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ee47abe Even if you're not broadcasting your personal life to the universe through social media, choose your confidants wisely and with discretion. Your ability to keep your personal details close to your vest will encourage others to feel that you are trustworthy enough to be trusted with their personal details. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
4190eb3 Earning Trust & Cooperation The number one thing which stands between you and meeting a new person is tension. What is the number one thing which stands between a sales person and their prospect? You guessed it . . . tension. One of our first priorities as we initiate a first impression must be to focus on how to effectively minimize or eliminate tension. Regardless of your relationship or venue, when tension is high, trust and cooperation are low. When tension is reduced, trust and cooperation increase. It is an inverse relationship. So, how can you move to reduce tension in your first impressions to increase trust and cooperation? Put yourself in their shoes and seek to relate to them with an equal footing on a level playing field. Demonstrate how you can bring value to their lives. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
c1b4aae UN-Impressive Acts of Indiscretion * Forwarding other people's emails without getting permission. * Throwing other people under the bus to save yourself. * Talking loudly, being boorish and insensitive to the others around you. * Flagrant cheating. * Burning bridges. * Talking smack. * Dissing your competitor to your customer. * Oversharing and revealing too much personal information about yourself and others. * Breaking trust by sharing someone else's secrets. * Being passive-aggressive to manipulate a situation or person. * Saying one thing and doing another. * Being two-faced. * Lying by omission. * Dispensing bulls#@%! best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
ec6e6d3 The best safeguards you have are to live with dignity, love, and self-respect, and to make choices you can be proud of in the first place. Even as an adult, I still think to myself--what would my mother say? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
a1f3336 Discretion is the Larger Part of Valor Discretion represents both your personal self-respect and the respect you have for other people. A discreet person has the wisdom to differentiate between good and bad, right and wrong, and favorable and unfavorable. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
6e426c1 "To Disclose or Not Disclose I just saw a poster: "Dirty laundry goes here (laundry basket) not here (Facebook logo)." Online and in person, withholding personal information is a discreet way of regulating what people learn, think, and know about you. There are times when keeping it real and keeping it honest will reveal your authenticity and trustworthiness, but there are other times, however, when things are better left unsaid or locked away. Hence the term TMI, meaning "Too Much Information!" Discretion is part of "keeping it real" in professional (and self) respect." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d82d15e Be a Discovery Expert. Be inquisitive. A wonderful way to get to know someone is simply by asking questions. The more you ask, the more you can learn . . . about people, work, life. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
1a2cd1e Use Fun & Humor. Humor lightens spirits, comforts through a challenge, brings people together, engages, and entertains. Bring delight and joy to others and you will leave them wanting more. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
98ac137 So, what if you are not naturally funny? Don't get discouraged. Do your research, gather ideas, and find your fun. Seek ways to laugh. Not only will doing this provide you with new material for making a great first impression, but laughter will bring you personal delight and satisfaction. Putting a smile on someone's face is one of the best gifts you can deliver. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b61a243 Discretion & Good Judgment . . . The flagrant lack of decorum, reckless behavior, and poor judgment exhibited in our world today continues to astound. Even those who never dreamed they'd be caught in their most embarrassing moments risk public exposure from the ever-present smart phones and non-stop social media. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
e575e31 You are the only one who can determine what feels right to you. Before baring your soul to the world and telling it all, consider a few scenarios which deserve your discretion. * Does your date really need to hear what a jerk your ex was and why your marriage ended? * Will disclosing details of your childhood betray the people who love you the most? * Will disclosing your health history create unfair bias? * Will revealing the dysfunctions of your last team help you get that new job or improve the new team? * Will telling someone how you screwed up alienate their affection or friendship? * Will exerting your opinion alienate others and make them avoid you? * Will talking smack about your competitor build consumer confidence? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
6d8dd09 I, however, typically trust people until they prove me wrong. As an energy-sensitive person with a highly intuitive nature, I pick up on clues as to whom I can trust or should be wary of. I will take my chances and continue living with my heart wide-open. Having faith in humanity and expecting the best from others improves my happiness and well-being. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
1a76f11 What are those behaviors that make us take pause to think twice about a person's trustworthiness? Guarded body language, lack of eye contact, nervous fidgeting, interrupting, speaking ill of others, lying, arrogance, and gossip to name a few. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
3c59551 Trust and rapport are listed in that order because without first building trust, healthy rapport is not possible. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
9614ea0 "Years ago, my mentor, Mary Seals and I shared a mutual acquaintance who was successful in sales, but had a questionable reputation. I told her, "I really like him, but I can't trust him as far as I can throw him." Mary bluntly replied, "Susan, if I can't trust someone, I don't like or respect them. Her comment caused me to reconsider always giving people the benefit of a doubt and to instead be wary when someone demonstrates a lack of integrity." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
c6f012a "Animation. Enthusiasm. Sincerity. Excitement. Acceptance. Have I just described your family dog? You're happy to see him because he is so happy to see you. It is no wonder dogs are called "Man's Best Friend" with attributes like that. Their natural propensity for joy makes them among the most personable and friendly creatures on the planet. Human beings could learn a thing or two from their eager and earnest approach to life." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
6d420ec People who exude these qualities are treasures indeed--not only to the friends they make and strangers they meet, but to the companies who employ them. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
6480b92 Strengthen your first impressions by making the intentional effort to first earn people's trust, and rapport will naturally follow. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
2c2b1f2 "Can I Trust You? Years ago, I heard Lou Holtz speak at a national conference. His rock-solid reputation preceded him--he is the only coach in the history of college football to take six different football teams to a bowl game. He is not only well-respected for his ability to elevate football programs, but to elevate individuals as well. During his humorous and entertaining keynote, he taught a few small lessons which carried big meanings. He shared that every person you meet is privately asking themselves three questions: 1. Do you care about me? 2. Do I like you? 3. Can I trust you? When you make an authentic, sincere, and dignified effort to create a positive first impression, you increase your chances of receiving a "Yes!" to those questions. Unfortunately, if someone you meet answers "No!" you've got an uphill battle to earn their business or develop a friendship." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
fa0f7ff "The South is known for its "Southern Hospitality," and I feel fortunate to have grown up in such a friendly and caring culture. Our remarkable mother has always exemplified these qualities and has been a consistent role model for making other people feel valued and important. She will approach new people in most any situation to gift them with a smile and a moment of her time. Regardless of their role, position, or stature, she confidently engages others with animation, enthusiasm, and interest. Her gentility makes people feel emotionally safe and cared for. This degree of friendliness melts resistance, lowers barriers, and opens hearts by valuing humanity. Almost always, her personal connections develop with feelings of mutual respect, appreciation, and friendship." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
a630e83 Sometimes we break people's trust accidentally. An infraction such as not returning a phone call, missing a deadline, being late for an appointment, divulging a confidence, or speaking out of turn can damage our perceived character and reputation. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
f6b3896 The bottom line is that, as human beings, we all crave belonging and connection. This only happens when trust is established and continuously cultivated. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
d092e2f When a leader nurtures an environment of trust, respect, and honesty--business soars, creativity and problem-solving are inspired, and collaboration enables people get more done in less time. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
445e561 "Top sales professionals will confirm that nurturing their "sphere of influence" is essential to their success. When trust and rapport are well cultivated, it can yield tremendous bottom-line results." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
3c10417 Trust and rapport are the connective tissue for gaining and maintaining healthy relationships. They provide people with the comfort and reassurance that they are doing business with an organization who cares. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
79e8e21 Wise leaders know that being personable ad friendly is the highly-prized personality for employees who are meeting, greeting, and engaging on the front lines with customers. They are the real ambassadors of good will who make positive first impressions for the organization. Their affinity for being personable and friendly can boost the attractor factor for winning business, loyalty, and rave reviews. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
24f77c6 As soon as someone believes you cannot be trusted, you are stopped dead in your tracks. Whether this perceived loss of trustworthiness is true or false, the perception alone can be damaging. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
51d7606 I've Got to Trust You to Like You People want to do business with people whom they like and trust. If anything in a business presentation raises concerns or doubt about your trustworthiness, everything shuts down. And then there's little hope of moving forward in a positive way--you're done. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
b6b539b "Going with Your Gut Your natural instincts are a great barometer for a person's trustworthiness. Listen to your gut when something feels amiss. When your natural "Spidey-Sense" kicks in, it may alerting you to red flags you would not see on the surface otherwise." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
e1b67dc When trust is broken, foundational cracks occur which weaken the entire relationship. As with concrete, no amount of filling and patching you apply with the hope of fortifying the fracture will ever repair the weakness caused by the rift. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
d6aca42 Take steps to be humble, sincere, and authentic, and apologize if necessary. If a relationship is valuable to you, it is worth your concern and effort to make it right. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
8d427e9 As you rock rapport, you will open doors, earn loyalty, establish long-term relationships, and promote mutually respectful interaction. How can you break the ice and move toward creating a positive connection? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
f5101e8 For leaders, trust can make all the difference in the viability of their teams. When there is mistrust or low connectivity, teams can falter and fight--making productivity and profitability suffer. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
0a85183 When we trust someone or something, we place our faith and confidence in their word, reliability, and deeds. Without trust and rapport, a relationship can be cut short before it ever gets started. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
9bb543a People consider trust differently. Some approach a new relationship with a degree of skepticism and want the other person to earn their trust before it is freely given. Their reluctance is often influenced by a previous experience when they were hurt, betrayed, or let down by others. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
70042c0 11 Tips for Building Rapport 1. Adapt to the other person's energy level. 2. Assume rapport. 3. Be open and friendly. 4. Exude warmth and approachability. 5. Find common ground or mutual agreement. 6. Keep your commitments and always follow through. 7. Make eye contact. 8. Soften your voice, your smile, and your eye contact to convey openness and interest. 9. Match and mirror a person's gestures and body language. 10. Pay attention. 11. Validate the other person by asking questions and showing sincere interest in their answers. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
eaaba0b These special people are genuinely warm, sincerely kind, and put people at ease with their inviting nature and light-hearted conversation. They are easy to talk to, easy to like, and bring a positive vibe to even the most stressful situations. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young trust Susan C. Young
25a0ec5 Find Your Funny Bone . . . Life provides plenty of material for things for you to laugh at. Seek irony, coincidence, and the abundance of simple humor in life's little absurdities. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
9dafc90 Watch, Listen, & Learn . . . Broaden your sense of humor by watching funny movies and shows, reading funny books, visiting live comedy shows, or enjoying YouTube clips. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
afe0938 Let Sleeping Dogs Lie When I hear someone expressing an adamant opinion which is diametrically opposed to my own, I have a strong temptation to try to convince them otherwise. But what value is there in attempting to prove another person wrong? How would that solve anything? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
baf5c45 Use Discretion & Good Judgment. Don't share your most embarrassing moments with public exposure. Doing what is right is not always easy and can require uncommon courage. Be brave my friends, living right is its own reward. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8ec785b Make Others Feel Important. We all have an innate desire to feel important, be special, and feel appreciated. In your words and behavior help others feel important. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
bb7087f The dictionary defines discretion as the quality of showing discernment, the ability to make responsible decisions, and behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense to others or revealing private information. Doing what is right is not always easy and can require uncommon courage. Be brave my friends, living right is its own reward. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
f4f2da4 The variety of political positions shared on Facebook in the 2016 Presidential Election was both entertaining and, sadly, destructive. I observed friends of a lifetime divide into different camps and sacrifice their friendships through argument and debate. As an avid reader and political junkie, I had to hold myself back from expressing my opinions or presenting factual evidence which would obliterate others' claims. Why would I jump into the fray? All it would do is hurt the friendship. Rarely does arguing political positions change an opinion or belief. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
ffdce78 Be Personable & Friendly. People who are genuinely warm and sincerely kind are easy to talk to, easy to like and bring a positive vibe to new encounters and social situations. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
515c01c Choose the Happy Side of Life. Seek ways to bring humor, laughter, and joy to work. It will not only make work more fun, but it can positively impact your bottom line. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
774ba61 "Usually this kind of self-serving "honesty" will sabotage your success. If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Realize that sometimes your own words can, and probably will, come back to be used against you." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
3392cd4 Have you met people who are so set on exerting their position that they are oblivious to the feelings of others? That their being right is more important than being kind? We all must consider which stance is the most beneficial. Might I suggest . . . kindness? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
7ff9ee8 Why do some people feel the need to throw a person's errors or weaknesses in their face or criticize their shortcomings? What benefit can they possibly receive from proving someone wrong to prove they are right? This level of insensitivity and self-centeredness leaves collateral damage in its wake and destroys positive impressions. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
7b368d3 "The Truth Can Hurt . . . "Honesty is one of your most valuable virtues, however, when used without discretion, it can reap unfavorable repercussions." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8d0c86c Expand Your Repertoire . . . Professional humorists and comedians, like Jeanie Robertson, maintain joke files filled with assorted topics, anecdotes, and titles. When something outrageously funny happens, she makes a note of it, puts it away, and saves it for the day she can integrate it into her hilarious presentations. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
c474c6f Humor can heal the heart, instill hope, bring people together, and remind them that life isn't meant to be so doggone serious. Why not use it for good? There is no denying that humor's uplifting, energizing, and positive impact can transform lives for the better. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
951d30f The irony is that their enthusiasm for personal revelation can backfire badly and have the opposite effect. People become their own worst enemies and don't need anyone else's help in making themselves the brunt of gossip, judgment, and ridicule. A person who overshares demonstrates a lack of dignity, maturity, and discrimination, and it may also be a strong indicator of self-absorbed narcissism and exhibitionism. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
7d5b7cc Clown Around . . . Nancy Weil of The Laugh Academy gives people she meets red clown noses and shows them how to use them. Promoting laughter as a cure for stress and negativity, she makes a positive and memorable impact and gives others permission to play. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
51e3f6a Know your audience! With the high level of cultural sensitivity these days, it is often better to err on the side of caution. If you don't want your humor to come back and bite you, don't hurt one person to entertain another. We can have humor without making fun of other people. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d78f5bc "I have noticed generational humor exists as well. Since our frames of reference and cultural influences vary, there is a lot of room for misinterpretation and the potential to not "get it." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
abfe57f Don't try to make a joke just to make a joke. Sometimes, as human beings, we so want to fit in and connect that we try TOO hard to be something we are not. It's okay if you're not the life of the party. It's fine if you're not a stand-up comedian. Just be you. Real life provides real humor when we're paying attention to it. Share what makes you laugh. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
8301d36 Think of fun ways you can connect with your business or social circles. When you're with your tribe--or like-minded people--they'll laugh and learn right alongside you. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
e6bde10 There will be times when you would be wise to err on the side of caution. And rather than making a magnificent misstep, zip your lip and bite your tongue for personal and professional self-preservation. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
ab2914b Oversharing Why do some people feel the need to share their deepest, darkest secrets with complete strangers or on social media? How could saying too much, too soon possibly help their case or earn the respect of others? Perhaps their insatiable need to share every sordid detail of their existence satisfies a yearning to get attention, gain sympathy, or make friends. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b89b0a0 People love to be happy, enjoy a hearty laugh, and simply have fun. When you're happy, everything feels right in the world and life is good. Knowing that this is a universal yearning, what can you do to feed the need and bring out the best in others? best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b6742ab "Having a sense of humor can be one of your greatest assets and equip you with an undeniable "attractor factor." The benefits extend far past a quick wit and spontaneous laughter. It can help you lower stress levels in yourself and others, diffuse difficult situations, interact more easily, and provide health benefits for improved well-being." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
1bc7ef6 Humor lightens our spirits, comforts us through the challenge, brings people together, and helps us to remember the positive sides of life. When your presence and personality bring this welcomed delight and joy to others, you are a pleasure to know and you leave them wanting more. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
c3b92af "When I was a young and aspiring speaker, I sought mentorship from a man who had been a Dale Carnegie trainer for decades. Eagerly wanting to know how to improve my stage presence and build my career, I contacted Dr. Joe Carnley in Destin, Florida and invited him out to lunch. After we placed our order at the Harbor Docks Restaurant, he dove right in and gave me some of the best advice of my life. He said, "Susan, you have to make them laugh! When they leave your presentations, you want them to feel better and leave happier than when they came in. Help them enjoy your time together." He continued to describe the magical power that humor has over the human spirit. When we craft humor into our speeches, we can take our audiences on a journey they will never forget. Immediately after our delightful lunch ended, I drove straight to a Books-a-Million store and headed for the humor section. Since I was not a particularly funny person, I needed all the help I could get. For over an hour I stood there reading titles, flipping through funny books, and enjoying outrageous belly laughs, giggles, and snorts. People were staring, and probably thinking, "I want what she is having!" The humor section was one of the smallest in the entire bookstore, but it may well have been the most important. When I turned around, I noticed the opposite aisle was the "Self-Improvement" section. It ran half the length of the store and displayed hundreds of books. At that cathartic moment, I had a huge "Ah-Ha" moment." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
d8d4abc If people would read more of these humor books, they wouldn't need all those self-improvement books! best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
11d7d4c "Follow your heart, but take your brain with you!" After buying an armload of funny books filled with clean jokes, one-liners, and speech openers, I discovered how truly "spot-on" Joe had been. Inserting humorous zingers throughout my programs has worked like a charm and improved my presentation skills." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
b52c27c Zip Your Lip & Bite Your Tongue The discreet communicator knows when it's time to speak and when it's time to listen. He conscientiously refrains from opening a topic of discussion if it is bad timing or inappropriate. He will stop, look, learn, and listen for cues to ensure he doesn't get caught with his foot in his mouth. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
262cdf4 Indiscretion and poor judgment not only can destroy a positive first impression, they also can have lasting negative consequences for which there is no return. Even years into the future, moments of indiscretion in the past can come back to bite you when you least expect it. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
e5c4d08 Life wasn't meant to be so serious. Enjoy life, be fun, spend time with people who make you happy, widen that smile, and laugh out loud. Learn to laugh at yourself. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
faef85a How's your humor? What can you do to have more humorous lines to use in the right place at the right time? I highly recommend it! Laughter is the best medicine indeed. Not only will you enjoy the experience yourself, but the people around you will enjoy the entertainment. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
4469da7 "When Humor Falls Flat "Humor is not a "one-size fits all" guarantee. What is hilarious to one person may be offensive to another. By being emotionally intelligent and self-aware, you can discern how, when, why, or where to be funny . . . or not. You might be walking on thin ice and risk making a damaging first impression if you use humor that is: * At the expense of others. * Thoughtless sarcasm. * Belittling or condescending. * Hitting below the belt. * Creepy or profane. * Raunchy humor with sexual innuendo. * Politically incorrect. * Mean-spirited." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes emotional-intelligence first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
1ef0837 "My friend Scott Friedman ( is a motivational humorist who specializes in employee engagement, celebration, and customer service. He teaches organizations that when their organizations are happy, they enjoy increased productivity, higher performance, better engagement, and elevated levels of health and well-being among their people. In his book, Happily Ever Laughter, Scott shares, "Personal stories are excellent (and entertaining) catalysts both for communicating big ideas and for presenting your most original humor. Better yet, stories let you provide more substance in less time. Jokes, on the other hand, have less reach substance-wise. Why? Because a joke is meant to entertain. A story, on the other hand, has inherent meaning. Stories allow the audience to get to know you, your imperfections, your flaws, and your foolishness. You can be vulnerable right there with audience watching. You can entertain, enlighten and teach all in the same effort." best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes first-impressions-quotes fun-and-humor quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young
0ed4a35 Commonality & Camaraderie. By identifying, developing, and connecting powerful points of reference to others, you will have a rich resource of information from which to engage in stimulating conversations and connect on amazing levels. best-motivational-speakers build-rapport communication-skills customer-service-quotes discretion first-impressions-quotes quotes-by-susan-c-young relationship-quotes speaker-susan-young Susan C. Young