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e996dc3 Me and my books, in the same apartment: like a gherkin in its vinegar. book-quotes flaubert-s-parrot julian-barnes reading Julian Barnes
d11c7d9 Though sometimes, first love cauterises the heart, and all any searcher will find thereafter is scar tissue. first-love heart heartbreak julian-barnes metaphor the-only-story trauma Julian Barnes
1bf1e80 You're still in it. You'll always be in it. No, not literally. But in your heart. Nothing ever ends, not if it's gone that deep. You'll always be walking wounded. That's the only choice, after a while. Walking wounded, or dead. Don't you agree? irrevocable julian-barnes relationships the-only-story walking-wounded Julian Barnes
9bc4792 Everyone has their love story. Everyone. It may have been a fiasco, it may have fizzled out, it may never even have got going, it may have been all in the mind, that doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes, it makes it more real. Sometimes, you see a couple, and they seem bored witless with one another, and you can't imagine them having anything in common, or why they're still living together. But it's not just habit or complacency or convention or anything like that. It's because once, they had their love story. Everyone does. It's the only story. julian-barnes love love-story meaningful relationships the-only-story true-love unrequited-love validation Julian Barnes
a023226 I think there's a different authenticity to memory, and not an inferior one. Memory sorts and sifts according to the demands made on it by the rememberer. julian-barnes memory the-only-story Julian Barnes
e806c93 Because once you had been through certain things, their presence inside you never really disappeared. irrevocable julian-barnes ptsd the-only-story Julian Barnes
1f6bdbc He sometimes asked himself a question about life. Which are truer, the happy memories, or the unhappy ones? He decided, eventually, that the question was unanswerable. julian-barnes life memories memory the-only-story truth unanswerable unhappy-memories Julian Barnes
84fa21d "We're leaving," I told her one July afternoon. "We? You and I? Where are we going, young Master Paul? Do you have your belongings tied up in a red-spotted handkerchief on a stick?" -- dialogue humor julian-barnes teasing the-only-story Julian Barnes
9c3d01a You see--I hope you never get there yourself--but some of us get to the point in life where we realise that nothing matters. Nothing fucking matters. julian-barnes nihilism nothing-matters the-only-story world-weary Julian Barnes
565b66b But if nostalgia means the powerful recollection of strong emotions--and a regret that such feelings are no longer present in our lives--then I plead guilty . . . And if we're talking about strong feelings that will never come again, I suppose it's possible to be nostalgic about remembered pain as well as remembered pleasure. And that opens up the field, doesn't it? julian-barnes memory nostalgia pain pleasure the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
369b352 If Tony hadn't been fearful, hadn't counted on the approval of others for his own self-approval . . . and so on, through a succession of hypotheticals leading to the final one: so, for instance, if Tony hadn't been Tony. in-another-life julian-barnes regret sad the-sense-of-an-ending what-if Julian Barnes
b7dc5e9 Once bitten, twice shy; twice bitten, forever shy. hurt julian-barnes once-bitten-twice-shy the-only-story wounded Julian Barnes
f6e6a18 My younger self had come back to shock my older self with what that self had been, or was, or was sometimes capable of being. And only recently I'd been going on about how the witnesses to our lives decrease, and with them our essential corroboration. Now I had some all too unwelcome corroboration of what I was, or had been. former-self identity julian-barnes self the-past the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
2dceade And one other thing: don't ask me about the weather. I don't much remember what the weather has been like during my life. True, I can remember how hot sun gave greater impetus to sex; how sudden snow delighted, and how cold, damp days set off those early symptoms that eventually led to a double hip replacement. But nothing significant in my life ever happened during, let alone because of, weather. So if you don't mind, meteorology will play no part in my story. Though you are free to deduce, when I am found playing grass-court tennis, that it was neither raining nor snowing at the time. julian-barnes the-only-story weather Julian Barnes
5f9d283 My parents' marriage, to my unforgiving nineteen-year-old eye, was a car crash of cliche. Though I would have to admit, as the one making the judgement, that a 'car crash of of cliche' is itself a cliche. humor julian-barnes language the-only-story Julian Barnes
f622e5d And perhaps I I didn't even understand the young when I was young. That could be true too. julian-barnes out-of-the-loop outsider the-only-story young youth Julian Barnes
faa1df6 Nowadays, at the other end of life, I have a rule of thumb about whether or not two people are having an affair: if you think they might be, then they definitely are. affairs julian-barnes the-only-story Julian Barnes
1726bbc So. I see where you're going--bus number 27 to a crossroads near Delphi. Look, I did not want, at any point, on any level, to kill my own father and sleep with my own mother. It's true that I wanted to sleep with Susan--and did so many times--and for a number of years thought of killing Gordon Macleod, but that is another part of the story. Not to put too fine a point on it, I think the Oedipus myth is precisely what it started off as: melodrama rather than psychology. In all my years of life I've never met anyone to whom it might apply. You think I'm being naive? You wish to point out that human motivation is deviously buried, and hides its mysterious workings from those who blindly submit to it? Perhaps so. But even--especially--Oedipus didn't to kill his father and sleep with his mother, did he? Oh yes he did! Oh no he didn't! Yes, let's just leave it as a pantomime exchange. clever humor julian-barnes oedipal oedipus psychology the-only-story Julian Barnes
38ef61a Later--well, what came later, came later. julian-barnes later the-only-story Julian Barnes
930002a "Sit yourself down," Joan instructed as we reached the the fag-fogged, gin-scented den that was nominally her sitting room." -- humor julian-barnes the-only-story Julian Barnes
ba31f07 And first love always happens in the overwhelming first person. How can it not? Also, in the overwhelming present tense. It takes us time to realise that there are other persons, and other tenses. first-person julian-barnes language present-tense the-only-story Julian Barnes
128906b Whereas it seemed to me, back then, in the absolutism of my condition, that love had nothing to do with practicality; indeed, was its polar opposite. And the fact that it showed contempt for such banal considerations was part of its glory. Love was by its very nature disruptive, cataclysmic; and if it was not, then it was not love. julian-barnes love practicality the-only-story Julian Barnes
ce59c1f It is only a metaphor--or the worst of dreams; yet there are metaphors which sit more powerfully in the brain than remembered events. julian-barnes memory metaphor reality the-only-story Julian Barnes
89a7db8 He felt life more clearly too--even, perhaps especially, when he came to decide that it wasn't worth the candle. feelings julian-barnes life sensitive suicidal suicide the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
a1572e4 When you're young--when I was young--you want your emotions to be like the ones you read about in books. You want them to overturn your life, create and define a new reality. emotions julian-barnes life literature passionate reality the-sense-of-an-ending young youth Julian Barnes
9c107d3 I thought--at some level of my being, I actually thought--that I could go back to the beginning and change things. That I could make the blood flow backwards. I had the vanity to imagine--even if I didn't put it more strongly than this--that I could make Veronica like me again, and that it was important to do so. irrevocable julian-barnes the-past the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
c6886c5 No, I was an odder old fool, grafting pathetic hopes of affection onto the least likely recipient in the world. julian-barnes the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
c62df99 That next week was one of the loneliest of my life. There seemed nothing left to look forward to. julian-barnes lonely the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
8926cac Still, as I tend to repeat, I have some instinct for survival, for self-preservation. And believing you have such an instinct is almost as good as actually having it, because it means you act in the same way. belief julian-barnes self-preservation survival survival-instinct the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
9aa7eb7 I replayed the words that would forever haunt me. As would Adrian's unfinished sentence: 'So, for instance, if Tony . . .' I knew I couldn't change, or mend, anything now. irrevocable julian-barnes sad the-sense-of-an-ending unfinished unfixable Julian Barnes
1a1ce50 Back in 'my day'--though I didn't claim ownership of it at the time, still less do I now . . . julian-barnes the-past the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes
103d7ad You might even ask me to apply my 'theory' to myself and explain what damage I had suffered a long way back and what its consequences might be: for instance, how it might affect my reliability and truthfulness. I'm not sure I could answer this, to be honest. julian-barnes meta reliability the-sense-of-an-ending truth truthfulness unreliable-narrator Julian Barnes
1fa9a3d But the very action of naming something that subsequently happens--of wishing specific evil, and that evil coming to pass--this still has a shiver of the otherworldly about it. evil julian-barnes otherworldly prophetic the-sense-of-an-ending uncanny Julian Barnes
3d8ef7e Perhaps a sense of death is like a sense of humour. We all think the one we've got - or haven't got - is just about right, and appropriate to the proper understanding of life. It's everyone else who's out of step. humour julian-barnes Julian Barnes
901d20b But that was the nature of relationships: there always seemed to be an imbalance of one sort or another. julian-barnes power-dynamics relationship-dynamics relationships the-only-story Julian Barnes
cb18497 And even when he guessed that the love stories of the misled and the forsaken had become a little less authentic with each retelling . . . even if this was the case, he was still moved. Indeed, he was more moved by the lives of the bereft and the unchosen than he was by stories of success in love. forsaken julian-barnes love love-stories the-only-story unlucky-in-love unrequited-love Julian Barnes
1dc8c7d He knew what they said of him locally: Oh, he likes to keep himself to himself. The phrase was descriptive, not judgemental. It was a principle of life the English still respected. And it wasn't just about privacy, about an Englishman's home--even a pebbledash semi--being his castle. It was about something more: about the self, and where you kept it, and who, if anyone, was allowed to fully see it. englishman inner-life julian-barnes privacy the-only-story the-self Julian Barnes
00711e9 The long answer was too time-consuming to give. The short answer was too painful. It went like this. It was a question of what heartbreak is, and how exactly the heart breaks, and what is left of it afterwards. heart heartbreak julian-barnes painful the-only-story Julian Barnes
927621b From love's absolutism to love's absolution? No: I don't believe in the cosy narratives of life some find necessary, just as I choke on comforting words like redemption and closure. Death is the only closure I believe in; and the wound will stay open until that final shutting of the doors. As for redemption, it's far too neat, a movie-maker's bromide; and beyond that, it feels like something grand, which human beings are too imperfect to deserve, much less bestow upon themselves. closure death julian-barnes love platitudes realism redemption sad the-only-story Julian Barnes
d791f21 Still, I'm not curious enough to find out. At this stage I prefer not to know. julian-barnes the-sense-of-an-ending Julian Barnes