand in front of you.
Psal JPS 89:14  Thine is an arm with might; strong is Thy hand, and exalted is Thy right hand.
Psal KJVPCE 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal NETfree 89:14  Equity and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loyal love and faithfulness characterize your rule.
Psal AB 89:14  Justice and judgment are the establishment of Your throne; mercy and truth shall go before Your face.
Psal AFV2020 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth shall go before Your face.
Psal NHEB 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loving kindness and truth go before your face.
Psal OEBcth 89:14  Justice and right are the base of your throne, kindness and faithfulness ever attend you.
Psal NETtext 89:14  Equity and justice are the foundation of your throne. Loyal love and faithfulness characterize your rule.
Psal UKJV 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face.
Psal Noyes 89:14  Justice and equity are the foundation of thy throne; Mercy and truth go before thy face.
Psal KJV 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal KJVA 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal AKJV 89:14  Justice and judgment are the habitation of your throne: mercy and truth shall go before your face.
Psal RLT 89:14  Righteousness and judgment are the foundation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.
Psal MKJV 89:14  Justice and judgment are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth shall go before Your face.
Psal YLT 89:14  Righteousness and judgment Are the fixed place of Thy throne, Kindness and truth go before Thy face.
Psal ACV 89:14  Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne. Loving kindness and truth go before thy face.
Psal VulgSist 89:14  Repleti sumus mane misericordia tua: exultavimus, et delectati sumus omnibus diebus nostris.
Psal VulgCont 89:14  Repleti sumus mane misericordia tua: et exultavimus, et delectati sumus omnibus diebus nostris.
Psal Vulgate 89:14  repleti sumus mane misericordia tua et exultavimus et delectati sumus in omnibus diebus nostris imple nos matutina misericordia tua et laudabimus et laetabimur in cunctis diebus nostris
Psal VulgHetz 89:14  Repleti sumus mane misericordia tua: et exultavimus, et delectati sumus omnibus diebus nostris.
Psal VulgClem 89:14  Repleti sumus mane misericordia tua ; et exsultavimus, et delectati sumus omnibus diebus nostris.
Psal Vulgate_ 89:14  imple nos matutina misericordia tua et laudabimus et laetabimur in cunctis diebus nostris
Psal CzeBKR 89:14  Spravedlnost a soud jsou základem trůnu tvého, milosrdenství a pravda předcházejí tvář tvou.
Psal CzeB21 89:14  Mocná je paže tvá, silná ruka tvá, pravice tvá se pozvedá.
Psal CzeCEP 89:14  V své paži máš bohatýrskou sílu, tvá ruka je mocná, tvá pravice pozdvižená.
Psal CzeCSP 89:14  Tvá paže je udatná, tvá ruka je silná, tvá pravice je vyvýšená.
Psal PorBLivr 89:14  Justiça e juízo são a base de teu trono; bondade e verdade vão adiante de teu rosto.
Psal Mg1865 89:14  Manan-tsandry mahery Hianao; Mahery ny tananao, avo ny tananao ankavanana.
Psal FinPR 89:14  {89:15} Vanhurskaus ja oikeus on sinun valtaistuimesi perustus, armo ja totuus käy sinun kasvojesi edellä.
Psal FinRK 89:14  Sinulla on voimallinen käsivarsi, sinun kätesi on väkevä, oikea kätesi on kohotettu.
Psal ChiSB 89:14  您的臂膀孔武有力,您雙手堅強,右手舉起。
Psal CopSahBi 89:14  ϫⲉ ⲁⲛⲙⲟⲩϩ ⲉⲃⲟⲗ ⲙⲡⲉⲕⲛⲁ ⲙⲡⲛⲟⲩ ⲛϣⲱⲣⲡ ⲛⲛⲉⲛϩⲟⲟⲩ ⲧⲏⲣⲟⲩ ⲁⲩⲱ ⲁⲛⲧⲉⲗⲏⲗ ⲁⲛⲟⲩⲛⲟϥ
Psal ChiUns 89:14  公义和公平是你宝座的根基;慈爱和诚实行在你前面。
Psal BulVeren 89:14  Правда и съд са основата на престола Ти, милост и истина ходят пред лицето Ти.
Psal AraSVD 89:14  ٱلْعَدْلُ وَٱلْحَقُّ قَاعِدَةُ كُرْسِيِّكَ. ٱلرَّحْمَةُ وَٱلْأَمَانَةُ تَتَقَدَّمَانِ أَمَامَ وَجْهِكَ.
Psal Esperant 89:14  Virto kaj justeco estas la fundamento de Via trono; Boneco kaj vero iras antaŭ Via vizaĝo.
Psal ThaiKJV 89:14  ความเที่ยงธรรมและความยุติธรรมเป็นรากฐานแห่งบัลลังก์ของพระองค์ ความเมตตาและความจริงเดินนำหน้าพระองค์
Psal OSHB 89:14  לְךָ֣ זְ֭רוֹעַ עִם־גְּבוּרָ֑ה תָּעֹ֥ז יָ֝דְךָ֗ תָּר֥וּם יְמִינֶֽךָ׃
Psal BurJudso 89:14  တရားသဖြင့် စီရင်ခြင်း၊ ဖြောင့်မတ်စွာ ဆုံးဖြတ် ခြင်းသည် ပလ္လင်တော်၏ တည်ရာဖြစ်ပါ၏။ ကရုဏာနှင့် သစ္စာသည် မျက်နှာတော်ရှေ့၌ သွားကြပါ၏။
Psal FarTPV 89:14  عدالت و انصاف، اساس پادشاهی تو و محبّت پایدار و وفاداری، شیوهٔ کار توست.
Psal UrduGeoR 89:14  Rāstī aur insāf tere taḳht kī buniyād haiṅ. Shafqat aur wafā tere āge āge chaltī haiṅ.
Psal SweFolk 89:14  Du har en arm med kraft, din hand är mäktig, din högra hand är upphöjd.
Psal GerSch 89:14  Du hast einen Arm voll Kraft, stark ist deine Hand, hoch erhoben deine Rechte.
Psal TagAngBi 89:14  Katuwiran at kahatulan ay patibayan ng iyong luklukan: kagandahang-loob at katotohanan ay nagpapauna sa iyong mukha.
Psal FinSTLK2 89:14  Sinulla on käsivarsi voimaa täynnä. Väkevä on kätesi ja korotettu oikea kätesi.
Psal Dari 89:14  عدالت و انصاف اساس تخت تو است. رحمت و راستی پیش روی تو می خرامند.
Psal SomKQA 89:14  Carshigaaga aasaaskiisu waxa weeye xaq iyo caddaalad, Oo naxariista iyo runtuna way ku hor socdaan.
Psal NorSMB 89:14  Du hev ein arm med velde; sterk er di hand, høg er di høgre hand.
Psal Alb 89:14  Drejtësia dhe e drejta përbëjnë bazën e fronit tënd; mirësia dhe e vërteta shkojnë përpara fytyrës sate.
Psal UyCyr 89:14  Һәр сәһәрдә қандурсаң гәр бизни чин муһәббитиңгә, Һәр күн алқиш яңратқаймиз Сениң қутлуқ шәниңгә.
Psal KorHKJV 89:14  정의와 판단의 공의가 주의 왕좌의 처소이며 긍휼과 진리가 주의 얼굴 앞에서 가리이다.
Psal SrKDIjek 89:14  Благост је и правда подножје пријестолу твојему, милост и истина иде пред лицем твојим.
Psal Wycliffe 89:14  We weren fillid eerli with thi merci; we maden ful out ioye, and we delitiden in alle oure daies.
Psal Mal1910 89:14  നീതിയും ന്യായവും നിന്റെ സിംഹാസനത്തിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാകുന്നു; ദയയും വിശ്വസ്തതയും നിനക്കു മുമ്പായി നടക്കുന്നു.
Psal KorRV 89:14  의와 공의가 주의 보좌의 기초라 인자함과 진실함이 주를 앞서 행하나이다
Psal Azeri 89:14  سنئن تختئنئن اساسي صالحلئک و عدالتدئر؛ محبّت و وفا سنئن قاباغيندا يِرئيئر.
Psal KLV 89:14  QaQtaHghach je ruv 'oH the foundation vo' lIj quS'a'. muSHa'taH pung je vIt jaH qaSpa' lIj qab.
Psal ItaDio 89:14  Giustizia e giudicio son la ferma base del tuo trono; Benignità e verità vanno davanti alla tua faccia.
Psal RusSynod 89:14  Рано насыти нас милостью Твоею, и мы будем радоваться и веселиться во все дни наши.
Psal CSlEliza 89:14  Исполнихомся заутра милости Твоея, Господи, и возрадовахомся и возвеселихомся:
Psal ABPGRK 89:14  δικαιοσύνη και κρίμα ετοιμασία του θρόνου σου έλεος και αλήθεια προπορεύσονται προ προσώπου σου
Psal FreBBB 89:14  La justice et le jugement sont la base de ton trône, La miséricorde et la vérité vont au-devant de ta face.
Psal LinVB 89:14  Loboko la yo lozali na nguya enene, loboko la yo la mobali nta bokasi lokolongaka binso.
Psal BurCBCM 89:14  ဖြောင့်မတ်မှန်ကန်မှုနှင့် တရားမျှတမှုတို့သည် ကိုယ်တော့်ရာဇပလ္လင်တော်၏ အခြေခံအုတ်မြစ်ဖြစ်ကြပါ၏။ ခိုင်မြဲသော မေတ္တာနှင့်သစ္စာတော်သည် ကိုယ်တော်၏ရှေ့တော်မှ သွားကြပါ၏။-
Psal HunIMIT 89:14  Tied a kar a hatalommal együtt, erős a kezed, magas a jobbod.
Psal ChiUnL 89:14  爾位之基、惟公與義、慈惠誠實、行於爾前兮、
Psal VietNVB 89:14  Đức công chính và lẽ công bình là nền tảng của ngôi Ngài;Tình yêu thương và lòng thành tín đi trước mặt Ngài.
Psal LXX 89:14  ἐνεπλήσθημεν τὸ πρωὶ τοῦ ἐλέους σου καὶ ἠγαλλιασάμεθα καὶ εὐφράνθημεν ἐν πάσαις ταῖς ἡμέραις ἡμῶν
Psal CebPinad 89:14  Ang pagkamatarung ug ang justicia mao ang patukoranan sa imong trono: Ang mahigugmaong-kalolot ug ang kamatuoran magauna sa imong nawong.
Psal RomCor 89:14  Dreptatea şi judecata sunt temelia scaunului Tău de domnie; bunătatea şi credincioşia sunt înaintea Feţei Tale.
Psal Pohnpeia 89:14  Sapwellimomwi wehi poahsoankihda pwungen kosonned oh pwuhng pahrek; limpoak oh loalopwoat kin sansal ni mehkoaros me komw kin ketin wia.
Psal HunUj 89:14  Hatalmas a te karod, kezed erős, jobbod felséges.
Psal GerZurch 89:14  Du hast einen Arm voll Heldenkraft; / stark ist deine Hand und hoch erhoben deine Rechte. /
Psal GerTafel 89:14  Dein ist ein Arm mit Macht, stark ist Deine Hand, erhöht Deine Rechte.
Psal PorAR 89:14  Justiça e juízo são a base do teu trono; benignidade e verdade vão adiante de ti.
Psal DutSVVA 89:14  [089:15] Gerechtigheid en gericht zijn de vastigheid Uws troons; goedertierenheid en waarheid gaan voor Uw aanschijn henen.
Psal FarOPV 89:14  عدالت و انصاف اساس تخت تو است. رحمت و راستی پیش روی تو می‌خرامند.
Psal Ndebele 89:14  Ukulunga lesahlulelo kuyisisekelo sesihlalo sakho sobukhosi; umusa leqiniso kuhamba phambi kobuso bakho.
Psal PorBLivr 89:14  Justiça e juízo são a base de teu trono; bondade e verdade vão adiante de teu rosto.
Psal SloStrit 89:14  Ti imaš roko z močjo; krepka je tvoja roka, vzvišena desnica tvoja.
Psal Norsk 89:14  Du har en arm med velde; sterk er din hånd, ophøiet er din høire hånd.
Psal SloChras 89:14  Pravičnost in prava sodba sta podstava tvojemu prestolu, milost in resnica hodita pred obličjem tvojim.
Psal Northern 89:14  Salehlik və ədalət taxtının təməlidir, Məhəbbət və sədaqət önündə gedir!
Psal GerElb19 89:14  Gerechtigkeit und Gericht sind deines Thrones Grundfeste; Güte und Wahrheit gehen vor deinem Angesicht her.
Psal PohnOld 89:14  Melel o pung iei pason en mol omui; kalangan o melel kin tiong mo omui.
Psal LvGluck8 89:14  Taisnība un tiesa ir Tava valdības krēsla pamati, žēlastība un patiesība iet Tavā priekšā.
Psal PorAlmei 89:14  Justiça e juizo são o assento do teu throno, misericordia e verdade irão adiante do teu rosto.
Psal SloOjaca 89:14  Pravičnost in pravica sta temelj Tvojega prestola; usmiljenje in ljubeča-skrbnost ter resnica gredo pred Tvojim obrazom.
Psal ChiUn 89:14  公義和公平是你寶座的根基;慈愛和誠實行在你前面。
Psal SweKarlX 89:14  Du hafver en väldig arm; stark är din hand, och hög är din högra hand.
Psal FreKhan 89:14  Ton bras est armé de force, puissante est ta main, sublime ta droite.
Psal GerAlbre 89:14  Dein ist ein Arm mit Heldenkraft. / Mächtig ist deine Hand, deine Rechte erhaben.
Psal FrePGR 89:14  La justice et l'équité sont la base de ton trône, la grâce et la vérité marchent devant ta face.
Psal PorCap 89:14  O teu braço é poderoso; a tua mão, robusta;excelsa é a tua mão direita.
Psal JapKougo 89:14  義と公平はあなたのみくらの基、いつくしみと、まことはあなたの前に行きます。
Psal GerTextb 89:14  Du hast einen Arm voller Kraft; stark ist deine Hand, hoch erhoben deine Rechte.
Psal Kapingam 89:14  Do henua e-hagamau gi-di tonu mo-di hai-hegau donu. Di aloho mo-di manawa-dahi e-modongoohia-aga i-nia mee huogodoo ala guu-lawa-ai dau hai.
Psal SpaPlate 89:14  Sácianos con tu misericordia desde temprano, para que nos gocemos y nos alegremos todos nuestros días.
Psal WLC 89:14  לְךָ֣ זְ֭רוֹעַ עִם־גְּבוּרָ֑ה תָּעֹ֥ז יָ֝דְךָ֗ תָּר֥וּם יְמִינֶֽךָ׃
Psal LtKBB 89:14  Tavo sosto pamatas – teisumas ir teisingumas, gailestingumas ir tiesa eina Tavo priekyje.
Psal Bela 89:14  раніцай насыці нас міласэрнасьцю Тваёю, і мы будзем радавацца і весяліцца ўсе дні нашыя.
Psal GerBoLut 89:14  Du hast einen gewaltigen Arm; stark ist deine Hand und hoch ist deine Rechte.
Psal FinPR92 89:14  Käsivartesi on voimaa täynnä, kätesi on voittoisa ja väkevä.
Psal SpaRV186 89:14  Justicia y juicio es la compostura de tu trono: misericordia y verdad van delante de tu rostro.
Psal NlCanisi 89:14  Verzadig ons met uw genade, als we nog jong zijn, Opdat we heel ons leven mogen jubelen en juichen.
Psal GerNeUe 89:14  Dein ist der Arm mit gewaltiger Kraft, / dein die siegreich erhobene Hand.
Psal UrduGeo 89:14  راستی اور انصاف تیرے تخت کی بنیاد ہیں۔ شفقت اور وفا تیرے آگے آگے چلتی ہیں۔
Psal AraNAV 89:14  الْبِرُّ وَالْقَضَاءُ قَاعِدَتَا عَرْشِكَ، الرَّحْمَةُ وَالْحَقُّ يَتَقَدَّمَانِ حَضْرَتَكَ.
Psal ChiNCVs 89:14  公义和公正是你宝座的基础,慈爱和信实行在你前面。
Psal ItaRive 89:14  Giustizia e diritto son la base del tuo trono, benignità e verità van davanti alla tua faccia.
Psal Afr1953 89:14  U het 'n arm met mag; u hand is sterk, u regterhand verhewe.
Psal RusSynod 89:14  Рано насыти нас милостью Твоею, и мы будем радоваться и веселиться во все дни наши.
Psal UrduGeoD 89:14  रास्ती और इनसाफ़ तेरे तख़्त की बुनियाद हैं। शफ़क़त और वफ़ा तेरे आगे आगे चलती हैं।
Psal TurNTB 89:14  Tahtın adalet ve doğruluk üzerine kurulu, Sevgi ve sadakat önünsıra gider.
Psal DutSVV 89:14  Gij hebt een arm met macht; Uw hand is sterk, Uw rechterhand is hoog.
Psal HunKNB 89:14  Karod hatalmas, kezed erős, jobbod diadalmas.
Psal Maori 89:14  Ko te tika me te whakawa te turanga o tou torona: e haere ana te mahi tohu me te pono i mua i tou aroaro.
Psal HunKar 89:14  A te karod hatalommal teljes, a te kezed erős, a te jobbod méltóságos.
Psal Viet 89:14  Sự công bình và sự chánh trực là nền của ngôi Chúa; Sự nhơn từ và sự chơn thật đi trước mặt Chúa.
Psal Kekchi 89:14  La̱at nacatrakoc a̱tin saˈ ti̱quilal. Nacacˈutbesi li xya̱lal ut la̱ rahom riqˈuin chixjunil li nacaba̱nu.
Psal Swe1917 89:14  Du har en arm med hjältekraft, mäktig är din hand, hög är din högra hand.
Psal CroSaric 89:14  Tvoja je mišica snažna, ruka čvrsta, desnica dignuta.
Psal VieLCCMN 89:14  Cánh tay Ngài, cánh tay hùng dũng, đầy quyền năng đã mạnh mẽ dương oai.
Psal FreBDM17 89:14  Tu as un bras puissant, ta main est forte, et ta droite est haut élevée.
Psal FreLXX 89:14  Nous avons, dès l'aurore, été remplis de ta miséricorde, et nous avons tressailli, et nous avons été pleins de délices tous les jours de notre vie.
Psal Aleppo 89:14    לך זרוע עם-גבורה    תעז ידך תרום ימינך
Psal MapM 89:14  לְךָ֣ זְ֭רוֹעַ עִם־גְּבוּרָ֑ה תָּעֹ֥ז יָ֝דְךָ֗ תָּר֥וּם יְמִינֶֽךָ׃
Psal HebModer 89:14  צדק ומשפט מכון כסאך חסד ואמת יקדמו פניך׃
Psal Kaz 89:14  Ертеңгісін бізді рақымыңа кенелте бер,Содан әндетіп шаттанайық күллі күндер.
Psal FreJND 89:14  À toi est le bras de puissance ; ta main est forte ; ta droite est haut élevée.
Psal GerGruen 89:14  Dir ist ein Arm voll Kraft zu eigen,und stark ist Deine Hand und Deine Rechte hoch erhoben.
Psal SloKJV 89:14  Pravičnost in sodba sta prebivališče tvojega prestola, usmiljenje in resnica bosta šla pred tvojim obličjem.
Psal Haitian 89:14  Ou pa manke fòs nan ponyèt ou! Ou p'ap bese tèt devan pesonn.
Psal FinBibli 89:14  Vanhurskaus ja tuomio on istuimes vahvistus: armo ja totuus ovat sinun kasvois edessä.
Psal Geez 89:14  ከመዝ ፡ አርኢ ፡ የማነከ ፤ ለምሁራን ፡ ልብ ፡ በጥበብ ።
Psal SpaRV 89:14  Justicia y juicio son el asiento de tu trono: misericordia y verdad van delante de tu rostro.
Psal WelBeibl 89:14  Tegwch a chyfiawnder ydy sylfaen dy orsedd. Cariad ffyddlon a gwirionedd sy'n dy nodweddu di.
Psal GerMenge 89:14  Du hast einen Arm voll Heldenkraft: stark ist deine Hand, deine Rechte hoch erhoben.
Psal GreVamva 89:14  Η δικαιοσύνη και η κρίσις είναι η βάσις του θρόνου σου· το έλεος και η αλήθεια θέλουσι προπορεύεσθαι έμπροσθεν του προσώπου σου.
Psal UkrOgien 89:14  Насити́ нас ура́нці Своїм милосердям, і ми бу́демо співати й радіти по всі наші дні!
Psal FreCramp 89:14  Ton bras est armé de puissance, ta main est forte, ta droite élevée.
Psal SrKDEkav 89:14  Благост је и правда подножје престолу Твом, милост и истина иде пред лицем Твојим.
Psal PolUGdan 89:14  Sprawiedliwość i sąd są podstawą twego tronu, miłosierdzie i prawda idą przed twoim obliczem.
Psal FreSegon 89:14  Ton bras est puissant, Ta main forte, ta droite élevée.
Psal SpaRV190 89:14  Justicia y juicio son el asiento de tu trono: misericordia y verdad van delante de tu rostro.
Psal HunRUF 89:14  Hatalmas a te karod, kezed erős, jobbod felséges.
Psal FreSynod 89:14  La justice et le droit sont la base de ton trône; La bonté et la vérité marchent devant ta face.
Psal DaOT1931 89:14  Du har en Arm med Vælde, din Haand er stærk, din højre løftet.
Psal TpiKJPB 89:14  Stretpela pasin na stretpela kot i stap long ples bilong sia king bilong Yu. Marimari na tok tru bai go na stap long pes bilong Yu.
Psal DaOT1871 89:14  Du har en Arm med Styrke, din Haand er stærk, din højre Haand er ophøjet.
Psal FreVulgG 89:14  Nous avons été comblés, dès le matin, de votre miséricorde ; nous avons tressailli d’allégresse et de bonheur tous les jours de notre vie (dans les délices).
Psal PolGdans 89:14  Ramię twoje mocne jest; można jest ręka twoja, a wywyższona jest prawica twoja.
Psal JapBungo 89:14  義と公平はなんぢの寳座のもとゐなり あはれみと眞實とは聖顔のまへにあらはれゆく
Psal GerElb18 89:14  Gerechtigkeit und Gericht sind deines Thrones Grundfeste; Güte und Wahrheit gehen vor deinem Angesicht her.