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58896ef One should always be drunk. That's all that matters...But with what? With wine, with poetry, or with virtue, as you chose. But get drunk. poetry virtue wine Charles Baudelaire
b4724ce Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle. experience life variety wine Paulo Coelho
a33a5db As I ate the oysters with their strong taste of the sea and their faint metallic taste that the cold white wine washed away, leaving only the sea taste and the succulent texture, and as I drank their cold liquid from each shell and washed it down with the crisp taste of the wine, I lost the empty feeling and began to be happy and to make plans. wine Ernest Hemingway
ca8ed1c I pray you, do not fall in love with me, for I am falser than vows made in wine. wine William Shakespeare
18e8c43 "I am not sure I trust you." "You can trust me with your life, My King." "But not with my wine, obviously. Give it back." humor wine Megan Whalen Turner
671f660 Alcohol makes other people less tedious, and food less bland, and can help provide what the Greeks called , or the slight buzz of inspiration when reading or writing. The only worthwhile miracle in the New Testament--the transmutation of water into wine during the wedding at Cana--is a tribute to the persistence of Hellenism in an otherwise austere Judaea. The same applies to the seder at Passover, which is obviously modeled on the Platonic symposium: questions are asked (especially of the young) while wine is circulated. No better form of sodality has ever been devised: at Oxford one was positively expected to take wine during tutorials. The tongue must be untied. It's not a coincidence that Omar Khayyam, rebuking and ridiculing the stone-faced Iranian mullahs of his time, pointed to the value of the grape as a mockery of their joyless and sterile regime. Visiting today's Iran, I was delighted to find that citizens made a point of defying the clerical ban on booze, keeping it in their homes for visitors even if they didn't particularly take to it themselves, and bootlegging it with great and ingenuity. These small revolutions affirm the human. ancient-greeks atheism boredom brotherhood cana christianity entheos food hellenism inspiration iran judaea marriage-at-cana miracles mullahs new-testament omar-khayyam oxford passover passover-seder plato reading religion symposia wine writing Christopher Hitchens
9991d70 My objection to war was not that I had to kill somebody or be killed senselessly, that hardly mattered. What I objected to was to be denied the right to sit in a small room and starve and drink cheap wine and go crazy in my own way and at my own leisure. war wine Charles Bukowski
1b4a9e4 "Wine and women make wise men dote and forsake God's law and do wrong." However, the fault is not in the wine, and often not in the woman. The fault is in the one who misuses the wine or the woman or other of God's crations. Even if you get drunk on the wine and through this greed you lapse into lechery, the wine is not to blame but you are, in being unable or unwilling to discipline yourself. And even if you look at a woman and become caught up in her beauty and assent to sin [= adultery; extramarital sex], the woman is not to blame nor is the beauty given her by God to be disparaged: rather, you are to blame for not keeping your heart more clear of wicked thoughts. ... If you feel yourself tempted by the sight of a woman, control your gaze better ... You are free to leave her. Nothing constrains you to commit lechery but your own lecherous heart." beauty clichés double-standards drunkenness gender greed hypocrisy immorality lust men misogyny sexuality social-norms stereotypes temptation wine women Anonymous
da0804d One drop of wine is enough to redden a whole glass of water. glass hugo notre-dame victor wine Victor Hugo
26c6f2c Wine makes all things possible. wine George R.R. Martin
60481c0 But remember, boy, that a kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword. As a mortal, I was never a great fighter or athlete or poet. I only made wine. The people in my village laughed at me. They said I would never amount to anything. Look at me now. Sometimes small things can become very large indeed. kindness small-things wine Rick Riordan
5434e19 It's not sipping wine. It's a mourning wine. You drain it. Like this. wine Neil Gaiman
a279f50 She lived frugally, but her meals were the only things on which she deliberately spent her money. She never compromised on the quality of her groceries, and drank only good-quality wines. lifestyle wine Haruki Murakami
83c1732 He knew that Hop-Frog was not fond of wine; for it excited the poor cripple almost to madness; and madness is no comfortable feeling. wine Edgar Allan Poe
67eeb6a As if the dead really do persist, even in a bottle of wine. death persist persistence remembrance wine Thomas Pynchon
7c312c5 "There are three things, and three things only, that can lift the pain of mortality and ease the ravages of life," said Spider. "These things are wine, women and song"... "Curry's nice too" pointed out Fat Charlie" nice song wine women Neil Gaiman
81863c4 I had drunk much wine and afterward coffee and Strega and I explained, winefully, how we did not do the things we wanted to do; we never did such things. life time wine Ernest Hemingway
e5189bb He looked as if he had been beaten to death with a wine bottle, but by doing it with the contents of the bottle. description wine wine-bottle Richard Brautigan
c20e264 ... while we are familiar with the adverse effect of drink on an empty stomach, we are now witnessing the far worse effect of drink on an empty mind. wine Roger Scruton
ca8aef4 They travelled for thirteen hours down-hill, whilst the streams broadened and the mountains shrank, and the vegetation changed, and the people ceased being ugly and drinking beer, and began instead to drink wine and to be beautiful. italy people wine E.M. Forster
14a3149 With wine beside a gently flowing brook - this is the best; Withdrawn from sorrow in some quiet nook - this is the best poetry poetry-quotes wine Hafez
97b638e Greek customs such as wine drinking were regarded as worthy of imitation by other cultures. So the ships that carried Greek wine were carrying Greek civilization, distributing it around the Mediterranean and beyond, one amphora at a time. Wine displaced beer to become the most civilized and sophisticated of drinks--a status it has maintained ever since, thanks to its association with the intellectual achievements of Ancient Greece. greece mediterranean wine Tom Standage
f486b09 One of the questions asked by al-Balkhi, and often repeated to this day, is this: Why do the children of Israel continue to suffer? My grandmother Dodo thought it was because the were jealous. The seder for Passover (which is a shame-faced simulacrum of a Hellenic question-and-answer session, even including the wine) tells the children that it's one of those things that happens to every Jewish generation. After the or or Holocaust, many rabbis tried to tell the survivors that the immolation had been a punishment for 'exile,' or for insufficient attention to the Covenant. This explanation was something of a flop with those whose parents or children had been the raw material for the 'proof,' so for a time the professional interpreters of god's will went decently quiet. This interval of ambivalence lasted until the war of 1967, when it was announced that the divine purpose could be discerned after all. How wrong, how foolish, to have announced its discovery prematurely! The exile and the Shoah could now both be understood, as part of a heavenly if somewhat roundabout scheme to recover the Western Wall in Jerusalem and other pieces of biblically mandated real estate. I regard it as a matter of self-respect to spit in public on rationalizations of this kind. (They are almost as repellent, in their combination of arrogance, masochism, and affected false modesty, as Edith Stein's 'offer' of her life to expiate the regrettable unbelief in Jesus of her former fellow Jews.) The sage Jews are those who have put religion behind them and become in so many societies the leaven of the secular and the atheist. arrogance atheism bible biblical-covenant children christianity divine-retribution edith-stein exile false-modesty gentiles grandmothers hellenism hiwi-al-balkhi holocaust jealousy jerusalem jesus judaism martyrdom masochism passover passover-seder punishment rabbis rationalisation religion secularism self-respect six-day-war suffering survivors theodicy war western-wall will-of-god wine Christopher Hitchens
649e851 The priest was good but dull. The officers were not good but dull. The King was good but dull. The wine was bad but not dull. war wine Ernest Hemingway
863043e A wise man did not pour wildfire on a brazier. Instead he poured a fresh cup of wine. wildfire wine George R.R. Martin
5b1ada1 All my favorite establishments were either overly crowded or pathetically empty. People either sipped fine vintages in celebration or gulped intoxicants of who cares what kind, drowning themselves in a lack of moderation, raising a glass to lower inhibitions, imbibing spirits to raise their own. asian-american vietnamese wine writing Monique Truong
cfba782 I'd urge you to try German Riesling because it's delicious, but I fear you'll be more impressed if I tell you it's cutting-edge. That, after all, is what we want to know-- what's now and happening. (Do you really think clunky square-toed shoes make your feet look better than those with slimming, tapered toes? You just wear them because that's what fashion dictates, you slut.) humor wine Jay McInerney
5279620 Mr. Emerson watched, almost breathless, as she swirled the wine in her glass expertly, then lifted it so that she could examine it more closely in the candlelight. She brought the glass to her nose, closed her eyes, and sniffed. Then she placed the glass to her plump lips and tasted the wine, holding it in her mouth for a while before swallowing. She opened her eyes, smiled even more widely, and thanked Antonio for his precious gift. gabriel-s-inferno sylvain-reynard wine Sylvain Reynard
8f2443b Some men drink the blood of other men, all I drink is wine. sin wine Mohsin Hamid
e97d279 --What is it about wine, Harry? --What d'ya mean? --What is it that cures us? --Made to glorify the gods. And dull the idiots. idiots wine Colum McCann
28473ee Wine is like many of the fine experiences in life which take time and experience to extract their full pleasure and meaning. life meaning-of-life pleasure wine Douglas Preston
2de615e It was baking hot in the square when we came out after lunch with our bags and the rod-case to go to Burguete. People were on top of the bus, and others were climbing up a ladder. Bill went up and Robert sat beside Bill to save a place for me, and I went back in the hotel to get a couple of bottles of wine to take with us. When I came out the bus was crowded. Men and women were sitting on all the baggage and boxes on top, and the women all had their fans going in the sun. It certainly was hot. Robert climbed down and fitted into the place he had saved on the one wooden seat that ran across the top. Robert Cohn stood in the shade of the arcade waiting for us to start. A Basque with a big leather wine-bag in his lap lay across the top of the bus in front of our seat, leaning back against our legs. He offered the wine-skin to Bill and to me, and when I tipped it up to drink he imitated the sound of a klaxon motor-horn so well and so suddenly that spilled some of the wine, and everybody laughed. He apologized and made me take another drink. He made the klaxon again a little later, and it fooled me the second time. He was very good at it. The Basques liked it. The man next to Bill was talking to him in Spanish and Bill was not getting it, so he offered the man one of the bottles of wine. The man waved it away. He said it was too hot and he had drunk too much at lunch. When Bill offered the bottle the second time he took a long drink, and then the bottle went all over that part of the bus. Every one took a drink very politely, and then they made us cork it up and put it away. They all wanted us to drink from their leather wine-bottles. They were peasants going up into the hills. basque-people wine Ernest Hemingway
6fbdeee "...I vsiako neshcho si beshe na miastoto. Svet't, kato gramaden iris na edno oshche po-gigantsko oko, otvorilo se s'shcho toku-shcho, za da ogleda vsichko, go nabliudavashe vtrencheno. I toi razbra kakvo e bilo onova, koeto se be khv'rlilo otgore mu, za da ostane s nego -- i veche niamashe da mu izbiaga. Ta az s'm bil zhiv! -- v'zklikna D'glas. Pr'stite mu trepnakha, obagreni ot kr'v, kato trofei ot nepoznato zname, zabeliazano edva sega, do tozi mig nevidiano, a toi se pitashe na koia strana voiuva i kakva kletva e dal. Preg'rnal Tom, no bez da os'znava, che go d'rzhi, toi dopria svobodnata si r'ka do tazi kr'v, siakash kr'vta bi mogla da se otk'rti, da se vzeme na dlan, da se oglezhda ot vsichki strani. Sled tui pusna Tom i ostana da lezhi po gr'b, s r'ka protegnata k'm nebeto, stana samo glava, ot koiato ochite se vzirakha kato strazhi prez boinitsite na neizvesten zam'k v edin most -- r'kata mu, i v pr'stite, k'deto iarkiiat k'rvav vimpel trepteshe na svetlinata... Trevata shepteshe pod tialoto mu. Toi otpusna r'ka i useti m'khestata nozhnitsa na vlasinkite po trevata, useti kak daleche niak'de, chak dolu, pr'stite propukvat v obuvkite mu. Viat'r't v'zd'khna krai ushite mu. Svet't se pl'zgashe, iar'k i sharen, po st'kleniia oval na ochnite mu iab'lki i toi go nabliudavashe, kakto se vizhdat obrazi, raziskreni v k'lbo ot kristal. Tsvetiata biakha sl'ntse i razzhareni petna ot sineva, pr'snati iz gorata. Ptitsite prekhvr'kvakha kato kam'cheta, razpileni po ogromnoto ob'rnato ezero na nebeto. D'kh't mu gladeshe z'bite, nakh'ltvashe leden i izlizashe razzharen. Nasekomite triaskakha v'zdukha s elektricheska iarkost. Deset khiliadi otdelni kos'ma porasnakha s edna milionna ot incha na glavata mu. Chuvashe rit'ma na s'rtsata-bliznatsi v ushite si, tretoto s'rtse tupteshe v g'rloto mu, dvete s'rtsa pulsirakha v kitkite mu, istinskoto s'rtse bl'skashe v g'rdite mu. Milionite pori po tialoto mu se raztvorikha. Naistina s'm zhiv! -- pomisli si D'glas. -- Dosega ne s'm go znael, ili s'm go bil zabravil! Izvika tova gr'mko, no bezm'lvno, pone desetina p'ti! Gledai, gledai! Veche dvanaisetgodishen i chak sega! Chak sega da otkrie tozi beztsenen chasomer, tozi svetlozlaten chasovnik, s garantsiia za sedemdeset godini, ostaven pod d'rvoto i nameren po vreme na borichkaneto. -- Tom! -- vikna toi, a setne proshepna: -- Tom... vsichki li na tozi sviat... vsichki li znaiat, che sa zhivi? -- Sigurno. Da, diavol da go vzeme! dandelion ray wine Ray Bradbury
868f0a3 During the first millennium BCE, even the beer-loving Mesopotamians turned their backs on beer, which was dethroned as the most cultured and civilized of drinks, and the age of wine began. civilization culture mesopotamia wine Tom Standage
5d9006e The advertise their products in such a fashion as to make it seem wonderful to drink their ethanol products. It does not matter if they give their products fancy name like Cabernet Sauvignon or Pinot Noir, or if they put bubbles in an ethanol product and call it champagne or beer- everyone is selling ethanol. addiction-and-recovery alcohol-addiction alcohol-treatment-center alcoholism beer chris-prentiss dependency drug-abuse ecstasy heroin passages-malibu passages-ventura pax-prentiss prescription-abuse prescription-drugs self-help substance-abuse wine Chris Prentiss
475d6fa Being loud after drinking wine doesn't help. Being silent after drinking wine doesn't help. Nothing really ever gets solved either way. alcoholism-addiction-recovery arguing child drunk dysfunction fighting mental-illness violence wine Mariel Hemingway
3afe6b5 Just as Prometheus delivered stolen fire to man, so Eve, and the serpent, delivered man into self-consciousness, setting him up, were it not for his short lifespan, as rival to God. At the same time, man's self-consciousness removed him from nature into a life of toil, doubt, fear, guilt, shame, blame, enmity, loneliness, and frailty--and the product of this separation, the fruit and flower of this exile, is, of course, culture. 'God,' said the writer Victor Hugo, 'made only water, but man made wine. consciousness creation-myths culture greek-mythology religion wine Neel Burton
57f14c2 Shimrod gave the boy a copper penny. 'Bring me now a goblet of good tawny wine.' By a sleight of magic Shimrod augmented the acuity of his hearing, so that the whispers of two young lovers in a far corner were now clearly audible, as were the innkeeper's instructions to Fonsel in regard to the watering of Shimrod's wine. wine Jack Vance
36c27cb When I opened up the bottle of wine, Thebes said whoa, you yanked that cork out of there like you were saving it from drowning. She got out her markers and drew a screaming face on the cork. wine Miriam Toews
b925d0c However, my sense of hospitality decreases in direct proportion to the number of glasses of wine that I've had, so by dessert and coffee time I am usually far too relaxed (all right then, far too drunk, if you will insist on calling a spade a spade) and no longer feel any need to clear the table. wine Marian Keyes
e1fb017 Minaloto - ne dumai! - e otvorena pokana za zloupotreba s vino. time-passing wine Thomas Pynchon
4331ad9 I was facing him before the last word was out, but I should have been dead by then. In a way I did die, right there, all that time ago, and this is a ghost who has been telling you stories and drinking your wine. You don't understand. Never mind. dying ghosts lal lal-after-dark lal-alone lalkhamsin-khamsolal never-mind sailor-lal stories swordcane-lal telling-stories wine Peter S. Beagle
41a435b ... the very least one requires for civilisation to survive is an adequate supply of sound wines. wine Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
101d60c When he looked back at the menu as an old man, it brought back everything; the food, the wine, the private dining room, the pride he took in being able to pay for such a dinner, the convergence of his life as a writer and his life as an oenophile, the conviviality that grew as the night continued and everyone had a little too much to drink but not enough to impair the quality of the conversation, some of which, I feel sure, was about the wines themselves. food memory wine Anne Fadiman