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Chapter 89
Psal Rotherha 89:1  The lovingkindnesses of Yahweh, age-abidingly will I sing, To generation after generation, will I make known thy faithfulness with my mouth.
Psal Rotherha 89:2  For I said, To times age-abiding, shall lovingkindness be built up, As for the heavens, thou wilt establish thy faithfulness therein.
Psal Rotherha 89:3  I have solemnised a covenant, for my chosen one, I have sworn unto David my servant:
Psal Rotherha 89:4  Unto times age-abiding, will I establish thy seed, And will build up, unto generation after generation, thy throne. [Selah.]
Psal Rotherha 89:5  So shall the heavens praise thy wondrousness, O Yahweh,—Yea, thy faithfulness, in the convocation of holy ones.
Psal Rotherha 89:6  For whom, in the skies, can one compare unto Yahweh? [Or] can one liken unto Yahweh, among the sons of the mighty?
Psal Rotherha 89:7  A GOD inspiring awe in the circle of the holy ones, exceedingly, And to be reverenced above all who are round about him.
Psal Rotherha 89:8  O Yahweh, God of hosts! Who, like thee, is mighty, O Yah! With thy faithfulness round about thee:
Psal Rotherha 89:9  Thou, rulest over the swelling of the sea, When the rolling waves thereof lift themselves, Thou, dost bid them be still:
Psal Rotherha 89:10  Thou, hast crushed—as one slain—Rahab, With thy strong arm, hast thou scattered thy foes.
Psal Rotherha 89:11  Thine, are the heavens, Yea, thine, the earth, The world and the fulness thereof, Thou, didst found them;
Psal Rotherha 89:12  The north and the south, Thou, didst create them,—Tabor and Hermon, with thy Name, shall shout for joy:
Psal Rotherha 89:13  Thine is an arm with might, Strong is thy hand, High is thy right hand;
Psal Rotherha 89:14  Righteousness and justice, are the establishing of thy throne, Lovingkindness and faithfulness, go before thy face.
Psal Rotherha 89:15  How happy are the people who know the joyful sound! O Yahweh! in the light of thy countenance, shall they firmly march along;
Psal Rotherha 89:16  In thy Name, shall they exult all the day, And, in thy righteousness, shall they be exalted.
Psal Rotherha 89:17  For, the beauty of their strength, thou art, And, in thine acceptance, shall our horns be exalted.
Psal Rotherha 89:18  For, to Yahweh, belongeth our Shield, And, to the Holy One of Israel, belongeth our King.
Psal Rotherha 89:19  Then spakest thou in vision of thy men of lovingkindness, and saidst—I have laid help upon a mighty one, I have exalted one chosen from among the people;
Psal Rotherha 89:20  I have found David my servant, With mine own holy oil, have I anointed him;
Psal Rotherha 89:21  With whom my hand shall be firm, Yea, mine arm, shall strengthen him;
Psal Rotherha 89:22  No foe shall make exactions on him, Nor shall, a son of perversity, humiliate him;
Psal Rotherha 89:23  And I will shatter, from before him, his adversaries, And, them who hate him, will I smite;
Psal Rotherha 89:24  And, my faithfulness and my lovingkindness, shall be with him, And, in my Name, exalted shall be his horn;
Psal Rotherha 89:25  And I will set, in the sea, his hand, And, in the rivers, his right hand;
Psal Rotherha 89:26  He, shall cry out unto me, My Father, thou art, My GOD, and my Rock of Salvation!
Psal Rotherha 89:27  Yea, I, will appoint him, firstborn, Most High to the kings of the earth!
Psal Rotherha 89:28  Age-abidingly, will I keep for him my lovingkindness, And, my covenant, hath been made steadfast for him;
Psal Rotherha 89:29  Therefore will I appoint, to futurity, his seed, And his throne as the days of the heavens.
Psal Rotherha 89:30  If his sons forsake my law, And, in my regulations, do not walk;
Psal Rotherha 89:31  If, my statutes, they profane, And, my commandments, do not keep:
Psal Rotherha 89:32  Then will I punish, with a rod, their transgression; And, with stripes, their iniquity:
Psal Rotherha 89:33  But, my lovingkindness, will I not frustrate from them, Neither will I falsify my faithfulness;
Psal Rotherha 89:34  I will not violate my covenant, And that which hath proceeded out of my lips, will I not alter:
Psal Rotherha 89:35  One thing, have I sworn by my holiness, Verily, to David, will I not lie;
Psal Rotherha 89:36  His seed, age-abidingly, shall remain, And, his throne, be like the sun before me;
Psal Rotherha 89:37  Like the moon, shall it be established unto times age-abiding, And, a witness, in the skies, hath been made sure. [Selah.]
Psal Rotherha 89:38  Yet, thou thyself, hast cast off, and rejected, Thou hast been wroth with thine Anointed One!
Psal Rotherha 89:39  Thou hast cast down the covenant of thy Servant, Thou hast profaned, to the earth, his crown;
Psal Rotherha 89:40  Thou hast broken down all his defenses, Thou hast laid his fortresses in ruins;
Psal Rotherha 89:41  All the passers by the way, have plundered him, He hath become a reproach to his neighbours;
Psal Rotherha 89:42  Thou hast raised the right hand of his adversaries, Thou hast gladdened all his enemies;
Psal Rotherha 89:43  Yea thou hast turned the edge of his sword, Neither hast thou caused him to stand in the battle;
Psal Rotherha 89:44  Thou hast brought to an end his splendour, And, his throne—to the ground, hast thou hurled;
Psal Rotherha 89:45  Thou hast shortened the days of his youths,—Thou hast covered him with shame. [Selah.]
Psal Rotherha 89:46  How long, O Yahweh, Wilt thou hide thyself utterly? Shall thine indignation, burn like fire?
Psal Rotherha 89:47  Remember how short-lived, I, am, Wherefore, in vain, hast thou created all the sons of Adam?
Psal Rotherha 89:48  Who is the man that shall live, and not see death? That can deliver his soul from the hand of hades. [Selah.]
Psal Rotherha 89:49  Where are thy former lovingkindnesses, O My Lord? Thou didst swear unto David, in thy faithfulness!
Psal Rotherha 89:50  Remember, O My Lord, the reproach of thy servants, I have carried in my bosom the insult of the peoples:
Psal Rotherha 89:51  In that thy foes have reproached, O Yahweh, In that they have reproached the footsteps of thine Anointed One!
Psal Rotherha 89:52  Blessed be Yahweh to times age-abiding, Amen, and Amen!