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89c87e4 As minhas primeiras emocoes tinham sido a melancolia mais pura e a compaixao mais sincera, mas na mesma proporcao em que o desamparo de Bartleby crescia na minha fantasia, aquela melancolia se transformava em medo, e a compaixao, em repulsa. E tao verdadeiro e ao mesmo tempo tao terrivel o fato de que, ao vermos ou presenciarmos a miseria, os nossos melhores sentimentos sao despertados ate um cer to ponto; mas, em certos casos especiais, nao passam disso. Erram os que afirmam que e devido apenas ao egoismo inerente ao coracao humano. Na verdade, provem de uma certa impotencia em remediar um mal excessivo e organico. Para uma pessoa sensivel, a piedade e quase sempre uma dor. Quando afinal percebe que tal piedade nao significa um socorro eficaz, o bom senso compele a alma a desvencilhar-se dela. O que vi naquela manha convenceu-me de que o escrivao era vitima de um mal inato e incuravel. Eu podia dar esmolas ao seu corpo, mas o seu corpo nao lhe doia; era a sua alma que sofria, e ela estava fora do meu alcance. solitude niilismo Herman Melville
b51cba9 Though solitude, endured too long, Bids youthful joys too soon decay, Makes mirth a stranger to my tongue, And overclouds my noon of day; When kindly thoughts that would have way, Flow back discouraged to my breast; I know there is, though far away, A home where heart and soul may rest. Warm hands are there, that, clasped in mine, The warmer heart will not belie; While mirth, and truth, and friendship shine In smiling lip and earnest eye. The ice that gathers round my heart May there be thawed; and sweetly, then, The joys of youth, that now depart, Will come to cheer my soul again. solitude poetry Anne Brontë
bfefdb7 It's the solitude that slays you. Maybe because you'd expected ruin to arrive in a grander and more romantic form. solitude Michael Cunningham
492a5ab Live by yourself and you bound to talk yourself and when ye commence that folks start it up that you're light in the head. But I reckon it's all right to talk to a dog since most folks do even if a dog don't understand and cain't answer if he did. dogs solitude hermits talking-to-yourself crazy pets Cormac McCarthy
79dd8ff But he was absolutely alone. No one ever wrote to him. Visited him. Totally alone. And I believe the happiest man I have ever met. solitude loneliness John Fowles
c26ccc4 "But, wherever a man goes, men will pursue and paw him with their dirty institutions, and, if they can, constrain him to belong to their desperate odd-fellow society. It is true, I might have resisted forcibly with more or less effect, might have run "amok" against society; but I preferred that society should run "amok" against me, it being the desperate party." solitude society Henry David Thoreau
2a8131b For a long time that had seemed to her to be the key to life: Life--real life--was just a solitude waiting to be transfigured. If Phillip was with her, the solitude she needed would be shattered, and along with it whatever wondrous thing might have come her way if she had been alone. solitude transfiguration Kevin Brockmeier
e606145 The doctors are all agreed that I am suffering from want of society. Was never a case like it. First, I did not know that I was suffering at all. Secondly, as an Irishman might say, I had thought it was indigestion of the society I got. solitude Henry David Thoreau
fe46651 Es que hasta la alegria que produce la presencia del hombre a quien se ama se siente mejor a solas. Si la presencia fuera de el continua, solo estaria presente en su constante transcurrir. Detenerla solo es posible en los ratos de soledad solitude love soledad Milan Kundera
221e6b2 I had made the very common mistake of thinking that marriage was a mode of absolute commonality and a breaking down of all boundaries, instead of understanding it simply as a pact between two people willing to be the guardians of each other's solitude. solitude Valeria Luiselli
a41bf52 The black land slid by and he was going into the country among the hills. For the first time in a dozen years the stars were coming out above him, in great processions of wheeling fire. He saw a great juggernaut of stars form in the sky and threaten to roll over and crush him... the river was mild and leisurely, going away from the people who ate shadows for breakfast and steam for lunch and vapors for supper. The river was very real; it held him comfortably and gave him the time at last, the leisure, to consider this month, this year, and a lifetime of years. He listened to his heart slow. His thoughts stopped rushing with his blood. solitude stars river real peace Ray Bradbury
17684d7 I have often wished in vain,' said she, 'for another's judgment to appeal to when I could scarcely trust the direction of my own eye and head, they having been so long occupied with the contemplation of a single object as to become almost incapable of forming a proper idea respecting it.' 'That,' replied I, 'is only one of many evils to which a solitary life exposes us. solitude vain-hopes judgment Anne Brontë
3ab2a71 Still, Luce held firm to the belief that quiet and solitude were good for you, offering peace, or at least hope for peace. solitude woods quiet Charles Frazier
a4510d7 solitude is a sad thing, with no heart to which to confide your griefs. solitude sadness loveless Jules Verne
2899cdc One of the reasons that hiddenness is such an important aspect of the spiritual life is that it keeps us focused on God. In hiddenness we do not receive human acclamation, admiration, support, or encouragement. In hiddenness we have to go to God with our sorrows and joys and trust that God will give us what we most need. In our society we are inclined to avoid hiddenness. We want to be seen and acknowledged. We want to be useful to others and influence the course of events. But as we become visible and popular, we quickly grow dependent on people and their responses and easily lose touch with God, the true source of our being. Hiddenness is the place of purification. In hiddenness we find our true selves. solitude god Henri J.M. Nouwen
2b86fd4 It was my journey and i had to do it without help. I had to find my own strengths, face my own fears. solitude fear Lois Lowry
2b4cf17 Aloneness exaggerates our emotions and sensitivity. solitude thought-life reflection Beth Moore
b582588 One of the rocks in my soulbag, a little grey rock that I had picked up on a certain day in a certain place in the hills above the river in the Silver Time, a little piece of my world, that became my world. |Every night I took it out and held it in my hand while I lay in bed waiting to sleep, thinking of the sunlight on the hills above the river, listening to the soft shushing of the ship's systems, like a mechanical sea solitude Ursula K. Le Guin
ffc7eb0 With solitude, however, fervently it is desired and embraced, comes loneliness. T. H White, the author, offered advice to those in sadness -- learn something new. solitude loneliness Carolyn G. Heilbrun
2333552 After long years of solitary meditation, Jenny had come to accept that, for her, magic was a depth and a stillness rather than the moving brilliance that it was for the great. solitude stillness meditation Barbara Hambly
f2a5445 The letters released something, maybe a sense that he was not alone, that the world was a place where travelers in language could know the same things. solitude writing Don DeLillo
19f8a1c "The beauty of being human is the capacity and desire for intimacy. Yet we know that even those who are most intimate remain strange to us. Like children, we often "make strange" with each other." solitude relationship friendship love divine-love belonging communion intimacy longing John O'Donohue
caeec46 I've seen women-and men too, sometimes-as canna bear the sound of their own thoughts, and they maybe dinna make such good matches with those who can. solitude loneliness marriage Diana Gabaldon
5c3f82e Solitude is a terrible thing, for it permits the imagination to picture, in detail, that which perhaps should never be articulated. solitude Patrick McGrath
9a97286 Eu sonho com sangue, com uma solidao tao vazia que nem o eco sobreviveria nela e acordo a gritar, ensopado no meu proprio suor, e mesmo depois de acordar a sensacao solidao mantem-se durante algum tempo. solitude Christopher Moore
509d763 Samoca nije ziveti sam, samoca je kad nismo sposobni da pravimo drustvo nekome ili necemu sto se nalazi duboko u nama, samoca nije usamljeno drvo nasred puste ravnice, to je rastojanje izmedu skrivenih sokova i kore, izmedu lista i korena. Vi bulaznite, sve to sto pominjete medusobno je povezano, nema tu nikakve samoce, U redu, pustimo sad drvo, nego se zagledajte u sebe, i naci cete samocu, Kao sto rece onaj drugi, hodati usamljen kroz gomilu, Jos gore od toga, biti usamljen tamo gde ni nas samih nema, Danas ste uzasno raspolozeni, Imam i ja svoje lose trenutke, Nisam ja govorio o toj samoci, nego o drugoj, onoj koja nas prati, podnosljivoj, onoj koja nam pravi drustvo, Cak i nju ne mozemo uvek da podnesemo, vapimo za necijim prisustvom, nekim glasom, a ponekad taj isti glas i to isto prisustvo sluze jedino zato da ucine samocu jos nepodnosljivijom. solitude José Saramago
6dcb0e7 She was such a solitary woman. A solitary woman who longed for one person to know her. I think I do know her now, but it is too late. understanding solitude loneliness relationships Jeanette Winterson
a213476 Siempre, a pesar de todo, habia deseado encontrar a un semejante: hombre, mujer, nino, no importaba. Sin la incesante influencia de las masas, el sexo perdia rapidamente importancia. En cambio, la soledad seguia en primera linea. solitude loneliness sex love human-extinction Richard Matheson
85106a9 I observe out of the corner of my eye that the man with the notebook is walking towards me and obviously intends to introduce himself. Why do human beings have to , I find myself wondering. Is it really necessary for us to make these noises? solitude talking introversion Graham Hancock
ed3c9bd Zu den glucklichsten Minuten, die ich kenne, gehort die Minute, [...] Menschen sind eine Anstrengung fur mich, auch Manner. Was die Stimmung betrifft, so mache ich mir nichts draus, wie gesagt. Manchmal wird man weich, aber man fangt sich wieder. Ermudungserscheinungen! Wie beim Stahl, Gefuhle, so habe ich festgestellt, sind Ermudungserscheinungen, nichts weiter, jedenfalls bei mir. Man macht schlapp! Dann hilft es auch nichts, Briefe zu schreiben, um nicht allein zu sein. Es andert nichts; nachher hort man doch nur seine eignen Schritte in der leeren Wohnung. solitude Max Frisch
16ba19e He loved Shevek, but he could not show him what freedom is, that recognition of each person's solitude which alone transcends it. solitude Ursula K. Le Guin
e74dd9f He found his voice in the silences, where he could sing as loud and as long as he wanted with no one to complain of it. solitude self-criticism maturation talent self-confidence Geraldine Brooks
328cf7c The image of a cleanly, self-possessed man exploiting his solitude was not easy to come by, but then he had not expected that it would be. solitude John Cheever
9f7dce0 To draw me out, the therapist asks what I did for the holidays. When I tell him he says gently (he says everything gently), Sounds like that's one of the ways your loss has affected you: not wanting to be with other people. Hating to be with other people, I don't say. Terrified of being with other people. mourning solitude loneliness grief loss isolation Sigrid Nunez
8ce727f Lorsque enfin il se sentit absolument libre, Harry s'apercut soudain que sa liberte etait une mort, qu'il etait reste seul, que le monde le laissait lugubrement tranquille, qu'il ne se souciait plus des hommes ni de lui-meme, qu'il etouffait lentement dans une atmosphere toujours plus rare de vide et d'isolement. La solitude et l'independance avaient cesse d'etre son desir pour devenir son sort et sa condamnation; le voeu magique etait formule et ne pouvait etre repris; cela ne servait plus a rien de tendre les mains, d'etre plein de desir et de bonne volonte, pret a l'attachement et a la communaute : maintenant, on le laissait seul. solitude isolement liberté Hermann Hesse
39e49ab Zu den glucklichsten Minuten, die ich kenne, gehort die Minute, wenn ich eine Gesellschaft verlassen habe, wenn ich in meinem Wagen sitze, die Ture zuschlage und das Schlusselchen stecke, Radio andrehe, meine Zigarette anzunde mit dem Gluher, dann schalte, Fuss auf Gas; Menschen sind eine Anstrengung fur mich, auch Manner. Was die Stimmung betrifft, so mache ich mir nichts draus, wie gesagt. Manchmal wird man weich, aber man fangt sich wieder. Ermudungserscheinungen! Wie beim Stahl, Gefuhle, so habe ich festgestellt, sind Ermudungserscheinungen, nichts weiter, jedenfalls bei mir. Man macht schlapp! Dann hilft es auch nichts, Briefe zu schreiben, um nicht allein zu sein. Es andert nichts; nachher hort man doch nur seine eignen Schritte in der leeren Wohnung. solitude Max Frisch
5ce18d2 the first lesson reading teaches us is how to be alone. solitude Jonathan Franzen
f2e8ab0 But there remained a reflective solitude behind that laughter, that nagging sense of completion that didn't sit well on the shoulders of a woman who had just begun to open her eyes to the wide world. solitude R.A. Salvatore
550602e If I'm all alone, then the standard for sanity is up to me entirely. sanity solitude morality society self-esteem Susan Wiggs